Single molecule microscopy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular forces are increasingly recognized as an important parameter to understand cellular signaling processes. In the recent years, evidence accumulated that also T-cells exert tensile forces via their T-cell receptor during the antigen recognition process. To measure such intercellular pulling forces, one can make use of the elastic properties of spider silk peptides, which act similar to Hookean springs: increased strain corresponds to increased stress applied to the peptide. Combined with Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) to read out the strain, such peptides represent powerful and versatile nanoscopic force sensing tools. In this paper, we provide a detailed protocol how to synthesize a molecular force sensor for application in T-cell antigen recognition and hands-on guidelines on experiments and analysis of obtained single molecule FRET data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human mind shows extraordinary capability at recognizing patterns, while at the same time tending to underestimate the natural scope of random processes. Taken together, this easily misleads researchers in judging whether the observed characteristics of their data are of significance or just the outcome of random effects. One of the best tools to assess whether observed features fall into the scope of pure randomness is statistical significance testing, which quantifies the probability to falsely reject a chosen null hypothesis. The central parameter in this context is the p-value, which can be calculated from the recorded data sets. In case of p-values smaller than the level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected, otherwise not. While significance testing has found widespread application in many sciences including the life sciences, it is hardly used in (bio-)physics. We propose here that significance testing provides an important and valid addendum to the toolbox of quantitative (single molecule) biology. It allows to support a quantitative judgement (the hypothesis) about the data set with a probabilistic assessment. In this manuscript we describe ways for obtaining valid p-values in two selected applications of single molecule microscopy: (i) Nanoclustering in single molecule localization microscopy. Previously, we developed a method termed 2-CLASTA, which allows to calculate a valid p-value for the null hypothesis of an underlying random distribution of molecules of interest while circumventing overcounting issues. Here, we present an extension to this approach, yielding a single overall p-value for data pooled from multiple cells or experiments. (ii) Single molecule trajectories. Data from a single molecule trajectory are inherently correlated, thus prohibiting a direct analysis via conventional statistical tools. Here, we introduce a block permutation test, which yields a valid p-value for the analysis and comparison of single molecule trajectory data. We exemplify the approach based on FRET trajectories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bacterial cytoplasm is a very crowded environment, and changes in crowding are thought to have an impact on cellular processes including protein folding, molecular diffusion and complex formation. Previous studies on the effects of crowding have generally compared cellular activity after imposition of stress. In response to different light intensities, in unstressed conditions, Rhodobacter sphaeroides changes the number of 50-nm intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM) vesicles, with the number varying from a few to over a thousand per cell. In this work, the effects of crowding induced by ICM vesicles in photoheterotrophic R. sphaeroides were investigated using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) sensor and photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM). In low light grown cells where the cytoplasm has large numbers of ICM vesicles, the FRET probe adopts a more condensed conformation, resulting in higher FRET ratio readouts compared to high light cells with fewer ICM vesicles. The apparent diffusion coefficients of different sized proteins, PAmCherry, PAmCherry-CheY6, and L1-PAmCherry, measured via PALM showed that diffusion of protein molecules >27 kDa decreased as the number of ICM vesicles increased. In low light R. sphaeroides where the crowding level is high, protein molecules were found to diffuse more slowly than in aerobic and high light cells. This suggests that some physiological activities might show different kinetics in bacterial species whose intracellular membrane organization can change with growth conditions. IMPORTANCE The bacterial cytoplasm is known to be crowded, with that crowding suggested to change with growth, with chromosome replication, and under stress conditions. Many physiological activities depend on proteins and substrates diffusing through the cytoplasm; in some cases, large complexes need to diffuse from pole to pole. It is unclear how increases in crowding might affect cellular functions. We investigated whether we could naturally change the crowded state of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides cytoplasm by growing under different growth conditions. We show that increasing the number of intracytoplasmic vesicles by growing photosynthetically does change the crowded state of the cytoplasm and also alters the diffusion rates of different sized proteins measured. As many other cellular processes require protein movement, these findings could have broader implications for bacterial growth and responses under changing conditions that could alter cytoplasmic crowding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the two decades since the invention of laser-based super resolution microscopy this family of technologies has revolutionised the way life is viewed and understood. Its unparalleled resolution, speed, and accessibility makes super resolution imaging particularly useful in examining the highly complex and dynamic immune system. Here we introduce the super resolution technologies and studies that have already fundamentally changed our understanding of a number of central immunological processes and highlight other immunological puzzles only addressable in super resolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Threading intercalators bind DNA with high affinities. Here, we describe single-molecule studies on a cell-permeant luminescent dinuclear ruthenium(II) complex that has been previously shown to thread only into short, unstable duplex structures. Using optical tweezers and confocal microscopy, we show that this complex threads and locks into force-extended duplex DNA in a two-step mechanism. Detailed kinetic studies reveal that an individual stereoisomer of the complex exhibits the highest binding affinity reported for such a mono-intercalator. This stereoisomer better preserves the biophysical properties of DNA than the widely used SYTOX Orange. Interestingly, threading into torsionally constrained DNA decreases dramatically, but is rescued on negatively supercoiled DNA. Given the \"light-switch\" properties of this complex on binding DNA, it can be readily used as a long-lived luminescent label for duplex or negatively supercoiled DNA through a unique \"load-and-lock\" protocol.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanoscale transport of light through single molecule systems is of fundamental importance for light harvesting, nanophotonic circuits, and for understanding photosynthesis. Studies on organization of molecular entities for directional transfer of excitation energy have focused on energy transfer cascades via multiple small molecule dyes. Here, we investigate a single molecule conjugated polymer as a photonic wire. The phenylene-vinylene-based polymer is functionalized with multiple DNA strands and immobilized on DNA origami by hybridization to a track of single-stranded staples extending from the origami structure. Donor and acceptor fluorophores are placed at specific positions along the polymer which enables energy transfer from donor to polymer, through the polymer, and from polymer to acceptor. The structure is characterized by atomic force microscopy, and the energy transfer is studied by ensemble fluorescence spectroscopy and single molecule TIRF microscopy. It is found that the polymer photonic wire is capable of transferring light over distances of 24 nm. This demonstrates the potential residing in the use of conjugated polymers for nanophotonics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aggregation of misfolded proteins is a fundamental pathology in neurodegeneration which remains poorly understood due to its exceptional complexity and lack of appropriate characterization tools that can probe the role of the low concentrations of heterogeneous protein aggregates formed during the progression of the disease. In this review, we explain the principles underlying the operation of single molecule microscopy, an imaging method that can resolve molecules one-by-one, its application to imaging and characterizing individual protein aggregates in human samples and in vitro as well as the important questions in neurobiology this has answered and can answer.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to double strand breaks (DSB), repair proteins accumulate at damaged sites, forming membrane-less sub-compartments or foci. Here we explored the physical nature of these foci, using single molecule microscopy in living cells. Rad52, the functional homolog of BRCA2 in yeast, accumulates at DSB sites and diffuses ~6 times faster within repair foci than the focus itself, exhibiting confined motion. The Rad52 confinement radius coincides with the focus size: foci resulting from 2 DSBs are twice larger in volume that the ones induced by a unique DSB and the Rad52 confinement radius scales accordingly. In contrast, molecules of the single strand binding protein Rfa1 follow anomalous diffusion similar to the focus itself or damaged chromatin. We conclude that while most Rfa1 molecules are bound to the ssDNA, Rad52 molecules are free to explore the entire focus reflecting the existence of a liquid droplet around damaged DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Messenger RNAs (mRNAs) convey genetic information from the DNA genome to proteins and thus lie at the heart of gene expression and regulation of all cellular activities. Live cell single molecule tracking tools enable the investigation of mRNA trafficking, translation and degradation within the complex environment of the cell and in real time. Over the last 5 years, nearly all tools within the mRNA tracking toolbox have been improved to achieve high-quality multi-color tracking in live cells. For example, the bacteriophage-derived MS2-MCP system has been improved to facilitate cloning and achieve better signal-to-noise ratio, while the newer PP7-PCP system now allows for orthogonal tracking of a second mRNA or mRNA region. The coming of age of epitope-tagging technologies, such as the SunTag, MoonTag and Frankenbody, enables monitoring the translation of single mRNA molecules. Furthermore, the portfolio of fluorogenic RNA aptamers has been expanded to improve cellular stability and achieve a higher fluorescence \"turn-on\" signal upon fluorogen binding. Finally, microinjection-based tools have been shown to be able to track multiple RNAs with only small fluorescent appendages and to track mRNAs together with their interacting partners. We systematically review and compare the advantages, disadvantages and demonstrated applications in discovering new RNA biology of this refined, expanding toolbox. Finally, we discuss developments expected in the near future based on the limitations of the current methods. This article is categorized under: RNA Export and Localization > RNA Localization RNA Structure and Dynamics > RNA Structure, Dynamics, and Chemistry RNA Interactions with Proteins and Other Molecules > RNA-Protein Complexes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cells are complex assemblies of molecules organized into organelles and membraneless compartments, each playing important roles in ensuring cellular homeostasis. The different steps of the gene expression pathway take place within these various cellular compartments, and studying gene regulation and RNA metabolism requires incorporating the spatial as well as temporal separation and progression of these processes. Microscopy has been a valuable tool to study RNA metabolism, as it allows the study of biomolecules in the context of intact individual cells, embryos or tissues, preserving cellular context often lost in experimental approaches that require the collection and lysis of cells in large numbers to obtain sufficient material for different types of assays. Indeed, from the first detection of RNAs and ribosomes in cells to today\'s ability to study the behaviour of single RNA molecules in living cells, or the expression profile and localization of hundreds of mRNA simultaneously in cells, constant effort in developing tools for microscopy has extensively contributed to our understanding of gene regulation. In this chapter, we will describe the role various microscopy approaches have played in shaping our current understanding of mRNA metabolism and outline how continuous development of new approaches might help in finding answers to outstanding questions or help to look at old dogmas through a new lens.





