Scientific output

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major health concern globally, which is characterized by high morbidity and mortality rates. Since the 21st century, TBI has received increasing attention and the number of publications is growing rapidly. This study aimed to characterize the volume and quality of scholarly output on TBI and identify the most impactful literature, research trends, and hotspots from the year 2000-2022. We searched publications on TBI through the Web of Science Core Collection-Science Citation Index Expanded database which were published from 2000 to 2022. Basic information of each paper, including publication year, countries, authors, affiliations, journal, fundings, subject areas, and keywords were collected for further analysis by using Microsoft Excel, VOSviewer, and CiteSpace software. A total of 47231 TBI-related publications were identified through database retrieval. The annual number of publications on TBI has increased steadily over the past twenty years and the number in the year 2022 is sevenfold higher than that in 2000. The United States of America (USA) was the leading country in both numbers of publications and citations, which is consistent with the finding that it had the most funding agencies. Menon DK was the author with the highest influence and the University of California System was the most productive affiliation. Moreover, keywords analysis suggested that the research topics can be mainly divided into six categories: management, rehabilitation, mechanisms, concussion, neuroimaging, and neuroendocrine. This study visualized the trends and focuses of scientific research related to TBI, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The USA had a relatively high academic impact owing to its productive experts and institutions in this field. Neuroinflammation, machine learning, tranexamic acid, and extracellular vesicles are currently hot topics in the field of TBI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Pemphigus and pemphigoid are systemic bullous autoimmune diseases affecting skin and/or mucosal membranes with the life-threatening nature, especially pemphigus vulgaris. The papers published by dermatologists and stomatologists preferentially represent their concerns of a mucocutaneous disease.
    UNASSIGNED: The objective of this study was to compare the scientometric characteristics of pemphigus and pemphigoid publications by dermatologists and stomatologists in the Scopus database.
    UNASSIGNED: There are 9276 and 760 papers published by dermatologists and stomatologists, respectively. The annual number of the publications by dermatologists stably raised from 218 to 526 during 2007-2022; while the number by stomatologists raised with a small amount from 18 to 51 during this period. For the most-cited top-200 papers, the total citation count is 42,766 and the h index is 148 for pemphigus publications by dermatologists; whereas the count is 14,689 and h index is 63 for publications by stomatologists. Notably, first signs of pemphigus often appear in oral mucosa, manifesting as erythema, blisters, as well as mouth ulcer, gingivitis, lichen planus-like pemphigus.
    UNASSIGNED: This study firstly reports the scientometric characteristics of pemphigus publications by dermatologists and stomatologists. The scale and citations of dermatologists\' publications greatly outweigh stomatologists\' ones, suggesting stomatologists can learn from and more cooperate with dermatologists regarding pemphigus research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Bibliometric analysis has emerged as a valuable method for identifying emerging areas in a given research field. Breast carcinoma has maintained a stable rank as the most common cancer affecting women worldwide. This study performed bibliometric profiling to shed light on breast cancer research conducted in KSA over the past two decades and to present the research output in the field of microRNAs (miRNA) in breast cancer in KSA.
    UNASSIGNED: The Web of Science (WoS) and PubMed databases were selected for data retrieval, because of their high coverage, inclusion of high impact journals and easy access to high quality publications. Data retrieval was performed on January 31, 2022. Data were analyzed with Incites from WoS, PubMed and VOSviewer software version 16.1.8.
    UNASSIGNED: The most dynamic institutions, authors and active funding bodies were identified, and output on research in the field of miRNA was assessed. Bibliometric parameters including the number of publications and citation index were analyzed. A total of 3831 publications in the field were identified. A steep increase was observed in breast cancer research. The maximum number of publications was observed in 2021. King Saud University and King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre funded most of the projects and contributed the most publications. Visible progress was seen in research exploring the diagnostic and prognostic roles of mRNAs and their therapeutic potential in breast cancer.
    UNASSIGNED: Breast cancer research has attracted substantial attention, as reflected by a notable increase in scientific publications over the past two decades in KSA. The bibliometric parameters revealed crucial information regarding research contributions from various institutions and authors. In the field of miRNAs, notable research investment was observed, but a significant lacuna exists. This study provides a reference that may aid oncologists, researchers and policymakers in planning future research.
    UNASSIGNED: ظهر التحليل الببليومتري كأسلوب مطلوب للتعامل مع المجالات الناشئة في مجال البحث. لقد حافظ سرطان الثدي على مرتبته الثابتة كأكثر أنواع السرطان شيوعا بين الإناث على مستوى العالم. تم تصميم هذه الدراسة لإلقاء الضوء على التحليل الببليومتري لأبحاث سرطان الثدي التي أجريت في المملكة العربية السعودية خلال العقدين الماضيين ولتقديم ناتج البحث في مجال الرنا الدقيق في سرطان الثدي.
    UNASSIGNED: تم اختيار قاعدة بيانات \"ويب أوف ساينس\" و \"بوبميد\" لاسترجاع البيانات نظرا لتغطيتهما الواسعة، وتضمينهما للمجلات ذات التأثير العالي والوصول السهل إلى المنشورات ذات الجودة العالية. تم تحليل البيانات باستخدام \"إنسايتس\" من \"ويب أوف ساينس\"، و\"بوبميد\" وبرنامج \"في أو إس فيوير\".
    UNASSIGNED: تم تحديد أكثر المؤسسات ديناميكية، والمؤلفين والهيئات التمويلية النشطة وتم فحص الناتج عن البحث في مجال الرنا الدقيق. تم تحليل المعايير الببليومترية بما في ذلك عدد المنشورات ومؤشر الاقتباس. كان هناك 3,831 منشور في مجال البحث. لوحظ ميلان حاد في بحوث سرطان الثدي. تم الإبلاغ عن أقصى عدد من المنشورات في عام 2021. قامت جامعة الملك سعود ومستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز البحوث بتمويل معظم المشاريع وساهمت في أقصى عدد من المنشورات. لوحظ تقدم واضح في استكشاف الدور التشخيصي والتنبؤي للرنا الدقيق وإمكاناته العلاجية في سرطان الثدي.
    UNASSIGNED: لقد جذب بحث سرطان الثدي الكثير من الاهتمام كما يتضح من الزيادة الملحوظة في المنشورات العلمية خلال العقدين الماضيين في المملكة العربية السعودية. توفر هذه المعايير الببليومترية معلومات حاسمة حول مساهمة البحث من مختلف المؤسسات والمؤلفين. في مجال الرنا الدقيق، يلاحظ وجود استثمار بحثي معقول ولكن توجد فجوة كبيرة. لذا، توفر هذه الدراسة مرجعا مفيدا لأطباء الأورام، والباحثين وصناع السياسات في التخطيط للبحث المستقبلي.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The number of research articles on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has been strikingly increasing. This study aimed to explore the general trends and hotspots of HRQoL.
    METHODS: Based on the Web of Science database, research on HRQoL published between 2000 and 2019 were identified. A bibliometric analysis was performed based on the number of articles, citations, published journals, authors\' addresses, and keywords. Descriptive analysis, visualization of geographic distribution and keyword clustering analysis were applied to the collected data.
    RESULTS: The annual number of articles showed growth over the past twenty years, but the annual total citations and annual citations per article were both in decreasing trends. Articles about HRQoL were more likely to be published in journals of multi-subject categories. The HRQoL research was mainly distributed across North America and Europe throughout the twenty years and ushered in a vigorous development worldwide after 2015. Cooperation strength between domestic institutions was much greater than that of international institutions. HRQoL research had six concentrated clusters: HRQoL, Depression, Obesity, Disability, Oncology, Fatigue.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provided an overall perspective of global research trends and hotspots in HRQoL, and a potential insight for future research. HRQoL research had experienced significant increasing development during 2000-2019, especially the HRQoL measurement instruments, however, there were significant regional disparities in scientific output in HRQoL.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Physiotherapy research supports the advancement of evidence-based practice and the development of a highly skilled workforce. This study aims to visualize the highly cited scientific output of Indian physiotherapists from 1999 to 2018. Methods: A descriptive study design was adopted to visualize the highly cited scientific output of Indian physiotherapists using the Web of Science (WoS) database from 1999 to 2018. A search was carried out using the following keywords \"((TS=(physiotherapy) OR TS=(\"physical rehabilitation\") OR TS=(\"physical therapy\")) AND AD=(India))Indexes=SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, ESCI, CCR-EXPANDED, IC Timespan=1999-2018\". Data collected were analyzed using Incites from WoS and VOSviewer software. Results:  A total of 488 articles were published between 1999 and 2018, with a peak of 103 in 2016 with 2419 citations. A decline in publication count was observed after 2016. The journal International Journal of Physiotherapy published the highest number of articles (n=35). Manipal University (n=36) was found to be the most active institution for physiotherapy research in India, as determined by publishing the most articles. Indian physiotherapists published the highest number of research articles in collaboration with US authors (n=24). Conclusion: There is an increasing trend in the scientific output of Indian physiotherapists over the past two decades; however, a decline is observed after 2016. It is recommended that research collaborations across the globe are increased and scientific output should be improved, leading to a higher number of citations. Future research should explore factors influencing the scientific production of Indian physiotherapists and devise appropriate strategies to attain further improvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Argentine science has played an important role in the study of blood pressure. However, this scientific production has not been classified. We set out (1) to analyse the contribution of scientific publications indexed in MEDLINE of authors with Argentinean academic affiliation in the field of blood pressure and hypertension in the last 50 years and, (2) determine the characteristics of the scientific journals in which they were published.
    METHODS: The 831 indexed MEDLINE publications by authors from Argentina were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively (period 1966-2017).
    RESULTS: The number of publications has increased 5.4 times in the last 20 years. Eighty percent of the publications were original manuscripts and 15% reviews. Sixty-five percent of the publications addressed clinical research, 33% basic research. The average authors per paper was 6 (89% as first author), 74% belonged to public institutions. The research was published in journals published in the United States (36%), the United Kingdom (27%), the Netherlands (12%), Spain (6%) and Argentina (4%). Eighteen percent of the publications were in journals with impact factor >3.88 (first quartile). Only 5% accessed journals with a factor ≥10. The average SJR index was 1.66.
    CONCLUSIONS: Argentine scientific production in MEDLINE in the field of blood pressure and hypertension showed constant growth. The vast majority is original research, directed by researchers with affiliation to public institutions. Foreign journals are accessed in the main, with acceptable quality indexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and Aim: It is increasingly recognized that biomedical research has serious reproducibility issues, which could be overcome at least in part by standardized processing of biomaterials. Therefore, professional biobanks have emerged, positively influencing sample and data quality. However, quantitative data about a biobank\'s contribution to published results are still hard to find, although they could serve as valuable benchmark figures for the community. We therefore aimed to report usage data from the MedUni Wien Biobank facility regarding its prospective fluid cohorts. Methods: Input and access statistics and publication output were reported for the years 2010-2017. Performance dynamics were tested by correlation analyses according to Spearman. Additionally, virtual costs per sample were calculated. Results: The amount of annually collected aliquots rose significantly from 68,500 in 2010 to 151,966 in 2017 (p = 0.015), although no further increase was recorded after 2012 (p = 0.266). In the same period, the quotient of requested to stored aliquots increased from 3.5% to 6.1% (p = 0.001), as the yearly number of requested aliquots nearly quadrupled from 2401 to 9342. Likewise, the number of published research articles per year to which the MedUni Wien Biobank contributed increased from 2 (total impact factor: 8.6) in 2010 to 16 (total impact factor: 69.0) in 2017, resulting in a total of 69 identified publications. Currently, the biobank operates at 15- to 20-fold overproduction, leading to virtual costs per accessed sample of ∼€20. Conclusion: The reported usage data might serve as a benchmark for other hospital-integrated biobanks, and implies that academic biobanks are able to produce considerable scientific impact at comparable moderate costs.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phenomenon of demographic transition in recent decades has increased the number of elderly people in Brazil, promoting an escalation in chronic-degenerative conditions, particularly dementia and cognitive related disorders.
    UNASSIGNED: The aim of this study was to assess the evolution of the Brazilian scientific publications on dementia and related conditions from 1999 to 2013.
    UNASSIGNED: Articles published during the analysis period were searched on three electronic databases: Scopus, Medline (via PubMed) and Lilacs (via BVS). The keywords used were Alzheimer\'s disease, dementia and mild cognitive impairment, with Brazil as the country of affiliation.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 1,657 articles met the conditions for inclusion in the study. The output of Brazilian researchers in the area of cognitive disorders increased 11.38-fold in the fifteen-year period of analysis and 4.98-fold from 2003 to 2013. More than half of the articles (53%) were published in international journals. The majority of institutions involved in publications were public universities while 19% were collaborative studies involving Brazilian and international institutions.
    UNASSIGNED: Despite marked growth, the number of Brazilian scientific publications in the area of cognitive impairment and dementia is still low. More effort is required to improve the output of Brazilian researchers and institutions. Possible strategies to accomplish this increase could be to encourage residents to participate in publications of scientific papers during their residence program and to increase the collaborations between different institutions within Brazil and with the international scientific community.
    O fenômeno da transição demográfica nas últimas décadas aumentou o número de indivíduos idosos no Brasil, promovendo um avanço de condições crônico-degenerativas, particularmente demência e outros distúrbios cognitivos relacionados.
    UNASSIGNED: A intenção deste estudo foi avaliar a evolução da produção científica brasileira em demência e condições relacionadas de 1999 a 2013.
    UNASSIGNED: Pesquisamos artigos publicados durante esse período em três bancos de dados eletrônicos: Scopus, Medline (via PubMed) e Lilacs (via BVS). As palavras-chave utilizadas foram doença de Alzheimer, demência e comprometimento cognitivo leve, com o Brasil como país de afiliação.
    UNASSIGNED: Um total de 1.657 artigos cumpriram as condições para inclusão no estudo. A produção de pesquisadores brasileiros na área de distúrbios cognitivos aumentou 11,38 vezes no período de análise e 4,98 vezes de 2003 a 2013. Mais da metade dos artigos (53%) foi publicada em periódicos internacionais. A maioria das instituições envolvidas em publicações eram universidades públicas e 19% eram estudos colaborativos envolvendo instituições brasileiras e internacionais.
    UNASSIGNED: Apesar do crescimento expressivo, o número de publicações cientificas brasileiras na área de comprometimento cognitivo e demência é ainda baixo. Mais esforços são necessários para melhorar a produção de pesquisadores e instituições brasileiras. Possíveis estratégias para cumprir essa tarefa poderiam ser encorajar residentes a participar de publicações de artigos científicos durante seu programa de residência e aumentar as colaborações entre diferentes instituições brasileiras e com a comunidade científica internacional.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Self-citation is one of the main challenges in the evaluation of researchers\' scientific output. This study aimed at comparing the institutional self-citation among the universities located in Northern Iran.
    METHODS: This study was conducted as a scientometric study. Research population included all scientific productions of 16 Northern Iran Universities with at least 100 indexed documents indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) by 2 June 2015. The citation analysis section of WoS was used for data collection. SPSS was applied for data analysis. Study hypotheses were tested with two independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test.
    RESULTS: Producing 16,399 papers, northern Iran universities had 5.33% of contribution in Iran\'s scientific production. They received 84,058 citations with 17% and 12% of self-citations belonged to the non-medical and medical universities, respectively. Testing hypotheses revealed that increase in received citations significantly increases the rate of self-citation and increase in scientific production does not necessarily increase the rate of self-citation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The rate of self-citation in the studied universities was not relatively high. However, investigating into the factors affecting the rate of and motives for self-citation needs further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malaysia has three main ethnic communities: Chinese, Indians and Malays. At independence in 1957, the Chinese dominated commercial life, and this led to ethnic tensions and finally riots. As a result in 1969 Malaysia introduced a \"New Economic Policy\" (NEP) to promote Malays in all areas of activity, and in particular to assist them to obtain basic and higher education. We examined the scientific outputs from Malaysia between 1982 and 2014 and classified the names of Malaysian researchers into one of these three groups and two others. There was a major increase in Malay participation in research, which has risen from 20 % of researchers in 1982-1984 to 65 % in 2012-2014, with corresponding declines in the percentages of Chinese and Indian authors, although their absolute numbers have increased because Malaysian scientific output has increased so rapidly in the last 10 years. The huge increase in Malay researchers contrasts with their presence in the Malaysian population which has remained stable at about 50 % since 1969.





