
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper draws on wisdom and lifespan development research to propose a conception of \"wise aging\", which may become particularly relevant in very old age as people\'s capacities for successful aging decline. We propose that three types of balance distinguish wise aging from successful aging. First, wisdom balances one\'s own interest with a greater good, emphasizing self-transcendence and compassion. Second, wisdom balances control striving with acceptance of uncontrollability. Wise aging involves a realistic awareness of one\'s decreasing levels of control and one\'s interconnectedness to and dependence on other people. Third, wisdom acknowledges, regulates, and balances positive and negative affect. Wise aging involves the ability to appreciate and relish the joys of life, but also to accept and embrace more negative emotions and fully support others going through different times.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Different degrees of self-transcendence exist in lung cancer patients, which can stimulate patients\' self-awareness and promote them to face negative events in life positively, thus improving patients\' quality of life and treatment outcomes. However, there are few reports on self-transcendence in lung cancer patients in China, and the related influencing factors have not yet been clarified. This study aims to investigate the current situation of self-transcendence in lung cancer patients and explore its risk factors, so as to provide a theoretical basis for clinical intervention decision-making.
    METHODS: 243 lung cancer patients who were admitted to the Department of Lung Cancer Center of West China Hospital, Sichuan University from September 2023 to February 2024 were enrolled as the study subjects; general information questionnaire, self-transcendence scale, Herth hope scale and social support scale were used for the investigation. The influencing factors related to self-transcendence of lung cancer patients were analyzed.
    RESULTS: The total mean score of self-transcendence in lung cancer patients was (44.73±8.94); the total mean score of hope level was (37.60±4.98), and the total mean score of social support was (41.31±7.27). Self-transcendence was positively correlated with hope level and social support (P<0.001, P<0.001). Education, hope level and social support were influencing factors of self-transcendence in lung cancer patients (P<0.05, P<0.001, P<0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Self-transcendence in lung cancer patients was at a low level and was influenced by hope level and social support. Healthcare professionals should pay attention to improving the hope level of lung cancer patients, carrying out targeted psychological interventions, and at the same time guiding them to enhance the perception of social support, so as to promote the realization of self-transcendence in patients.
    【中文题目:肺癌患者自我超越现状及影响因素分析】 【中文摘要:背景与目的 肺癌患者存在不同程度的自我超越,其能够激发患者的自我意识,推动其积极面对生活中的负性事件,从而改善患者的生活质量及健康结局,但国内关于肺癌患者自我超越的研究鲜有报道,相关影响因素尚未明确。本研究旨在了解肺癌患者自我超越现状并探讨其影响因素,为临床干预决策提供理论依据。方法 选取2023年9月至2024年2月在四川大学华西医院肺癌中心入院治疗的243例肺癌患者为研究对象;采用一般资料调查表、自我超越量表、Herth希望量表及社会支持评定量表进行调查,并对肺癌患者自我超越的影响因素进行分析。结果 肺癌患者自我超越总均分为(44.73±8.94)分,希望水平总均分为(37.60±4.98)分,社会支持总均分为(41.31±7.27)分。肺癌患者自我超越与希望水平及社会支持均呈正相关(P<0.001, P<0.001)。学历、希望水平及社会支持是肺癌患者自我超越的影响因素(P<0.05, P<0.001, P<0.05)。结论 肺癌患者的自我超越处于较低水平,受希望水平与社会支持的影响。医护人员应重视提高肺癌患者的希望水平,开展针对性心理干预,同时引导其增强社会支持感知,从而促进患者自我超越的实现。
】 【中文关键词:肺肿瘤;自我超越;希望;社会支持;影响因素】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We tested and validated the German version of a new instrument for measuring \"wakefulness,\" defined as \"an expansive, higher-functioning, and stable state of being in which a person\'s vision of and relationship to the world are transformed, along with their subjective experience, their sense of identity and their conceptual outlook\" (Taylor, 2017, p. 22).
    METHODS: In order to test the construct validity of the new instrument (Inventory of Secular/Spiritual Wakefulness; WAKE-16), we performed a parametric comparison between a group of expert meditators (n=36) with a history of predominantly meditating in silence and demographically matched non-meditators (n=36) for the WAKE-16 and two conceptually related questionnaires of mindfulness and emotion regulation.
    RESULTS: Significantly higher scores for the meditators on the WAKE-16 indicate construct validity of the new instrument. Meditators scored higher on the two mindfulness subscales \"presence\" and \"acceptance,\" as well as on the SEE subscales of emotion regulation and body-related symbolization of emotions. Within the group of meditators, there were significant correlations between wakefulness and mindfulness, accepting one\'s own emotions, and experiencing overwhelming emotions. The only significant correlation in non-meditators was found between wakefulness and accepting one\'s own emotions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The new instrument shows construct validity by discriminating between the two groups. Correlations between wakefulness and related psychological constructs indicate convergent validity. Future studies could attempt to increase discriminatory accuracy of the definition of wakefulness, as well as finding objective methods of measuring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Building on Fircks (2023), who aims at integrating the theoretical and historical roots of mindfulness into psychology through a bridge between Taoism, relying on the polarity of life and wu wei (the principle of not-forcing) and Mead\'s Social Psychology, this commentary seeks to further explore how mindfulness, meditation and self-transcendence plays a role in the personal needs hierarchy of the human organism. This is done in the framework of Abraham Maslow\'s theory of human motivation and his hierarchy of needs, where a model that introduces a new layer in the hierarchy of needs, the need for self-transcendence, is presented. This model containing the new hierarchy of self-transcendence is based on Maslow\'s own notion of peak-experiences, as well as related to William James\' notion of mystical experiences. Fircks\' (2023) autoethnographic meditative experience is conceptualized as a peak-experience and analyzed to show how human beings strive to experience this state of being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of individualized reminiscence therapy on the management of global distress and physical and psychological symptoms, life satisfaction and self-transcendence levels of palliative care patients.
    METHODS: In a single-center palliative care service in western Turkey, 48 patients without cognitive impairment and able to communicate were included in the study. However, 44 patients completed the study. Patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to the reminiscence therapy (intervention), unstructured social interviewing (placebo), and control groups (16 people for each group) before the start of the study. The sessions for the interview and placebo groups were conducted face-to-face in the patient\'s room (while the patient was sitting or lying down) for 15 days (2 weeks), every other day, for a total of eight sessions (each session was approximately 30 min). Data collection instruments-the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale, the Contentment with Life Assessment Scale, and the Self-Transcendence Scale-were collected at baseline (first day) and after the intervention (day 15th). Statistical significance level was accepted as p < 0.05.
    RESULTS: There was no decrease in physical and total symptom burden (p > 0.05). There were significant reductions in general distress and psychological symptoms in the intervention and placebo groups within the group (p < 0.05), but there were no significant differences between the control group and all groups when compared (p > 0.05). Group × time interactions were statistically significant for life satisfaction and self-transcendence (p < 0.001), and there was a substantial increase in the intervention group compared to the other groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: It may be recommended that reminiscence therapy intervention be included in routine nursing care as it may contribute positively to the psychological recovery of palliative care patients approaching the end of life.
    BACKGROUND: (Registration number: NCT05242016). Prospectively registered on 1 February 2022.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fields of palliative and holistic Nursing are dedicated to providing comprehensive care for the person, emphasizing special attention to the existential and spiritual aspects of care. Psychedelic-assisted therapy has emerged as a promising approach for symptom management in individuals with serious illnesses, particularly those of existential and spiritual origin. People who undergo challenging experiences, as is the case with serious illnesses, often undergo an identity crisis and question the purpose of their lives. Psychedelic therapy, when conducted properly by trained professionals, can facilitate self-exploration and self-transcendence, opening doors to states of expanded consciousness and fostering a profound connection with oneself. This experience can help patients develop a greater sense of self-awareness and a deeper understanding of their existential and spiritual issues, enabling them to find meaning and inner peace. The Theory of Self-Transcendence theory provides a Nursing framework for understanding how psychedelic-assisted therapy can facilitate, through self-transcendence, the journey of spiritual and existential healing, offering the possibility of achieving wellbecoming from a state of vulnerability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Generativity, the desire and action to improve the well-being of younger generations, is associated with purpose in life among older adults. However, the neurobehavioral factors supporting the relationship between generativity and purpose in life remain unknown. This study aims to identify the functional neuroanatomy of generativity and mechanisms linking generativity with purpose in life in at-risk older adults.
    Fifty-eight older adults (mean age = 70.8, SD = 5.03, 45 females) with a family history of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) were recruited from the PREVENT-AD cohort. Participants underwent brain imaging and completed questionnaires assessing generativity, social support, and purpose in life. Mediation models examined whether social support mediated the association between generativity and purpose in life. Seed-to-voxel analyses investigated the association between generativity and resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and ventral striatum (VS), and whether this rsFC moderated the relationship between generativity and purpose in life.
    Affectionate social support mediated the association between generative desire and purpose in life. Generative desire was associated with rsFC between VS and precuneus, and, vmPFC and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (rdlPFC). The vmPFC-rdlPFC rsFC moderated the association between generative desire and purpose in life.
    These findings provide insight into how the brain supports complex social behavior and, separately, purpose in life in at-risk aging. Affectionate social support may be a putative target process to enhance purpose in life in older adults. This knowledge contributes to future developments of personalized interventions that promote healthy aging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Against the backdrop of a global emphasis on supporting local businesses and fostering domestic consumption, this study aims to shed light on the influence of personal values on the intentions behind domestic-product consumption. Drawing from the Schwartz value theory, we explore how values of self-transcendence, which embody benevolence and universalism, versus self-enhancement, characterized by a focus on power and achievement, influence consumer behavior. Utilizing data from the Chinese Social Survey (CSS2021) and a survey of 316 participants, structural equation modeling and Dematel analysis are employed to reveal causal relationships between values and consumption intentions. We reveal a dichotomous impact of these value orientations. Self-transcendence values are found to positively affect domestic consumption intentions by enhancing awareness of consequence and ascription of responsibility, thereby strengthening personal norms. In contrast, self-enhancement values tend to impede these intentions. By integrating the Norm-Activation Model (NAM), this study comprehensively uncovers the unique mechanism through which values activate personal norms and subsequently encourage the consumption of domestic products. It enriches the body of research related to values and domestic consumption and offers pertinent recommendations for promoting local enterprises\' products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to investigate the intricate interplay between self-transcendence, spiritual transcendence, innovative work behavior, and the mediating role of workplace spirituality. Utilizing structural equation modeling, it examines the associations among these variables. Mediation analysis explores the extent to which workplace spirituality mediates these relationships. The findings reveal positive connections between self-transcendence, spiritual transcendence, workplace spirituality, and innovative work behavior. Specifically, workplace spirituality partially mediates the relationship between self-transcendence and innovative work behavior while fully mediating the connection between spiritual transcendence and innovative work behavior. These results underscore the pivotal role of spirituality in the workplace in nurturing innovative behavior among employees. The practical implication emphasizes cultivating workplace spirituality to foster innovative work behavior. This study contributes to existing literature by elucidating the underlying mechanisms linking self-transcendence, spiritual transcendence, workplace spirituality, and innovative work behavior, underscoring the significance of workplace spirituality as a catalyst for enhancing innovative work behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Prosocial behavior aligns with the current societal model, where human values hold greater importance considering cultural, social, and personal variables that may influence the opportunity to benefit others. Hence, the objective of this research was established: to understand how diverse factors influence the values of young people, aiming to promote education and enhance prosocial behavior. (2) Methods: This study is quantitative research employing an empirical-analytical, cross-sectional social research method. A validated instrument was used with a sample of 1702 individuals from the city of Melilla, noteworthy for its multicultural context due to its location in North Africa. (3) Results: Inferential analysis was conducted using multiple linear regression to predict future behaviors, focusing on the factors influencing values. Various models were employed, incorporating twelve variables and four scales: sociability, transcendence, culture, and effects. (4) Conclusions: The results and conclusions suggest the need to enhance affect and sociability, primarily among the most prominent factors.





