Salinity stress

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salinity is the major abiotic stress among others that determines crop productivity. The primary goal is to examine the impact of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) on the growth, metabolism, and defense systems of pea plants in simulated stress conditions. The ZnO NPs were synthesized via a chemical process and characterized by UV, XRD, and SEM. The ZnO NPs application (50 and 100) ppm and salt (50 mM and 100 mM) concentrations were carried out individually and in combination. At 50 ppm ZnO NPs the results revealed both positive and negative effects, demonstrating an increase in the root length and other growth parameters, along with a decrease in Malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide concentrations. However, different concentrations of salt (50 mM and 100 mM) had an overall negative impact on all assessed parameters. In exploring the combined effects of ZnO NPs and salt, various concentrations yielded different outcomes. Significantly, only 50 mM NaCl combined with 50 ppm ZnO NPs demonstrated positive effects on pea physiology, leading to a substantial increase in root length and improvement in other physiological parameters. Moreover, this treatment resulted in decreased levels of MAD, Glycine betaine, and hydrogen peroxide. Conversely, all other treatments exhibited negative effects on the assessed parameters, possibly due to the high concentrations of both stressors. The findings offered valuble reference data for research on the impact of salinity on growth parameters of future agriculture crop.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globally from abiotic stresses, salt stress is the major stress that limits crop production. One of them is wheat that has been utilized by more than 1/3 of the world population as staple food due to its nutritive value. Biochar is an activated carbon that can ameliorate the negative impacts on plants under saline conditions. The present study was conducted to examine the ameliorative impact of \"Biochar application\" to Triticum aestivum L. plant grown under salinity stress and evaluated on the basis of various growth, yield, physiological, biochemical attributes. Preliminary experiment was done to select the Triticum aestivum L. varieties with 90% germination rate for further experiment. The selected varieties, FSD08 and PUNJAB-11 of wheat were treated with two levels of sodium chloride (0 mM and 120 mM). Two varieties of wheat included FSD08 and PUNJAB-11 were treated with two levels of sodium chloride (0 mM and 120 mM). To address the impact of salt stress two levels of biochar 0% and 5% was used as exogenous application. A three way completely randomized experimentation was done in 24 pots of two wheat varieties with three replicates. The results demonstrated that salt stress affected growth, physiological attributes, yield and inorganic mineral ions (Ca2+ and K+) in roots and shoots parameters of wheat negatively while biochar overall improved the performance of plant. SOD, CAT, APX and POD activities enhanced during salt stress as the plant self-defense mechanism against salinity to minimize the damaging effect. Salt stress also significantly increased the membrane permeability, and levels of H2O2, MDA, Cl and Na ions. Biochar treatment nullified negative impacts of NaCl and improved the plant growth and yield significantly. Hence, biochar amendment can be suggested as suitable supplement for sustainable crop production under salinization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate changes may include variations in salinity concentrations at sea by changing ocean dynamics. These variations may be especially challenging for marine photosynthetic organisms, affecting their growth and distribution. Chlamydomonas spp. are ubiquitous and are often found in extreme salinity conditions. For this reason, they are considered good model species to study salinity adaptation strategies. In the current study, we used an integrated approach to study the Chlamydomonas sp. CCMP225 response to salinities of 20‱ and 70‱, by combining physiological, morphological, and transcriptomic analyses, and comparing differentially expressed genes in the exponential and stationary growth phases under the two salinity conditions. The results showed that the strain is able to grow under all tested salinity conditions and maintains a surprisingly high photosynthetic efficiency even under high salinities. However, at the highest salinity condition, the cells lose their flagella. The transcriptomic analysis highlighted the up- or down-regulation of specific gene categories, helping to identify key genes responding to salinity stress. Overall, the findings may be of interest to the marine biology, ecology, and biotechnology communities, to better understand species adaptation mechanisms under possible global change scenarios and the potential activation of enzymes involved in the synthesis of bioactive molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High salinity reduces agriculture production and quality, negatively affecting the global economy. Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) enhance plant metabolism and abiotic stress tolerance. This study investigated the effects of 2 g/L foliar Zinc oxide NPs on Zea mays L. plants to ameliorate 150 mM NaCl-induced salt stress. After precipitation, ZnO-NPs were examined by UV-visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, scanning transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray, and particle size distribution. This study examined plant height, stem diameter (width), area of leaves, chlorophyll levels, hydrolyzable sugars, free amino acids, protein, proline, hydrogen peroxide, and malondialdehyde. Gas chromatographic analysis quantified long-chain fatty acids, and following harvest, leaves, stalks, cobs, seeds, and seeds per row were weighed. The leaves\' acid and neutral detergent fibers were measured along with the seeds\' starch, fat, and protein. Plant growth and chlorophyll concentration decreased under salt stress. All treatments showed significant changes in maize plant growth and development after applying zinc oxide NPs. ZnO-NPs increased chlorophyll and lowered stress. ZnO-NPs enhanced the ability of maize plants to withstand the adverse conditions of saline soils or low-quality irrigation water. This field study investigated the effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles on maize plant leaves when saline water is utilized for growth season water. This study also examined how this foliar treatment affected plant biochemistry, morphology, fatty acid synthesis, and crop production when NaCl is present and when it is not.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-affinity potassium transporters (HKTs) are well known proteins that govern the partitioning of Na+ between roots and shoots. Six HvHKTs were identified in barley and designated as HvHKT1.1, HvHKT1.3, HvHKT1.4, HvHKT1.5, HvHKT2.1 and HvHKT2.2 according to their similarity to previously reported OsHKTs. Among these HvHKTs, HvHKT1.4 was highly up-regulated under salinity stress in both leaves and roots of Golden Promise. Subcellular localization analysis showed that HvHKT1.4 is a plasma-membrane-localized protein. The knockout mutants of HvHKT1.4 showed greater salinity sensitivity and higher Na+ concentration in leaves than wild-type plants. Haplotype analysis of HvHKT1.4 in 344 barley accessions showed 15 single nucleotide substitutions in the CDS region, belonging to five haplotypes. Significant differences in mean salinity damage scores, leaf Na+ contents and Na+/K+ were found between Hap5 and other haplotypes with Hap5 showing better salinity tolerance. The results indicated that HvHKT1.4 can be an effective target in improving salinity tolerance through ion homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salinity stress is one of the most important stress barriers to crop production worldwide. Developing and implementing new strategies against salinity stress is critical for increasing agricultural productivity and supporting sustainable farming. Elicitors such as nanoparticles and Salicylic acid have recently been used potentially for better product yield. Therefore, in our research the Salvia virgata plant was exposed to salinity (NaCl) stress, and zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONP), salicylic acid (SA), and the ZnONP + SA combination were applied to plants divided into different groups. While salinity stress decreased the amount of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoid pigments, SA, ZnONP, and SA + ZnONP elicitors combined with salinity stress enhanced the content of all three pigments. While salt stress raised MDA, H2O2, total phenolic, total flavonoid, soluble sugar and proline content, elicitor applications enhanced proline, soluble sugar, total phenolic and total flavonoid content more. Additionally, the application of NaCl + SA + ZnONP increased proline content by 21.55% and sugar content by 15.73% compared to NaCl application, while decreasing MDA content by 42.28% and H2O2 levels by 42.34%, thereby alleviating the plant\'s salt stress. It was revealed that DPPH, ABTS, and CUPRAC antioxidant activity sequence used to determine the total antioxidant activity displayed similarities, and it was found as NaCI + ZnONP > NaCI + SA > NaCI + SA + ZnONP > NaCI > Control. Furthermore, all elicitor applications increased CAT, GR, APX, and SOD enzyme activities while reducing oxidative stress in S. virgata plants. When all the data were evaluated, it was confirmed that SA and ZnONP had a synergistic effect and that SA and ZnONP have the potential to support plant development and growth under salinity. SA and ZnONP applications may have the capacity to least the detrimental impacts of salinity stress on plants. However, further research is needed to investigate the effectiveness of SA and ZnONPs in ameliorating salinity or different stress factors in various other plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scalloped spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus) aquaculture is the preferred strategy to resolve the conflict between supply and demand for lobster. Environmental conditions, such as salinity, are key to the success of lobster aquaculture. However, physiological responses of P. homarus to salinity stress have not been well studied. This study investigated the gill histology, osmoregulation and gill transcriptome of the early juvenile P. homarus (weight 19.04 ± 3.95 g) cultured at salinity 28 (control), 18, and 38 for 6 weeks. The results showed that the gill filaments of P. homarus exposed to low salinity showed severe separation of the cuticle and epithelial cells due to water absorption and swelling, as well as the dissolution and thinning of the cuticle and the rupture of the septum that separates the afferent and efferent channels. The serum osmolarity of P. homarus varied proportionately with external medium salinity and remained consistently above ambient osmolarity. The serum Na+, Cl-, K+, and Mg2+ concentrations P. homarus exhibited a pattern similar to that of serum osmolality, while the concentration of Ca2+ remained unaffected at salinity 18 but significantly increased at salinity 38. Gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity of P. homarus increased (p < 0.05) under the both salinity stress. Salinity 18 significantly increased Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and Glutamicpyruvic transaminase (GPT) activity in the hepatopancreas of P. homarus (p < 0.05). According to transcriptome analysis, versus control group (salinity 28), 929 and 1095 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were obtained in the gills of P. homarus at salinity 18 and 38, respectively, with these DEGs were mainly involved in energy metabolism, transmembrane transport and oxidative stress and substance metabolism. In addition, the expression patterns of 8 key DEGs mainly related to amino acid metabolism, transmembrane transport and oxidative stress were verified by quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR). The present study suggests that salinity 18 has a greater impact on P. homarus than salinity 38, and P. homarus demonstrates effective osmoregulation and handle with salinity fluctuations (18 to 38) through physiological and functional adaptations. This study provides an improved understanding of the physiological response strategies of P. homarus facing salinity stress, which is crucial for optimizing aquaculture practices for this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) released by macroalgae supports coastal ocean carbon cycling and contributes to the total oceanic DOC pool. Salinity fluctuates substantially in coastal marine environments due to natural and anthropogenic factors, yet there is limited research on how salinity affects DOC release by ecologically important macroalgae. Here we determined the effect of short-term salinity changes on rates of DOC release by the habitat-forming fucalean seaweed Sargassum fallax (Ochrophyta). Lateral branches (~4 g) cut at the axes of mature individuals were incubated across a salinity gradient (4-46) for 24 h under a 12:12 light:dark cycle, and seawater was sampled for DOC at 0, 12, and 24 h. Physiological assays (tissue water content, net photosynthesis, respiration, tissue carbon, and nitrogen content) were undertaken at the end of the 24-h experiment. Dissolved organic carbon release increased with decreasing salinity while net photosynthesis decreased. Dissolved organic carbon release rates at the lowest salinity tested (4) were ~3.3 times greater in the light than in the dark, indicating two potential DOC release mechanisms: light-mediated active exudation and passive release linked to osmotic stress. Tissue water content decreased with increasing salinity. These results demonstrate that hyposalinity stress alters the osmotic status of S. fallax, reducing photosynthesis and increasing DOC release. This has important implications for understanding how salinity conditions encountered by macroalgae may affect their contribution to the coastal ocean carbon cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alfalfa (Medicago L.) is a high-quality perennial leguminous forage with the advantages of salt tolerance, mowing tolerance, high protein content, and other economically valuable characteristics. As the sixth class of plant hormones, brassinosteroids (BRs) play indispensable roles in modulating a variety of plant growth, maturation, and environmental adaptation processes, thereby influencing vegetal expansion and development. Brassinosteroid signal kinases (BSKs) are key cytoplasmic receptor kinases downstream of the BR signaling transduction pathway, participating in plant growth, development, and stress regulation. However, the phylogenetic and expression pattern analyses of the BSK gene family among the five alfalfa species have rarely been reported; in this study, 52 BSK family members were found in the genomes of the five subspecies, and phylogenetic trees were constructed according to protein sequences, allowing us to categorize all BSKs into seven distinct groups. Domain, conserved motif, and exon-intron structural analyses showed that most BSK members were relatively conserved, except for MtBSK3-2, MtBSK7-1, and MtBSK7-2, which may be truncated members. Intra-species collinearity and Ka/Ks analyses showed that purifying selection influenced BSK genes during evolution; most of the cis-acting elements in the promoter region were associated with responses, such as light, defense, and stress, anaerobic induction, MeJA, and abscisic acid. Expression pattern analysis indicated that the majority of alfalfa genes exhibited downregulation after reaching a peak at 0.5 h after treatment with 250 mM NaCl, especially for MsBSK14, MsBSK15, MsBSK17, MsBSK19, and MsBSK21; meanwhile, MsBSK4, MsBSK7, and MsBSK9 increased and were highly expressed at 12 h, demonstrating significantly altered expression patterns under salt stress; furthermore, MsBSK4, MsBSK7, and MsBSK9 exhibited expression specifically in the leaves. qRT-PCR analysis confirmed the expression trends for MsBSK4, MsBSK7, MsBSK9, MsBSK14, MsBSK15, and MsBSK16 matched the transcriptome data. However, the trends for MsBSK17, MsBSK19, and MsBSK21 diverged from the transcriptome data. Our study may provide a foundation for further functional analyses of BSK genes in growth, development, and salt stress tolerance in alfalfa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salinity is a common abiotic stress that limits crop productivity. Although there is a wealth of evidence suggesting that miRNA and lncRNA play important roles in the response to salinity in rice seedlings and reproductive stages, the mechanism by which competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) influence salt tolerance and yield in rice has been rarely reported. In this study, we conducted full whole-transcriptome sequencing of rice panicles during the reproductive period to clarify the role of ceRNAs in the salt stress response and yield. A total of 214 lncRNAs, 79 miRNAs, and 584 mRNAs were identified as differentially expressed RNAs under salt stress. Functional analysis indicates that they play important roles in GO terms such as response to stress, biosynthesis processes, abiotic stimuli, endogenous stimulus, and response to stimulus, as well as in KEGG pathways such as secondary metabolite biosynthesis, carotenoid biosynthesis, metabolic pathways, and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. A ceRNA network comprising 95 lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA triplets was constructed. Two lncRNAs, MSTRG.51634.2 and MSTRG.48576.1, were predicted to bind to osa-miR172d-5p to regulate the expression of OsMYB2 and OsMADS63, which have been reported to affect salt tolerance and yield, respectively. Three lncRNAs, MSTRG.30876.1, MSTRG.44567.1, and MSTRG.49308.1, may bind to osa-miR5487 to further regulate the expression of a stress protein (LOC_Os07g48460) and an aquaporin protein (LOC_Os02g51110) to regulate the salt stress response. This study is helpful for understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms of ceRNA that drive the response of rice to salt stress and provide new genetic resources for salt-resistant rice breeding.





