
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations or dysregulation of nucleoporins (Nups) are strongly associated with neural developmental diseases, yet the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we show that depletion of Nup Seh1 in radial glial progenitors results in defective neural progenitor proliferation and differentiation that ultimately manifests in impaired neurogenesis and microcephaly. This loss of stem cell proliferation is not associated with defects in the nucleocytoplasmic transport. Rather, transcriptome analysis showed that ablation of Seh1 in neural stem cells derepresses the expression of p21, and knockdown of p21 partially restored self-renewal capacity. Mechanistically, Seh1 cooperates with the NuRD transcription repressor complex at the nuclear periphery to regulate p21 expression. Together, these findings identified that Nups regulate brain development by exerting a chromatin-associated role and affecting neural stem cell proliferation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Besides assembling nuclear pore complexes, the conduits of nuclear transport, many nucleoporins also contribute to chromatin organization and gene expression, with critical roles in development and pathologies. We previously reported that Nup133 and Seh1, two components of the Y-complex subassembly of the nuclear pore scaffold, are dispensable for mouse embryonic stem cell viability but required for their survival during neuroectodermal differentiation. Here, a transcriptomic analysis revealed that Nup133 regulates a subset of genes at early stages of neuroectodermal differentiation, including Lhx1 and Nup210l, which encodes a newly validated nucleoporin. These genes are also misregulated in Nup133ΔMid neuronal progenitors, in which nuclear pore basket assembly is impaired. However, a four-fold reduction of Nup133 levels, despite also affecting basket assembly, is not sufficient to alter Nup210l and Lhx1 expression. Finally, these two genes are also misregulated in Seh1-deficient neural progenitors, which only show a mild reduction in nuclear pore density. Together these data reveal a shared function of Y-complex nucleoporins in gene regulation during neuroectodermal differentiation, apparently independent of nuclear pore basket integrity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Besides assembling nuclear pore complexes, the conduits of nuclear transport, many nucleoporins also contribute to chromatin organization and gene expression, with critical roles in development and pathologies. We previously reported that Nup133 and Seh1, two components of the Y-complex subassembly of the nuclear pore scaffold, are dispensable for mouse embryonic stem cell viability but required for their survival during neuroectodermal differentiation. Here, a transcriptomic analysis revealed that Nup133 regulates a subset of genes at early stages of neuroectodermal differentiation, including Lhx1 and Nup210L, encoding a newly validated nucleoporin. These genes are also misregulated in Nup133▵Mid neuronal progenitors, in which nuclear pore basket assembly is impaired. However, a four-fold reduction of Nup133, despite also affecting basket assembly, is not sufficient to alter Nup210L and Lhx1 expression. Finally, these two genes are also misregulated in Seh1-deficient neural progenitors only showing a mild reduction in nuclear pore density. Together these data reveal a shared function of Y-complex nucleoporins in gene regulation during neuroectodermal differentiation, apparently independent of nuclear pore basket integrity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many cellular processes, ranging from cell division to differentiation, are controlled by nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). However, studying the contributions of individual NPC subunits to these processes in vertebrates has long been impeded by their complexity and the lack of efficient genetic tools. Here, we use genome editing in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) to characterize the role of NPC structural components, focusing on the short arm of the Y-complex that comprises Nup85, Seh1 and Nup43. We show that Seh1 and Nup43, although dispensable in pluripotent mESCs, are required for their normal cell growth rates, their viability upon differentiation and for the maintenance of proper NPC density. mESCs with an N-terminally truncated Nup85 mutation (in which interaction with Seh1 is greatly impaired) feature a similar reduction of NPC density. However, their proliferation and differentiation are unaltered, indicating that it is the integrity of the Y-complex, rather than the number of NPCs, that is critical to ensure these processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleoporins (Nups) are involved in neural development, and alterations in Nup genes are linked to human neurological diseases. However, physiological functions of specific Nups and the underlying mechanisms involved in these processes remain elusive. Here, we show that tissue-specific depletion of the nucleoporin Seh1 causes dramatic myelination defects in the CNS. Although proliferation is not altered in Seh1-deficient oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), they fail to differentiate into mature oligodendrocytes, which impairs myelin production and remyelination after demyelinating injury. Genome-wide analyses show that Seh1 regulates a core myelinogenic regulatory network and establishes an accessible chromatin landscape. Mechanistically, Seh1 regulates OPCs differentiation by assembling Olig2 and Brd7 into a transcription complex at nuclear periphery. Together, our results reveal that Seh1 is required for oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination by promoting assembly of an Olig2-dependent transcription complex and define a nucleoporin as a key player in the CNS.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In metazoa, the Nup107 complex (also known as the nucleoporin Y-complex) plays a major role in formation of the nuclear pore complex in interphase and is localised to kinetochores in mitosis. The Nup107 complex shares a single highly conserved subunit, Seh1 (also known as SEH1L in mammals) with the GATOR2 complex, an essential activator of mTORC1 kinase. mTORC1/GATOR2 has a central role in the coordination of cell growth and proliferation. Here, we use chemical genetics and quantitative chromosome proteomics to study the role of the Seh1 protein in mitosis. Surprisingly, Seh1 is not required for the association of the Nup107 complex with mitotic chromosomes, but it is essential for the association of both the GATOR2 complex and nucleoporin Nup153 with mitotic chromosomes. Our analysis also reveals a role for Seh1 at human centromeres, where it is required for efficient localisation of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC). Furthermore, this analysis detects a functional interaction between the Nup107 complex and the small kinetochore protein SKAP (also known as KNSTRN).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In non-plant systems, chromatin association with the nuclear periphery affects gene expression, where interactions with nuclear envelope proteins can repress and interactions with nucleoporins can enhance transcription. In plants, both hetero- and euchromatin can localize at the nuclear periphery, but the effect of proximity to the nuclear periphery on gene expression remains largely unknown. This study explores the putative function of Seh1 and Nup50a nucleoporins on gene expression by using the Lac Operator / Lac Repressor (LacI-LacO) system adapted to Arabidopsis thaliana. We used LacO fused to the luciferase reporter gene (LacO:Luc) to investigate whether binding of the LacO:Luc transgene to nucleoporin:LacI protein fusions alters luciferase expression. Two separate nucleoporin-LacI-YFP fusions were introduced into single insert, homozygous LacO:Luc Arabidopsis plants. Homozygous plants carrying LacO:Luc and a single insert of either Seh1-LacI-YFP or Nup50a-LacI-YFP were tested for luciferase activity and compared to plants containing LacO:Luc only. Seh1-LacI-YFP increased, while Nup50a-LacI-YFP decreased luciferase activity. Seh1-LacI-YFP accumulated at the nuclear periphery as expected, while Nup50a-LacI-YFP was nucleoplasmic and was not selected for further study. Protein and RNA levels of luciferase were quantified by western blotting and RT-qPCR, respectively. Increased luciferase activity in LacO:Luc+Seh1-LacI-YFP plants was correlated with increased luciferase protein and RNA levels. This change of luciferase expression was abolished by disruption of LacI-LacO binding by treating with IPTG in young seedlings, rosette leaves and inflorescences. This study suggests that association with the nuclear periphery is involved in the regulation of gene expression in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A puromycin-N-acetyltransferase gene (pac) is widely used as a selection marker for eukaryotic gene manipulation. However, it has never been utilized for molecular studies in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, in spite of the limited number of selection markers available for this organism. To utilize pac as a maker gene for T. thermophila, the nucleotide sequence of the pac gene was altered to accord with the most preferred codon-usage in T. thermophila. This codon-optimized pac gene expressed in T. thermophila conferred a resistance to transformed cells against 2,000 μg/ml of puromycin dihydrochloride, whereas the growth of wild-type cells was completely inhibited by 200 μg/ml. Furthermore, an expression cassette constructed with the codon-optimized pac and an MTT1 promoter was effectively utilized for experiments to tag endogenous proteins of interest by fusing the cassette into the target gene locus. These results indicate that pac can be used as a selection marker in molecular studies of T. thermophila.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) regulates eukaryotic cell growth in response to a variety of input signals. In S. cerevisiae, amino acids activate TORC1 through the Rag guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) heterodimer composed of Gtr1 and Gtr2 found together with Ego1 and Ego3 in the EGO complex (EGOC). The GTPase activity of Gtr1 is regulated by the SEA complex (SEAC). Specifically, SEACIT, a SEAC subcomplex containing Iml1, Npr2, and Npr3 functions as a GTPase activator (GAP) for Gtr1 to decrease the activity of TORC1 and, consequently, growth, after amino acid deprivation. Here, we present genetic epistasis data, which show that SEACAT, the other SEAC subcomplex, containing Seh1, Sea2-4, and Sec13, antagonizes the GAP function of SEACIT. Orthologs of EGOC (Ragulator), SEACIT (GATOR1), and SEACAT (GATOR2) are present in higher eukaryotes, highlighting the remarkable conservation, from yeast to man, of Rag GTPase and TORC1 regulation.





