Signal processing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to the fact that the vibration and pure rotational Raman signals collected by the temperature and humidity profile lidar were 3-4 orders of magnitude weaker than the Mie scattering signal, they were susceptible to electronic and white noise interference, which seriously affected the system signal-to-noise ratio. In this paper, an improved VMD-WT filtering method was adopted to extract effective signals and denoise. The processing outcome of several filtering algorithms was evaluated, and noisy signals were simulated to confirm the algorithm\'s efficacy. Based on the quantitative computation of evaluation indicators, such as signal-to-noise ratio, root mean square error, and correlation, the improved VMD-WT algorithm had more significant advantages in indicators such as signal-to-noise ratio. In order to further verify the robustness and adaptability of the proposed algorithm, experimental analysis of the filtering algorithm was conducted on the continuously collected temperature and humidity measured signals. The results demonstrated that the algorithm not only improved the detection range of lidar and suppressed high-altitude noise effectively, but also performed well in processing strong interference signals, like clouds, which led to a significant improvement in the atmospheric optical parameter inversion results. Furthermore, pseudo-color images of aerosols, temperature, and humidity changes over time and space have been used to further illustrate the algorithm\'s dependability and wide range of potential uses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Functional seizures (FS) look like epileptic seizures but are characterized by a lack of epileptic activity in the brain. Approximately one in five referrals to epilepsy clinics are diagnosed with this condition. FS are diagnosed by recording a seizure using video-electroencephalography (EEG), from which an expert inspects the semiology and the EEG. However, this method can be expensive and inaccessible and can present significant patient burden. No single biomarker has been found to diagnose FS. However, the current limitations in FS diagnosis could be improved with machine learning to classify signal features extracted from EEG, thus providing a potentially very useful aid to clinicians.
    METHODS: The current study has investigated the use of seizure-free EEG signals with machine learning to identify subjects with FS from those with epilepsy. The dataset included interictal and preictal EEG recordings from 48 subjects with FS (mean age = 34.76 ± 10.55 years, 14 males) and 29 subjects with epilepsy (mean age = 38.95 ± 13.93 years, 18 males) from which various statistical, temporal, and spectral features from the five EEG frequency bands were extracted then analyzed with threshold accuracy, five machine learning classifiers, and two feature importance approaches.
    RESULTS: The highest classification accuracy reported from thresholding was 60.67%. However, the temporal features were the best performing, with the highest balanced accuracy reported by the machine learning models: 95.71% with all frequency bands combined and a support vector machine classifier.
    CONCLUSIONS: Machine learning was much more effective than using individual features and could be a powerful aid in FS diagnosis. Furthermore, combining the frequency bands improved the accuracy of the classifiers in most cases, and the lowest performing EEG bands were consistently delta and gamma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A seminal component of systems thinking is the application of an advanced technology in one domain to solve a challenging problem in a different domain. This article introduces a method of using advanced computer vision to solve the challenging signal processing problem of specific emitter identification. A one-dimensional signal is sampled; those samples are transformed into to two-dimensional images by computing a bispectrum; those images are evaluated using advanced computer vision; and the results are statistically combined until any user-selected level of classification accuracy is obtained. In testing on a published DARPA challenge dataset, for every eight additional signal samples taken from a candidate signal (out of many thousands), classification error decreases by an entire order of magnitude.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Voice analysis has significant potential in aiding healthcare professionals with detecting, diagnosing, and personalising treatment. It represents an objective and non-intrusive tool for supporting the detection and monitoring of specific pathologies. By calculating various acoustic features, voice analysis extracts valuable information to assess voice quality. The choice of these parameters is crucial for an accurate assessment.
    METHODS: In this paper, we propose a lightweight acoustic parameter set, named HEAR, able to evaluate voice quality to assess mental health. In detail, this consists of jitter, spectral centroid, Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, and their derivates. The choice of parameters for the proposed set was influenced by the explainable significance of each acoustic parameter in the voice production process.
    RESULTS: The reliability of the proposed acoustic set to detect the early symptoms of mental disorders was evaluated in an experimental phase. Voices of subjects suffering from different mental pathologies, selected from available databases, were analysed. The performance obtained from the HEAR features was compared with that obtained by analysing features selected from toolkits widely used in the literature, as with those obtained using learned procedures. The best performance in terms of MAE and RMSE was achieved for the detection of depression (5.32 and 6.24 respectively). For the detection of psychogenic dysphonia and anxiety, the highest accuracy rates were about 75 % and 97 %, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The comparative evaluation was carried out to assess the performance of the proposed approach, demonstrating a reliable capability to highlight affective physiological alterations of voice quality due to the considered mental disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    目的:我们研究了接受手术的患者的光电体积描记(PPG)波形的波动。从动脉血压(ABP)信号中提取的形态学变异与短期手术结果之间存在关联。潜在的生理学可能是心血管系统上的许多调节机制。我们假设PPG波形中可能存在类似的信息。然而,由于光吸收的原理,非侵入性PPG信号更容易受到伪影的影响,需要细致的信号处理。 方法:采用无监督流形学习算法,动态扩散图,我们量化了PPG连续波形信号的多变量波形形态变化。此外,我们开发了几种数据分析技术来减轻PPG信号伪影以提高性能,随后使用现实生活中的临床数据库对其进行了验证.主要结果:我们的发现显示手术期间PPG波形与短期手术结果之间存在相似的关联,与ABP波形分析的观察结果一致。 意义:大手术中PPG波形信号形态信息的变化具有临床意义,这可能在更广泛的生物医学应用中提供PPG波形的新机会,由于其非侵入性。
    OBJECTIVE: We investigated fluctuations of the photoplethysmography (PPG) waveform in patients undergoing surgery. There is an association between the morphologic variation extracted from arterial blood pressure (ABP) signals and short-term surgical outcomes. The underlying physiology could be the numerous regulatory mechanisms on the cardiovascular system. We hypothesized that similar information might exist in PPG waveform. However, due to the principles of light absorption, the noninvasive PPG signals are more susceptible to artifacts and necessitate meticulous signal processing. Approach: Employing the unsupervised manifold learning algorithm, Dynamic Diffusion Map, we quantified multivariate waveform morphological variations from the PPG continuous waveform signal. Additionally, we developed several data analysis techniques to mitigate PPG signal artifacts to enhance performance and subsequently validated them using real-life clinical database. Main results: Our findings show similar associations between PPG waveform during surgery and short-term surgical outcomes, consistent with the observations from ABP waveform analysis. Significance: The variation of morphology information in the PPG waveform signal in major surgery provides clinical meanings, which may offer new opportunity of PPG waveform in a wider range of biomedical applications, due to its non-invasive nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of wearable sensors to monitor vital signs is increasingly important in assessing individual health. However, their accuracy often falls short of that of dedicated medical devices, limiting their usefulness in a clinical setting. This study introduces a new Bayesian filtering (BF) algorithm that is designed to learn the statistical characteristics of signal and noise, allowing for optimal smoothing. The algorithm is able to adapt to changes in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) over time, improving performance through windowed analysis and Bayesian criterion-based smoothing. By evaluating the algorithm on heart-rate (HR) data collected from Garmin Vivoactive 4 smartwatches worn by individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis, it is demonstrated that BF provides superior SNR tracking and smoothing compared with non-adaptive methods. The results show that BF accurately captures SNR variability, reducing the root mean square error from 2.84 bpm to 1.21 bpm and the mean absolute relative error from 3.46% to 1.36%. These findings highlight the potential of BF as a preprocessing tool to enhance signal quality from wearable sensors, particularly in HR data, thereby expanding their applications in clinical and research settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diagnosis of bruxism is challenging because not all contractions of the masticatory muscles can be classified as bruxism. Conventional methods for sleep bruxism detection vary in effectiveness. Some provide objective data through EMG, ECG, or EEG; others, such as dental implants, are less accessible for daily practice. These methods have targeted the masseter as the key muscle for bruxism detection. However, it is important to consider that the temporalis muscle is also active during bruxism among masticatory muscles. Moreover, studies have predominantly examined sleep bruxism in the supine position, but other anatomical positions are also associated with sleep. In this research, we have collected EMG data to detect the maximum voluntary contraction of the temporalis and masseter muscles in three primary anatomical positions associated with sleep, i.e., supine and left and right lateral recumbent positions. A total of 10 time domain features were extracted, and six machine learning classifiers were compared, with random forest outperforming others. The models achieved better accuracies in the detection of sleep bruxism with the temporalis muscle. An accuracy of 93.33% was specifically found for the left lateral recumbent position among the specified anatomical positions. These results indicate a promising direction of machine learning in clinical applications, facilitating enhanced diagnosis and management of sleep bruxism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents a comprehensive collection of formulas and calculations for hand-crafted feature extraction of condition monitoring signals. The documented features include 123 for the time domain and 46 for the frequency domain. Furthermore, a machine learning-based methodology is presented to evaluate the performance of features in fault classification tasks using seven data sets of different rotating machines. The evaluation methodology involves using seven ranking methods to select the best ten hand-crafted features per method for each database, to be subsequently evaluated by three types of classifiers. This process is applied exhaustively by evaluation groups, combining our databases with an external benchmark. A summary table of the performance results of the classifiers is also presented, including the percentage of classification and the number of features required to achieve that value. Through graphic resources, it has been possible to show the prevalence of certain features over others, how they are associated with the database, and the order of importance assigned by the ranking methods. In the same way, finding which features have the highest appearance percentages for each database in all experiments has been possible. The results suggest that hand-crafted feature extraction is an effective technique with low computational cost and high interpretability for fault identification and diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial intelligence and Internet of Things are playing an increasingly important role in monitoring beehives. In this paper, we propose a method for automatic recognition of honeybee type by analyzing the sound generated by worker bees and drone bees during their flight close to an entrance to a beehive. We conducted a wide comparative study to determine the most effective preprocessing of audio signals for the detection problem. We compared the results for several different methods for signal representation in the frequency domain, including mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), gammatone cepstral coefficients (GTCCs), the multiple signal classification method (MUSIC) and parametric estimation of power spectral density (PSD) by the Burg algorithm. The coefficients serve as inputs for an autoencoder neural network to discriminate drone bees from worker bees. The classification is based on the reconstruction error of the signal representations produced by the autoencoder. We propose a novel approach to class separation by the autoencoder neural network with various thresholds between decision areas, including the maximum likelihood threshold for the reconstruction error. By classifying real-life signals, we demonstrated that it is possible to differentiate drone bees and worker bees based solely on audio signals. The attained level of detection accuracy enables the creation of an efficient automatic system for beekeepers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enhancing road safety by monitoring a driver\'s physical condition is critical in both conventional and autonomous driving contexts. Our research focuses on a wireless intelligent sensor system that utilizes millimeter-wave (mmWave) radar to monitor heart rate variability (HRV) in drivers. By assessing HRV, the system can detect early signs of drowsiness and sudden medical emergencies, such as heart attacks, thereby preventing accidents. This is particularly vital for fully self-driving (FSD) systems, as it ensures control is not transferred to an impaired driver. The proposed system employs a 60 GHz frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar placed behind the driver\'s seat. This article mainly describes how advanced signal processing methods, including the Huber-Kalman filtering algorithm, are applied to mitigate the impact of respiration on heart rate detection. Additionally, the autocorrelation algorithm enables fast detection of vital signs. Intensive experiments demonstrate the system\'s effectiveness in accurately monitoring HRV, highlighting its potential to enhance safety and reliability in both traditional and autonomous driving environments.





