
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    VemP is a secretory protein in the Vibrio species that monitors cellular protein-transport activity through its translation arrest, allowing expression of the downstream secD2-secF2 genes in the same operon, which encode components of the protein translocation machinery. When cellular protein-transport function is fully active, secD2/F2 expression remains repressed as VemP translation arrest is canceled immediately. The VemP arrest-cancellation occurs on the SecY/E/G translocon in a late stage in the translocation process and requires both trans-factors, SecD/F and PpiD/YfgM, and a cis-element, Arg-85 in VemP; however, the detailed molecular mechanism remains elusive. This study aimed to elucidate how VemP passing through SecY specifically monitors SecD/F function. Genetic and biochemical studies showed that SecY is involved in the VemP arrest-cancellation and that the arrested VemP is stably associated with a specific site in the protein-conducting pore of SecY. VemP-Bla reporter analyses revealed that a short hydrophobic segment adjacent to Arg-85 plays a critical role in the regulated arrest-cancellation with its hydrophobicity correlating with the stability of the VemP arrest. We identified Gln-65 and Pro-67 in VemP as novel elements important for the regulation. We propose a model for the regulation of the VemP arrest cancellation by multiple cis-elements and trans-factors with different roles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Therapeutic recombinant protein production relies on industrial scale culture of mammalian cells to produce active proteins in quantities sufficient for clinical use. The combination of stresses from industrial cell culture environment and recombinant protein production can overwhelm the protein synthesis machinery in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This leads to a buildup of improperly folded proteins which induces ER stress. Cells respond to ER stress by activating the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR). To restore proteostasis, ER sensor proteins reduce global protein synthesis and increase chaperone protein synthesis, and if that is insufficient the proteins are degraded. If proteostasis is still not restored, apoptosis is initiated. Increasing evidence suggests crosstalk between ER proteostasis and DNA damage repair (DDR) pathways. External factors (e.g., metabolites) from the cellular environment as well as internal factors (e.g., transgene copy number) can impact genome stability. Failure to maintain genome integrity reduces cell viability and in turn protein production. This review focuses on the association between ER stress and processes that affect protein production and secretion. The processes mediated by ER stress, including inhibition of global protein translation, chaperone protein production, degradation of misfolded proteins, DNA repair, and protein secretion, impact recombinant protein production. Recombinant protein production can be reduced by ER stress through increased autophagy and protein degradation, reduced protein secretion, and reduced DDR response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Secreted protein Reelin is implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders and its supplementation ameliorates neurological symptoms in mouse disease models. Recombinant human Reelin protein may be useful for the treatment of human diseases, but its properties remain uncharacterized. Here, we report that full-length human Reelin was well secreted from transfected cells and was able to induce Dab1 phosphorylation. Unexpectedly, the central fragment of human Reelin was much less secreted than that of mouse Reelin. Three residues in the sixth Reelin repeat contributed to the secretion inefficiency, and their substitutions with mouse residues increased the secretion without affecting its biological activity. Our findings help efficient production of human Reelin protein for the supplementation therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In assisted fertility protocols, in vitro culture conditions mimic physiological conditions to preserve gametes in the best conditions. After collection, oocytes are maintained in a culture medium inside the incubator until in vitro fertilization (IVF) is performed. This time outside natural and physiological conditions exposes oocytes to an oxidative stress that renders in vitro aging. It has been described that in vitro aging produces a spontaneous cortical granule (CG) release decreasing the fertilization rate of oocytes. Nevertheless, this undesirable phenomenon has not been investigated, let alone prevented. In this work, we characterized the spontaneous CG secretion in in vitro aged oocytes. Using immunofluorescence indirect, quantification, and functional assays, we showed that the expression of regulatory proteins of CG exocytosis was affected. Our results demonstrated that in vitro oocyte aging by 4 and 8 h altered the expression and localization of alpha-SNAP and reduced the expression of NSF and Complexin. These alterations were prevented by supplementing culture medium with dithiothreitol (DTT), which in addition to having a protective effect on those proteins, also had an unexpected effect on the actin cytoskeleton. Indeed, DTT addition thickened the cortical layer of fibrillar actin. Both DTT effects, together, prevented the spontaneous secretion of CG and recovered the IVF rate in in vitro aged oocytes. We propose the use of DTT in culture media to avoid the spontaneous CG secretion and to improve the success rate of IVF protocols in in vitro aged oocytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants respond to pathogen exposure by activating the expression of a group of defense-related proteins known as Pathogenesis-Related (PR) proteins, initially discovered in the 1970s. These PR proteins are categorized into 17 distinct families, denoted as PR1-PR17. Predominantly secreted, most of these proteins execute their defensive roles within the apoplastic space. Several PR proteins possess well-defined enzymatic functions, such as β-glucanase (PR2), chitinases (PR3, 4, 8, 11), proteinase (PR7), or RNase (PR10). Enhanced resistance against pathogens is observed upon PR protein overexpression, while their downregulation renders plants more susceptible to pathogen infections. Many of these proteins exhibit antimicrobial activity in vitro, and due to their compact size, some are classified as antimicrobial peptides. Recent research has unveiled that phytopathogens, including nematodes, fungi, and phytophthora, employ analogous proteins to bolster their virulence and suppress plant immunity. This raises a fundamental question: how can these conserved proteins act as antimicrobial agents when produced by the host plant but simultaneously suppress plant immunity when generated by the pathogen? In this hypothesis, we investigate PR proteins produced by pathogens, which we term \"PR-like proteins,\" and explore potential mechanisms by which this class of virulence factors operate. Preliminary data suggests that these proteins may form complexes with the host\'s own PR proteins, thereby interfering with their defense-related functions. This analysis sheds light on the intriguing interplay between plant and pathogen-derived PR-like proteins, providing fresh insights into the intricate mechanisms governing plant-pathogen interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rotifers possess complex morphologies despite their microscopic size and simple appearance. Part of this complexity is hidden in the structure of their organs, which may be cellular or syncytial. Surprisingly, organs that are cellular in one taxon can be syncytial in another. Pedal glands are widespread across Rotifera and function in substrate attachment and/or egg brooding. These glands are normally absent in Asplanchna, which lack feet and toes that function as outlets for pedal glandular secretions in other rotifers. Here, we describe the ultrastructure of a pedal gland that is singular and syncytial in Asplanchna aff. herricki, but is normally paired and cellular in all other rotifers. Asplanchna aff. herricki has a single large pedal gland that is active and secretory; it has a bipartite, binucleate, syncytial body and a cytosol filled with rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and several types of secretory vesicles. The most abundant vesicle type is large and contains a spherical electron-dense secretion that appears to be produced through homotypic fusion of condensing vesicles produced by the Golgi. The vesicles appear to undergo a phase transition from condensed to decondensed along their pathway toward the gland lumen. Decondensation changes the contents to a mucin-like matrix that is eventually exocytosed in a \"kiss-and-run\" fashion with the plasma membrane of the gland lumen. Exocytosed mucus enters the gland lumen and exits through an epithelial duct that is an extension of the syncytial integument. This results in mucus that extends from the rotifer as a long string as the animal swims through the water. The function of this mucus is unknown, but we speculate it may function in temporary attachment, prey capture, or floatation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Paneth cells play a central role in intestinal innate immune response. These cells are localized at the base of small intestinal crypts of Lieberkuhn. The calcium-activated chloride channel TMEM16A and the phospholipid scramblase TMEM16F control intracellular Ca2+ signaling and exocytosis. We analyzed the role of TMEM16A and TMEM16F for Paneth cells secretion.
    UNASSIGNED: Mice with intestinal epithelial knockout of Tmem16a (Tmem16a-/-) and Tmem16f (Tmem16f-/-) were generated. Tissue structures and Paneth cells were analyzed, and Paneth cell exocytosis was examined in small intestinal organoids in vitro. Intracellular Ca2+ signals were measured and were compared between wild-type and Tmem16 knockout mice. Bacterial colonization and intestinal apoptosis were analyzed.
    UNASSIGNED: Paneth cells in the crypts of Lieberkuhn from Tmem16a-/- and Tmem16f-/- mice demonstrated accumulation of lysozyme. Tmem16a and Tmem16f were localized in wild-type Paneth cells but were absent in cells from knockout animals. Paneth cell number and size were enhanced in the crypt base and mucus accumulated in intestinal goblet cells of knockout animals. Granule fusion and exocytosis on cholinergic and purinergic stimulation were examined online. Both were strongly compromised in the absence of Tmem16a or Tmem16f and were also blocked by inhibition of Tmem16a/f. Purinergic Ca2+ signaling was largely inhibited in Tmem16a knockout mice. Jejunal bacterial content was enhanced in knockout mice, whereas cellular apoptosis was inhibited.
    UNASSIGNED: The present data demonstrate the role of Tmem16 for exocytosis in Paneth cells. Inhibition or activation of Tmem16a/f is likely to affect microbial content and immune functions present in the small intestine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human islets from deceased organ donors have made important contributions to our understanding of pancreatic endocrine function and continue to be an important resource for research studies aimed at understanding, treating, and preventing diabetes. Understanding the impacts of isolation and culture upon the yield of human islets for research is important for planning research studies and islet distribution to distant laboratories. Here, we examine islet isolation and cell culture outcomes at the Alberta Diabetes Institute (ADI) IsletCore (n = 197). Research-focused isolations typically have a lower yield of islet equivalents (IEQ), with a median of 252,876 IEQ, but a higher purity (median 85%) than clinically focused isolations before culture. The median recovery of IEQs after culture was 75%, suggesting some loss. This was associated with a shift toward smaller islet particles, indicating possible islet fragmentation, and occurred within 24 h with no further loss after longer periods of culture (up to 136 h). No overall change in stimulation index as a measure of islet function was seen with culture time. These findings were replicated in a representative cohort of clinical islet preparations from the Clinical Islet Transplant Program at the University of Alberta. Thus, loss of islets occurs within 24 h of isolation, and there is no further impact of extended culture prior to islet distribution for research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During pilus assembly within the Gram-positive bacterial envelope, membrane-bound sortase enzymes sequentially crosslink specific pilus protein monomers through their cell wall sorting signals (CWSS), starting with a designated tip pilin, followed by the shaft made of another pilin, ultimately anchoring the fiber base pilin to the cell wall. To date, the molecular determinants that govern pilus tip assembly and the underlying mechanism remain unknown. Here, we addressed this in the model organism Actinomyces oris. This oral microbe assembles a pathogenically important pilus (known as type 2 fimbria) whose shafts, made of FimA pilins, display one of two alternate tip pilins-FimB or the coaggregation factor CafA-that share a markedly similar CWSS. We demonstrate that swapping the CWSS of CafA with that of FimB produces a functional hybrid, which localizes at the pilus tip and mediates polymicrobial coaggregation, whereas alanine-substitution of the conserved FLIAG motif within the CWSS hampers these processes. Remarkably, swapping the CWSS of the normal cell wall-anchored glycoprotein GspA with that of CafA promotes the assembly of hybrid GspA at the FimA pilus tip. Finally, exchanging the CWSS of the Corynebacterium diphtheriae shaft pilin SpaA with that of CafA leads to the FLIAG motif-dependent localization of the heterologous pilus protein SpaA at the FimA pilus tip in A. oris. Evidently, the CWSS and the FLIAG motif of CafA are both necessary and sufficient for its destination to the cognate pilus tip specifically assembled by a designated sortase in the organism.
    OBJECTIVE: Gram-positive pili, whose precursors harbor a cell wall sorting signal (CWSS) needed for sortase-mediated pilus assembly, typically comprise a pilus shaft and a tip adhesin. How a pilin becomes a pilus tip, nevertheless, remains undetermined. We demonstrate here in Actinomyces oris that the CWSS of the tip pilin CafA is necessary and sufficient to promote pilus tip assembly, and this functional assembly involves a conserved FLIAG motif within the CWSS. This is evidenced by the fact that an A. oris cell-wall anchored glycoprotein, GspA, or a heterologous shaft pilin from Corynebacterium diphtheriae, SpaA, engineered to have the CWSS of CafA in place of their CWSS, localizes at the pilus tip in a process that requires the FLIAG motif. Our findings provide the molecular basis for sortase-catalyzed pilus tip assembly that is very likely employed by other Gram-positive bacteria and potential bioengineering applications to display antigens at controlled surface distance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nogo-B, a ubiquitously expressed member of the reticulon family, plays an important role in maintaining endoplasmic reticulum (ER) structure, regulating protein folding, and calcium homeostasis. In this study, we demonstrate that Nogo-B expression and secretion are upregulated in lung cancer and correlate to overall survival. Nogo-B is secreted by various cells, particularly lung cancer cells. ER stress and phosphorylation at serine 107 can induce Nogo-B secretion. Secretory Nogo-B suppresses the differentiation of Th2 cells and the release of type 2 cytokines, thus influencing the anti-tumor effects of Th2-related immune cells, including IgE+B cell class switching and eosinophil activation.





