  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Today, 98% of all plastics are fossil-based and non-biodegradable, and globally, only 9% are recycled. Microplastic and nanoplastic pollution is just beginning to be understood. As the global demand for sustainable alternatives to conventional plastics continues to rise, biobased and biodegradable plastics have emerged as a promising solution. This review article delves into the pivotal concept of carbon recycling as a pathway towards achieving a zero-waste future through the production and utilization of high-value bioplastics. The review comprehensively explores the current state of bioplastics (biobased and/or biodegradable materials), emphasizing the importance of carbon-neutral and circular approaches in their lifecycle. Today, bioplastics are chiefly used in low-value applications, such as packaging and single-use items. This article sheds light on value-added applications, like longer-lasting components and products, and demanding properties, for which bioplastics are increasingly being deployed. Based on the waste hierarchy paradigm-reduce, reuse, recycle-different use cases and end-of-life scenarios for materials will be described, including technological options for recycling, from mechanical to chemical methods. A special emphasis on common bioplastics-TPS, PLA, PHAs-as well as a discussion of composites, is provided. While it is acknowledged that the current plastics (waste) crisis stems largely from mismanagement, it needs to be stated that a radical solution must come from the core material side, including the intrinsic properties of the polymers and their formulations. The manner in which the cascaded use of bioplastics, labeling, legislation, recycling technologies, and consumer awareness can contribute to a zero-waste future for plastics is the core topics of this article.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human surrogates have long been employed to simulate human behaviour, beginning in the automotive industry and now widely used throughout the safety framework to estimate human injury during and after accidents and impacts. In the specific context of blunt ballistics, various methods have been developed to investigate wound injuries, including tissue simulants such as clays or gelatine ballistic, physical dummies and numerical models. However, all of these surrogate entities must be biofidelic, meaning they must accurately represent the biological properties of the human body. This paper provides an overview of physical and numerical surrogates developed specifically for blunt ballistic impacts, including their properties, use and applications. The focus is on their ability to accurately represent the human body in the context of blunt ballistic impact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    \"Substitute addiction\" refers to the process of achieving abstinence or resolution of one addictive behavior and subsequently engaging in one or more additional addictive behaviors in its place. Substitute addiction, a concept in the abstinence-based recovery field for decades, is viewed as a cause for concern because resolving one addictive behavior might not fully remove harm or ensure recovery. Conversely, \"harm-reduction treatment\" refers to a counseling orientation that focuses on helping service users reduce substance-related harm and improve their quality of life without necessarily requiring abstinence or use reduction. Harm-reduction treatment assesses a constellation of addictive behaviors in the larger context of a person\'s life to holistically reduce harm in that constellation. In this commentary, we define and compare both constructs and point out their implications for addictions treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim: To understand mean (WCSmean) and peak (WCSpeak) worst case scenarios within training and game play in male professional soccer. Methods: Thirty-one (n = 31) first team players were monitored across 37 matches and 14 MD-3 sessions. Playing status was distinguished, football drills analyzed, and performance explored in long-period: >6 days, moderate-period: 5-6 days, and congested-period: ≤4 days. Relative total distance (TD), high-speed running distance (HSRD, >19.8 km·h-1), sprint distance (SD, >25.2 km·h-1), accelerations/decelerations (A+D, >3 m·s-2), accelerations (Acc, >3 m·s-2), and decelerations (Dec, >-3 m·s-2) were measured as well as Maximum acceleration (Max Acc; m·s-2) and deceleration (Max Dec; m·s-2). Results: Analysis of variance found differences between matches and training in WCSmean for TD, HSRD, SD, and Max Dec in all positions (p < .001; partial η2 > .275). Fullbacks displayed differences between match and training in Max Acc (moderate ESs; p < .001), while center backs and central midfielders in Max Dec (large ESs; p > .05). Main effects of playing status were discovered for all metrics except Max Dec (p < .001; partial η2 > .124). Analysis showed differences between long- and congested-period for A+D and Dec (large ESs; p ≤ .05). Conclusions: Findings provide more insights into short peak intensity demands of soccer showing that the maximum high velocity action of acceleration and deceleration is not being replicated in training. Nonstarters lack maximum intensity exposure in matches (WCSpeak) increasing the gap between training and competition even higher during congested fixture periods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure has been linked to adverse childhood neurodevelopment, but little is known about whether BPA substitutes exposures are also related to childhood neurodevelopment.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the associations of exposure to BPA and its substitutes with infant neurodevelopment at 12 months.
    METHODS: A total of 420 infants at 12 months were included from the Laizhou Wan (Bay) Birth Cohort in Shandong, China. Urinary concentrations of BPA and its substitutes including bisphenol S (BPS), bisphenol B (BPB), bisphenol AF (BPAF), bisphenol AP (BPAP), bisphenol P (BPP) and bisphenol Z (BPZ) were measured. Developmental quotient (DQ) scores based on the Gesell Development Schedules (GDS) were used to evaluate infant neurodevelopment. The multivariable linear regression and weighted quantile sum (WQS) regression were applied to estimate the associations of exposure to individual bisphenols and their mixtures with DQ scores, respectively. Sex-stratified analyses were also performed.
    RESULTS: BPA was detected in most infants (89.05%) and had the highest median concentration (0.709 ng/mL) among all bisphenols. BPA substitutes except BPZ were ubiquitous in infants\' urine samples (>70%), and BPS showed the highest median concentration (0.064 ng/mL) followed by BPAP (0.036 ng/mL), BPAF (0.028 ng/mL), BPP (0.015 ng/mL) and BPB (0.013 ng/mL). In multivariable linear regression, only BPAF exposure was inversely associated with social DQ scores among all infants (β = -0.334; 95% CI: -0.650, -0.019). After sex stratification, this inverse association was significant in girls (β = -0.605; 95% CI: -1.030, -0.180). Besides, BPA exposure was negatively related to gross motor DQ scores in boys (β = -1.061; 95% CI: -2.078, -0.045). WQS analyses confirmed these results.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that bisphenol exposure during infancy may be associated with poor infant neurodevelopment, and BPAF as a commonly used BPA substitute contributing the most to this adverse association deserves more attention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), 2,2\'4,4\'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE47), and bisphenol A (BPA), as plasticizers, flame retardants, and epoxy resins, respectively, has been regulated due to their endocrine disrupting activities. Replacements for these chemicals are found in human matrices, yet the endocrine disrupting potential of these emerging contaminants is poorly characterized. We compared the effects of legacy chemicals with those of their replacements using fetal rat testis organ culture. Fetal testes sampled at gestation day 15 were grown ex vivo, and the impact was evaluated after a 3-day exposure to 10 μM of each legacy chemical; two BPA analogs (bisphenol M and bisphenol TMC); three replacements for DEHP/MEHP (2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate, diisononyl-phthalate, and diisodecyl adipate); or two replacements for BDE47 (tributoxyethyl phosphate and isopropylated triphenyl phosphate). We showed that only BPA and MEHP significantly decrease testosterone secretions after 24 h, while BPM and BPTMC have the opposite effect. Luteinizing hormone-stimulated testosterone was reduced by BPA and MEHP but was increased by BPTMC. After exposure, testes were used for immunofluorescent staining of germ cells, Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells. Interestingly, exposures to BPM or BPTMC induced a significant increase in the Leydig cell density and surface area. A decrease in germ cell density was observed only after treatment with MEHP or BDE47. MEHP also significantly decreased Sertoli cell proliferation. These studies show that some replacement chemicals can affect testicular function, while others appear to show little toxicity in this model. These findings provide essential information regarding the need for their regulation.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Rare and endangered Chinese medicinal materials are the material basis for innovation and development of Chinese medicinal materials and their curative effects are remarkable. However, the resources are in shortage due to various man-made or natural factors such as rising demand, overexploitation and environmental degradation. Therefore, finding alternatives is a feasible and effective solution. This study systematically sorted out the list of rare and endangered Chinese medicinal materials, and combed relevant policies and regulations. According to existing research, the substitution model of rare and endangered Chinese medicinal materials was constructed from the theoretical level. In view of the slow search for substitutes, the failure to follow the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine in the process of research and development, the difficulty in breaking through technologies and the incomplete guarantee of the clinical efficacy of substitutes, a multi-component replacement was proposed to replace the originals with more effective components from a wide range of sources. This study was expected to promote the study on the substitutes of rare and endangered Chinese medicinal materials to step into a new stage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ayurveda is a centuries old traditional medicine practiced in India even today. There are certain safe medicinal plants with well-established medicinal properties both in clinical practice as well as in modern scientific publications. Guduchi or Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers (Menispermaceae), is one such medicinal plant that has well known anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory and other safe therapeutic applications including hepato-protection, because of which it was recommended by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India to be used in COVID-19 care. Therefore, Aabha Nagral\'s article \"Herbal Immune Booster-Induced Liver Injury in the COVID-19 Pandemic-a Case Series,\" published in 2021, was unanticipated. The article recounted histologically documented clinical cases of six patients who developed drug-induced autoimmune-like hepatitis after reported consumption of Guduchi or Guduchi containing formulations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the Ayurveda practitioners vouch by the safety of T. cordifolia (TC), it was felt that the story needed to be further scrutinized. This article reviews the botanical entities, the substitutes and adulterants of species used as Guduchi, their pharmacological and toxicological properties. While the authentic botanical entity of Guduchi is TC, Tinospora sinensis and Tinospora crispa are also commonly traded in the Indian subcontinent as Guduchi or Giloy. Among these species, T. crispa is known to induce heapto-toxicity. In Nagral\'s article, there were variations in the reported six cases in terms of patient history and TC/TC product consumption. More importantly, the botanical authenticity of the consumed products was not investigated. A review of published literature indicates that it is unlikely that the authentic TC could have induced autoimmune-like hepatitis of the patients. It is probable that a wrong species was self-administered by the patients. It is worth following up with the cases (patients), to investigate details of the products, so that other consumers do not suffer. Nagral\'s article however does highlight the serious issue of adulteration in herbal markets and the need for establishing a robust pharmacovigilant system in India.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The green macroalga Rhizoclonium was cooked with 5%, 10%, and 20% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for 4 h (5-N, 10-N, and 20-N groups, respectively); with 5%, 10%, and 20% sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) for 4 h (5-NS, 10-NS, and 20-NS groups, respectively); and with 5%, 10%, and 20% NaOH for 2 h and 1% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for 2 h (5-NH, 10-NH, and 20-NH groups, respectively). The 5-NH handsheet showed the best mechanical properties; however, the 10-NH pulp was easier to separate than 5-NH during handsheet making, and 10-NH was more suitable for the industrial process. Thus, the 10-NH group showed the optimal production conditions with an optimal length/width ratio, crystallinity index (CI%), three-dimensional (3D) configuration, and mechanical strength. Substituting 20% 10-NH Rhizoclonium pulp with wood pulp had no significant effect on the mechanical properties of the 100% wood pulp handsheet. However, the fibers of the NS group were flatter and lost their 3D configuration, resulting in low mechanical strength. Overall, Rhizoclonium had its own optimal cooking condition, which was not the same as for wood pulp, and it has potential as a substitute for wood pulp in papermaking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal medicine is a large category of Chinese medicinecommonly used in clinical practice and has important scientific and therapeutic value. Animal medicine isscarcer than herbal medicine. In recent years, with the vigorous development of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),the contradiction between the increasing industrial demand andsupply of scarce and even endangered medicinal animals has become increasingly prominent. The continuous lack of medicinal animal resources affects the clinical demandandalso causes serious damage to the ecological environment. Only relying on artificial breeding is not enough to alleviate the current condition of depletion. In the face of this dilemma, it is a major challenge for the current industrial development to protect animal resources and meet clinical and industrial needs with "available medicines". The application of substitutes for animal medicines isthe key focus to alleviate this problem, and it is also the key scientific issue to be solved urgently in the modernization of TCM. This paper summarizedand reviewedthe history, current situation, strategies, and methods of animal medicinesubstitution and put forward the point of view of "similar chemical characteristics, similar efficacy, and higher safety" to provide references for scientific substitution and resource protection of rare animals.





