SRY gene

SRY 基因
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: 45,X/46,XY mosaicism is a rare condition with clinical and genetic heterogeneity and have a greatly increased risk of developing germ cell tumors. We describe a rare 45,X/46,XY Chinese girl with malignant tumors, especially focusing on the molecular genetics of gonadal tumor.
    METHODS: We report a phenotypically Turner-like Chinese adolescent girl who presented primary amenorrhea and a pelvic mass as the chief complaint, which finally demonstrated dysgerminoma replacing the left gonad and gonadoblastoma arising from right gonad respectively. Her chromosome karyotype was 45,X(4)/46,XY(46); Y-chromosome microdeletions in AZFb regions were found on gonadal DNA rather than peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) DNA, while no variants were found in the promoter and coding region of SRY gene in both PBL and gonadal tissues. She underwent bilateral gonadectomy; no recurrence or serious complications were identified after 3 years of follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case emphasizes the probable correlation between Y chromosome microdeletions in gonadal tissue and the severity of the phenotype in patients with 45,X/46,XY mosaicism and highlights the importance of clinical genetic testing at the chromosomal and molecular level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the scarce data on DSD in Sudan, we aimed to characterize DSD\'s clinical and genetic profile in Sudanese patients. We studied 60 patients with DSD using clinical data, cytogenetics, and PCR for the SRY gene. The results showed that 65% grew up as females and 35% as males. There was a high percentage of consanguineous parents (85%). Female genital mutilation (FGM) was performed in 75% of females. Patients who presented after pubertal age were 63%, with ambiguous genitalia in 61.7%, followed by primary amenorrhea (PA) in 30%. The SRY gene was positive in 3.3% of patients with 46,XX karyotype and negative in 6.7% of patients with 46,XY karyotype. 5αR2D-DSD was seen in 43.3%, gonadal dysgenesis in 21.7%, Ovotesticular syndrome in 6.7%, Swyer and Turner syndrome in 5% each, and Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) in 3.3%. In conclusion, DSD in Sudan has a distinct profile with late presentation, dominated by 5αR2D-DSD due to the increased consanguineous marriage, and FGM represents a significant risk for DSD patients.
    Compte tenu du peu de données sur le DSD au Soudan, nous avons cherché à caractériser le profil clinique et génétique du DSD chez les patients soudanais. Nous avons étudié 60 patients atteints de DSD en utilisant des données cliniques, cytogénétiques et PCR pour le gène SRY. Les résultats ont montré que 65 % ont grandi en tant que femmes et 35 % en tant qu\'hommes. Il y avait un pourcentage élevé de parents consanguins (85 %). Des mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) ont été pratiquées chez 75 % des femmes. Les patientes qui se sont présentées après l\'âge pubertaire étaient 63 %, avec des organes génitaux ambigus dans 61,7 %, suivis d\'une aménorrhée primaire (AP) dans 30 %. Le gène SRY était positif chez 3,3 % des patients de caryotype 46,XX et négatif chez 6,7 % des patients de caryotype 46,XY. Le 5αR2D-DSD a été observé dans 43,3 %, la dysgénésie gonadique dans 21,7 %, le syndrome ovotesticulaire dans 6,7 %, le syndrome de Swyer et Turner dans 5 % chacun et le syndrome d\'insensibilité aux androgènes (AIS) dans 3,3 %. En conclusion, le DSD au Soudan présente un profil distinct avec une présentation tardive, dominé par le 5αR2D-DSD en raison de l\'augmentation des mariages consanguins, et les MGF représentent un risque important pour les patients DSD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An important aspect of the neuromodulatory and neuroprotective actions exerted by neuroactive steroids is that they are sex-specific, as determined by the sexually dimorphic levels of these molecules in plasma and the nervous tissue. Thus, the identification of the factors that generate the sex-dimorphic levels of neuroactive steroids may be crucial from a neuroprotectant perspective. The main driver for sex determination in mammals is the SRY gene and the subsequent presence of a specific gonad: testes for males and ovaries for females, thus producing hormonal compounds, primarily androgens and estrogens, respectively. Nowadays, it is well established that despite the relevance of gonads, other factors control sexual features, and, among them, sex chromosome complement is highly relevant. In this study, neuroactive steroids were evaluated by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, and plasma of the four core genotype mouse model, to determine the relative contribution of sex chromosome complement and gonads in determining their sex dimorphic levels. The data obtained reveal that although gonads are the main contributing factor for sex differences in neuroactive steroid levels, the levels of some neuroactive steroids, including testosterone, are also influenced in brain and plasma by tissue-specific actions of sex chromosomes. The data presented here adds a new piece to the puzzle of steroid level regulation, which may be useful in designing sex-specific neuroprotective approaches to pathological conditions affecting the nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 46,XX male represents a variant of Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), under the category of a disorder of sex development (DSD). Despite possessing an XX karyotype, these individuals exhibit a male phenotype, which, in this case, results from a translocation of the SRY gene from the Y chromosome onto the X chromosome. This genetic alteration results in the development of male gonadal characteristics. This case report outlines a prenatal diagnosis of a 46,XX female in conflict with a level 2 ultrasound. It details the patient\'s presentation, diagnosis of an SRY-positive 46,XX male, and medical history. The discussion focuses on the advantages of early identification and intervention in managing symptom progression and addressing fertility challenges through hormone replacement therapy. Further exploration of 46,XX DSD early detection and the underlying mechanisms is essential for refining diagnostic and therapeutic approaches that result in a greater quality of life for these patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a patient case referred for evaluation of male hypogonadism with gynecomastia. On examination, he was noted to have microtestis, shorter than expected height, and bilateral gynecomastia. Further investigation revealed XX genotype and on fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis confirmed the SRY gene was present on the short arm of 1 X chromosome. This case highlights the importance of detailed history and examination and the indication for genetic counseling in selected cases.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In mammals, sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene plays vital role as a transcription factor to regulate the expression of the genes contributing to development of male genitals. Any mutation disrupting expression of SRY gene can cause disorders of sex development (DSDs). In this study, the examination of a hermaphroditic (female-like) Shal sheep which was referred for infertility is described. Initially, the reproductive system of the sheep was histologically and anatomically assessed. Karyotyping was used to determine the real gender of the animal. Sex hormones including progesterone, estradiol, and testosterone were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Eventually, promoter part and SRY gene were sequenced and aligned to detect any potential mutation using NCBI data base. Although anatomical inspection led to identification of uterus, ovary, and enlarged clitoris as well as testes in the sheep, the karyotyping results interestingly revealed that the animal was genetically a male. Although the sheep had both male and female gonads, there were no overt signs of reproductive behavior and gamete production was not observed. Plasma steroid hormone levels were reported to be at basal levels. Additionally, a mutation was detected on the promoter of the SRY gene. In conclusion, the case implies that mutation on the promoter part of SRY gene could disrupt sexual development of the fetus culminating in DSDs in the sheep.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex determination in the early developmental stages of dioecious crops is economically-beneficial. During this study, a human homology of SRY gene was successfully identified in dioecious crops. SRY gene sequences of date palm and jojoba were submitted to GenBank under the accession numbers KC577225 and MK991776, respectively. This is the first report regarding the novel sex-determination methodology of four dioecious plants (jojoba, date palm, papaya, and pistachios). SRY sex gene was found in all the tested dioecious plant and human samples. This novel approach is simple and of significant importance for breeders. It facilitates the unambiguous selection of jojoba and date palm female plants at an early age and reduces the plantation cost of cultivating non-productive male plants. This is a rapid sex-determination technique for dioecious plants and mammals at an early stage. This technique specifically targets the SRY sequence that has been comprehensively investigated in humans. The kit development for the SRY-based sex determination of various crops is in progress.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    46,XX male sex reversal syndrome is a rare genetic cause of male infertility. We report on two new cases of this syndrome in men presenting with hypogonadism and infertility. Cytogenetic and molecular analysis was performed in both patients. An extensive review of the literature for 46,XX male sex reversal syndrome cases related to infertility was also performed to fully characterise this syndrome. Genetic analyses showed translocation of the SRY on Xp chromosome and complete absence of all Azoospermia factor (AZF) genetic regions. All patients included in the review presented hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Small testes were the most common clinical characteristic present in 90.2% of the patients, followed by small penis (31.8%), gynecomastia (26.8%) and poor hair distribution (15.4%). The presence of the SRY was identified in 130/154 (84.4%) patients: in 98.5% of cases, it was translocated on the Xp chromosome and in 1.5% on an autosome. All patients were azoospermic, due to the lack of AZF genetic regions. Males with normal phenotype and primary hypogonadism should be properly evaluated by the physicians and must be referred for cytogenetic and molecular analysis to exclude or confirm 46,XX male sex reversal syndrome. More cases of this syndrome with SRY translocated on an autosome are needed to identify if these patients have different characteristics than those with SRY translocated on Xp chromosome. Whole genome analysis of these patients is required to elucidate the genetic differences which are responsible for the phenotypic variability of the syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    46,XX testicular disorder of sex development is a rare syndrome characterized by an inconsistency between genotype and phenotype. Affected individuals present variant genitalia between male and ambiguous, non-functional testicles, non-obstructive azoospermia, generally accompanied by hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, a condition known for high levels of gonadotrophic hormones. In some cases, disorders of sexual development are diagnosed during puberty. However, a significant number of individuals show physical characteristics common to males that are not clinically suspicious. As a result, patients with the condition may remain undiagnosed. Many individuals with the condition are diagnosed as adults, due to infertility. The present study discusses the case of an individual who underwent karyotyping for sterility and was found to be a 46,XX male. Despite having a female karyotype, the presence of the sex-determining region Y gene explains the manifestation of masculine secondary sex characteristics. This report highlights the importance of genetic evaluation, considering that carriers may present significant complications resulting from the disorder. Based on correct diagnosis, it is possible to improve a carrier\'s quality of life through multidisciplinary approaches and help them achieve pregnancy through assisted reproductive technology treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of neurodevelopmental conditions that is four times more commonly diagnosed in males than females. While susceptibility genes located in the sex chromosomes have been identified in ASD, it is unclear whether they are sufficient to explain the male bias or whether gonadal hormones also play a key role. We evaluated the sex chromosomal and hormonal influences on the male bias in a murine model of ASD, in which mice are exposed in utero to a maternal antibody reactive to contactin-associated protein-like 2 (Caspr2), which was originally cloned from a mother of a child with ASD (termed C6 mice henceforth). In this model, only male mice are affected. We used the four-core-genotypes (FCG) model in which the Sry gene is deleted from the Y chromosome (Y-) and inserted into autosome 3 (TgSry). Thus, by combining the C6 and FCG models, we were able to differentiate the contributions of sex chromosomes and gonadal hormones to the development of fetal brain and adult behavioral phenotypes. We show that the presence of the Y chromosome, or lack of two X chromosomes, irrespective of gonadal sex, increased the susceptibility to C6-induced phenotypes including the abnormal growth of the developing fetal cerebral cortex, as well as a behavioral pattern of decreased open-field exploration in adult mice. Our results indicate that sex chromosomes are the main determinant of the male bias in the maternal C6-induced model of ASD. The less dominant hormonal effect may be due to modulation by sex chromosome genes of factors involved in gonadal hormone pathways in the brain.





