Salt marsh

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In salt marsh ecosystems, daggerblade grass shrimp, Palaemon (Palaemonetes) pugio, play a crucial role in food webs and serve as the definitive host for the bopyrid isopod Probopyrus pandalicola. These ectoparasites infest the branchial chambers of grass shrimp, which can lead to decreased energy availability and sterilization of infected hosts. Although bopyrid isopod infestation of daggerblade grass shrimp has been frequently reported in literature from coastal marshes of the southeastern United States, the prevalence of this parasite has not been recently documented in daggerblade grass shrimp from marshes of the northeastern United States. The goal of this project was to quantify the prevalence of Pr. pandalicola infestations in Pa. pugio across Cape Cod, Massachusetts. We evaluated bopyrid isopod prevalence from shrimp collected from 5 different salt marsh habitats along Cape Cod in August 2021. Bopyrid isopod infestations were found in shrimp at 4 of 5 salt marshes, with prevalence ranging from 0.04 to 14.1%. Seasonal resampling of one of the salt marshes revealed the highest average infestation prevalence in spring (<17.1%) and an isolated high of 30.3% prevalence in a single salt panne. A series of linear and multivariate models showed that panne area, shrimp abundance, and distance to shoreline were related to Pr. pandalicola shrimp infestations in salt pannes in summer. This study describes the prevalence of the bopyrid isopod infesting daggerblade grass shrimp in salt marshes in New England, with implications for how parasitized shrimp influence salt marsh food webs in which they are found.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how climate and local stressors interact is paramount for predicting future ecosystem structure. The effects of multiple stressors are often examined in small-scale and short-term field experiments, limiting understanding of the spatial and temporal generality of the findings. Using a 22-year observational dataset of plant and grazer abundance in a southeastern US salt marsh, we analyzed how changes in drought and grazer density combined to affect plant biomass. We found: (1) increased drought severity and higher snail density both correlated with lower plant biomass; (2) drought and snail effects interacted additively; and, (3) snail effects had a threshold, with additive top-down effects only occurring when snails were present at high densities. These results suggest that the emergence of multiple stressor effects can be density dependent, and they validate short-term experimental evidence that consumers can augment environmental stress. These findings have important implications for predicting future ecosystem structure and managing natural ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biogeochemical processes mediated by plants and soil in coastal marshes are vulnerable to environmental changes and biological invasion. In particular, tidal inundation and salinity stress will intensify under future rising sea level scenarios. In this study, the interactive effects of flooding regimes (non-waterlogging vs. waterlogging) and salinity (0, 5, 15, and 30 parts per thousand (ppt)) on photosynthetic carbon allocation in plant, rhizodeposition, and microbial communities in native (Phragmites australis) and invasive (Spartina alterniflora) marshes were investigated using mesocosm experiments and 13CO2 pulse-labeling techniques. The results showed that waterlogging and elevated salinity treatments decreased specific root allocation (SRA) of 13C, rhizodeposition allocation (RA) 13C, soil 13C content, grouped microbial PLFAs, and the fungal 13C proportion relative to total PLFAs-13C. The lowest SRA, RA, and fungal 13C proportion occurred under the combined waterlogging and high (30 ppt) salinity treatments. Relative to S. alterniflora, P. australis displayed greater sensitivity to hydrological changes, with a greater reduction in rhizodeposition, soil 13C content, and fungal PLFAs. S. alterniflora showed an earlier peak SRA but a lower root/shoot 13C ratio than P. australis. This suggests that S. alterniflora may transfer more photosynthetic carbon to the shoot and rhizosphere to facilitate invasion under stress. Waterlogging and high salinity treatments shifted C allocation towards bacteria over fungi for both plant species, with a higher allocation shift in S. alterniflora soil, revealing the species-specific microbial response to hydrological stresses. Potential shifts towards less efficient bacterial pathways might result in accelerated carbon loss. Over the study period, salinity was the primary driver for both species, explaining 33.2-50.8 % of 13C allocation in the plant-soil-microbe system. We propose that future carbon dynamics in coastal salt marshes under sea-level rise conditions depend on species-specific adaptive strategies and carbon allocation patterns of native and invasive plant-soil systems.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Coastal wetlands are important carbon sinks, and they contribute to reducing the effects of global warming. This study used the eddy covariance method to detect the CO2 flux in the restoration wetland of the Liaohe River estuary in 2021 and investigate the characteristics of ecosystem CO2 exchange and its environmental control factors. The aim was to assess the carbon source/sink capacity of salt marshes in the restored area and to provide data support and theoretical basis for evaluating the effectiveness of ecological restoration projects. The study revealed \"U\" curves in spring and autumn, \"V\" curves in summer, and horizontal lines in winter for the average daily variation curve of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) in the restored area. Its carbon sink efficiencies were -40.06, -63.62, 2.33, and 34.43 g·m-2 in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter, respectively. In the restored area, the daily cumulative variation in NEE was \"V\" shaped, and the monthly cumulative changes in NEE, ecosystem respiration (Reco), and gross primary productivity (GPP) were obviously different. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was an important regulation factor of daytime NEE in the restored area in 2021, and they displayed a rectangular hyperbolic relationship. PAR could explain 53% of the variation in the daytime NEE. Air temperature (Ta) was the main control factor of Reco,night, and there was an exponential relationship between them. When Ta < 5.5 ℃, the temperature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration (Q10) was 2.19, and Ta could explain 42% of the variation in the Reco,night; when Ta ≥ 5.5 ℃, the Q10 was 1.81, and Ta could explain 51% of the variation in the Reco,night. Additionally, there were significant linear negative correlations between NEE and both soil water content (SWC) and vapor pressure deficit (VPD), whereas NEE was not significantly correlated with soil temperature (Ts) or relative humidity (RH). In 2021, the restored wetland in the Liaohe River estuary acted as a CO2 sink, and the total net carbon sequestration was -66.89 g·m-2. The restored salt plays a role as an important carbon sink and has long-term carbon sequestration potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Iron-bound organic carbon (OC-FeR) is important for the stability of soil organic carbon (SOC) in salt marshes, and the Spartina alterniflora invasion reshaped local salt marshes and changed the SOC pool. To evaluate the effects of S. alterniflora invasion on the contribution of OC-FeR to SOC, we determined the OC-FeR content and soil characteristics in the 0-50 cm soil profile along the vegetation sequence, including mudflats (MF), S. alterniflora marshes established in 2003 (SA03) and 1989 (SA89), the ecotone of S. alterniflora and Phragmites australis (SE), S. salsa marsh (SS), and P. australis marsh (PA). The SOC content was 6.55-17.5 mg g-1 in the S. alterniflora marshes. Reactive iron oxides (Fed, Feo, Fep) accumulated significantly in the S. alterniflora and P. australis salt marshes. PA and S. alterniflora marshes had higher DOC contents of 0.28-0.77 mg g-1. The OC-FeR content in the 0-50 cm soil profile in these ecosystems ranged from 0.3 to 3.29 mg g-1, with a contribution to the SOC content (fOC-FeR) of approximately 11 %, which was highest in SA03 (16.3 % ~ 18.8 %), followed by SA89, SE, and PA. In addition, the molar ratios of OC-FeR to Fed were <1, indicating that the iron oxides were associated with SOC through sorption more than coprecipitation. According to the structural equation model, SOC, DOC and iron oxides were the direct driving factors of OC-FeR formation, while the vegetation zone indirectly functioned by regulating organic C inputs, iron oxide formation, and pH. This study suggested that S. alterniflora invasion promotes iron-bound organic carbon accumulation by increasing organic C inputs and regulating iron oxide formation in salt marshes, but such promotion will degenerate with development duration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salt marshes are highly productive and valuable coastal ecosystems that act as filters for nutrients and pollutants at the land-sea interface. The salt marshes of the mid-Atlantic United States often exhibit geochemical behavior that varies significantly from other estuaries around the world, but our understanding of metal mobility and bioavailability remains incomplete for these systems. We sampled abiotic (water and sediment) and native biotic (three halophyte and two bivalve species) compartments of a southeastern United States salt marsh to understand the site- and species-specific metal concentrations, fractionation, and bioavailability for 16 metals and metalloids, including two naturally occurring radionuclides. Location on the marsh platform greatly influenced metal concentrations in sediment and metal bioaccumulation in halophytes, with sites above the mean high-water mark (i.e., high marsh zone) having lower concentrations in sediment but plants exhibiting greater biota sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs). Transition metal concentrations in the sediment were an average of 6× higher in the low marsh zone compared to the high marsh zone and heavy metals were on average 2× higher. Tissue- and species-specific preferential accumulation in bivalves provide opportunities for tailored biomonitoring programs. For example, mussel byssal threads accumulated ten of the sixteen studied elements to significantly greater concentrations compared to soft tissues and oysters had remarkably high soft tissue zinc concentrations (~5000 mg/kg) compared to all other species and element combinations studied. Additionally, some of our results have important implications for understanding metal mobility and implementing effective remediation (specifically phytoremediation) strategies, including observations that (1) heavy metals exhibit distinct concentration spatial distributions and metal fractionation patterns which vary from the transition metals and (2) sediment organic matter fraction appears to play an important role in controlling sediment metal concentrations, fractionation, and plant bioavailability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal salt marshes are depositional environments that can accumulate pollutants introduced to the environment from human activities. Metals are a contaminant of concern in coastal environments due to their longevity and toxicity. We assessed metal concentrations and accumulation rates in nine salt marsh sites along the U.S. East Coast from Maine to Georgia. Following a metal mobility assay in organic-rich and mineral dominated salt marsh soils under aerobic/anaerobic and freshwater/saltwater conditions, we focused on profiles of chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, and uranium in two soil cores from each of the nine marshes that had previously been dated using lead-210 radioisotope techniques. We examined how land cover and the spatial distribution of land cover, marsh vertical accretion, and other watershed characteristics correlated with metal concentrations and depth/time-integrated accumulation of metals. We found statistically significant differences in metal concentrations and/or inventories between sites, with accumulation of metals positively correlated with both developed land cover in the watershed and rates of vertical accretion in the tidal marsh. The accumulation of chromium, cadmium, and lead were significantly correlated with developed land cover while the accumulation of chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, and lead were correlated with factors that determine sediment delivery from the landscape (e.g., riverine suspended sediment, soil erodibility in the watershed, and agricultural land cover skewed towards the coast) and measured wetland accretion rates. We observed declines in the concentration of many metals since 1925 at sites along the U.S. East Coast, indicating pollution mitigation strategies have succeeded in reducing metal pollution and delivery to the coastal zone. However, increasing rates of salt marsh vertical accretion over recent decades largely offset reductions in metal concentrations, resulting in rates of metal accumulation in coastal salt marsh soils that have not changed or, in some instances, increased over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The changes of soil moisture, salinity, and nutrients by halophyte colonization in high-salinity environment profoundly affect the assembly and structure of microbial communities. However, salt marshes in arid region have received little attention. This study was conducted in Lianhuachi Lake, a typical inland salt marsh wetland in China, to determine the physicochemical characteristics of salt crusts in [Kalidium cuspidatum (Ung.-Sternb.) Grub.] colonization areas and bulk soil, respectively, and to analyze the microbial community structure of salt crusts by high-throughput sequencing. Kalidium cuspidatum colonization significantly decreased total salinity, soil water content, and water-soluble ions of salt crusts and increased total carbon, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus content. At the same time, changes in physicochemical properties caused by Kalidium cuspidatum colonization affect the ecological processes of bacterial, fungal, and archaeal community assemblies in salt crusts. In addition, cross-kingdom network analysis showed that Kalidium cuspidatum colonization increased the complexity and stability of microbial networks in salt crust soils. Functional projections further showed that bacterial diversity had a potential driving effect on the nitrogen cycle function of salt crust. Our study further demonstrated the different ecological strategies of microorganisms for halophyte colonization in extreme environments and contributed to the understanding of restoration and management of salt marsh wetlands in arid region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The study of soil organic carbon characteristics and its relationship with soil environment and vegetation types is of great significance to the evaluation of soil carbon sink provided by inland salt marshes. This paper reports the characteristics of soil organic carbon fractions in 0-50 cm soil layers at four vegetation communities of the Qinwangchuan salt marsh.
    RESULTS: (1) The soil organic carbon content of Phragmites australis community (9.60 ± 0.32 g/kg) was found to be higher than that of Salicornia europae (7.75 ± 0.18 g/kg) and Tamarix ramosissima (4.96 ± 0.18 g/kg) and Suaeda corniculata community (4.55 ± 0.11 g/kg). (2) The soil dissolved organic carbon, particulate organic carbon and soil microbial biomass carbon in 0-50 cm soil layer of Phragmites australis community were higher, which were 0.46 ± 0.01 g/kg, 2.81 ± 0.06 g/kg and 0.31 ± 0.01 g/kg, respectively. (3) Soil organic carbon was positively correlated with dissolved organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, and microbial biomass carbon, and negatively correlated with easily oxidized organic carbon. (4) Above-ground biomass has a strong direct positive effect on soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and pH have a strong direct positive effect on microbial biomass carbon content, pH and average density have a strong direct negative effect on easily oxidized organic carbon, and particulate organic carbon.
    CONCLUSIONS: The interaction between plant community characteristics and soil factors is an important driving factor for soil organic carbon accumulation in inland salt marshes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tidal salt marshes produce and emit CH4 . Therefore, it is critical to understand the biogeochemical controls that regulate CH4 spatial and temporal dynamics in wetlands. The prevailing paradigm assumes that acetoclastic methanogenesis is the dominant pathway for CH4 production, and higher salinity concentrations inhibit CH4 production in salt marshes. Recent evidence shows that CH4 is produced within salt marshes via methylotrophic methanogenesis, a process not inhibited by sulfate reduction. To further explore this conundrum, we performed measurements of soil-atmosphere CH4 and CO2 fluxes coupled with depth profiles of soil CH4 and CO2 pore water gas concentrations, stable and radioisotopes, pore water chemistry, and microbial community composition to assess CH4 production and fate within a temperate tidal salt marsh. We found unexpectedly high CH4 concentrations up to 145,000 μmol mol-1 positively correlated with S2- (salinity range: 6.6-14.5 ppt). Despite large CH4 production within the soil, soil-atmosphere CH4 fluxes were low but with higher emissions and extreme variability during plant senescence (84.3 ± 684.4 nmol m-2  s-1 ). CH4 and CO2 within the soil pore water were produced from young carbon, with most Δ14 C-CH4 and Δ14 C-CO2 values at or above modern. We found evidence that CH4 within soils was produced by methylotrophic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. Several pathways exist after CH4 is produced, including diffusion into the atmosphere, CH4 oxidation, and lateral export to adjacent tidal creeks; the latter being the most likely dominant flux. Our findings demonstrate that CH4 production and fluxes are biogeochemically heterogeneous, with multiple processes and pathways that can co-occur and vary in importance over the year. This study highlights the potential for high CH4 production, the need to understand the underlying biogeochemical controls, and the challenges of evaluating CH4 budgets and blue carbon in salt marshes.
    Las marismas salinas producen y emiten CH4 . Por lo tanto, es esencial comprender los controles biogeoquímicos que regulan la dinámica espacial y temporal del CH4 en estos humedales. El paradigma predominante asume que la metanogénesis acetoclástica es la vía dominante para la producción de CH4 y que altas concentraciones de salinidad inhiben la producción de CH4 en estos ecosistemas. Hay evidencia que el CH4 se produce las marismas salinas a través de la metanogénesis metilotrófica, un proceso no inhibido por la reducción del sulfato. Para explorar esta paradoja, realizamos mediciones de los flujos de CH4 y CO2 del suelo a la atmósfera junto con perfiles de concentraciones de CH4 y CO2 en el suelo, isótopos estables y radioisótopos, química del agua y composición de la comunidad microbiana para evaluar la producción y el destino del CH4 en una marisma salina templada. Encontramos concentraciones de CH4 sorprendentemente altas de hasta 145,000 μmol mol−1 correlacionadas positivamente con S2− (rango de salinidad: 6.6 a 14.5 ppt). A pesar de la gran producción de CH4 en el suelo, los flujos de CH4 del suelo a la atmósfera fueron bajos, pero con mayores emisiones y variabilidad extrema durante la época de senescencia de las plantas (84.3 ± 684.4 nmol m−2  s−1 ). El CH4 y el CO2 en el suelo se produjeron a partir de carbono joven, con la mayoría de los valores Δ14 C-CH4 y Δ14 C-CO2 en o por encima de valores modernos. Encontramos evidencia de que el CH4 en los suelos fue producido por metanogénesis metilotrófica e hidrogenotrófica. Existen varias vías que el CH4 producido sigue, incluida la difusión hacia la atmósfera, la oxidación del CH4 y la exportación lateral a arroyos adyacentes a la marisma; siendo este último el flujo dominante más probable. Nuestros hallazgos demuestran que la producción y los flujos de CH4 son biogeoquímicamente heterogéneos, con múltiples procesos y vías que pueden coexistir y variar en importancia a lo largo del año. Este estudio destaca el potencial de alta producción de CH4 , la necesidad de comprender los controles biogeoquímicos de la producción de CH4 y los retos que existen para evaluar las reservas de CH4 y el carbono azul en marismas salinas.





