Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to develop novel, efficient and green fungicides, a series of novel isoaurone derivatives were designed and synthesized, which were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR, high-resolution mass spectra and melting points. The target compounds showed different inhibitory activities against seven plant pathogenic fungi. Compounds 1, 12, 17, 20, 22, 24 and intermediate A showed more than 90% inhibition rates against S. s at 50 mg/L. Interestingly, compound 22 and intermediate A showed the great inhibitory effect against S. s with EC50 values of 4.65 and 4.24 mg/L, which were better than the lead compound isoaurone (EC50 = 15.62 mg/L). The EC50 values of compounds 17 and 24 against B. c were 13.94 and 22.13 mg/L. Moreover, compound 19 displayed significant antifungal activity against G. g with the EC50 value of 11.88 mg/L. Theoretical calculations by DFT revealed that the α, β-unsaturated carbonyl bond and the benzyl ring are very importantly linked to the strength of the fungicidal activity. Therefore, this study identified a valuable antifungal lead compound for further development of green fungicides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a pathogenic fungus of oilseed rape, poses a severe threat to the oilseed rapeseed industry. In this study, we evaluated the potential of the natural compound hinokitiol against S. sclerotiorum by determining its biological activity and physiological characteristics.
    RESULTS: Our results showed that hinokitiol strongly inhibited the hyphae expansion of S. sclerotiorum, and its effective concentration of hyphae growing inhibition by 50% (EC50) against 103 S. sclerotiorum strains varied from 0.36 to 3.45 μg/mL, with an average of 1.23 μg/mL. Hinokitiol possessed better protective efficacy than therapeutic effects, and it exhibited no cross-resistance between carbendazim. After treatment with hinokitiol, many vesicular protrusions developed on the mycelium with rough surface and thickened cell wall. Moreover, the cell membrane permeability and glycerol content increased, while the oxalic acid declined after hinokitiol treatment. In addition, hinokitiol induced membrane lipid peroxidation and improved the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in S. sclerotiorum. Importantly, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction showed that cell wall and ROS synthesis-related genes were significantly up-regulated after hinokitiol treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that hinokitiol has good biological activity against S. sclerotiorum and could be considered as an alternative bio-fungicide for the resistance management in controlling sclerotinia stem rot infected by S. sclerotiorum. These investigations provided new insights into understanding the toxic action of hinokitiol against pathogenic fungi. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants utilize plasma membrane-localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) to perceive pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) to activate broad-spectrum pattern-triggered immunity (PTI). However, the regulatory mechanism ensuring robust broad-spectrum plant immunity remains largely unknown. Here, we reveal the dual roles of the transcription factor WRKY8 in transcriptional regulation of PRR genes: repressing the nlp20/nlp24 receptor gene RLP23 whereas promoting the chitin receptor gene CERK1. Remarkably, SsNLP1 and SsNLP2, two nlp24 type PAMPs in the destructive fungal pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, activate two calcium-elicited kinases, CPK4 and CPK11 to phosphorylate WRKY8 and consequently release its inhibition on RLP23 expression to accumulate RLP23. Meanwhile, SsNLPs activate a RLCK type kinase, PBL19 to phosphorylate WRKY8 and consequently enhance the accumulation of CERK1. Intriguingly, RLP23 is repressed at late stage by PBL19-mediated phosphorylation of WRKY8, to avoid excessive immunity for normal growth. Our findings unveil a \"killing two birds with one stone\" strategy employed by plants to elicit robust broad-spectrum immunity, which is based on PAMP-triggered fine-tuning of a dual-role transcription factor to simultaneously amplify two PRRs recognizing PAMPs well conserved in a wide range of pathogens. Moreover, our results reveal a novel plant strategy based on fine-tuning of multiple PRR gene expression to balance the trade-off between growth and immunity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhamnolipids (RLs) and Fengycins (FGs) are biosurfactants with very promising antifungal properties proposed to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides in crops. They are amphiphilic molecules, both known to target the plasma membrane. They act differently on Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, two close Sclerotiniaceae phytopathogenic fungi. RLs are more efficient at permeabilizing S. sclerotiorum, and FGs are more efficient at permeabilizing B. cinerea mycelial cells. To study the link between the lipid membrane composition and the activity of RLs and FGs, we analyzed the lipid profiles of B. cinerea and S. sclerotiorum. We determined that unsaturated or saturated C18 and saturated C16 fatty acids are predominant in both fungi. We also showed that phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidic acid (PA), and phosphatidylcholine (PC) are the main phospholipids (in this order) in both fungi, with more PA and less PC in S. sclerotiorum. The results were used to build biomimetic lipid membrane models of B. cinerea and S. sclerotiorum for all-atom molecular dynamic simulations and solid-state NMR experiments to more deeply study the interactions between RLs or FGs with different compositions of lipid bilayers. Distinctive effects are exerted by both compounds. RLs completely insert in all the studied model membranes with a fluidification effect. FGs tend to form aggregates out of the bilayer and insert individually more easily into the models representative of B. cinerea than those of S. sclerotiorum, with a higher fluidification effect. These results provide new insights into the lipid composition of closely related fungi and its impact on the mode of action of very promising membranotropic antifungal molecules for agricultural applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sclerotinia rot is a serious disease that occurs on Zephyranthes candida. A thorough understanding of the pathogenic fungal species and understanding the biological characteristics are important for controlling sclerotinia. Fungal strains were isolated from the diseased leaves of Z. candida through tissue isolation. Koch\'s hypothesis screened pathogenic strains by pathogenicity of healthy leaves, including re-isolation and identification. A multigene phylogenetic tree was constructed by extracting genomic DNA from pathogenic strains and measuring the nucleotide sequences at four sites, including the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH), and heat shock protein 60 (HSP60). Morphological characteristics of the fungal structures were evaluated through microscopic analysis. The growth of pathogens was observed and recorded under different pH, different temperatures, different carbon sources and different nitrogen sources to clarify their biological characteristics. Representative strains D7, D13, X4, and X15 infected Z. candida and caused sclerotinia rot. At the beginning of the culture, white flocculent fungal hyphae appeared on the potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium, and black spherical to irregular-shaped sclerotia appeared at the edge of the colony after 7 days. The diameter of the sclerotia was 2.4-8.6 mm and 0.4-0.9 mm, respectively. One sclerotium was able to germinate from 1 to 5 apothecia. Ascus were cylindrical or spindle-shaped, with a size of 110.0-120.0 × 9.2-11.6 μm. One ascus contained eight colorless, oval ascospores, with a size of 8.4-12.0 × 4.5-5.5 μm. Based on the phylogenetic tree constructed with the gene sequences for ITS, G3PDH, HSP60, and RPB2, D7 and D13 shared 99% homology with sclerotinia sclerotiorum, whereas X4 and X15 shared 99% homology with sclerotinia minor. S. sclerotiorum growth was more suitable when the culture temperature was 15°C-25°C, pH 5.0, carbon source was maltose and nitrogen source was yeast powder. S. minor growth was more suitable when the culture temperature was 15°C, pH 5.0, the carbon source was glucose, and the nitrogen source was yeast powder. The results identified the pathogens as S. sclerotiorum and S. minor. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of S. sclerotiorum and S. minor causing sclerotinia rot on Z. candida. We herein aimed to identify the causal agent of sclerotinia rot of Z. candida in China based on morphological characteristics, molecular identification, and pathogenicity tests. Performed the experiments on the biological characteristics, to understand the law of disease occurrence. We also evaluated methods for the effective control of this disease. Our findings provide support for further studies on the pathogenesis mechanism of sclerotinia rot.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Ss) is one of the most devastating fungal pathogens, causing huge yield loss in multiple economically important crops including oilseed rape. Plant resistance to Ss pertains to quantitative disease resistance (QDR) controlled by multiple minor genes. Genome-wide identification of genes involved in QDR to Ss is yet to be conducted. In this study, we integrated several assays including genome-wide association study (GWAS), multi-omics co-localization, and machine learning prediction to identify, on a genome-wide scale, genes involved in the oilseed rape QDR to Ss. Employing GWAS and multi-omics co-localization, we identified seven resistance-associated loci (RALs) associated with oilseed rape resistance to Ss. Furthermore, we developed a machine learning algorithm and named it Integrative Multi-Omics Analysis and Machine Learning for Target Gene Prediction (iMAP), which integrates multi-omics data to rapidly predict disease resistance-related genes within a broad chromosomal region. Through iMAP based on the identified RALs, we revealed multiple calcium signaling genes related to the QDR to Ss. Population-level analysis of selective sweeps and haplotypes of variants confirmed the positive selection of the predicted calcium signaling genes during evolution. Overall, this study has developed an algorithm that integrates multi-omics data and machine learning methods, providing a powerful tool for predicting target genes associated with specific traits. Furthermore, it makes a basis for further understanding the role and mechanisms of calcium signaling genes in the QDR to Ss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, a combination of Serratia nematophila L2 and Bacillus velezensis W24 was used to biocontrol Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. When the mixed ratio of L2 to W24 was 1:1, the inhibition rate on the growth of S. sclerotiorum was 88.1 %. To gain a large number of bacteria, the culture medium and conditions were optimized. When the medium formula involved molasses (8.890 g/L), soy peptone (6.826 g/L), and NaCl (6.865 g/L), and the culture conditions were 32 °C, inoculum 4%, rotation speed 200 rpm, and pH 7, the maximum amounts of bacterial cells obtained. In order to prepare microcapsules, spray drying conditions were optimized. These conditions included the soluble starch concentration of 30 g/100 mL, the inlet air temperature of 160 °C, and the feed flow rate of 450 mL/h. Under these optimized conditions to prepare microcapsules, the mixed strain (L2 and W24) exhibited a survival rate of 93.9 ± 0.9% and a viable bacterial count of 6.4 × 1012 cfu/g. In addition, microcapsules (GW24Ms) which contained strains L2 and W24 had good storage stability. In the pot experiment, GW24Ms could effectively reduce the disease of soybean plants and the control effect was 88.4%. Thus, the microbial agent represents a promising biocontrol solution for managing Sclerotinia in soybean.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hinokitiol is a natural broad-spectrum antimicrobial monoterpenoid, which is widely used as an antiseptic in food, cosmetics and other products. In the present study, the toxic actions of hinokitiol to the plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were investigated. The EC50 value for mycelial growth inhibition was 2.63 μg/mL, and there was no positive or negative cross-resistance between hinokitiol and carbendazim. The emulsifiable concentrate of 30% hinokitiol was prepared, which has excellent application prospect in the prevention of sclerotinia and gray mould. Hinokitiol is a promising spray fungicide for stems and leaves rather than seeds and roots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relation between aphids and Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) in oilseed rape is rarely examined because they are often studied alone. We have observed a significant correlation between the number of aphids and the occurrence of SSR in our field studies. Electropenetrography (EPG) was used to evaluate the effects of Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus) on two oilseed rape cultivars while acquiring, vectoring and inoculating of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Lib. (de Bary) ascospores. The results demonstrated that aphid feeding followed by the application of an ascospore suspension significantly increased S. sclerotiorum incidence. Aphids were capable of adhering to ascospores and carrying them to healthy plants, thereby causing diseases. The results of the EPG analysis indicated that aphid feeding behaviour was significantly altered in all leaf tissue levels following infection with S. sclerotiorum. Aphids initiated their first puncture significantly sooner than the control group, began probing mesophyll cells earlier, significantly increased the frequency of both short probes and intracellular punctures and had a significantly shorter pathway duration. On infected aphid-susceptible cultivars, aphids secreted more saliva but had reduced ingestion compared with aphids feeding on non-infected oilseed rape. In addition, ascospores can affect aphid feeding behaviour by adhering to aphids. Aphids carrying ascospores punctured cells earlier, with a significant increase in the frequency and duration of short probes and cell punctures, shortened pathway durations, increased salivation and reduced ingestion compared with aphids not carrying ascospores. On aphid-susceptible cultivars, aphids carrying ascospores delayed puncture onset, but on resistant cultivars, puncture onset was shortened. There is a correlation between aphids and S. sclerotiorum. The impact of S. sclerotiorum on aphid feeding behaviour is directional, favouring the spread of the fungus. This promotion does not appear to be altered by the aphid resistance of the cultivar.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant glutamate receptor-like channels (GLRs) are homologs of animal ionotropic glutamate receptors. GLRs are critical in various plant biological functions, yet their genomic features and functions in disease resistance remain largely unknown in many crop species. Here, we report the results on a thorough genome-wide study of the GLR family in oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and their role in resistance to the fungal pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. A total of 61 GLRs were identified in oilseed rape. They comprised three groups, as in Arabidopsis thaliana. Detailed computational analyses, including prediction of domain and motifs, cellular localization, cis-acting elements, PTM sites, and amino acid ligands and their binding pockets in BnGLR proteins, unveiled a set of group-specific characteristics of the BnGLR family, which included chromosomal distribution, motif composition, intron number and size, and methylation sites. Functional dissection employing virus-induced gene silencing of BnGLRs in oilseed rape and Arabidopsis mutants of BnGLR homologs demonstrated that BnGLR35/AtGLR2.5 positively, while BnGLR12/AtGLR1.2 and BnGLR53/AtGLR3.2 negatively, regulated plant resistance to S. sclerotiorum, indicating that GLR genes were differentially involved in this resistance. Our findings reveal the complex involvement of GLRs in B. napus resistance to S. sclerotiorum and provide clues for further functional characterization of BnGLRs.





