
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Pressure distribution in the ankle joint is known to be dependent on various factors, including hindfoot alignment. We seek to evaluate how hindfoot alignment affects contact pressures in the ankle joint in the setting of supination external rotation (SER) type ankle fractures.
    UNASSIGNED: SER fractures were created in 10 human cadaver lower extremity specimens, simulating progressive stages of injury: without fracture (step 0), SER fracture and intact deltoid ligament (step 1), superficial deltoid ligament disruption (step 2), and deep deltoid ligament disruption (step 3). At each step, varus and valgus alignment was simulated by displacing the calcaneal tuberosity 7 mm medial or lateral. Each limb was axially loaded following each osteotomy at a static load of 350 N. The center of force (COF), contact area (CA), and peak contact pressure (PP) under load were measured, and radiographs of the ankle mortise were taken to analyze the medial clear space (MCS) and talar tilt (TT).
    UNASSIGNED: The COF (5.3 mm, P = .030) and the CA (-188.4 mm2, P = .015) changed in step 3 in the valgus hindfoot alignment compared to baseline parameters, indicating the importance of deep deltoid ligament integrity in maintaining normal ankle joint contact stress in the valgus hindfoot. These changes were not seen in the setting of varus alignment (COF: 2.3 mm, P = .059; CA -121 mm2, P = .133). PP were found to not change significantly in either varus or valgus (varus: -4.9 N, P = .132; valgus: -4 N, P = .464).The MCS demonstrated widening in step 3 compared to step 2 (0.7 mm, P = .020) in both varus and valgus hindfoot. The TT increased significantly in step 3 in the valgus hindfoot (2.8 degrees, P = .020) compared to step 0.
    UNASSIGNED: SER-IV fractures with valgus hindfoot alignment showed significant changes in pressure distribution and radiographic parameters when compared to SER-IV fractures with varus hindfoot alignment.
    UNASSIGNED: Based on this cadaver modeling study, patients with SERIV fracture with varus hindfoot alignment and complete deltoid ligament lesion may not need fracture fixation, whereas those with valgus hindfoot alignment likely need fracture fixation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper aims to provide a systematic review of the literature on school effectiveness, with a focus on identifying the main factors that contribute to successful educational outcomes. The research question that this paper aimed to address is \"what are the main factors of school effectiveness?\". We were interested in several descriptors such as school, effectiveness/efficiency theories, effectiveness/efficiency research and factors. Studies (published within the 2016-2022 period) were retrieved through two databases: JSTOR and ERIC. This paper defines several categories identified by school effectiveness research. Within these categories, various factors that affect the students\' outcomes and the defined effectiveness in school are listed. As the results show, the issue of school effectiveness is multifaceted, as the effectiveness of schools is a complex concept that can be measured through various indicators such as academic achievement, student engagement and teacher satisfaction. The review of school effectiveness revealed that several factors contribute to effective schools, such as strong leadership, effective teaching practices, a positive school culture and parental involvement. Additionally, school resources, such as funding and facilities, can impact school effectiveness, particularly in under-resourced communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perinatal maternal depression, anxiety, and stress are associated with poor infant outcomes. However, no known study has investigated the effects of perinatal maternal obsessive-compulsive symptomatology on infant outcomes while considering important situational factors such as socioeconomic resources. Therefore, we investigated the effects of prenatal and postnatal obsessive-compulsive symptomatology on infant behavioral reactivity, beyond the effects of postnatal depressive symptomatology, at 6 months of age. It was expected that socioeconomic resources would moderate this relationship. We recruited 125 pregnant women from a Health Professional Shortage Area for mental health and primary care in the Midwest United States and interviewed them at approximately 34 weeks gestation and again at 6 months postnatally. They were administered questionnaires at both time points measuring obsessive-compulsive and depressive symptoms. Infant behavioral reactivity was gathered during 6-month follow-up through behavioral observation coding and maternal-report modalities. Maternal-reported infant negative affectivity at 6 months was related to greater severity of maternal postnatal depressive symptomatology, and socioeconomic resources moderated the relationship between maternal prenatal obsessive-compulsive symptoms and maternal-reported infant negative affectivity. However, neither of these relations was statistically significant when infant reactivity was quantified using behavioral observations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental regimes (or environmental legacy or historical legacy) are the dynamics of environmental characteristics over a given (either long or short) time period, such as frequency of mean or extreme events and rate of change, which might be absent by using only contemporary variables. We present SER, an R package for estimating environmental regimes for different environmental variables. Using the data included in the package, several examples are shown. SER is suitable for any type of environmental or biotic variables, including nutrient concentration, light, and dissolved oxygen. In addition, by changing the argument \"days_bf,\" it is possible to compute environmental regimes over any time period, such as days, months, or years. Our case study showed that the inclusion of environmental regimes increased the explained variation of temporal β-diversity and its components. Environmental regimes are expected to advance the \"environment-community\" relationships in ecological studies. They can further be implemented in other subjects such as social science, socioeconomics, and epidemiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ontology of death is universal, hence archetypal. Nowhere do we witness any organic creature escape its talons. Analytical psychology has had an intimate relationship to death for the simple fact that it contemplates the soul, the numinous, and an afterlife. From Hegel to Heidegger, Freud and Jung, death was an existential force that sustained and transformed life, the positive significance of the negative. Rather than merely a destructive phenomenon, death informs Being, the power of nothingness that dialectically drives life. In this paper, I will introduce the notion of what I call the omega principle, the psychological orientation and trajectory of our being towards death, which we may say is a universal preoccupation and recapitulation of the collective unconscious that subsumes our personal relation to death, an eternal return of the objective psyche constellated as esse in anima.
    L’ontologie de la mort est universelle, et ainsi archétypale. Nous ne voyons nulle part une créature organique échapper à son emprise. La psychologie analytique a eu une relation intime avec la mort du simple fait qu’elle contemple l’âme, le numineux et l’au-delà. De Hegel à Heidegger, Freud et Jung, la mort était une force existentielle qui soutenait et transformait la vie, la signification positive du négatif. Plutôt qu’un simple phénomène destructeur, la mort façonne l’Etre ; la puissance du néant qui conduit dialectiquement la vie. Dans cet article, je vais présenter l’idée que j’appelle le principe oméga ; l’orientation et la trajectoire psychologiques de notre être allant vers la mort, dont nous pourrions dire qu’il s’agit d’une préoccupation et d’une récapitulation universelle de l’inconscient collectif, qui englobe notre relation personnelle à la mort, un retour éternel de la psyché objective constellée en tant qu’esse in anima.
    Die Ontologie des Todes ist universell, also archetypisch. Nirgendwo sehen wir, wie ein organisches Wesen seinen Krallen entkommt. Die Analytische Psychologie hat eine enge Beziehung zum Tod weil sie die Seele, das Numinose und ein Leben nach dem Tod betrachtet. Von Hegel bis Heidegger, Freud und Jung war der Tod eine existentielle Kraft, die das Leben aufrechterhielt und verwandelte, die positive Bedeutung des Negativen. Der Tod ist nicht nur ein destruktives Phänomen, sondern informiert das Sein, die Macht des Nichts, die das Leben dialektisch antreibt. In diesem Aufsatz werde ich den Begriff des, wie ich es nenne, Omega-Prinzips einführen, der psychologischen Orientierung und Flugbahn unseres Seins zum Tod, von dem wir sagen können, daß es eine universelle Beschäftigung und Rekapitulation des kollektiven Unbewußten ist, das unsere persönliche Beziehung zum Tod umfaßt, eine ewige Wiederkehr der als esse in anima konstellierten objektiven Psyche.
    L’ontologia della morte è universale, perciò archetipica. Da nessuna parte vediamo una creatura organica sfuggire ai suoi artigli. La psicologia analitica ha avuto una relazione intima con la morte per il semplice fatto che essa contempla l’anima, il numinoso e l’aldilà. Da Hegel a Heidegger, Freud e Jung, la morte è stata una forza esistenziale che ha sostenuto e trasformato la vita, il significato positivo del negativo. Piuttosto che essere semplicemente un fenomeno distruttivo, la morte informa l’Essere, il potere del nulla che dialetticamente guida la vita. In questo articolo introdurrò la nozione di ciò che chiamo il principio omega, l’orientamento e la traiettoria psicologica del nostro essere verso la morte, che possiamo dire sia una preoccupazione universale e una ricapitolazione dell’inconscio collettivo che sussume la nostra relazione personale con la morte, un eterno ritorno della psiche oggettiva costellata come essere nell\'anima.
    Онтология смерти универсальна, следовательно, архетипична. Еще никто не встречался с тем, чтобы какое-либо органическое существо избежало ее когтей. Аналитическая психология имеет тесную связь со смертью по той простой причине, что она размышляет о душе, нуминозном и загробной жизни. Для мыслителей от Гегеля до Хайдеггера, Фрейда и Юнга смерть являлась экзистенциальной силой, поддерживающей и трансформирующей жизнь, позитивным значением негативного. Смерть - это не только разрушительное явление; она питает бытие силой небытия, которое диалектически направляет жизнь. В этой статье я формулирую концепцию, которую я назвала принципом омега, описывающую психологическую ориентацию и траекторию нашего бытия по направлению к смерти, являющуюся, можно сказать, всеобщей задачей и рекапитуляцией коллективного бессознательного, что включает наше личное отношение к смерти, вечное возвращение объективной психики, констеллированной как esse in anima.
    La ontología de la muerte es universal, por tanto arquetípica. Ninguna criatura orgánica escapa a sus garras. La psicología analítica ha tenido una relación íntima con la muerte por el simple hecho de que contempla el alma, lo numinoso y una vida después de la muerte. De Hegel a Heidegger, Freud y Jung, la muerte era una fuerza existencial que sostenía y transformaba la vida, el significado positivo de lo negativo. Más que un mero fenómeno destructivo, la muerte informa al Ser, el poder de la nada que impulsa dialécticamente la vida. En este artículo, introduciré la noción de lo que denomino principio omega, la orientación y trayectoria psicológica de nuestro ser hacia la muerte, que podemos decir que es una preocupación y recapitulación universal del inconsciente colectivo que subsume nuestra relación personal con la muerte, un eterno retorno de la psique objetiva constelada como esse in anima.
    黑色的敌人:向死而生 死亡的本体是普遍的, 因此是原型的。我们在任何地方都无法看到任何有机生物逃脱它的爪牙。分析心理学与死亡有着密切的关系, 因为它考虑的是灵魂、神性和来世。从黑格尔到海德格尔、弗洛伊德和荣格, 死亡是一种维持和改变生命的存在力量, 是负面的积极意义。死亡不仅仅是一种破坏性的现象, 死亡也为 \"存在 \"提供了信息, 是辩证地驱动生命的虚无的力量。在本文中, 我将介绍我称为欧米茄原则的概念, 即我们对死亡的心理取向, 及向死而生的轨迹, 我们可以说这是集体无意识的普遍关注和重述, 它包含了我们个人与死亡的关系, 是向聚集为实在的阿尼玛的客观心灵的永恒回归。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stress-view radiographs are frequently obtained to evaluate supination-external rotation (SER) variant ankle fractures. Measurement of the ankle medial clear space (MCS) is a surrogate of medial structure integrity as part of overall ankle stability. Measurement of the lateral talus displacement with respect to the incisura may be a sensitive and specific method to assess joint subluxation.
    Retrospective review of acute SER-variant isolated lateral malleolar fractures with gravity stress views (GSVs) were performed for 103 patients. GSV analysis was performed with standardized measurements of the MCS, superior clear space (SCS), and 2 new novel measurements of lateral talus subluxation (LTS). Decision for surgery was obtained by surgeons who reviewed masked injury radiographs for predictive performance analysis of the LTS vs MCS.
    MCS, SCS, and LTS measurements were performed on 103 patients. Mean MCS, SCS, and LTS within the operative group was increased. MCS ≥5 mm and LTS >4 mm had equal sensitivity (95%), with higher specificity for LTS (75% vs 60%). Receiver operating characteristic analysis demonstrates an area under the curve of 0.786 for MCS ≥5 mm vs 0.918 for LTS >4 mm.
    We found LTS to be superior to MCS for medial ankle structure stability on gravity stress views of SER-variant ankle fractures. We propose this as a useful tool for clinicians to consider when evaluating SER-variant ankle fractures.
    Level II, prospective comparative study of radiographs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined the ultra-violet (UV) protection and anti-static characteristics with heat release by far-infrared (FIR) emissivity of Al2O3/Antimony Tin Oxide (ATO)/TiO2-imbedded PET fabrics according to the weight (wt.) percentage of the Al2O3/ATO particles imbedded in the yarns. The fabric with lower Al2O3/ATO wt. percentage had more effective heat release than that of the fabric with higher percentage due to the heat shielding property of the ATO particles. The fabric with lower Al2O3/ATO wt. percentage (higher TiO2) exhibited higher UV protection factor (UPF) than that of the fabric with higher percentage, which suggested that the UV protection characteristic of TiO2 particles imbedded in the yarn was superior to that of the Al2O3/ATO particles. The anti-static property of the higher wt.% of ATO-imbedded fabric was superior to that of the lower wt.% of ATO-imbedded fabric, which means that ATO inorganic particles provide superior anti-static property to the Al2O3 and TiO2 particles. On the other hand, Al2O3/ATO particles imbedded in the yarns imparted an uncomfortable tactile hand feel and wear fitness to the fabrics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Machine Learning (ML) algorithms within a human-computer framework are the leading force in speech emotion recognition (SER). However, few studies explore cross-corpora aspects of SER; this work aims to explore the feasibility and characteristics of a cross-linguistic, cross-gender SER. Three ML classifiers (SVM, Naïve Bayes and MLP) are applied to acoustic features, obtained through a procedure based on Kononenko\'s discretization and correlation-based feature selection. The system encompasses five emotions (disgust, fear, happiness, anger and sadness), using the Emofilm database, comprised of short clips of English movies and the respective Italian and Spanish dubbed versions, for a total of 1115 annotated utterances. The results see MLP as the most effective classifier, with accuracies higher than 90% for single-language approaches, while the cross-language classifier still yields accuracies higher than 80%. The results show cross-gender tasks to be more difficult than those involving two languages, suggesting greater differences between emotions expressed by male versus female subjects than between different languages. Four feature domains, namely, RASTA, F0, MFCC and spectral energy, are algorithmically assessed as the most effective, refining existing literature and approaches based on standard sets. To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies encompassing cross-gender and cross-linguistic assessments on SER.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous comprehension studies using Picture Matching Tasks (PMT) have shown that, by the age of four, Spanish-speaking children have acquired the semantics of estar being able to calculate the implicature that a property introduced with estar does not hold independent of time as well as displaying some ability to integrate discourse information about properties that change in the course of a story. This study extends that line of research to children under the age of four. Thirty-eight monolingual Spanish-speaking children were tested in two PMTs. The results show that at age three children differ from older children in their interpretation of the copulas suggesting that the distinction between ser and estar with adjectives emerges between the ages of three and four.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glutathione-S transferase (GST) is a most ancient protein superfamily of multipurpose roles and evolved principally from gene duplication of an ancestral GSH binding protein. They have implemented in diverse plant functions such as detoxification of xenobiotic, secondary metabolism, growth and development, and majorly against biotic and abiotic stresses. The vital structural features of GSTs like highly divergent functional topographies, conserved integrated architecture with separate binding pockets for substrates and ligand, the stringent structural fidelity with high Tm values (50º-60º), and stress-responsive cis-regulatory elements in the promoter region offer this protein as most flexible plant protein for plant breeding approaches, biotechnological applications, etc. This review article summarizes the recent information of GST evolution, and their distribution and structural features with emphasis on the assorted roles of Ser and Cys GSTs with the signature motifs in their active sites, alongside their recent biotechnological application in the area of agriculture, environment, and nanotechnology have been highlighted.






