Sexuality education

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Sexuality education is essential for children and adolescents to make better choices regarding their sexual well-being. Parents, teachers, and healthcare providers are not always comfortable talking to school-age children about sex, making sexuality education a concept of interest to be explored. The purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of sexuality education in school-aged children and adolescents.
    METHODS: This paper uses Walker and Avant\'s concept analysis to help clarify its meaning. The sexuality education concept is explored in this article in the views of educating school systems K-12 with three types of sexuality education (abstinence-only, abstinence-plus, and comprehensive sexuality education). Literature from 1990 to 2023 was retrieved using PubMed, Google Scholar, and CINAHL.
    RESULTS: A model case is used to demonstrate the importance of sexuality education. A borderline case and a related case are proposed to explain other uses of the concept. Defining attributes, antecedents, consequences, and empirical referents are explored. Antecedents of sexuality education are grouped into three categories: resources, political environment, and social beliefs.
    CONCLUSIONS: A conceptual understanding of sexuality education can foster nurses\' confidence in talking to their patients about this topic and encourage nurses to advocate for comprehensive sexuality education nationwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the relationship between sexuality education in U.S. public schools and women\'s pornography use. Utilizing quantitative methods, we examined a sample of women attending U.S. public schools who reported regular pornography use. Results revealed that, regardless of the type of sexuality education received, women exhibited similar rates of pornography use, with 60% reporting its use. A substantial portion (69%) of the women began using pornography during childhood or adolescence. Women who received abstinence only sexuality education reported higher frequencies of pornography use compared to their comprehensive sexuality education counterparts. About 79% of women using pornography perceived it as a source of sexuality learning, especially regarding sexual pleasure. However, they expressed reluctance in using pornography for sexual education and did not consider it a preferred method for learning about sexuality. The findings suggest the need for comprehensive sexuality education that addresses essential topics, such as sexual pleasure and sexual script development, to cater to women\'s diverse learning needs, ideally taught by parents or primary caregivers, but may be necessary for public education in the absence of parental instruction. Policymakers and educators should bridge these gaps to develop more effective sexuality education curricula. This study contributes valuable insights, highlighting the importance of an inclusive approach to sexuality education in U.S. public schools. Future research should explore the implications of different sexuality education approaches on women\'s sexual development and well-being, emphasizing comprehensive education to foster healthy sexual behaviors among women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2018, 22 teachers and four government officers started a six-month development process, designed to integrate a gender-equity lens into sex education in Eastern Province, Zambia. The initiative was funded by the Dutch Government. In this article, I explore the emancipatory potential and limits of this gender transformative approach. Civil society privileges the empowerment of women\'s and girls\' voices through participatory methods. This situated women-led \'encounter of change\' between men and women addressed the \'harmful practices\' of Chewa initiation, transcending patriarchal opposition in the process. Using an applied anthropological lens, I explore what enabled this contingent change in narrative among teachers, but I also question the coloniality inherent in efforts to transform the gender and sexuality of others through the ubiquity of voice.
    Mu chaka ca 2018, aphunzitsi makumi awiri ndi awiri ndi amai anai akulu-akulu amuboma adayambitsa ndondomeko ya chitukuko ya miyezi isanu ndi umodzi yokonzedwa kuti aphatikize ku maphunziro po linganiza nchito pakati pa amuna ndi akazi kuti ikhale ngati mandala amaphunziro kwa amuna kapena akazi kundela la laku m’mawa kwa dziko la Zambia. Nchitoyi idathandizidwa ndi boma la chi Dutch. Poyankha Connelly ndi Messerschmidt anapempha kuti apange kafuku-fuku pa zokhuza kugwirizana pakati pa bungwe la azimai ndi malingaliro ya mphamvu za amuna. Mu nkhaniyi ndikufufuza momasulira ndi kuika malire pofuna kuthetsa nchito za chi badwidwe pakati pa amuna ndi akazi. Mabungwe osiyana-siyana amapereka mwai wopititsa patsogolo mau a zimai ndi atsikana kudzera mu njira yotengako mbali pa kupanga chisankho ngati chida coyenelera. Ici chidapangitsa bungwe la zimai kukhala ndi manso mphenya pa nchito ya chibadwidwe ya amuna kapena akazi, kunena pa miyambo yoipa ya a Chewa, mopitiliza kutsutsa chikhalidwe cosayenera cotengera kumakolo awo pa nthawiyi. Pogwiritsa nchito mandala a chikhalidwe ca umunthu, ndina fufuza zomwe zidzetsa sintho lotengera polankhulana ndi aziphunzitsi, koma ndi nakayikiranso za makhalidwe otengera kwa atsamunda pofuna kusintha nchito za chibadwidwe ca amuna kapena akazi kudzera mu mau onenedwa mu makwao. Mau afungulo: chitukuko pa kusiya chikhalidwe ca atsamunda ndi kugonjera makhalidwe abwino, nchito za chibadwidwe ca amuna kapena akazi ndi chitukuko, kukula kwa mphamvu ya amuna,bungwe la azimai, maphunziro a amuna kapena akazi ku Zambia.
    Integrating critical thinking on gender and power within sexuality education has been praised for its ability to reduce unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. The Dutch government has been investing in this ‘gender transformative approach’ by strengthening the capacity of 64 schools in Zambia. I draw on findings of a multi-sited ethnography on the experiences of 22 male and female teachers and government officials in Zambia, who underwent training in this approach from 2018 to 2019. Female teachers and government workers utilized this training to critique and change harmful initiation rites of the Chewa peoples. However, this attempt at norm change was hindered by the ‘fluidity of patriarchy,’ which refers to the ability of powerful men to adapt to outside interventions. In this case, they undermined the project. Labeling this resistance simply as ‘dealing with opposition’, as Western NGOs have started doing recently, overlooks the ways in which traditions are reimagined and reinvented to sustain patriarchy and gender inequality. In this article, I critique the way Western programs listen to the voices of the young people they aim to support. Due to NGO jargon and a focus on evidence and effectiveness, these voices often go unheard. I urge policymakers and practitioners to ask self-critical questions about who gets to set the research agenda, whose voices are prioritized, and (ironically) how their own masculinist leadership norms and neoliberal practices may embody expressions of coloniality and patriarchy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Tailored sexuality education for adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities is a crucial, yet unmet, need as this population is particularly at risk for sexual abuse and victimisation. However, there are no evidence-based interventions to specifically address this need. This paper presents the development of an intervention framework to address equity in sexuality education and support adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities to understand and provide sexual consent, a foundational aspect of sexuality education and sexual health.
    METHODS: The Sexual Health Equity Project team used a Community-Based Participatory Research approach to develop a four-module sexual consent intervention for adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We leveraged a diverse, interdisciplinary team in a suburban Midwestern school district, and used Backward Design to create objectives and assessments which were rooted in findings from qualitative data by special education teachers.
    RESULTS: The resulting sexual consent intervention, Ask Me First-Choices, is comprised of four modules covering topics including definition of sexual consent; decision-making strategies and practice; communicating consent and refusal, identifying situations of consent and non-consent; and legal issues surrounding consent. Each module is divided into five components for content delivery: (1) introduction, (2) lecture, (3) supplemental activity, (4) assessment, and (5) conclusion. We detail the intervention\'s unique aspects, emphasising areas where we used Universal Design for Learning principles to support teachers\' instruction and students\' learning.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our efforts to create a sexual consent intervention directly address sexuality education equity issues. We offer commentary on our design process and decisions, as well as recommendations for future groups who want to develop sexual health interventions in similar contexts for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Next steps include further testing and validation of the sexual consent intervention to build the evidence-base of sexuality education for adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extant literature has explored sexuality education from the perspectives of the adolescents, but the views of parents are largely neglected. The few studies that have examined the views of both parents and adolescents are selective in scope, coverage, and assessment. There is thus, a dearth of data on the type of topics discussed and the frequency of parent-adolescent sexual communication. The present study sought to explore adolescents\' lived experiences of sexuality education and its impact on their sexual and reproductive health. To achieve this, a qualitative research design with a semi-structured interview was employed to gather data from thirty parents and adolescents in Ablekuma South Metropolis. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used in analyzing the data with each theme showing divergence categories of experiences of sexuality education although the views of both parents and adolescents on each category were similar. Parent-adolescent sex communication showed frequently discussed topics and the less discussed ones. Perceptions of sexuality education revealed both positive and negative perceptions. Perceived impact of sexuality education also brought to light both positive and negative impacts. It is recommended that stakeholders ought to institutionalize diverse behavior change interventions such as interpersonal communication and skills training aimed at empowering both parents and adolescents to communicate explicitly about sexuality rather than using euphemisms and timing techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lack of inclusion of sexual pleasure in comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) could be detrimental to sexual development, misses opportunities for inclusive education, and may have a long-term impact on sexual well-being. The WAS\' Declaration on Sexual Pleasure provides the opportunity to advocate for pleasure as an indispensable part of CSE. Specifically, the inclusion of pleasure in CSE will positively impact six outcomes: traditional risk-reduction, cultivating healthy relationships, celebration of sexual diversity, exercise of sexual rights, empowerment, and consent, and prevention of gender-based sexual violence. Messages of sexual pleasure are crucial for sexuality education to be comprehensive, effective, and inclusive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper explores the modern challenges hindering access to sexual health resources in the age of Big Tech and their impact on public health. Research data from sexual health organizations, Internet experts, and corporate financial documents shows instances of conflict between Big Tech\'s business model and the sexual health organizations\' efforts to provide accurate information about sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancy prevention to the youth. Results show that as younger generations turn to the internet for sexual health resources, they are met with misinformation and roadblocks, enabled by the dominant corporations in the market. Sexual pleasure, for instance, remains an overlooked dimension of these resources despite the fact that it is important to people. In conclusion, given the rise in popularity of tech platforms, and the youth\'s reliance on them as basic information resources, Big Tech must be held accountable for its role and impact on public health, and collaborative closely and actively with sexual health experts to establish appropriate content moderation policies for sexual health content online.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article provides technical guidance on the content, meaning, and application of the World Association of Sexual Health (WAS) Declaration on Sexual Pleasure to various stakeholders and practitioners working in the area of sexuality, sexual health, and sexual rights. A growing body of work shows that sexual pleasure is integral to broader health, mental health, sexual health, well-being and rights and indeed can lead to improvements in health. Yet, more research is needed to identify the best ways to incorporate sexual pleasure to achieve sexual health for different outcomes and populations. In the first part of this article, we deconstruct each statement from the WAS Declaration on Sexual Pleasure and provide key evidence from the literature supporting these statements. In the latter part of the article, we provide guidance on how to include sexual pleasure as a fundamental part of sexual health and sexual rights work. We include a series of case studies and highlight key actions and principles for advocacy, implementation, and quality assurance in terms of law and policy, comprehensive sexuality education, health care services and dissemination of knowledge. This technical document seeks to inspire our partners and collaborators to embark on a journey toward a pleasure-based approach to sexual health and sexual rights. Our hope is that the literature, guidance and case studies provided here can ignite ongoing advocacy and collaboration to embrace sexual pleasure in all settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this grounded theory study the aim was to explore professionals\' experiences of promotion of adolescents\' sexual health, and views on inter-professional collaboration in relation to this subject. Data collection was by five focus group interviews and two pair interviews with professionals working with sexual health promotion in health care and schools. The results showed that professionals were reaching out to young people through competence and trusting relationships along with working on a broader front. In conclusion, professionals need to be knowledgeable about the world of young people, accessible and able to offer adequate support, and improve their inter-professional collaborations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This qualitative descriptive study identified factors that impact assigned female at birth (AFAB) cisgender and non-binary sexual minority individuals\' decision to engage, or not engage, in health-seeking behaviors and receive preventative health care services. AFAB sexual minority individuals were asked to describe their health care experiences to determine modifiable factors that could improve their intention to seek care and improve their health care experiences. Purposive sampling was used to recruit AFAB sexual minority individuals between 18-30 years of age in the Chicago metropolitan area. Three main themes emerged from data acquired through individual interviews: (1) \"ask the right questions\"; main themes (2 lack of trust in health professionals; (3 the need for better sexual health education. An important finding was participants wanted to be asked about their sexual orientation, sexual behavior, and gender identity. Participants wanted to be able to share their sexual orientation and gender identity with health care professionals so they could receive appropriate care, accurate information, and feel comfortable sharing aspects about their life. Additionally, the results suggested that general and health sciences curricula should include content about diverse sexual and gender minority populations. Findings have important implications for health education and clinical practice.





