• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Earlier protection methods mainly focused on using communication channels to transmit trip signals between the protective devices (PDs), with no solutions provided in the case of communication failure. Therefore, this paper introduces a dual-layer protection system to ensure secure protection against fault events in the Distribution Systems (DSs), particularly in light of communication failures. The initial layer uses the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), the estimates of the amplitude voltages, and the zero-sequence grid voltage components, functioning as a fault sensor, to formulate an adaptive algorithm based on a Finite State Machine (FSM) for the detection and isolation of faults within the grid. This layer primarily relies on communication protocols for effective coordination. A Second-Order Generalized Integrator (SOGI) expedites the derivation of the estimated variables, ensuring fast detection with minimal computational overhead. The second layer uses the behavior of the positive- and negative-sequence components of the grid voltages during fault events to locate and isolate these faults. In the event that the first layer exposes a communication failure, the second layer will automatically be activated to ensure secure protection as it operates, using the local information of the Protective devices (PDs), without the need for communication channels to transmit trip signals between the PDs. The proposed protection system has been assessed using simulations with MATLAB/Simulink and providing experimental results considering an IEEE 9-bus standard radial system. The obtained results confirm the capability of the system for identifying and isolating different types of faults, varying conditions, and modifications to the grid configuration. The results show good behavior of the initial THD-based layer, with fast time responses ranging from 6 to 8.5 ms in all the examined scenarios. In contrast, the sequence-based layer exhibits a protection time response of approximately 150 ms, making it a viable backup option in the event of a communication failure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The integration of Distributed Generators (DGs) into distribution systems (DSs) leads to more reliable and efficient power delivery for customers. However, the possibility of bi-directional power flow creates new technical problems for protection schemes. This poses a threat to conventional strategies because the relay settings have to be adjusted depending on the network topology and operational mode. As a solution, it is important to develop novel fault protection techniques to ensure reliable protection and avoid unnecessary tripping. In this regard, Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) can be used as a key parameter for evaluating the grid\'s waveform quality during fault events. This paper presents a comparison between two DS protection strategies that employ THD levels, estimated amplitude voltages, and zero-sequence components as instantaneous indicators during the faults that function as a kind of fault sensor to detect, identify, and isolate faults. The first method uses a Multiple Second Order Generalized Integrator (MSOGI) to obtain the estimated variables, whereas the second method uses a single SOGI for the same purpose (SOGI-THD). Both methods rely on communication lines between protective devices (PDs) to facilitate coordinated protection. The effectiveness of these methods is assessed by using simulations in MATLAB/Simulink considering various factors such as different types of faults and DG penetrations, different fault resistances and fault locations in the proposed network. Moreover, the performance of these methods is compared with conventional overcurrent and differential protections. The results show that the SOGI-THD method is highly effective in detecting and isolating faults with a time interval of 6-8.5 ms using only three SOGIs while requiring only 447 processor cycles for execution. In comparison to other protection methods, the SOGI-THD method exhibits a faster response time and a lower computational burden. Furthermore, the SOGI-THD method is robust to harmonic distortion, as it considers pre-existing harmonic content before the fault and avoids interference with the fault detection process.





