Sex therapy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sexual distress (eg, feeling distressed, unhappy, frustrated, stressed, dissatisfied, or bothered about their sexuality) is a central concern reported by patients seeking sex therapy, and might be related to sexual self-esteem and mindfulness disposition, yet research is needed to examine the links among those variables within the specific population of patients seeking therapy.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the indirect role of sexual self-esteem in the relationship between dispositional mindfulness and sexual distress.
    METHODS: The study was conducted among 696 patients undergoing sexual therapy (mean age 34.19 ± 11.21 years, age range 18-78 years). Participants identified as women (57.3%), men (38.5%), or nonbinary (4.2%). They completed self-report questionnaires assessing dispositional mindfulness (Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire), sexual self-esteem (Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire), and sexual distress (Sexual Distress Scale-Revised), during their first few sessions (ie, first to third sessions [the assessment phase]).
    RESULTS: Sexual distress was the main outcome, as measured with the Sexual Distress Scale-Revised.
    RESULTS: Results indicated that 54% (n = 376) of patients reported elevated sexual distress based on the questionnaire threshold score. Path analyses indicated an indirect effect in which higher dispositional mindfulness was associated with higher levels of sexual self-esteem, which in turn was associated with lower sexual distress. Results also highlighted that specific facets of mindfulness were related to higher sexual self-esteem (ie, describing, and nonreacting) and lower sexual distress (ie, nonjudgment and acting with awareness). The integrative model explained 23% of the variance of sexual distress scores.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that addressing specifically sexual self-esteem and mindfulness may represent relevant clinical avenues to reduce sexual distress among sex therapy patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Strengths of this study include the novel examination of the role of sexual self-esteem in the link between mindfulness disposition and sexual distress in a large clinical sample of patients seeking sex therapy. Limitations includes reliance on patient self-report and a cross-sectional design that limit conclusion regarding causality.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study makes a valuable contribution to the existing body of research highlighting the pivotal roles of sexual self-esteem in the link between dispositional mindfulness and reduced sexual distress among adults undergoing sex therapy, allowing us to identify potential targets of intervention.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Sexuality is shaped by experience and by what has been passed down. Body image and sex influence desire and pleasure. In the case of endometriosis, suffering and pain can lead to shame and guilt. Encouraging people to talk to each other helps to create a free eroticism that resembles the couple.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surrogate partner therapy is a type of treatment in which the surrogate partner (SP) works in a triadic setting with a sex therapist and a patient. At the same time, the SP acts as an intimate surrogate partner to the patient. The SP treatment includes a range of therapeutic experiences such as relaxation, intimate communication, sensual and sexual contact, and training for the acquisition of social skills. In the current study, we ask what and how SPs experience, understand, and construct boundaries in their work. We used Winnicott\'s therapeutic conceptualization of psychotherapy as a mode of playing and Goffman\'s dramaturgical role theory as the theoretical framework for our exploration. Applying a phenomenological and empathic approach, we analyzed 13 in-depth interviews with Israeli SP. It appears that SP\'s transitions from one performance to another are dramatic, in that their role requires the involvement of sexual and emotional helping relations with their patients. Moreover, SPs are obliged to have secrecy at all levels and in various relationships in their lives. We uncovered various complexities that SPs experience, such as a lack of clarity about their role, which creates challenges for building their professional and personal identity and affects their family and social relationships.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Affective neuroscience is the study of the brain substrates of emotional, embodied experiences. Affective neuroscience theory (ANT) is based on experimental evidence that all mammals are hardwired with 7 primary subcortical emotional operating systems, or \"core emotions,\" that have overlapping but distinct circuits buried in the deep, ancient parts of the brain. Imbalances in the 7 core emotions can affect multiple aspects of the individual\'s psychosocial well-being (eg, depression, anxiety, substance abuse). Here, we propose that core emotions can also influence sexual function and, specifically, that imbalances in core emotions are the bridge connecting psychiatric symptoms (eg, anhedonia) to sexual dysfunction (eg, anorgasmia).
    OBJECTIVE: In this targeted review and commentary, we outline potential connections between ANT and sexual medicine research and clinical practice. We summarize ANT by defining the 3-level BrainMind and core emotions; examining how they relate to personality, behavior, and mental health; and determining the implications for sexual health research and clinical practice.
    METHODS: A targeted literature review was conducted. Case studies were adapted from client files and clinician interviews and then anonymized.
    RESULTS: We propose a novel organizational schema for implementing affective balance therapies for sexual dysfunction, which integrate psychoeducational, somatic, and cognitive therapeutic approaches under the ANT framework. We provide 3 patient case studies (anorgasmia, hypersexuality, spinal cord injury) outlining the implementation of this approach and patient outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: ANT has practical translational applications in sexual health research and clinical practice. By integrating our understanding of the role of core emotions in human sexuality, clinicians can better tailor treatments to address sexual dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Female genital mutilation is considered a crime but is still practiced today in Africa and the Middle East, despite all the laws that make this procedure illegal due to the long-term physical and psychological harm it causes to women. Millions of girls and women living today have undergone genital mutilation, which involves removing the external female genitalia either partially or totally, based on the belief that it restricts feminine sexuality, thereby \"saving\" a girl for marriage. For girls and women, the surgery offers no health advantages. Girls\' right to control critical decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health is violated because genital mutilation is frequently done against their will and frequently without their consent, leading to lifelong psychic trauma in addition to sexual dysfunction and lack of satisfaction due to distortion of the genitalia that threatens marital stability.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of a clitoral therapy device on improving sexual domains in women suffering from sexual dysfunction after female genital mutilation.
    METHODS: This study examined 80 married women aged from 20 to 45 years who were referred from the gynecology outpatient clinic of the Faculty of Medicine, Suez University, for sexual dysfunction resulting from female genital mutilation. The women were divided into 2 equal groups: the study group received a clitoral therapy device and traditional psychosexual education and were closely followed for 3 months, while the control group received only traditional psychosexual education for 3 months. The Arabic version of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire was used to assess sexual outcomes pre- and posttreatment in the 2 groups.
    RESULTS: Our findings revealed a significant increase in the 6 domains of the FSFI pretreatment in both groups compared to posttreatment (P>.001), except the orgasm domain in the control group, which showed only a nonsignificant increase (P=.16).
    CONCLUSIONS: Clitoral therapy devices may be an effective, safe, noninvasive rehabilitation method for sexual dysfunction following female genital mutilation.
    BACKGROUND: NCT05039775;






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is a complex chronic disease characterized by pain, including painful sex, that can contribute to considerable sexual function, self-esteem, and relationship challenges. Digital storytelling is an arts-based, participatory methodology wherein individuals create and share their illness experiences in detailing their lived experiences.
    OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to pilot-test a web-based digital storytelling workshop focused on endometriosis to understand storytellers\' experiences of workshop participation. We assessed the feasibility of story cocreation and sharing, including the emotional impact of workshop participation, the acceptability of the workshop for the subject matter, and the storytellers\' willingness to share their stories with broader audiences as a method for knowledge translation.
    METHODS: This study used a community-based participatory methodology supplemented with patient-oriented research and integrated knowledge translation. Study participants, referred to as storytellers, cocreated 3- to 5-minute individual digital stories about their lived experiences of endometriosis during a web-based workshop (comprising five 2-hour sessions over 6 weeks) facilitated by The Center for Digital Storytelling. Data were collected through participant observations at the workshop, storyteller weekly reflective journals, and an end-of-workshop focus group interview with storytellers. These data were analyzed using a qualitative interpretive description approach.
    RESULTS: A total of 5 women and 1 nonbinary storyteller aged 19 to 39 years who had experienced endometriosis for 4 to 22 years participated in the study. We characterized storytelling workshop participation and the acceptability of story cocreation by describing participants\' experiences of opportunity, commitment, and connection; complex emotions that were healing; and a desire to share. Feasibility was demonstrated through 100% engagement in the workshops. All 6 storytellers reported feeling empowered by publicly sharing their cocreated digital stories through social media and the Sex, Pain & Endometriosis website.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the complexities of the story-building process, the workshop and the cocreation and sharing of digital stories were feasible. The storytellers found that this process allowed for emotional healing and personal empowerment by offering a unique way to talk about painful sex, which also facilitated a connection among those in the workshop. The use of digital storytelling as a knowledge translation tool shows promise, and this approach also has potential as a therapeutic intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a growing recognition that sexual problems can adversely impact health, well-being, and quality of life. Sex therapy provides individuals with an effective means of understanding, improving, and resolving their sexual difficulties. Yet, few individuals access a sex therapist when experiencing sexual difficulties and research on perceptions toward this service remains limited. The current study aimed to explore attitudes and beliefs held by a sample with a current or previous history of sexual problems toward sex therapy and therapists. A total of 27 individuals aged 19-53 participated in unmoderated structured interviews that were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. The results were organized into five categories, (1) overall perceptions of sex therapy, (2) when and for whom is sex therapy, (3) expectations, (4) beliefs about sex therapists, and (5) sources of beliefs. While the results indicated that participants held positive attitudes toward the service and about others seeking sex therapy, none had accessed sex therapy for their previous or current sexual problems. Numerous barriers relating to stigma, cost, and accessibility appeared to hinder the utilization of the service. The inaccurate and unrealistic beliefs about sex therapy and sex therapists highlight the need for increased education regarding the profession, which could reduce barriers and increase accessibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a complex and often traumatic experience that can impact youth\'s emotional and psychological well-being. Many clinicians do not feel adequately prepared to work with youth around topics of sexuality. In this qualitative study, we examine how licensed therapists treat youth between ages 5 and 16 who have experienced CSA. We asked participants how they incorporate sexuality into trauma work with this population. Although all participants discussed themes commonly reported in clinical work with survivors (i.e., working on trust, self-image challenges, the brain-body connection, confusion around touch and boundaries) additional themes arose that could impede the provision of sexually-competent treatment for the survivor including: considerations for gender identity and sexual orientation, youth being sexually invisible until puberty, and an inaccurate/narrow use of the term \"sexuality.\" We discuss the need for further training on youth sexual development and the ways youth experience the many topics within the concept of sexuality in their therapeutic treatment.





