Scientific journals

  • 文章类型: Editorial
    The reason for existence of a scientific journal is to disseminate knowledge of science. The objective is a continuous improvement in the quality of what is published and an increase in the number of readers. In this sense, the impact factor is an indicator that helps us visualize the improvement in the quality of our journal. To improve this impact factor, indexing in the most used databases is very important.Farmacéuticos Comunitarios is indexed in several index journals but we were missing the most used ones. In this last year we have requested indexing in the most important ones, SCOPUS and Medline. In November we received SCOPUS approval and are close to getting it on Medline. In September we were approved by the editorial criteria and in December by the scientists. We only need the technical criteria to be able to appear in Medline and in its online version PubMed. We are working on it and it is very likely that within a year we will be indexed in PubMed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most highly cited forensic practitioners in the United States were identified using a publicly available citation database that used six different citation metrics to calculate each person\'s composite citation score. The publication and citation data were gleaned from Elsevier\'s SCOPUS database, which contained information about ~7 million scientist each of whom had at least five entries in the database. Each individual was categorized into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields, one of which was legal and forensic medicine (LFM). The database contained citation records for 13,388 individuals having LFM as their primary research discipline and 282 of these (2%) were classified as being highly cited. Another 99 individuals in the database had LFM as their secondary discipline, making a total of 381 highly cited forensic practitioners from 35 different countries. The career-long publication records of each individual were compared using their composite citation scores. Of the 381 highly cited scientists, 93 (24%) had an address somewhere in the United States. The various branches of forensics they specialized in were anthropology, criminalistics, DNA/genetics, odontology, pathology, statistics/epidemiology, and toxicology. The two most highly cited scientists, according to their composite citation score, were both specialists in DNA/genetics. Bibliometric methods are widely used for evaluating research performance in academia and a similar approach might be useful in jurisprudence, such as when an expert witness is instructed to testify in court and explain the meaning of scientific evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Publishing identifiable patient data in scientific journals may jeopardize patient privacy and confidentiality if best ethical practices are not followed. Current journal practices show considerable diversity in the publication of identifiable patient photographs, and different stakeholders may have different opinions of and practices in publishing patient photographs.
    This scoping review aimed to identify existing evidence and map knowledge gaps in medical research on the policies and practices of publishing identifiable photographs in scientific articles.
    We performed a comprehensive search of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, CINAHL with Full Text, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Ovid MEDLINE, and Scopus. The Open Science Framework, PROSPERO, BASE, Google Scholar, OpenGrey,, the Campbell Collaboration Library, and were also searched.
    After screening the initial 15,949 titles and abstracts, 98 (0.61%) publications were assessed for eligibility at the full-text level, and 30 (0.19%) publications were included in this review. The studies were published between 1994 and 2020; most had a cross-sectional design and were published in journals covering different medical disciplines. We identified 3 main topics. The first included ethical aspects of the use of facial photographs in publications. In different clinical settings, the consent process was not conducted properly, and health professionals did not recognize the importance of obtaining written patient consent for taking and using patient medical photographs. They often considered verbal consent sufficient or even used the photographs without consent. The second topic included studies that investigated the practices and use of medical photography in publishing. Both patients and doctors asked for confidential storage and maintenance of medical photographs. Patients preferred to be photographed by their physicians using an institutional camera and preferred nonidentifiable medical photographs not only for publication but also in general. Conventional methods of deidentification of facial photographs concealing the eye area were recognized as unsuccessful in protecting patient privacy. The third topic emerged from studies investigating medical photography in journal articles. These studies showed great diversity in publishing practices regarding consent for publication of medical photographs. Journal policies regarding the consent process and consent forms were insufficient, and existing ethical professional guidelines were not fully implemented in actual practices. Patients\' photographs from open-access medical journals were found on public web-based platforms.
    This scoping review showed a diversity of practices in publishing identifiable patient photographs and an unsatisfactory level of knowledge of this issue among different stakeholders despite existing standards. Emerging issues include the availability of patients\' photographs from open-access journals or preprints in the digital environment. There is a need to improve standards and processes to obtain proper consent to fully protect the privacy of patients in published articles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With open-access publishing authors often pay an article processing charge and subsequently their article is freely available online. These charges are beyond the reach of most African academics. Thus, the trend towards open-access publishing will shift the business model from a pay-wall model, where access to literature is limited, to a pay-to-publish one, where African scholars cannot afford to publish. We explore the costs of publishing and the ability of African scholars to afford to publish via open access in top journals. Three-quarters of the 40 top ecology journals required payment for open-access publishing (average cost $3150). Paying such fees is a hardship for African scholars as grant funding is not available and it is not feasible to pay the fees themselves as salaries are low. We encourage funders and publishers to facilitate an equitable publishing model that allows African scholars to make their research available through open-access publishing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The journal Der Unfallchirurg and the German Society for Trauma Surgery (DGU) are connected by a colorful story, which reaches a climax in a mutual anniversary year in 2022. Der Unfallchirurg, initially named the Monthly Journal for Trauma Medicine (Monatsschrift für Unfallheilkunde) had already endured 125 years as the specialist journal of the DGU in 2019; however, in 1944 in the 51st year the publication came to a halt due to the upheaval and serious consequences of the Second World War and only reappeared in 1949 with the 52nd year. In its 100-year history the DGU passed through 4 temporally definable phases with respect to content, politics and personnel, to which must be added its preliminary phase as the Division of Trauma Medicine (Abtheilung für Unfallheilkunde) within the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians (GDNÄ). In the synopsis on the history of the specialist journal, this article analyzes the more than 125-year development of the DGU.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Zeitschrift Der Unfallchirurg und die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie (DGU) verbindet eine bewegte Geschichte, die 2022 in einem gemeinsamen Jubiläumsjahr einen Höhepunkt findet. Der Unfallchirurg, beginnend als Monatsschrift für Unfallheilkunde, hatte bereits 2019 als heutige Fachzeitschrift der DGU 125 Jahre Bestand, allerdings war der Druck 1944 im 51. Jahrgang durch die Wirren und schwerwiegenden Folgen des Zweiten Weltkriegs zum Erliegen gekommen und erst 1949 mit dem 52. Jahrgang wieder neu erschienen. Die DGU durchlief in ihrer 100-jährigen Geschichte inhaltlich, politisch und personell vier zeitlich abgrenzbare Phasen, denen ihre Vorphase als „Abtheilung für Unfallheilkunde“ innerhalb der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte (GDNÄ) hinzuzurechnen ist. In einer Zusammenschau mit dem Werdegang der Fachzeitschrift analysiert der vorliegende Beitrag die über 125-jährige Entwicklung der DGU.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In the early 20th century some unfavorable conditions and trends in science and publishing in R. Macedonia and other countries in the South Eastern Europe (SEE) Region were recognized and it became necessary to act to protect the integrity of science and publishing. The increasing number of scientific journals in biomedicine and published papers in them has not always been matched by increased quality in publishing due to lack of information and education of the scientific community, especially of the young scientists, about ethical principles in research and publishing. In addition, some unethical behavior, fraud and attempts by experts for increasing their scientific productivity in research and publishing their results in scientific journals was recognized.
    UNASSIGNED: To present the initiatives, chronology of activities and leading role of Academician Momir Polenakovic towards the establishment and initial development of the Macedonian Association of Medical Editors (MAME) which has a mission for advancing the integrity of science and publishing.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective study based on review of the relevant literature, archive materials, minutes from organizational meetings and workshops and other documentation related to activities in the initial process for establishing and defining the mission and objectives of MAME.
    UNASSIGNED: The expansion of higher education and inappropriate implementation of the Bologna Declaration and the European Credit Transfer System in R. Macedonia from 2004/2005 contributed to a decline of the study criteria for obtaining higher education diplomas and postgraduate education degrees, as well as numerous frauds in scientific research and publishing activities in biomedicine and other fields. The first meeting of the Initiative Board for organizing an SEE Conference on research and publishing integrity and a workshop for editors of scientific journals was held in the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA) on Nov. 1st, 2013. In April 2014 two preparatory meetings of the Organizational Board were held and the Workshop for editors of scientific journals and the Constitutional meeting for establishing MAME were held on Apr. 25, 2014. The first President of MAME (with a two-year mandate) was Academician Momir Polenakovic and in 2016 he was elected as the first Honorary President of MAME.
    UNASSIGNED: The establishment of MAME in April 2014 was an important initiative and strategic decision toward raising awareness among editors of scientific journals and other stakeholders for preventing scientific and publishing misconduct and for educating the scientific community for creating an ethical research environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Analyze the thematic lines of the articles and reviews published between 2015 and 2019 in the journals indexed in the \"Primary Health Care\" category of the Journal Citation Reports.
    METHODS: Observational bibliometric study. The bibliographic records of the Web of Science were identified and the frequencies of appearance of the thematic descriptors and their co-occurrence in the documents included in the study were analyzed. In addition to the global analysis, the reviews, the most cited documents, those published in 2015, and those published in 2019 were analyzed separately. Descriptors were classified by thematic clusters using the Current Canadian Index scale and clinical publications were analyzed using the second edition of the International Classification of Primary Care.
    RESULTS: A total of 16,444 descriptors were identified in the 7,453 documents analyzed. The most frequent descriptors focus on: diagnosis, prevalence, management, risks, care practice and the figure of the health professional. In the most cited documents, terms with specific themes were used: depression, intervention, satisfaction, quality, therapy, research-based practice. In 2019, there were a greater number of publications focused on epidemiology, clinic, research and provision of services. From a clinical point of view, studies on psychological and mental health problems, nervous system, social problems, palliative care and cancer increased in 2019.
    CONCLUSIONS: The analysis carried out identifies the relevant thematic lines in primary care journals, highlighting the diagnosis and prevalence of diseases, the management of pathologies and their associated risks, as well as clinical practice and the figure of the health professional.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the decades after the Second World War, learned society publishers struggled to cope with the expanding output of scientific research and the increased involvement of commercial publishers in the business of publishing research journals. Could learned society journals survive economically in the postwar world, against this competition? Or was the emergence of a sales-based commercial model of publishing - in contrast to the traditional model of subsidized journal publishing - an opportunity to transform the often-fragile finances of learned societies? But there was also an existential threat: if commercial firms could successfully publish scientific journals, were learned society publishers no longer needed? This paper investigates how British learned society publishers adjusted to the new economic realities of the postwar world, through an investigation of the activities organized by the Royal Society of London and the Nuffield Foundation, culminating in the 1963 report Self-Help for Learned Journals. It reveals the postwar decades as the time when scientific research became something to be commodified and sold to libraries, rather than circulated as part of a scholarly mission. It will be essential reading for all those campaigning to transition academic publishing - including learned society publishing - away from the sales-based model once again.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To publish articles in prestigious scientific journals is not a simple task, particularly because of three main reasons: the difficulty for designing and performing competitive and high quality research, the high rates of rejection in most high-impact journals, and the absence of systematized training in the methodology of biomedical publications in the curricular programs. If to this is added the progressive complexity of the instructions for authors and the formal requirements that most journals impose, it is logical that there is discouragement among potential authors. On the other hand, the pressure and the demand for authorship of scientific articles to be able to get academic and professional positions of a certain level are increasing. However, what at first glance seems a gloomy perspective, it is not so much if some key aspects related to the structure and writing of manuscripts and the systematics of the editorial process of the journals are known and applied, which, in short, continue being in force since the aphorism «publish or perish» became popular at the beginning of the last century. As described in this article, the steps to follow are straightforward, logical, and interrelated, so getting off to a good start and completing the various stages properly and in the right order always represents a clear advantage in ensuring the final success of having your paper accepted.





