SWR1 complex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The yeast SWR1 complex catalyzes the exchange of histone H2A/H2B dimers in nucleosomes with Htz1/H2B dimers. We use cryoelectron microscopy to determine the structure of an enzyme-bound hexasome intermediate in the reaction pathway of histone exchange, in which an H2A/H2B dimer has been extracted from a nucleosome prior to the insertion of a dimer comprising Htz1/H2B. The structure reveals a key role for the Swc5 subunit in stabilizing the unwrapping of DNA from the histone core of the hexasome. By engineering a crosslink between an Htz1/H2B dimer and its chaperone protein Chz1, we show that this blocks histone exchange by SWR1 but allows the incoming chaperone-dimer complex to insert into the hexasome. We use this reagent to trap an SWR1/hexasome complex with an incoming Htz1/H2B dimer that shows how the reaction progresses to the next step. Taken together the structures reveal insights into the mechanism of histone exchange by SWR1 complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The circadian clock entrained by environmental light-dark cycles enables plants to fine-tune diurnal growth and developmental responses. Here, we show that physical interactions among evening clock components, including PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR 5 (PRR5), TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION 1 (TOC1), and the Evening Complex (EC) component EARLY FLOWERING 3 (ELF3), define a diurnal repressive chromatin structure specifically at the PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR 4 (PIF4) locus in Arabidopsis. These three clock components act interdependently as well as independently to repress nighttime hypocotyl elongation, as hypocotyl elongation rate dramatically increased specifically at nighttime in the prr5-1 toc1-21 elf3-1 mutant, concomitantly with a substantial increase in PIF4 expression. Transcriptional repression of PIF4 by ELF3, PRR5, and TOC1 is mediated by the SWI2/SNF2-RELATED (SWR1) chromatin remodeling complex, which incorporates histone H2A.Z at the PIF4 locus, facilitating robust epigenetic suppression of PIF4 during the evening. Overall, these findings demonstrate that the PRR-EC-SWR1 complex represses hypocotyl elongation at night through a distinctive chromatin domain covering PIF4 chromatin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The multisubunit chromatin remodeler SWR1/SRCAP/p400 replaces the nucleosomal H2A-H2B dimer with the free-form H2A.Z-H2B dimer, but the mechanism governing the unidirectional H2A-to-H2A.Z exchange remains elusive. Here, we perform single-molecule force spectroscopy to dissect the disassembly/reassembly processes of the H2A nucleosome and H2A.Z nucleosome. We find that the N-terminal 1-135 residues of yeast SWR1 complex protein 2 (previously termed Swc2-Z) facilitate the disassembly of nucleosomes containing H2A but not H2A.Z. The Swc2-mediated nucleosome disassembly/reassembly requires the inherently unstable H2A nucleosome, whose instability is conferred by three H2A α2-helical residues, Gly47, Pro49, and Ile63, as they selectively weaken the structural rigidity of the H2A-H2B dimer. It also requires Swc2-ZN (residues 1-37) that directly anchors to the H2A nucleosome and functions in the SWR1-catalyzed H2A.Z replacement in vitro and yeast H2A.Z deposition in vivo. Our findings provide mechanistic insights into how the SWR1 complex discriminates between the H2A nucleosome and H2A.Z nucleosome, establishing a simple paradigm for the governance of unidirectional H2A.Z exchange.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Actin is not only one of the most abundant proteins in eukaryotic cells, but also one of the most versatile. In addition to its familiar involvement in enabling contraction and establishing cellular motility and scaffolding in the cytosol, actin has well-documented roles in a variety of processes within the confines of the nucleus, such as transcriptional regulation and DNA repair. Interestingly, monomeric actin as well as actin-related proteins (Arps) are found as stoichiometric subunits of a variety of chromatin remodeling complexes and histone acetyltransferases, raising the question of precisely what roles they serve in these contexts. Actin and Arps are present in unique combinations in chromatin modifiers, helping to establish structural integrity of the complex and enabling a wide range of functions, such as recruiting the complex to nucleosomes to facilitate chromatin remodeling and promoting ATPase activity of the catalytic subunit. Actin and Arps are also thought to help modulate chromatin dynamics and maintain higher-order chromatin structure. Moreover, the presence of actin and Arps in several chromatin modifiers is necessary for promoting genomic integrity and an effective DNA damage response. In this review, we discuss the involvement of actin and Arps in these nuclear complexes that control chromatin remodeling and histone modifications, while also considering avenues for future study to further shed light on their functional importance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deposition of the H2A.Z histone variant by the SWR1 complex (SWR1-C) in regulatory regions of specific loci modulates transcription. Characterization of mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana homologs of yeast SWR1-C has revealed a role for H2A.Z exchange in a variety of developmental processes. Nevertheless, the exact composition of plant SWR1-C and how it is recruited to target genes remains to be established. Here we show that SWC4, the Arabidopsis homolog of yeast SANT domain protein Swc4/Eaf2, is a DNA-binding protein that interacts with SWR1-C subunits. We demonstrate that the swc4-1 knockout mutant is embryo-lethal, while SWC4 RNAi knockdown lines display pleiotropic phenotypic alterations in vegetative and reproductive traits, including acceleration of flowering time, indicating that SWC4 controls post-embryonic processes. Transcriptomic analyses and genome-wide profiling of H2A.Z indicate that SWC4 represses transcription of a number of genes, including the floral integrator FT and key transcription factors, mainly by modulating H2A.Z deposition. Interestingly, SWC4 silencing does not affect H2A.Z deposition at the FLC locus nor expression of this gene, a master regulator of flowering previously shown to be controlled by SWR1-C. Importantly, we find that SWC4 recognizes specific AT-rich DNA elements in the chromatin regions of target genes and that SWC4 silencing impairs SWR1-C binding at FT. Collectively, our data suggest that SWC4 regulates plant growth and development by aiding SWR1-C recruitment and modulating H2A.Z deposition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Similar to other eukaryotes, splicing is emerging as an important process affecting development and stress tolerance in plants. Ski-interacting protein (SKIP), a splicing factor, is essential for circadian clock function and abiotic stress tolerance; however, the mechanisms whereby it regulates flowering time are unknown.
    In this study, we found that SKIP is required for the splicing of serrated leaves and early flowering (SEF) pre-messenger RNA (mRNA), which encodes a component of the ATP-dependent SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex (SWR1-C). Defects in the splicing of SEF pre-mRNA reduced H2A.Z enrichment at FLC, MAF4, and MAF5, suppressed the expression of these genes, and produced an early flowering phenotype in skip-1 plants.
    Our findings indicate that SKIP regulates SWR1-C function via alternative splicing to control the floral transition in Arabidopsis thaliana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple lines of evidence implicate chromatin in the regulation of premessenger RNA (pre-mRNA) splicing. However, the influence of chromatin factors on cotranscriptional splice site usage remains unclear. Here we investigated the function of the highly conserved histone variant H2A.Z in pre-mRNA splicing using the intron-rich model yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe Using epistatic miniarray profiles (EMAPs) to survey the genetic interaction landscape of the Swr1 nucleosome remodeling complex, which deposits H2A.Z, we uncovered evidence for functional interactions with components of the spliceosome. In support of these genetic connections, splicing-specific microarrays show that H2A.Z and the Swr1 ATPase are required during temperature stress for the efficient splicing of a subset of introns. Notably, affected introns are enriched for H2A.Z occupancy and more likely to contain nonconsensus splice sites. To test the significance of the latter correlation, we mutated the splice sites in an affected intron to consensus and found that this suppressed the requirement for H2A.Z in splicing of that intron. These data suggest that H2A.Z occupancy promotes cotranscriptional splicing of suboptimal introns that may otherwise be discarded via proofreading ATPases. Consistent with this model, we show that overexpression of splicing ATPase Prp16 suppresses both the growth and splicing defects seen in the absence of H2A.Z.





