
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Eye tracking technology not only reveals the acquisition of visual information at fixation but also has the potential to unveil underlying cognitive processes involved in learning to use a multifunction prosthetic hand. It also reveals gaze behaviours observed during standardized tasks and self-chosen tasks. The aim of the study was to explore the use of eye tracking to track learning progress of multifunction hands at two different time points in prosthetic rehabilitation.
    METHODS: Three amputees received control training of a multifunction hand with new control strategy. Detailed description of control training was collected first. They wore Tobii Pro2 eye-tracking glasses and performed a set of standardized tasks (required to switch to different grips for each task) after one day of training and at one-year-follow-up (missing data for Subject 3 at the follow up due to socket problem). They also performed a self-chosen task (free to use any grip for any object) and were instructed to perform the task in a way how they would normally do at home. The gaze-overlaid videos were analysed using the Tobii Pro Lab and the following metrics were extracted: fixation duration, saccade amplitude, eye-hand latency, fixation count and time to first fixation.
    RESULTS: During control training, the subjects learned 3 to 4 grips. Some grips were easier, and others were more difficult because they forgot or were confused with the switching strategies. At the one-year-follow-up, a decrease in performance time, fixation duration, eye-hand latency, and fixation count was observed in Subject 1 and 2, indicating an improvement in the ability to control the multifunction hand and a reduction of cognitive load. An increase in saccade amplitude was observed in both subjects, suggesting a decrease in difficulty to control the prosthetic hand. During the standardized tasks, the first fixation of all three subjects were on the multifunction hand in all objects. During the self-chosen tasks, the first fixations were mostly on the objects first.
    CONCLUSIONS: The qualitative data from control training and the quantitative eye tracking data from clinical standardized tasks provided a rich exploration of cognitive processing in learning to control a multifunction hand. Many prosthesis users prefer multifunction hands and with this study we have demonstrated that a targeted prosthetic training protocol with reliable assessment methods will help to lay the foundation for measuring functional benefits of multifunction hands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The oculomotor circuit spans many cortical and subcortical areas that have been implicated in psychiatric disease. This, combined with previous findings, suggests that eye tracking may be a useful method to investigate eating disorders. Therefore, this study aimed to assess oculomotor behaviors in youth with and without an eating disorder.
    METHODS: Female youth with and without an eating disorder completed a structured task involving randomly interleaved pro-saccade (toward at a stimulus) and anti-saccade (away from stimulus) trials with video-based eye tracking. Differences in saccades (rapid eye movements between two points), eye blinks and pupil were examined.
    RESULTS: Youth with an eating disorder (n = 65, Mage = 17.16 ± 3.5 years) were compared to healthy controls (HC; n = 65, Mage = 17.88 ± 4.3 years). The eating disorder group was composed of individuals with anorexia nervosa (n = 49), bulimia nervosa (n = 7) and other specified feeding or eating disorder (n = 9). The eating disorder group was further divided into two subgroups: individuals with a restrictive spectrum eating disorder (ED-R; n = 43) or a bulimic spectrum eating disorder (ED-BP; n = 22). In pro-saccade trials, the eating disorder group made significantly more fixation breaks than HCs (F(1,128) = 5.33, p = 0.023). The ED-BP group made the most anticipatory pro-saccades, followed by ED-R, then HCs (F(2,127) = 3.38, p = 0.037). Groups did not differ on rate of correct express or regular latency pro-saccades. In anti-saccade trials, groups only significantly differed on percentage of direction errors corrected (F(2, 127) = 4.554, p = 0.012). The eating disorder group had a significantly smaller baseline pupil size (F(2,127) = 3.60, p = 0.030) and slower pro-saccade dilation velocity (F(2,127) = 3.30, p = 0.040) compared to HCs. The ED-R group had the lowest blink probability during the intertrial interval (ITI), followed by ED-BP, with HCs having the highest ITI blink probability (F(2,125) = 3.63, p = 0.029).
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that youth with an eating disorder may have different oculomotor behaviors during a structured eye tracking task. The oculomotor behavioral differences observed in this study presents an important step towards identifying neurobiological and cognitive contributions towards eating disorders.
    Video based eye tracking is a promising method for studying differences between individuals with and without a psychiatric disease of interest. While some studies have explored oculomotor behaviors in individuals with an eating disorder, much remains unknown. The present study investigated saccades (fast eye movements between two points), eye blinks and pupil responses between female youth (aged 10–25 years) with and without an eating disorder during a pro-saccade (looking at a point) and anti-saccade (looking away from a point) eye tracking task. Individuals with an eating disorder made more pro-saccade guesses, had a smaller pupil size and blinked less before a trial started. In individuals with a restrictive type eating disorder (e.g., anorexia nervosa restrictive type), pupil responses may have a relationship with emotional dysregulation (poorly regulated emotional responses). Overall, this study represents an important step towards identifying oculomotor behavior differences in individuals with an eating disorder compared to controls.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adults with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), sometimes referred to as dyspraxia, experience difficulties in motor development and coordination, which impacts on all aspects of their daily lives. Surprisingly little is known about the mechanisms underlying the difficulties they experience in the motor domain. In childhood DCD, aspects of oculomotor control have been shown to be altered. The purpose of this study was to determine whether oculomotor differences are present in adults with and without probable DCD. Visual fixation stability, smooth pursuit, and pro-and anti-saccade performance were assessed in 21 adults (mean age 29 years) with probable DCD/dyspraxia (pDCD) and 21 typically-developing (TD) adults (mean age 21 years). Eye tracking technology revealed that oculomotor response preparation in the pro- and anti-saccade tasks was comparable across groups, as was pursuit gain in the slower of the two smooth pursuit tasks. However, adults with pDCD made significantly more saccades away from the fixation target than those without DCD and significantly more anti-saccade errors. Further, compared to TD adults, adults with pDCD demonstrated difficulties in maintaining engagement and had lower pursuit gain in the faster pursuit task. This suggests that adults with pDCD have problems with saccadic inhibition and maintaining attention on a visual target. Since this pattern of results has also been reported in children with DCD, oculomotor difficulties may be persistent for those with DCD across the lifespan. An awareness of the impact of atypical oculomotor control in activities of daily living across the lifespan would support clearer understanding of the causes and impacts of these difficulties for those with DCD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the characteristics of eye movement in children with anisometropic amblyopia, and to compare those characteristics with eye movement in a control group.
    METHODS: 31 children in the anisometropic amblyopia group (31 amblyopic eyes in group A, 31 contralateral eyes in group B) and 24 children in the control group (48 eyes in group C). Group A was subdivided into groups Aa (severe amblyopia) and Ab (mild-moderate amblyopia). The overall age range was 6-12 years (mean, 7.83 ± 1.79 years). All children underwent ophthalmic examinations; eye movement parameters including saccade latency and amplitude were evaluated using an Eyelink1000 eye tracker. Data Viewer and MATLAB software were used for data analysis.
    RESULTS: Mean and maximum saccade latencies, as well as mean and maximum saccade amplitudes, were significantly greater in group A than in groups B and C before and after treatment (P < 0.05). Mean and maximum saccade latencies were significantly different among groups Aa, Ab, and C (P < 0.05). Pupil trajectories in two detection modes suggested that binocular fixation was better than monocular fixation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Eye movement parameters significantly differed between contralateral normal eyes and control eyes. Clinical evaluation of children with anisometropic amblyopia should not focus only on static visual acuity, but also on the assessment of eye movement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After more than 30 years of extensive investigation, impressive progress has been made in identifying the neural correlates of consciousness (NCC). However, the functional role of spatiotemporally distinct consciousness-related neural activity in conscious perception is debated. An influential framework proposed that consciousness-related neural activities could be dissociated into two distinct processes: phenomenal and access consciousness. However, though hotly debated, its authenticity has not been examined in a single paradigm with more informative intracranial recordings. In the present study, we employed a visual awareness task and recorded the local field potential (LFP) of patients with electrodes implanted in cortical and subcortical regions. Overall, we found that the latency of visual awareness-related activity exhibited a bimodal distribution, and the recording sites with short and long latencies were largely separated in location, except in the lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC). The mixture of short and long latencies in the lPFC indicates that it plays a critical role in linking phenomenal and access consciousness. However, the division between the two is not as simple as the central sulcus, as proposed previously. Moreover, in 4 patients with electrodes implanted in the bilateral prefrontal cortex, early awareness-related activity was confined to the contralateral side, while late awareness-related activity appeared on both sides. Finally, Granger causality analysis showed that awareness-related information flowed from the early sites to the late sites. These results provide the first LFP evidence of neural correlates of phenomenal and access consciousness, which sheds light on the spatiotemporal dynamics of NCC in the human brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saccade adaptation plays a crucial role in maintaining saccade accuracy. The behavioral characteristics and neural mechanisms of saccade adaptation for an externally cued movement, such as visually guided saccades (VGS), are well studied in nonhuman primates. In contrast, little is known about the saccade adaptation of an internally driven movement, such as memory-guided saccades (MGS), which are guided by visuospatial working memory. As the oculomotor plant changes because of growth, aging, or skeletomuscular problems, both types of saccades need to be adapted. Do both saccade types engage a common adaptation mechanism? In this study, we compared the characteristics of amplitude decrease adaptation in MGS with VGS in nonhuman primates. We found that the adaptation speed was faster for MGS than for VGS. Saccade duration changed during MGS adaptation, whereas saccade peak velocity changed during VGS adaptation. We also compared the adaptation field, that is, the gain change for saccade amplitudes other than the adapted. The gain change for MGS declines on both smaller and larger sides of adapted amplitude, more rapidly for larger than smaller amplitudes, whereas the decline in VGS was reversed. Thus, the differences between VGS and MGS adaptation characteristics support the previously suggested hypothesis that the adaptation mechanisms of VGS and MGS are distinct. Furthermore, the result suggests that the MGS adaptation site is a brain structure that influences saccade duration, whereas the VGS adaptation site influences saccade peak velocity. These results should be beneficial for future neurophysiological experiments.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Plasticity helps to overcome persistent motor errors. Such motor plasticity or adaptation can be investigated with saccades. Thus far our knowledge is primarily about visually guided saccades, an externally cued movement, which we can make only when the object is visible at the time of saccade. However, as the world is complex, we can make saccades even when the object is not visible. Here, we investigate the adaptation of an internally driven movement: the memory-guided saccade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The diagnostic challenge of myasthenia gravis (MG) is exacerbated by the variable efficacy of current testing methodologies, necessitating innovative approaches to accurately identify the condition. This study aimed to assess ocular muscle fatigue in patients with MG using video-oculography (VOG) by examining repetitive saccadic eye movements and comparing these metrics to those of healthy control participants.
    METHODS: This prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted at a tertiary care center and involved 62 patients diagnosed with MG (48 with ocular MG and 14 with generalized MG) and a control group of 31 healthy individuals, matched for age and sex. The assessment involved recording saccadic eye movements within a ± 15° range, both horizontally and vertically, at a rate of 15 saccades per minute over a 5-min period, resulting in 75 cycles. Participants were afforded a 3-min rest interval between each set to mitigate cumulative fatigue. The primary outcome was the detection of oculomotor fatigue, assessed through changes in saccadic waveforms, range, peak velocity, latency, and the duration from onset to target, with a focus on comparing the second saccade against the average of the last five saccades.
    RESULTS: In the evaluation of repetitive saccadic movements, patients with MG exhibited a reduced saccadic range and a prolonged duration to reach the target, compared to healthy subjects. Furthermore, a significant elevation in the frequency of multistep saccades was observed among MG patients, with a marked rise observed over consecutive trials. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis revealed the discriminative performance of multistep saccade frequency, in conjunction with variations in saccadic range and duration from onset to target achievement between the second saccade and the mean of the final five saccades, as effective in distinguishing MG patients from healthy subjects. Although alterations in peak saccadic velocity and latency were less pronounced, they were nevertheless detectable.
    CONCLUSIONS: The utilization of VOG for repetitive saccadic testing in the diagnosis of MG has demonstrated considerable diagnostic precision. This methodology affords significant accuracy in evaluating ocular muscle fatigue in MG patients, providing class III evidence supportive of its clinical application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual attention is typically shifted toward the targets of upcoming saccadic eye movements. This observation is commonly interpreted in terms of an obligatory coupling between attentional selection and oculomotor programming. Here, we investigated whether this coupling is facilitated by a habitual expectation of spatial congruence between visual and motor targets. To this end, we conducted a dual-task (i.e., concurrent saccade task and visual discrimination task) experiment in which male and female participants were trained to either anticipate spatial congruence or incongruence between a saccade target and an attention probe stimulus. To assess training-induced effects of expectation on premotor attention allocation, participants subsequently completed a test phase in which the attention probe position was randomized. Results revealed that discrimination performance was systematically biased toward the expected attention probe position, irrespective of whether this position matched the saccade target or not. Overall, our findings demonstrate that visual attention can be substantially decoupled from ongoing oculomotor programming and suggest an important role of habitual expectations in the attention-action coupling.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our eyes execute rapid, directional movements known as saccades, occurring several times per second, to focus on objects of interest in our environment. During these movements, visual sensitivity is temporarily reduced. Despite numerous studies on this topic, the underlying mechanism remains elusive, including a lingering debate on whether saccadic suppression affects the parvocellular visual pathway. To address this issue, we conducted a study employing steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) elicited by chromatic and luminance stimuli while observers performed saccadic eye movements. We also employed an innovative analysis pipeline to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio, yielding superior results compared to the previous method. Our findings revealed a clear suppression effect on SSVEP signals during saccades compared to fixation periods. Notably, this suppression effect was comparable for both chromatic and luminance stimuli. We went further to measure the suppression effect across various contrast levels, which enabled us to model SSVEP responses with contrast response functions. The results suggest that saccades primarily reduce response gain without significantly affecting contrast gain and that this reduction applies uniformly to both chromatic and luminance pathways. In summary, our study provides robust evidence that saccades similarly suppress visual processing in both the parvocellular and magnocellular pathways within the human early visual cortex, as indicated by SSVEP responses. The observation that saccadic eye movements impact response gain rather than contrast gain implies that they influence visual processing through a multiplicative mechanism.NEW & NOTEWORTHY The present study demonstrates that saccadic eye movements reduce the processing of both luminance and chromatic stimuli in the early visual cortex of humans. By modeling the contrast response function, the study further shows that saccades affect visual processing by reducing the response gain rather than altering the contrast gain, suggesting that a multiplicative mechanism of visual attenuation affects both parvocellular and magnocellular pathways.





