Sex Determination Processes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In reptiles, such as the red-eared slider turtle ( Trachemys scripta elegans), gonadal sex determination is highly dependent on the environmental temperature during embryonic stages. This complex process, which leads to differentiation into either testes or ovaries, is governed by the finely tuned expression of upstream genes, notably the testis-promoting gene Dmrt1 and the ovary-promoting gene Foxl2. Recent studies have identified epigenetic regulation as a crucial factor in testis development, with the H3K27me3 demethylase KDM6B being essential for Dmrt1 expression in T. s. elegans. However, whether KDM6B alone can induce testicular differentiation remains unclear. In this study, we found that overexpression of Kdm6b in T. s. elegans embryos induced the male development pathway, accompanied by a rapid increase in the gonadal expression of Dmrt1 at 31°C, a temperature typically resulting in female development. Notably, this sex reversal could be entirely rescued by Dmrt1 knockdown. These findings demonstrate that Kdm6b is sufficient for commitment to the male pathway, underscoring its role as a critical epigenetic regulator in the sex determination of the red-eared slider turtle.
    许多爬行动物(如红耳龟)的性别取决于胚胎发育的环境温度。该性别决定过程涉及一系列上游基因如促睾丸分化的 Dmrt1及促卵巢分化的 Foxl2的精细调控。作者前期研究表明,组蛋白去甲基化酶KDM6B的表达是直接激活 Dmrt1转录的必要条件。然而,KDM6B是否能单独诱导睾丸分化尚不清楚。在该研究中,我们发现在产雌温度下对红耳龟胚胎进行 Kdm6b过表达会迅速上调性腺中 Dmrt1的表达,并诱导性腺分化为睾丸。此外,敲低 Dmrt1能够阻断 Kdm6b过表达导致的雌向雄性逆转过程,性腺最终仍发育成卵巢。实验结果表明 Kdm6b通过上调 Dmrt1使性腺发育成睾丸。因此,KDM6B是红耳龟性别决定过程中的关键表观遗传调控因子。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A sex change phenomenon was reported in some free-living, non-sessile coral species of the Family Fungiidae. However, there are no reports describing sex change in sessile colonial species. Timing and cellular processes of sex change are also unclear in corals. Here, we report sex change of the colonial coral, Fimbriaphyllia ancora, and its cellular process. Of 26 colonies monitored at Nanwan Bay, southern Taiwan, about 70% changed their sex every year after annual spawning for least 3-4 consecutive years, i.e., colonies that were male two years ago became female last year, and male again this year. The remaining 30% were permanently male or female. Sex-change and non-sex-change colonies grew in close proximity or even side-by-side. No significant differences were found in colony size between sex-change and non-sex-change colonies. Histological analysis showed that, in female-to-male sex change, small oocytes were present up to 3 months in some gonads after spawning and disappeared by 5 months. This suggests that sex change occurred 4-5 months after spawning. In contrast, in male-to-female sex change, oocytes appeared weeks after sperm release and in most gonads by 3 months, suggesting that male-to-female sex change occurred 0-3 months after sperm release.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ovarian development was traditionally recognized as a \"default\" sexual outcome and therefore received much less scientific attention than testis development. In turtles with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), how the female pathway is initiated to induce ovary development remains unknown. In this study, we have found that phosphorylation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (pSTAT3) and Foxl2 exhibit temperature-dependent sexually dimorphic patterns and tempo-spatial coexpression in early embryos of the red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans). Inhibition of pSTAT3 at a female-producing temperature of 31 °C induces 64.7% female-to-male sex reversal, whereas activation of pSTAT3 at a male-producing temperature of 26 °C triggers 75.6% male-to-female sex reversal. In addition, pSTAT3 directly binds to the locus of the female sex-determining gene Foxl2 and promotes Foxl2 transcription. Overexpression or knockdown of Foxl2 can rescue the sex reversal induced by inhibition or activation of pSTAT3. This study has established a direct genetic link between warm temperature-induced STAT3 phosphorylation and female pathway initiation in a TSD system, highlighting the critical role of pSTAT3 in the cross talk between female and male pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (Hsd17b2) enzyme specifically catalyzes the oxidation of the C17 hydroxyl group and efficiently regulates the activities of estrogens and androgens to prevent diseases induced by hormone disorders. However, the functions of the hsd17b2 gene involved in animal sex differentiation are still largely unclear. The ricefield eel (Monopterus albus), a protogynous hermaphroditic fish with a small genome size (2n = 24), is usually used as an ideal model to study the mechanism of sex differentiation in vertebrates. Therefore, in this study, hsd17b2 gene cDNA was cloned and its mRNA expression profiles were determined in the ricefield eel. The cloned cDNA fragment of hsd17b2 was 1230 bp, including an open reading frame of 1107 bp, encoding 368 amino acid residues with conserved catalytic subunits. Moreover, real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) analysis showed that hsd17b2 mRNA expressed strongly in the ovaries at early developmental stages, weakly in liver and intestine, and barely in testis and other tissues. In particular, hsd17b2 mRNA expression was found to peak in ovaries of young fish and ovotestis at the early stage, and eventually declined in gonads from the late ovotestis to testis. Likewise, chemical in situ hybridization results indicated that the hsd17b2 mRNA signals were primarily detected in the cytoplasm of oogonia and oocytes at stage I-II, subsequently concentrated in the granulosa cells around the oocytes at stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ, but undetectable in mature oocytes and male germ cells. Intriguingly, in ricefield eel ovaries, hsd17b2 mRNA expression could be significantly reduced by 17β-estradiol (E2) or tamoxifen (17β-estradiol inhibitor, E2I) induction at a low concentration (10 ng/mL) and increased by E2I induction at a high concentration (100 ng/mL). On the other hand, both the melatonin (MT) and flutamide (androgen inhibitor, AI) induction could significantly decrease hsd17b2 mRNA expression in the ovary of ricefield eel. This study provides a clue for demonstrating the mechanism of sexual differentiation in fish. The findings of our study imply that the hsd17b2 gene could be a key regulator in sexual differentiation and modulate sex reversal in the ricefield eel and other hermaphroditic fishes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hippophae tibetana, one of the highest-altitude woody plants endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, primarily thrives on riverbanks formed by glacial meltwater. As a dioecious species, it demonstrates significant ecological and economic value in extreme alpine environments. However, the lack of sex identification techniques outside of the flowering period severely limits research on sex ratio, differentiation, and breeding. There is an urgent need to develop effective sex-linked molecular markers that are independent of developmental stages, but current research in this area remains limited. This study developed a set of accurate sex-linked molecular markers for the rapid identification of male and female individuals of H. tibetana. Through whole-genome resequencing of 32 sexually differentiated H. tibetana samples, this study offers strong evidence supporting chromosome 2 as the sex chromosome and successfully identified key loci related to sex determination on this chromosome. Utilizing these loci, we, for the first time, developed three reliable pairs of sex-specific molecular markers, which exhibited high accuracy during validation across various geographic populations, offering an effective tool for the sex identification of H. tibetana. Additionally, this study lays the groundwork for further research into the mechanisms of sex determination and the evolution of sex chromosomes in H. tibetana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Haldane\'s rule occupies a special place in biology as one of the few \'rules\' of speciation, with empirical support from hundreds of species. And yet, its classic purview is restricted taxonomically to the subset of organisms with heteromorphic sex chromosomes. I propose explicit acknowledgement of generalized hypotheses about Haldane\'s rule that frame sex bias in hybrid dysfunction broadly and irrespective of the sexual system. The consensus view of classic Haldane\'s rule holds that sex-biased hybrid dysfunction across taxa is a composite phenomenon that requires explanations from multiple causes. Testing of the multiple alternative hypotheses for Haldane\'s rule is, in many cases, applicable to taxa with homomorphic sex chromosomes, environmental sex determination, haplodiploidy, and hermaphroditism. Integration of a variety of biological phenomena about hybrids across diverse sexual systems, beyond classic Haldane\'s rule, will help to derive a more general understanding of the contributing forces and mechanisms that lead to predictable sex biases in evolutionary divergence and speciation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The non-Mendelian transmission of sex chromosomes during gametogenesis carries significant implications, influencing sex ratios and shaping evolutionary dynamics. Here we focus on known mechanisms that drive non-Mendelian inheritance of X chromosomes during spermatogenesis and their impact on population dynamics in species with different breeding systems. In Drosophila and mice, X-linked drivers targeting Y-bearing sperm for elimination or limiting their fitness, tend to confer unfavourable effects, prompting the evolution of suppressors to mitigate their impact. This leads to a complex ongoing evolutionary arms race to maintain an equal balance of males and females. However, in certain insects and nematodes with XX/X0 sex determination, the preferential production of X-bearing sperm through atypical meiosis yields wild-type populations with highly skewed sex ratios, suggesting non-Mendelian transmission of the X may offer selective advantages in these species. Indeed, models suggest X-meiotic drivers could bolster population size and persistence under certain conditions, challenging the conventional view of their detrimental effects. Furthering our understanding of the diverse mechanisms and evolutionary consequences of non-Mendelian transmission of X chromosomes will provide insights into genetic inheritance, sex determination, and population dynamics, with implications for fundamental research and practical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex determination in the nematode C. elegans is controlled by the master regulator XOL-1 during embryogenesis. Expression of xol-1 is dependent on the ratio of X chromosomes and autosomes, which differs between XX hermaphrodites and XO males. In males, xol-1 is highly expressed and in hermaphrodites, xol-1 is expressed at very low levels. XOL-1 activity is known to be critical for the proper development of C. elegans males, but its low expression was considered to be of minimal importance in the development of hermaphrodite embryos. Our study reveals that XOL-1 plays an important role as a regulator of developmental timing during hermaphrodite embryogenesis. Using a combination of imaging and bioinformatics techniques, we found that hermaphrodite embryos have an accelerated rate of cell division, as well as a more developmentally advanced transcriptional program when xol-1 is lost. Further analyses reveal that XOL-1 is responsible for regulating the timing of initiation of dosage compensation on the X chromosomes, and the appropriate expression of sex-biased transcriptional programs in hermaphrodites. We found that xol-1 mutant embryos overexpress the H3K9 methyltransferase MET-2 and have an altered H3K9me landscape. Some of these effects of the loss of xol-1 gene were reversed by the loss of met-2. These findings demonstrate that XOL-1 plays an important role as a developmental regulator in embryos of both sexes, and that MET-2 acts as a downstream effector of XOL-1 activity in hermaphrodites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex chromosomes display remarkable diversity and variability among vertebrates. Compared with research on the X/Y and Z/W chromosomes, which have long evolutionary histories in mammals and birds, studies on the sex chromosomes at early evolutionary stages are limited. Here, we precisely assembled the genomes of homozygous XX female and YY male Lanzhou catfish (Silurus lanzhouensis) derived from an artificial gynogenetic family and a self-fertilized family, respectively. Chromosome 24 (Chr24) was identified as the sex chromosome based on resequencing data. Comparative analysis of the X and Y chromosomes showed an approximate 320 kb Y-specific region with a Y-specific duplicate of anti-Mullerian hormone type II receptor (amhr2y), which is consistent with findings in 2 other Silurus species but on different chromosomes (Chr24 of Silurus meridionalis and Chr5 of Silurus asotus). Deficiency of amhr2y resulted in male-to-female sex reversal, indicating that amhr2y plays a male-determining role in S. lanzhouensis. Phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics revealed that the common sex-determining gene amhr2y was initially translocated to Chr24 of the Silurus ancestor along with the expansion of transposable elements. Chr24 was maintained as the sex chromosome in S. meridionalis and S. lanzhouensis, whereas a sex-determining region transition triggered sex chromosome turnover from Chr24 to Chr5 in S. asotus. Additionally, gene duplication, translocation, and degeneration were observed in the Y-specific regions of Silurus species. These findings present a clear case for the early evolutionary trajectory of sex chromosomes, including sex-determining gene origin, repeat sequence expansion, gene gathering and degeneration in sex-determining region, and sex chromosome turnover.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lunar rhythms shape spawning phenology and subsequent risks and rewards for early life-history stages in the sea. Here, we consider a perplexing spawning phenology of the sixbar wrasse (Thalassoma hardwicke), in which parents spawn disproportionately around the new moon, despite the low survival of these larvae. Because primary sex determination in this system is highly plastic and sensitive to social environments experienced early in development, we ask whether this puzzling pattern of spawning is explained by fitness trade-offs associated with primary sexual maturation. We used otoliths from 871 fish to explore how spawning on different phases of the moon shapes the environments and phenotypes of settling larvae. Offspring that were born at the new moon were more likely to settle (i) before other larvae, (ii) at a larger body size, (iii) at an older age, (iv) to the best quality sites, and (v) as part of a social group-all increasing the likelihood of primary maturation to male. Selection of birthdates across life stage transitions suggests that the perplexing spawning phenology of adults may reflect an evolutionarily stable strategy that includes new moon spawning for compensatory benefits later in life, including preferential production of primary males at certain times.





