Seals, Earless

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seal lice, unique among insects, show remarkable adaptability to the extreme conditions of the deep sea. Evolving with their seal and sea lion hosts, they have managed to tolerate hypoxia, high salinity, low temperature, and elevated hydrostatic pressure. Given the diving capabilities of their mammalian hosts, which can reach depths of hundreds to thousands of meters, our study examines the morphological variation among closely related seal lice species infesting hosts with different maximum diving depths. In particular, our research reveals a significant morphological difference between lice associated with regular and deep-diving hosts, where lice from deep-diving hosts tend to be rounder. This could be an adaptation to withstand the high hydrostatic pressures found in the deep ocean. The rounded shape optimizes the louse\'s ability to withstand external pressure by redistributing it over a larger ventral/dorsal plane. This in turn minimizes the internal energy required to support body deformations, thereby increasing the louse\'s resilience in the deep sea environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) cabled video-observatory at the Barkley Canyon Node (British Columbia, Canada) was recently the site of a Fish Acoustics and Attraction Experiment (FAAE), from May 21, 2022 to July 16, 2023, combining observations from High-Definition (HD) video, acoustic imaging sonar, and underwater sounds at a depth of 645 m, to examine the effects of light and bait on deep-sea fish and invertebrate behaviors. The unexpected presence of at least eight (six recurrent and two temporary) sub-adult male northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) was reported in 113 and 210 recordings out of 9737 HD and 2805 sonar videos at the site, respectively. Elephant seals were found at the site during seven distinct periods between June 22, 2022 and May 19, 2023. Ethograms provided insights into the seal\'s deep-sea resting and foraging strategies, including prey selection. We hypothesized that the ability of elephant seals to perform repeated visits to the same site over long periods (> 10 days) was due to the noise generated by the sonar, suggesting that they learned to use that anthropogenic source as an indicator of food location, also known as the \"dinner bell\" effect. One interpretation is that elephant seals are attracted to the FAAE site due to the availability of prey and use the infrastructure as a foraging and resting site, but then take advantage of fish disturbance caused by the camera lights to improve foraging success. Our video observations demonstrated that northern elephant seals primarily focused on actively swimming sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), ignoring stationary or drifting prey. Moreover, we found that elephant seals appear to produce (voluntary or involuntary) infrasonic sounds in a foraging context. This study highlights the utility of designing marine observatories with spatially and temporally cross-referenced data collection from instruments representing multiple modalities of observation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Until recent events, the Antarctic was the only major geographical region in which high pathogenicity avian influenza virus (HPAIV) had never previously been detected. Here we report on the detection of clade H5N1 HPAIV in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions of South Georgia and the Falkland Islands, respectively. We initially detected H5N1 HPAIV in samples collected from brown skuas at Bird Island, South Georgia on 8th October 2023. Since this detection, mortalities were observed in several avian and mammalian species at multiple sites across South Georgia. Subsequent testing confirmed H5N1 HPAIV across several sampling locations in multiple avian species and two seal species. Simultaneously, we also confirmed H5N1 HPAIV in southern fulmar and black-browed albatross in the Falkland Islands. Genetic assessment of the virus indicates spread from South America, likely through movement of migratory birds. Critically, genetic assessment of sequences from mammalian species demonstrates no increased risk to human populations above that observed in other instances of mammalian infections globally. Here we describe the detection, species impact and genetic composition of the virus and propose both introductory routes and potential long-term impact on avian and mammalian species across the Antarctic region. We also speculate on the threat to specific populations following recent reports in the area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seals, sea lions, and other aquatic animals rely on their whiskers to identify and track underwater targets, offering valuable inspiration for the development of low-power, portable, and environmentally friendly sensors. Here, we design a single seal-whisker-like cylinder and conduct experiments to measure the forces acting on it with nine different upstream targets. Using sample sets constructed from these force signals, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained and tested. The results demonstrate that combining the seal-whisker-style sensor with a CNN enables the identification of objects in the water in most cases, although there may be some confusion for certain targets. Increasing the length of the signal samples can enhance the results but may not eliminate these confusions. Our study reveals that high frequencies (greater than 5 Hz) are irrelevant in our model. Lift signals present more distinct and distinguishable features than drag signals, serving as the primary basis for the model to differentiate between various targets. Fourier analysis indicates that the model\'s efficacy in recognizing different targets relies heavily on the discrepancies in the spectral features of the lift signals.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    Rapid climatic warming of the Antarctic Peninsula is driving regional population declines and distribution shifts of predators and prey. Affected species include Antarctic ice seals and the southern elephant seal, all of which rely on the peninsula region for critical stages of their life cycle. However, data collection is difficult in this remote region, and therefore long-term time series with which to identify and investigate population trends in these species are rare. We present the Cape Shirreff Phocid Census (CS-PHOC) dataset: weekly counts of phocids (crabeater, leopard, southern elephant, and Weddell seals) hauled out at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, during most austral summers since 1997. Data from these censuses were cleaned and aggregated, resulting in robust and comparable count data from 284 censuses across 23 field seasons. The CS-PHOC dataset, which is publicly available through the SCAR Biodiversity Portal, will be updated yearly to provide important information about Southern Ocean phocids in the Antarctic Peninsula.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study reviews chronologically the international scientific and health management literature and resources relating to impacts of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses on pinnipeds in order to reinforce strategies for the conservation of the endangered Caspian seal (Pusa caspica), currently under threat from the HPAI H5N1 subtype transmitted from infected avifauna which share its haul-out habitats. Many cases of mass pinniped deaths globally have occurred from HPAI spill-overs, and are attributed to infected sympatric aquatic avifauna. As the seasonal migrations of Caspian seals provide occasions for contact with viruses from infected migratory aquatic birds in many locations around the Caspian Sea, this poses a great challenge to seal conservation. These are thus critical locations for the surveillance of highly pathogenic influenza A viruses, whose future reassortments may present a pandemic threat to humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate interpretation of mercury (Hg) isotopic data requires the consideration of several biotic factors such as age, diet, geographical range, and tissue metabolic turnover. A priori knowledge of prey-predator isotopic incorporation rates and Hg biomagnification is essential. This study aims to assess Hg stable isotopes incorporation in an Arctic species of Phocidae, the hooded seal Cystophora cristata, kept in human care for 24 months (2012-2014) and fed on a constant diet of Norwegian Spring Spawning herring Clupea harengus. We measured THg, MMHg and iHg levels, as well as Hg stable isotope composition with both mass dependent (MDF) and mass independent (MIF) fractionation (e.g. δ202Hg and Δ199,200,201,204Hg) in hooded seal kidney, liver, hair and muscle, in addition to herring muscle. We then calculated Hg MDF and MIF isotopic fractionation between hooded seals and their prey. We found a significant shift in δ202Hg between hooded seal hair (+0.80‰) and kidney (-0.78‰), and herring muscle. In hooded seals tissues δ202Hg correlated positively with MMHg percentage. These findings suggest that tissue-specific Hg speciation is the major driver of changes in Hg isotopic fractionation rates in this Arctic predator. Δ199Hg, Δ200Hg, Δ201Hg and Δ204Hg values did not vary between herring and hooded seal tissues, confirming their utility as tracers of Hg marine and atmospheric sources in top predators. To our knowledge, this represents the first attempt to assess complex Hg isotope dynamics in the internal system of Arctic Phocidae, controlling the effects of age, diet, and distribution. Our results confirm the validity of Hg stable isotopes as tracers of environmental Hg sources even in top predators, but emphasize the importance of animal age and tissue selection for inter-study and inter-species comparisons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fossil record of true seals (Family Phocidae) is mostly made up of isolated bones, some of which are type specimens. Previous studies have sought to increase referral of non-overlapping and unrelated fossils to these taxa using the \'Ecomorphotype Hypothesis\', which stipulates that certain differences in morphology between taxa represent adaptations to differing ecology. On this basis, bulk fossil material could be lumped to a specific ecomorphotype, and then referred to species in that ecomorphotype, even if they are different bones. This qualitative and subjective method has been used often to expand the taxonomy of fossil phocids, but has never been quantitatively tested. We test the proposed ecomorphotypes using morphometric analysis of fossil and extant northern true seal limb bones, specifically principal components analysis and discriminant function analysis. A large amount of morphological overlap between ecomorphotypes, and poor discrimination between them, suggests that the \'Ecomorphotype Hypothesis\' is not a valid approach. Further, the analysis failed to assign fossils to ecomorphotypes designated in previous studies, with some fossils from the same taxa being designated as different ecomorphotypes. The failure of this approach suggests that all fossils referred using this method should be considered to have unknown taxonomic status. In light of this, and previous findings that phocid limb bones have limited utility as type specimens, we revise the status of named fossil phocid species. We conclude that the majority of named fossil phocid taxa should be considered nomina dubia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seal lice (Echinophthirius horridus) are bloodsucking ectoparasites of phocid seals and vectors of pathogens like the heartworm, Acanthocheilonema spirocauda. Grey and harbour seal populations are recovering in German waters and wildlife health surveillance is crucial for wildlife conservation. A new, high effort sampling protocol for seal lice was applied for grey and harbour seals along the German North- and Baltic Sea coast. Freshly dead seals were systematically sampled within a health monitoring of stranded seals over 12 months. Prevalence, intensity and distribution patterns of seal lice were analysed. 58% of harbour seals (n = 71) and 70% of grey seals (n = 10) were infected with seal lice. A majority of harbour seals displayed mild levels of infection, while three were moderately and two were severely infected. The head was the preferred predilection site, indicating that E. horridus prefers body areas with frequent access to atmospheric oxygen. Nits and different developmental stages were recorded in all age classes in grey and harbour seals in all seasons. For the first time, copulating specimens of E. horridus were recorded on a dead harbour seal, highlighting that E. horridus reproduces throughout the year on seals of all age classes in German waters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endangered Saimaa ringed seal (Pusa hispida saimensis) is an endemic freshwater subspecies inhabiting Lake Saimaa in Finland. The Baltic ringed seal (Pusa hispida botnica) inhabits the brackish Baltic Sea, which is almost entirely landlocked. Recent research shows that Saimaa and Baltic ringed seals may be genetically even further apart from each other than from other ringed seal subspecies. We documented histologically the integument microstructure of Saimaa and Baltic ringed seals to determine whether the geographic and genetic isolation was manifested as variation in the integument microstructure of these subspecies adapted to icy aquatic environments. The skin structures of these subspecies were similar to those of other phocids. The association of the sweat glands with hair follicles in both subspecies suggested that they were small apocrine sweat glands described previously in terrestrial or aquatic mammals. None of the apocrine glands had large lumina, and some of the ducts were relatively straight and short. Further studies analysing the mode of secretion, for example, apocrine versus eccrine, in the sweat glands are necessary to confirm the types of sweat glands in seals.





