Sheep, Bighorn

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spatial availability of social resources is speculated to structure animal movement decisions, but the effects of social resources on animal movements are difficult to identify because social resources are rarely measured. Here, we assessed whether varying availability of a key social resource-access to receptive mates-produces predictable changes in movement decisions among bighorn sheep in Nevada, the United States. We compared the probability that males made long-distance \'foray\' movements, a critical driver of connectivity, across three ecoregions with varying temporal duration of a socially mediated factor, breeding season. We used a hidden Markov model to identify foray events and then quantified the effects of social covariates on the probability of foray using a discrete choice model. We found that males engaged in forays at higher rates when the breeding season was short, suggesting that males were most responsive to the social resource when its existence was short lived. During the breeding season, males altered their response to social covariates, relative to the non-breeding season, though patterns varied, and age was associated with increased foray probability. Our results suggest that animals respond to the temporal availability of social resources when making the long-distance movements that drive connectivity. This article is part of the theme issue \'The spatial-social interface: a theoretical and empirical integration\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predation has direct effects on prey population dynamics through mortality, and it can induce indirect effects through fear. The indirect effects of predation have been documented experimentally, but few studies have quantified them in nature so that their role in prey population dynamics remains controversial. Given the expanding or reintroduced populations of large predators in many areas, the quantification of indirect effects of predation is crucial. We sought to evaluate the direct and indirect fitness effects of intense cougar (Puma concolor) predation using 48 years of data on marked bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) on Ram Mountain, Alberta, Canada. We compared years of intense cougar predation with years with no or occasional cougar predation. We first quantified the effects of predation on neonatal, weaning, and overwinter lamb survival, three metrics potentially affected by direct and indirect effects. We then investigated the possible indirect effects of intense cougar predation on lamb production, female summer mass gain, and lamb mass at weaning. We found strong effects of cougar predation on lamb survival, lamb production, and seasonal mass gain of lambs and adult females. In years with high predation, neonatal, weaning, and overwinter lamb survival declined by 18.4%, 19.7% and 20.8%, respectively. Indirect effects included a 14.2% decline in lamb production. Female summer mass gain decreased by 15.6% and lamb mass at weaning declined by 8.0% in years of intense cougar predation. Our findings bring key insights on the impacts of predation on prey fitness by reporting moderate to large effects on recruitment and illustrate the importance of indirect effects of predation on population dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Though far less obvious than direct effects (clinical disease or mortality), the indirect influences of pathogens are difficult to estimate but may hold fitness consequences. Here, we disentangle the directional relationships between infection and energetic reserves, evaluating the hypotheses that energetic reserves influence infection status of the host and that infection elicits costs to energetic reserves. Using repeated measures of fat reserves and infection status in individual bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, we documented that fat influenced ability to clear pathogens (Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae) and infection with respiratory pathogens was costly to fat reserves. Costs of infection approached, and in some instances exceeded, costs of rearing offspring to independence in terms of reductions to fat reserves. Fat influenced probability of clearing pathogens, pregnancy and over-winter survival; from an energetic perspective, an animal could survive for up to 23 days on the amount of fat that was lost to high levels of infection. Cost of pathogens may amplify trade-offs between reproduction and survival. In the absence of an active outbreak, the influence of resident pathogens often is overlooked. Nevertheless, the energetic burden of pathogens likely has consequences for fitness and population dynamics, especially when food resources are insufficient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change reduces snowpack, advances snowmelt phenology, drives summer warming, alters growing season precipitation regimes, and consequently modifies vegetation phenology in mountain systems. Elevational migrants track spatial variation in seasonal plant growth by moving between ranges at different elevations during spring, so climate-driven vegetation change may disrupt historic benefits of migration. Elevational migrants can furthermore cope with short-term environmental variability by undertaking brief vertical movements to refugia when sudden adverse conditions arise. We uncover drivers of fine-scale vertical movement variation during upland migration in an endangered alpine specialist, Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) using a 20-year study of GPS collar data collected from 311 unique individuals. We used integrated step-selection analysis to determine factors that promote vertical movements and drive selection of destinations following vertical movements. Our results reveal that relatively high temperatures consistently drive uphill movements, while precipitation likely drives downhill movements. Furthermore, bighorn select destinations at their peak annual biomass and maximal time since snowmelt. These results indicate that although Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep seek out foraging opportunities related to landscape phenology, they compensate for short-term environmental stressors by undertaking brief up- and downslope vertical movements. Migrants may therefore be impacted by future warming and increased storm frequency or intensity, with shifts in annual migration timing, and fine-scale vertical movement responses to environmental variability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Feral populations of aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) occur in Texas bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) habitat and pose several conceptual ecological threats to bighorn sheep re-establishment efforts. The potential threat of disease transmission from aoudad to bighorn sheep may exacerbate these issues, but the host competency of aoudad and subsequent pathophysiology and transmissibility of pneumonic pathogens involved in the bighorn sheep respiratory disease complex is largely unknown. Because the largest population-limiting diseases of bighorn sheep involve pathogens causing bronchopneumonia, we evaluated the host competency of aoudad for Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and leukotoxigenic Pasteurellaceae. Specifically, we described the shedding dynamics, pathogen carriage, seroconversion, clinical patterns, and pathological effects of experimental infection among wild aoudad held in captivity. We found that aoudad are competent hosts capable of maintaining and intraspecifically transmitting Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and Pasteurellaceae and can shed the bacteria for 53 days after exposure. Aoudad developed limited clinical signs and pathological findings ranged from mild chronic lymphohistiocytic bronchointerstitial pneumonia to severe and acute suppurative pneumonia, similarly, observed in bighorn sheep infected with Mycoplasma spp. and Pasteurellaceae bacteria, respectively. Furthermore, as expected, clinical signs and lesions were often more severe in aoudad inoculated with a combination of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and Pasteurellaceae as compared to aoudad inoculated with only Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae. There may be evidence of interindividual susceptibility, pathogenicity, and/or transmissibility, indicated by individual aoudad maintaining varying severities of chronic infection who may be carriers continuously shedding pathogens. This is the first study to date to demonstrate that aoudad are a conceptual disease transmission threat to sympatric bighorn sheep populations due to their host competency and intraspecific transmission capabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) are herbivorous ungulates that live in forage-poor areas of the American west. The trace minerals that herbivores derive from forage are important for immune function. Therefore, identifying trace minerals that affect immune function in bighorn sheep could provide important insights into disease susceptibility and population health in threatened populations. We sought to determine whether trace mineral composition in blood or plasma correlates to survival and determine whether immunologic parameters correlate with any trace minerals that affect survival. We used data collected from 2016 to 2018 as part of a large study on bighorn sheep in southeastern Oregon and northern Nevada, US. We measured the survival of 135 bighorn sheep during the 8-mo monitoring period, including general metrics of immune function and trace mineral levels. We found that animals with higher selenium had improved survival over the monitoring period, with higher peripheral blood mononuclear cell activity (lymphocytes and monocytes) and lower bacterial killing ability in an in vitro assay. This suggests that bighorn sheep may have altered immune function when selenium levels are low, making them more likely to die during the 8-mo monitoring period. Future work should consider whether habitat management strategies that increase selenium intake might improve disease resistance and survival in bighorn sheep in selenium-poor areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to their abundance and relative ease of genotyping, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are a commonly used molecular marker for contemporary population genetic and genomic studies. A high-density and cost-effective way to type SNP loci is Allegro targeted genotyping (ATG), which is a form of targeted genotyping by sequencing developed and offered by Tecan genomics. One major drawback of this technology is the need for a reference genome and information on SNP loci when designing a SNP assay. However, for some non-model species genomic information from other closely related species can be used. Here we describe our process of developing an ATG assay to target 50,000 SNPs in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, using a reference genome from domestic sheep and SNP resources from prior bighorn sheep studies. We successfully developed a high accuracy, high-density, and relatively low-cost SNP assay for genotyping Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep that genotyped ~45,000 SNP loci. These loci were relatively evenly distributed throughout the genome. Furthermore, the assay produced genotypes at tens of thousands of SNP loci when tested on other mountain sheep species and subspecies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) across North America commonly experience population-limiting epizootics of respiratory disease. Although many cases of bighorn sheep pneumonia are polymicrobial, Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae is most frequently associated with all-age mortality events followed by years of low recruitment. Chronic carriage of M. ovipneumoniae by adult females serves as a source of exposure of naïve juveniles; relatively few ewes may be responsible for maintenance of infection within a herd. Test-and-remove strategies focused on removal of adult females with evidence of persistent or intermittent shedding (hereafter chronic carriers) may reduce prevalence and mitigate mortality. Postmortem confirmation of pneumonia in chronic carriers has been inadequately reported and the pathology has not been thoroughly characterized, limiting our understanding of important processes shaping the epidemiology of pneumonia in bighorn sheep. Here we document postmortem findings and characterize the lesions of seven ewes removed from a declining bighorn sheep population in Wyoming, USA, following at least two antemortem detections of M. ovipneumoniae within a 14-mo period. We confirmed that 6/7 (85.7%) had variable degrees of chronic pneumonia. Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae was detected in the lung of 4/7 (57.1%) animals postmortem. Four (57.1%) had paranasal sinus masses, all of which were classified as inflammatory, hyperplastic lesions. Pasteurella multocida was detected in all seven (100%) animals, while Trueperella pyogenes was detected in 5/7 (71.4%). Our findings indicate that not all chronic carriers have pneumonia, nor do all have detectable M. ovipneumoniae in the lung. Further, paranasal sinus masses are a common but inconsistent finding, and whether sinus lesions predispose to persistence or result from chronic carriage remains unclear. Our findings indicate that disease is variable in chronic M. ovipneumoniae carriers, underscoring the need for further efforts to characterize pathologic processes and underlying mechanisms in this system to inform management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The horns of bighorn sheep rams are permanent cranial appendages used for high energy head-to-head impacts during interspecific combat. The horns attach to the underlying bony horncore by a layer of interfacial tissue that facilitates load transfer between the impacted horn and underlying horncore, which has been shown to absorb substantial energy during head impact. However, the morphology and mechanical properties of the interfacial tissue were previously unknown. Histomorphometry was used to quantify the interfacial tissue composition and morphology and lap-shear testing was used to quantify its mechanical properties. Histological analyses revealed the interfacial tissue is a complex network of collagen and keratin fibers, with collagen being the most abundant protein. Sharpey\'s fibers provide strong attachment between the interfacial tissue and horncore bone. The inner horn surface displayed microscopic porosity and branching digitations which increased the contact surface with the interfacial tissue by approximately 3-fold. Horn-horncore samples tested by lap-shear loading failed primarily at the horn surface, and the interfacial tissue displayed non-linear strain hardening behavior similar to other soft tissues. The elastic properties of the interfacial tissue (i.e., low- and high-strain shear moduli) were comparable to previously measured values for the equine laminar junction. The interfacial tissue contact surface was positively correlated with the interfacial tissue shear strength (1.23 ± 0.21 MPa), high-strain shear modulus (4.5 ± 0.7 MPa), and strain energy density (0.38 ± 0.07 MJ/m3). STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: The bony horncore in bighorn sheep rams absorbs energy to reduce brain cavity accelerations and mitigate brain injury during head butting. The interfacial zone between the horn and horncore transfers energy from the impacted horn to the energy absorbing horncore but has been largely neglected in previous models of bighorn sheep ramming since interfacial tissue properties were previously unknown. This study quantified the morphology and mechanical properties of the horn-horncore interfacial tissue to better understand structure-property relationships that contribute to energy transfer during ramming. Results from this study will improve models of bighorn sheep ramming used to study mechanisms of brain injury mitigation and may inspire novel materials and structures for brain injury prevention in humans.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Case Reports
    Domestic sheep (Ovis aries) can carry the bacterium Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (M. ovipneumoniae) in their upper respiratory tract, often with little effect on health and productivity. However, for bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) populations, there is a link between M. ovipneumoniae infection and pneumonia, poor lamb recruitment, and high fatality rate. Because of these outcomes, preventing transmission of M. ovipneumoniae to free-ranging wild sheep has garnered interest from both the livestock and wildlife sectors. We hypothesized that treatment with intranasal and systemic enrofloxacin would reduce the prevalence of M. ovipneumoniae-positive animals in a flock of domestic sheep. Initially, the prevalence decreased in the treated group; but by 34 d post-treatment, the number of M. ovipneumoniae-positive sheep returned to near pretreatment prevalence. Key clinical message: Test-and-slaughter is a method used to reduce the risk of transmission of pneumonia-causing M. ovipneumoniae from domestic sheep and goats to free-ranging wild sheep. In an effort to find an alternative, we used enrofloxacin to treat a flock of M. ovipneumoniae-positive domestic sheep; however, long-term reduction of M. ovipneumoniae prevalence in the flock was not achieved.
    Traitement antibiotique de Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae chez le mouton domestique (Ovis aries): travail à l’interface bétail-faune au Yukon, Canada. Les moutons domestiques (Ovis aries) peuvent être porteurs de la bactérie Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (M. ovipneumoniae) dans leurs voies respiratoires supérieures, avec souvent peu d’effets sur la santé et la productivité. Cependant, pour les populations de mouflons d’Amérique (Ovis canadensis), il existe un lien entre l’infection à M. ovipneumoniae et la pneumonie, un faible recrutement d’agneaux et un taux de mortalité élevé. En raison de ces résultats, la prévention de la transmission de M. ovipneumoniae aux moutons sauvages en liberté a suscité l’intérêt des secteurs de l’élevage et de la faune sauvage. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse qu’un traitement par enrofloxacine intranasale et systémique réduirait la prévalence d’animaux positifs à M. ovipneumoniae dans un troupeau de moutons domestiques. Initialement, la prévalence a diminué dans le groupe traité; mais 34 jours après le traitement, le nombre de moutons positifs à M. ovipneumoniae est revenu à une prévalence proche de celle précédant le traitement.Message clinique clé :L’essai et l’abattage sont une méthode utilisée pour réduire le risque de transmission de M. ovipneumoniae, responsable de la pneumonie, des moutons et chèvres domestiques aux moutons sauvages en liberté. Dans le but de trouver une alternative, nous avons utilisé l’enrofloxacine pour traiter un troupeau de moutons domestiques positifs à M. ovipneumoniae; cependant, aucune réduction à long terme de la prévalence de M. ovipneumoniae dans le troupeau n’a été obtenue.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).





