Secondary microplastic

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Direct field measurements of macroplastic fragmentation during its transport in rivers are currently unavailable, and there is no established method to perform them. Previous studies have showed that macroplastic fragmentation results in the production of harmful microplastics, and river channels can be hotspots for this process. Therefore, obtaining information about this process is crucial for quantifying the production of secondary microplastics in rivers and assessing the related risks for riverine biota and human health. Here, we propose a simple low-cost methodology for quantifying riverine macroplastic fragmentation by conducting repeated measurements of the mass of tagged macroplastic items before and after their transport in the river. As a proof-of-concept for this method, we conducted a 52-65 day experiment that allowed us to measure a median fragmentation rate of 0.044 ± 0.012 g for 1-liter PET bottles during their transport at low to medium flow in the middle mountain Skawa River in the Polish Carpathians. Using the obtained data (n = 42), we extrapolated that during low to medium flows, the median yearly mass loss of PET bottles in the study section is 0.26 ± 0.012 g/year (0.78 ± 0.036 % of bottle mass), and the median rate of bottle surface degradation is 3.13 ± 0.14 μm/year. These estimates suggest a relatively high fragmentation rate for a PET bottle in a mountain river even under low to medium flow conditions without high-energy transport. We discuss how our simple and relatively low-cost methodology can be flexibly adapted and future optimized to quantify macroplastic fragmentation in various types of rivers and their compartments, informing future mitigation efforts about the rates of formation and dispersion of secondary microplastics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine debris, particularly microdebris (< 1 mm) poses a potential threat to marine life, including reef-building corals. While previous research has mainly focused on the impact of single polymer microplastics, the effects of natural microdebris, composed of a mixture of materials, have not been explored. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the effects of different microdebris, originating from major sources of pollution, on reef-building corals. For this, we exposed two scleractinian coral species, Pocillopora verrucosa and Stylophora pistillata, known to frequently ingest microplastics, to four types of microdebris in an 8-week laboratory experiment: fragmented environmental plastic debris, artificial fibers from clothing, residues from the automobile sector consisting of tire wear, brake abrasion, and varnish flakes, a single polymer microplastic treatment consisting of polyethylene particles, and a microdebris-free control treatment. Specifically, we (I) compared the effects of the different microdebris on coral growth, necrosis, and photosynthesis, (II) investigated the difference between the microdebris mixtures and the exposure to the single polymer treatment, and (III) identified potential mechanisms causing species-specific effects by contrasting the feeding responses of the two coral species on microdebris and natural food. We show that the fibers and tire wear had the strongest effects on coral physiology, with P. verrucosa being more affected than S. pistillata. Both species showed increased volume growth in response to the microdebris treatments, accompanied by decreased calcification in P. verrucosa. Photosynthetic efficiency of the symbionts was enhanced in both species. The species-specific physiological responses might be attributed to feeding reactions, with P. verrucosa responding significantly more often to microdebris than S. pistillata. These findings highlight the effect of different microdebris on coral physiology and the need for future studies to use particle mixtures to better mimic naturally occurring microdebris and assess its effect on corals in more detail.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (MPs) have been found in a wide range of animal species including humans. The detection of MPs in human lungs suggests that humans inhale airborne microplastics (AMPs). Although birds respire more efficiently than mammals and are therefore more susceptible to air pollution, little is known about their inhalation exposure to MPs. In this study, we analyzed samples isolated from the lungs of several species of wild birds in Japan by attenuated total reflection (ATR) imaging method of micro-Fourier transform infrared (μFTIR) spectroscopy to clear whether AMPs can be inhaled and accumulate within the lungs of wild birds. To isolate MPs from lung samples of rock doves (Columba livia), black kites (Milvus migrans), and barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) euthanized for pest control, digestion and density separation were performed. After each sample collected on an alumina filter was measured by ATR imaging method using μFTIR spectroscopy, the physical and chemical characteristics of the detected MPs were evaluated. Six MPs were detected in 3 of 22 lung samples. Polypropylene and polyethylene were found in rock doves and ethylene vinyl acetate was found in a barn swallow. Most MPs were fragments of 28.0-70.5 μm. Our results demonstrated that in addition to dietary sources, some wild birds are exposed to MPs by inhalation, and these MPs reach the lungs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mountain rivers are typically seen as relatively pristine ecosystems, supporting numerous goods (e.g., water resources) for human populations living not only in the mountain regions but also downstream from them. However recent evidence suggests that mountain river valleys in populated areas can be substantially polluted by macroplastic (plastic item >25 mm). It is unknown how distinct characteristics of mountain rivers modulate macroplastic routes through them, which makes planning effective mitigation strategies difficult. To stimulate future works on this gap, we present a conceptual model of macroplastic transport pathways through mountain river. Based on this model, we formulate four hypotheses on macroplastic input, transport and mechanical degradation in mountain rivers. Then, we propose designs of field experiments that allow each hypothesis to be tested. We hypothesize that some natural characteristics of mountain river catchments can accelerate the input of improperly disposed macroplastic waste from the slope to the river. Further, we hypothesize that specific hydromorphological characteristics of mountain rivers (e.g., high flow velocity) accelerate the downstream transport rate of macroplastic and together with the presence of shallow water and coarse bed sediments it can accelerate mechanical degradation of macroplastic in river channels, accelerating secondary microplastic production. The above suggests that mountain rivers in populated areas can act as microplastic factories, which are able to produce more microplastic from the same amount of macroplastic waste inputted into them (in comparison to lowland rivers that have a different hydromorphology). The produced risks can not only affect mountain rivers but can also be transported downstream. The challenge for the future is how to manage the hypothesized risks, especially in mountain areas particularly exposed to plastic pollution due to waste management deficiencies, high tourism pressure, poor ecological awareness of the population and lack of uniform regional and global regulations for the problem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, biodegradable plastics (BPs) as an alternative of conventional plastics have been widely advocated and applied. However, there is still a large research gap between the formation of secondary microplastics (MPs) and colonized microorganisms on their surface under long-term aging in different environments. In this study, the generation of secondary MPs and the formation of surface biofilms on the micro-sized (3-5 mm) biodegradable plastic poly (butyleneadipate-co-terephthalate) (BP-PBAT) and conventional plastic polyvinyl chloride (CP-PVC) under long-term UV aging was investigated. The results showed that hundreds and even thousands of MPs (185.53 ± 85.73 items/g - 1473.27 ± 143.67 items/g) were generated by BP-PBAT and CP-PVC after aged for 90 days, and the abundance of MPs produced by BP-PBAT was significantly higher than that of CP-PVC. Moreover, the α diversities and detected OTU number of biofilm communities formed on MPs increased with MPs-aging. The genes related to the formation of biofilms was significantly expressed on aged MPs and the genes related to human pathogens and diseases were also detected in enriching on MPs surface. Overall, BPs may lead to greater ecological risks as it releases thousands of secondary MPs after being aged, and their environmental behavior needs to be further explored.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While land-based sources of plastic pollution have gained increasing attention in recent years, ocean-based sources have been less well studied. The aim of this study was to compare a variety of ropes (differing in age, wear surface and material) to quantify and characterise the production of microplastic during use. This was achieved by simulating, in laboratory and field experiments, rope hauling activity which is typically performed on board maritime vessels, such as fishing boats. Microplastic generation was quantified by collecting fragments that were released as a consequence of abrasion. Notably, we show that microplastic fragments generated from rope wear during use were characteristically irregular in shape, rather than fibrous such as those assigned to synthetic rope by previous studies. Therefore, we suggest that some of the plastic fragments found in the marine environment may have been falsely attributed to land-based sources but have in fact arisen form the abrasion of rope. Our research found that new and one-year old polypropylene rope released significantly fewer microplastic fragments (14 ± 3 and 22 ± 5) and less microplastic mass (11 ± 2 and 12 ± 3 μg) per metre hauled compared to ropes of two (720 ± 51, 247 ± 18 μg) or ten (767 ± 55, 1052 ± 75 μg) years of age. We show that a substantial amount of microplastic contamination is likely to directly enter the marine environment due to in situ rope abrasion and that rope age is an important factor influencing microplastic release. Our research suggests the need for standards on rope maintenance, replacement, and recycling along with innovation in synthetic rope design with the aim to reduce microplastic emission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the environment the weathering of plastic debris is one of the main sources of secondary microplastic (MP). It is distinct from primary MP, as it is not intentionally engineered, and presents a highly heterogeneous analyte composed of plastic fragments in the size range of 1 μm-1 mm. To detect secondary MP, methods must be developed with appropriate reference materials. These should share the characteristics of environmental MP which are a broad size range, multitude of shapes (fragments, spheres, films, fibers), suspensibility in water, and modified particle surfaces through aging (additional OH, C=O, and COOH). To produce such a material, we bring forward a rapid sonication-based fragmentation method for polystyrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and polylactic acid (PLA), which yields up to 105/15 mL dispersible, high purity MP particles in aqueous media. To satisfy the claim of a reference material, the key properties-composition and size distribution to ensure the homogeneity of the samples, as well as shape, suspensibility, and aging -were analyzed in replicates (N = 3) to ensure a robust production procedure. The procedure yields fragments in the range of 100 nm-1 mm (<20 μm, 54.5 ± 11.3% of all particles). Fragments in the size range 10 μm-1 mm were quantitatively characterized via Raman microspectroscopy (particles = 500-1,000) and reflectance micro Fourier transform infrared analysis (particles = 10). Smaller particles 100 nm-20 μm were qualitatively characterized by scanning electron microcopy (SEM). The optical microscopy and SEM analysis showed that fragments are the predominant shape for all polymers, but fibers are also present. Furthermore, the suspensibility and sedimentation in pure MilliQ water was investigated using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and revealed that the produced fragments sediment according to their density and that the attachment to glass is avoided. Finally, a comparison of the infrared spectra from the fragments produced through sonication and naturally aged MP shows the addition of polar groups to the surface of the particles in the OH, C=O, and COOH region, making these particles suitable reference materials for secondary MP.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to determine the amount, composition and origin of plastic debris in one of the world largest river, the Paraná River in Argentina (South America), focusing on the impact of urban rivers, relationships among macro, meso and microplastic, socio-political issues and microplastic ingestion by fish. We recorded a huge concentration of macroplastic debris of domestic origin (up to 5.05 macroplastic items per m2) dominated largely by bags (mainly high- and low-density polyethylene), foodwrapper (polypropylene and polystyrene), foam plastics (expanded polystyrene) and beverage bottles (polyethylene terephthalate), particularly downstream from the confluence with an urban stream. This suggests inadequate waste collection, processing and final disposal in the region, which is regrettably recurrent in many cities of the Global South and Argentina in particular. We found an average of 4654 microplastic fragments m-2 in shoreline sediments of the river, ranging from 131 to 12687 microplastics m-2. In contrast to other studies from industrialized countries from Europe and North America, secondary microplastics (resulting from comminution of larger particles) were more abundant than primary ones (microbeads to cosmetics or pellets to the industry). This could be explained by differences in consumer habits and industrialization level between societies and economies. Microplastic particles (mostly fibres) were recorded in the digestive tract of 100% of the studied Prochilodus lineatus (commercial species). Contrary to recently published statements by other researchers, our results suggest neither macroplastic nor mesoplastics would serve as surrogate for microplastic items in pollution surveys, suggesting the need to consider all three size categories. The massive plastic pollution found in the Paraná River is caused by an inadequate waste management. New actions are required to properly manage waste from its inception to its final disposal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous in the marine environment. High concentrations of MPs are found from seafloor sediments, which have been proposed to act as their final sinks. Because bioturbation is an important process affecting the burial of MPs, a mesocosm experiment was established to study whether sediment infauna may also promote MP return to the sediment surface. Thin layers of frozen sediment containing an environmentally realistic concentration (<1300 MPs per kg of dry sediment) of MP fragments in two size classes (>500 μm and 100-300 μm) were added to depths of 2 cm and 5 cm in the experimental cylinders filled with sediment. The displacement of these MPs, made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), by a community of common benthic invertebrates in the northern Baltic Sea (clam Limecola balthica, polychaete Marenzelleria spp., gammarid Monoporeia affinis) was studied in a 10-week experiment. After the experiment, the MPs were extracted from each sediment layer and the animals were examined for MP ingestion. The results indicated that the transportation of MPs to the sediment surface by bioturbation was negligible. Thus, in the Baltic Sea, the seafloor may act as a sink for once sedimented MPs, reducing simultaneously the MP exposure of the macrofauna feeding on the sediment surface.





