Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

肌浆网 (SR)
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    As the genetic landscape of cardiomyopathies continues to expand, the identification of missense variants in disease-associated genes frequently leads to a classification of variant of uncertain significance (VUS). For the proper reclassification of such variants, functional characterization is an important contributor to the proper assessment of pathogenic potential. Several missense variants in the calcium transport regulatory protein phospholamban have been associated with dilated cardiomyopathy. However, >40 missense variants in this transmembrane peptide are currently known and most remain classified as VUS with little clinical information. Similarly, missense variants in cardiac myosin binding protein have been associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. However, hundreds of variants are known and many have low penetrance and are often found in control populations. Herein, we focused on novel missense variants in phospholamban, an Ala15-Thr variant found in a 4-year-old female and a Pro21-Thr variant found in a 60-year-old female, both with a family history and clinical diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy. The patients also harbored a Val896-Met variant in cardiac myosin binding protein. The phospholamban variants caused defects in the function, phosphorylation, and dephosphorylation of this calcium transport regulatory peptide, and we classified these variants as potentially pathogenic. The variant in cardiac myosin binding protein alters the structure of the protein. While this variant has been classified as benign, it has the potential to be a low-risk susceptibility variant because of the structural change in cardiac myosin binding protein. Our studies provide new biochemical evidence for missense variants previously classified as benign or VUS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    [Ca2+]-dependent crystallization of the Ca2+-ATPase molecules in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles isolated from scallop striated muscle elongated the vesicles in the absence of ATP, and ATP stabilized the crystals. Here, to determine the [Ca2+]-dependence of vesicle elongation in the presence of ATP, SR vesicles in various [Ca2+] environments were imaged using negative stain electron microscopy. The images obtained revealed the following phenomena. (i) Crystal-containing elongated vesicles appeared at ≤1.4 µM Ca2+ and almost disappeared at ≥18 µM Ca2+, where ATPase activity reaches its maximum. (ii) At ≥18 µM Ca2+, almost all SR vesicles were in the round form and covered by tightly clustered ATPase crystal patches. (iii) Round vesicles dried on electron microscopy grids occasionally had cracks, probably because surface tension crushed the solid three-dimensional spheres. (iv) [Ca2+]-dependent ATPase crystallization was rapid (<1 min) and reversible. These data prompt the hypothesis that SR vesicles autonomously elongate or contract with the help of a calcium-sensitive ATPase network/endoskeleton and that ATPase crystallization may modulate physical properties of the SR architecture, including the ryanodine receptors that control muscle contraction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spontaneous action potential (AP) firing rate of sinoatrial nodal cells (SANC) is regulated by a system of intracellular Ca2+ and membrane ion current clocks driven by Ca2+-calmodulin-activated adenylyl cyclase-protein kinase-A signaling. The mean AP-cycle length (APCL) and APCL variability inform on the effectiveness of clock coupling. Endogenous ATP metabolite adenosine binds to adenosine receptors (A1, A3) that couple to Gi protein-coupled receptors, reducing spontaneous AP firing rate via Gβγ signaling that activates IKAch,Ado. Adenosine also inhibits adenylyl cyclase activity via Gαi signaling, impacting cAMP-mediated protein kinase-A-dependent protein phosphorylation. We hypothesize that in addition to IKAch,Ado activation, adenosine impacts also Ca2+ via Gαi signaling and that both effects reduce AP firing rate by reducing the effectiveness of the Ca2+ and membrane clock coupling. To this end, we measured Ca2+ and membrane potential characteristics in enzymatically isolated single rabbit SANC. 10 µM adenosine substantially increased both the mean APCL (on average by 43%, n = 10) and AP beat-to-beat variability from 5.1 ± 1.7% to 7.2 ± 2.0% (n = 10) measured via membrane potential and 5.0 ± 2.2% to 10.6 ± 5.9% (n = 40) measured via Ca2+ (assessed as the coefficient of variability = SD/mean). These effects were mediated by hyperpolarization of the maximum diastolic membrane potential (membrane clock effect) and suppression of diastolic local Ca2+releases (LCRs) (Ca2+-clock effect): as LCR size distributions shifted to smaller values, the time of LCR occurrence during diastolic depolarization (LCR period) became prolonged, and the ensemble LCR signal became reduced. The tight linear relationship of coupling between LCR period to the APCL in the presence of adenosine \"drifted\" upward and leftward, i.e. for a given LCR period, APCL was prolonged, becoming non-linear indicating clock uncoupling. An extreme case of uncoupling occurred at higher adenosine concentrations (>100 µM): small stochastic LCRs failed to self-organize and synchronize to the membrane clock, thus creating a failed attempt to generate an AP resulting in arrhythmia and cessation of AP firing. Thus, the effects of adenosine to activate Gβγ and IKACh,Ado and to activate Gαi, suppressing adenylyl cyclase activity, both contribute to the adenosine-induced increase in the mean APCL and APCL variability by reducing the fidelity of clock coupling and AP firing rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abnormal calcium signaling between organelles such as the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), mitochondria and lysosomes is a key feature of heart diseases. Calcium serves as a secondary messenger mediating inter-organellar crosstalk, essential for maintaining the cardiomyocyte function.
    This article examines the available literature related to calcium channels and transporters involved in inter-organellar calcium signaling. The SR calcium-release channels ryanodine receptor type-2 (RyR2) and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R), and calcium-transporter SR/ER-ATPase 2a (SERCA2a) are illuminated. The roles of mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channels (VDAC), the mitochondria Ca2+ uniporter complex (MCUC), and the lysosomal H+/Ca2+ exchanger, two pore channels (TPC), and transient receptor potential mucolipin (TRPML) are discussed. Furthermore, recent studies showing calcium-mediated crosstalk between the SR, mitochondria, and lysosomes as well as how this crosstalk is dysregulated in cardiac diseases are placed under the spotlight.
    Enhanced SR calcium release via RyR2 and reduced SR reuptake via SERCA2a, increased VDAC and MCUC-mediated calcium uptake into mitochondria, and enhanced lysosomal calcium-release via lysosomal TPC and TRPML may all contribute to aberrant calcium homeostasis causing heart disease. While mechanisms of this crosstalk need to be studied further, interventions targeting these calcium channels or combinations thereof might represent a promising therapeutic strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ageing is associated with an increase in the incidence of heart failure, even if the existence of a real age-related cardiomyopathy remains controversial. Effective contraction and relaxation of cardiomyocytes depend on efficient production of ATP (handled by mitochondria) and on proper Ca2+ supply to myofibrils during excitation-contraction (EC) coupling (handled by Ca2+ release units, CRUs). Here, we analyzed mitochondria and CRUs in hearts of adult (4 months old) and aged (≥24 months old) mice. Analysis by confocal and electron microscopy (CM and EM, respectively) revealed an age-related loss of proper organization and disposition of both mitochondria and EC coupling units: (a) mitochondria are improperly disposed and often damaged (percentage of severely damaged mitochondria: adults 3.5 ± 1.1%; aged 16.5 ± 3.5%); (b) CRUs that are often misoriented (longitudinal) and/or misplaced from the correct position at the Z line. Immunolabeling with antibodies that mark either the SR or T-tubules indicates that in aged cardiomyocytes the sarcotubular system displays an extensive disarray. This disarray could be in part caused by the decreased expression of Cav-3 and JP-2 detected by western blot (WB), two proteins involved in formation of T-tubules and in docking SR to T-tubules in dyads. By WB analysis, we also detected increased levels of 3-NT in whole hearts homogenates of aged mice, a product of nitration of protein tyrosine residues, recognized as marker of oxidative stress. Finally, a detailed EM analysis of CRUs (formed by association of SR with T-tubules) points to ultrastructural modifications, i.e., a decrease in their frequency (adult: 5.1 ± 0.5; aged: 3.9 ± 0.4 n./50 μm2) and size (adult: 362 ± 40 nm; aged: 254 ± 60 nm). The changes in morphology and disposition of mitochondria and CRUs highlighted by our results may underlie an inefficient supply of Ca2+ ions and ATP to the contractile elements, and possibly contribute to cardiac dysfunction in ageing.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural analyses identified the central domain of ryanodine receptor (RyR) as a transducer converting conformational changes in the cytoplasmic platform to the RyR gate. The central domain is also a regulatory hub encompassing the Ca2+-, ATP-, and caffeine-binding sites. However, the role of the central domain in RyR activation and regulation has yet to be defined. Here, we mutated five residues that form the Ca2+ activation site and 10 residues with negatively charged or oxygen-containing side chains near the Ca2+ activation site. We also generated eight disease-associated mutations within the central domain of RyR2. We determined the effect of these mutations on Ca2+, ATP, and caffeine activation and Mg2+ inhibition of RyR2. Mutating the Ca2+ activation site markedly reduced the sensitivity of RyR2 to Ca2+ and caffeine activation. Unexpectedly, Ca2+ activation site mutation E3848A substantially enhanced the Ca2+-independent basal activity of RyR2, suggesting that E3848A may also affect the stability of the closed state of RyR2. Mutations in the Ca2+ activation site also abolished the effect of ATP/caffeine on the Ca2+-independent basal activity, suggesting that the Ca2+ activation site is also a critical determinant of ATP/caffeine action. Mutating residues with negatively charged or oxygen-containing side chains near the Ca2+ activation site significantly altered Ca2+ and caffeine activation and reduced Mg2+ inhibition. Furthermore, disease-associated RyR2 mutations within the central domain significantly enhanced Ca2+ and caffeine activation and reduced Mg2+ inhibition. Our data demonstrate that the central domain plays an important role in channel activation, channel regulation, and closed state stability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last decades the term Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) has been used in the scientific literature to describe an ubiquitous cellular mechanism that allows recovery of calcium (Ca2+) from the extracellular space. SOCE is triggered by a reduction of Ca2+ content (i.e. depletion) in intracellular stores, i.e. endoplasmic or sarcoplasmic reticulum (ER and SR). In skeletal muscle the mechanism is primarily mediated by a physical interaction between stromal interaction molecule-1 (STIM1), a Ca2+ sensor located in the SR membrane, and ORAI1, a Ca2+-permeable channel of external membranes, located in transverse tubules (TTs), the invaginations of the plasma membrane (PM) deputed to propagation of action potentials. It is generally accepted that in skeletal muscle SOCE is important to limit muscle fatigue during repetitive stimulation. We recently discovered that exercise promotes the assembly of new intracellular junctions that contains colocalized STIM1 and ORAI1, and that the presence of these new junctions increases Ca2+ entry via ORAI1, while improving fatigue resistance during repetitive stimulation. Based on these findings we named these new junctions Ca2+ Entry Units (CEUs). CEUs are dynamic organelles that assemble during muscle activity and disassemble during recovery thanks to the plasticity of the SR (containing STIM1) and the elongation/retraction of TTs (bearing ORAI1). Interestingly, similar structures described as SR stacks were previously reported in different mouse models carrying mutations in proteins involved in Ca2+ handling (calsequestrin-null mice; triadin and junctin null mice, etc.) or associated to microtubules (MAP6 knockout mice). Mutations in Stim1 and Orai1 (and calsequestrin-1) genes have been associated to tubular aggregate myopathy (TAM), a muscular disease characterized by: (a) muscle pain, cramping, or weakness that begins in childhood and worsens over time, and (b) the presence of large accumulations of ordered SR tubes (tubular aggregates, TAs) that do not contain myofibrils, mitochondria, nor TTs. Interestingly, TAs are also present in fast twitch muscle fibers of ageing mice. Several important issues remain un-answered: (a) the molecular mechanisms and signals that trigger the remodeling of membranes and the functional activation of SOCE during exercise are unclear; and (b) how dysfunctional SOCE and/or mutations in Stim1, Orai1 and calsequestrin (Casq1) genes lead to the formation of tubular aggregates (TAs) in aging and disease deserve investigation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    More than half a century of skeletal muscle research is continuing at Padua University (Italy) under the auspices of the Interdepartmental Research Centre of Myology (CIR-Myo), the European Journal of Translational Myology (EJTM) and recently also with the support of the A&CM-C Foundation for Translational Myology, Padova, Italy. The Volume 30(1), 2020 of the EJTM opens with the collection of abstracts for the conference \"2020 Padua Muscle Days: Mobility Medicine 30 years of Translational Research\". This is an international conference that will be held between March 18-21, 2020 in Euganei Hills and Padova in Italy. The abstracts are excellent examples of translational research and of the multidimensional approaches that are needed to classify and manage (in both the acute and chronic phases) diseases of Mobility that span from neurologic, metabolic and traumatic syndromes to the biological process of aging. One of the typical aim of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is indeed to reduce pain and increase mobility enough to enable impaired persons to walk freely, garden, and drive again. The excellent contents of this Collection of Abstracts reflect the high scientific caliber of researchers and clinicians who are eager to present their results at the PaduaMuscleDays. A series of EJTM Communications will also add to this preliminary evidence.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum (SR/ER) is the main intracellular calcium (Ca2+) pool in muscle and non-muscle eukaryotic cells, respectively. The reticulum accumulates Ca2+ against its electrochemical gradient by the action of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPases (SERCA pumps), and the capacity of this Ca2+ store is increased by the presence of Ca2+ binding proteins in the lumen of the reticulum. A diversity of physical and chemical signals, activate the main Ca2+ release channels, i.e. ryanodine receptors (RyRs) and inositol (1, 4, 5) trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs), to produce transient elevations of the cytoplasmic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) while the reticulum is being depleted of Ca2+. This picture is incomplete because it implies that the elements involved in the Ca2+ release process are acting alone and independently of each other. However, it appears that the Ca2+ released by RyRs and IP3Rs is trapped in luminal Ca2+ binding proteins (Ca2+ lattice), which are associated with these release channels, and the activation of these channels appears to facilitate that the trapped Ca2+ ions become available for release. This situation makes the initial stage of the Ca2+ release process a highly efficient one; accordingly, there is a large increase in the [Ca2+]i with minimal reductions in the bulk of the free luminal SR/ER [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]SR/ER). Additionally, it has been shown that active SERCA pumps are required for attaining this highly efficient Ca2+ release process. All these data indicate that Ca2+ release by the SR/ER is a highly regulated event and not just Ca2+ coming down its electrochemical gradient via the open release channels. One obvious advantage of this sophisticated Ca2+ release process is to avoid depletion of the ER Ca2+ store and accordingly, to prevent the activation of ER stress during each Ca2+ release event.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium homeostasis is essential for cell survival and is precisely controlled by several cellular actors such as the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Upon stress induction, Ca2+ released from sarco/endoplasmic reticulum stores and from extracellular Ca2+ pools accumulates in the cytosol and in the mitochondria. This induces Ca2+ overload and ultimately the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), promoting cell death. Currently, it is unclear whether intracellular Ca2+ stores are sufficient to promote the mPTP opening. Ca2+ retention capacity (CRC) corresponds to the maximal Ca2+ uptake by the mitochondria before mPTP opening. In this study, using permeabilized cardiomyocytes isolated from adult mice, we modified the standard CRC assay by specifically inducing reticular Ca2+ release to investigate the respective contributions of reticular Ca2+ and extracellular Ca2+ to mPTP opening in normoxic conditions or after anoxia-reoxygenation. Our experiments revealed that Ca2+ released from the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum is not sufficient to trigger mPTP opening and corresponds to ∼50% of the total Ca2+ levels required to open the mPTP. We also studied mPTP opening after anoxia-reoxygenation in the presence or absence of extracellular Ca2+ In both conditions, Ca2+ leakage from internal stores could not trigger mPTP opening by itself but significantly decreased the CRC. Our findings highlight how a modified CRC assay enables the investigation of the role of reticular and extracellular Ca2+ pools in the regulation of the mPTP. We propose that this method may be useful for screening molecules of interest implicated in mPTP regulation.






