• 文章类型: Journal Article
    High risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is responsible for 99 % of cervical cancers and 5 % of all human cancers worldwide. HPV infection requires the viral genome (vDNA) to gain access to nuclei of basal keratinocytes of epithelium. After virion endocytosis, the minor capsid protein L2 dictates the subcellular retrograde trafficking and nuclear localization of the vDNA during mitosis. Prior work identified a cell-permeable peptide termed SNX1.3, derived from the BAR domain of sorting nexin 1 (SNX1), that potently blocks the retrograde and nuclear trafficking of EGFR in triple negative breast cancer cells. Given the importance of EGFR and retrograde trafficking pathways in HPV16 infection, we set forth to study the effects of SNX1.3 within this context. SNX1.3 inhibited HPV16 infection by both delaying virion endocytosis, as well as potently blocking virion retrograde trafficking and Golgi localization. SNX1.3 had no effect on cell proliferation, nor did it affect post-Golgi trafficking of HPV16. Looking more directly at L2 function, SNX1.3 was found to impair membrane spanning of the minor capsid protein. Future work will focus on mechanistic studies of SNX1.3 inhibition, and the role of EGFR signaling and SNX1-mediated endosomal tubulation, cargo sorting, and retrograde trafficking in HPV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is responsible for 99% of cervical cancers and 5% of all human cancers worldwide. HPV infection requires the viral genome (vDNA) to gain access to nuclei of basal keratinocytes of epithelium. After virion endocytosis, the minor capsid protein L2 dictates the subcellular retrograde trafficking and nuclear localization of the vDNA during mitosis. Prior work identified a cell-permeable peptide termed SNX1.3, derived from the BAR domain of sorting nexin 1 (SNX1), that potently blocks the retrograde and nuclear trafficking of EGFR in triple negative breast cancer cells. Given the importance of EGFR and retrograde trafficking pathways in HPV16 infection, we set forth to study the effects of SNX1.3 within this context. SNX1.3 inhibited HPV16 infection by both delaying virion endocytosis, as well as potently blocking virion retrograde trafficking and Golgi localization. SNX1.3 had no effect on cell proliferation, nor did it affect post-Golgi trafficking of HPV16. Looking more directly at L2 function, SNX1.3 was found to impair membrane spanning of the minor capsid protein. Future work will focus on mechanistic studies of SNX1.3 inhibition, and the role of EGFR signaling and SNX1- mediated endosomal tubulation, cargo sorting, and retrograde trafficking in HPV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AXL, a TAM receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), and its ligand growth arrest-specific 6 (GAS6) are implicated in cancer metastasis and drug resistance, and cellular entry of viruses. Given this, AXL is an attractive therapeutic target, and its inhibitors are being tested in cancer and COVID-19 clinical trials. Still, astonishingly little is known about intracellular mechanisms that control its function. Here, we characterized endocytosis of AXL, a process known to regulate intracellular functions of RTKs. Consistent with the notion that AXL is a primary receptor for GAS6, its depletion was sufficient to block GAS6 internalization. We discovered that upon receptor ligation, GAS6-AXL complexes were rapidly internalized via several endocytic pathways including both clathrin-mediated and clathrin-independent routes, among the latter the CLIC/GEEC pathway and macropinocytosis. The internalization of AXL was strictly dependent on its kinase activity. In comparison to other RTKs, AXL was endocytosed faster and the majority of the internalized receptor was not degraded but rather recycled via SNX1-positive endosomes. This trafficking pattern coincided with sustained AKT activation upon GAS6 stimulation. Specifically, reduced internalization of GAS6-AXL upon the CLIC/GEEC downregulation intensified, whereas impaired recycling due to depletion of SNX1 and SNX2 attenuated AKT signaling. Altogether, our data uncover the coupling between AXL endocytic trafficking and AKT signaling upon GAS6 stimulation. Moreover, our study provides a rationale for pharmacological inhibition of AXL in antiviral therapy as viruses utilize GAS6-AXL-triggered endocytosis to enter cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mammalian retromer consists of subunits VPS26 (either VPS26A or VPS26B), VPS29 and VPS35, and a loosely associated sorting nexin (SNX) heterodimer or a variety of other SNX proteins. Despite involvement in yeast and mammalian cell trafficking, the role of retromer in development is poorly understood, and its impact on primary ciliogenesis remains unknown. Using CRISPR/Cas9 editing, we demonstrate that vps-26-knockout worms have reduced brood sizes, impaired vulval development and decreased body length, all of which have been linked to ciliogenesis defects. Although preliminary studies did not identify worm ciliary defects, and impaired development limited additional ciliogenesis studies, we turned to mammalian cells to investigate the role of retromer in ciliogenesis. VPS35 localized to the primary cilium of mammalian cells, and depletion of VPS26, VPS35, VPS29, SNX1, SNX2, SNX5 or SNX27 led to decreased ciliogenesis. Retromer also coimmunoprecipitated with the centriolar protein, CP110 (also known as CCP110), and was required for its removal from the mother centriole. Herein, we characterize new roles for retromer in C. elegans development and in the regulation of ciliogenesis in mammalian cells, suggesting a novel role for retromer in CP110 removal from the mother centriole.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-affinity phosphate (Pi) transporters (PHTs) PHT1;1 and PHT1;4 are necessary for plant root Pi uptake especially under Pi-deficient conditions, but how their protein stability is modulated remains elusive. Here, we identified a Ttransfer DNA insertion mutant of Sorting Nexin1 (SNX1), which had more Pi content and less anthocyanin accumulation than the wild type under deficient Pi. By contrast, the snx1-2 mutant displayed higher sensitivity to exogenous arsenate in terms of seed germination and root elongation, revealing higher Pi uptake rates. Further study showed that SNX1 could co-localize and interact with PHT1;1 and PHT1;4 in vesicles and at the plasma membrane. Genetic analysis showed that increased Pi content in the snx1-2 mutant under low Pi conditions could be extensively compromised by mutating PHT1;1 in the double mutant snx1-2 pht1;1, revealing that SNX1 is epistatic to PHT1;1. In addition, SNX1 negatively controls PHT1;1 protein stability; therefore, PHT1;1 protein abundance in the plasma membrane was increased in the snx1-2 mutant compared with the wild type under either sufficient or deficient Pi. Together, our study (i) identifies SNX1 as a key modulator of the plant response to low Pi and (ii) unravels its role in the modulation of PHT1;1 protein stability, PHT1;1 accumulation at the plasma membrane, and root Pi uptake.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to identify proteins that regulate vascular remodeling in an ROP mouse model. Pups were subjected to fluctuating oxygen levels and retinas sampled during vessel regression (PN12) or neovascularization (PN17) for comparative SWATH-MS proteomics using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). We developed a human retinal endothelial cell (HREC) ROP correlate to validate the expression of retina neovascular-specific markers. A total of 5191 proteins were identified in OIR retinas with 498 significantly regulated in elevated oxygen and 345 after a return to normoxia. A total of 122 proteins were uniquely regulated during vessel regression and 69 during neovascularization (FC ≥ 1.5; p ≤ 0.05), with several validated by western blot analyses. Expressions of 56/69 neovascular-specific proteins were confirmed in hypoxic HRECs with 23 regulated in the same direction as OIR neovascular retinas. These proteins control angiogenesis-related processes including matrix remodeling, cell migration, adhesion, and proliferation. RNAi and transfection overexpression studies confirmed that VASP and ECH1, showing the highest levels in hypoxic HRECs, promoted human umbilical vein (HUVEC) and HREC cell proliferation, while SNX1 and CD109, showing the lowest levels, inhibited their proliferation. These proteins are potential biomarkers and exploitable intervention tools for vascular-related disorders. The proteomics data set generated has been deposited to the ProteomeXchange/iProX Consortium with the Identifier:PXD029208.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    More than half of the familial cutaneous melanomas have unknown genetic predisposition. This study aims at characterizing a novel melanoma susceptibility gene.
    We performed exome and targeted sequencing in melanoma-prone families without any known melanoma susceptibility genes. We analyzed the expression of candidate gene DENND5A in melanoma samples in relation to pigmentation and UV signature. Functional studies were carried out using microscopic approaches and zebrafish model.
    We identified a novel DENND5A truncating variant that segregated with melanoma in a Swedish family and 2 additional rare DENND5A variants, 1 of which segregated with the disease in an American family. We found that DENND5A is significantly enriched in pigmented melanoma tissue. Our functional studies show that loss of DENND5A function leads to decrease in melanin content in vitro and pigmentation defects in vivo. Mechanistically, harboring the truncating variant or being suppressed leads to DENND5A losing its interaction with SNX1 and its ability to transport the SNX1-associated vesicles from melanosomes. Consequently, untethered SNX1-premelanosome protein and redundant tyrosinase are redirected to lysosomal degradation by default, causing decrease in melanin content.
    Our findings provide evidence of a physiological role of DENND5A in the skin context and link its variants to melanoma susceptibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sorting nexin (SNX) family of proteins deform the membrane to generate transport carriers in endosomal pathways. Here, we elucidate how a prototypic member, SNX1, acts in this process. Performing cryoelectron microscopy, we find that SNX1 assembles into a protein lattice that consists of helical rows of SNX1 dimers wrapped around tubular membranes in a crosslinked fashion. We also visualize the details of this structure, which provides a molecular understanding of how various parts of SNX1 contribute to its ability to deform the membrane. Moreover, we have compared the SNX1 structure with a previously elucidated structure of an endosomal coat complex formed by retromer coupled to a SNX, which reveals how the molecular organization of the SNX in this coat complex is affected by retromer. The comparison also suggests insight into intermediary stages of assembly that results in the formation of the retromer-SNX coat complex on the membrane.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is widely recognized that after endocytosis, internalized cargo is delivered to endosomes that act as sorting stations. The limiting membrane of endosomes contain specialized subregions, or microdomains, that represent distinct functions of the endosome, including regions competing for cargo capture leading to degradation or recycling. Great progress has been made in defining the endosomal protein coats that sort cargo in these domains, including Retromer that recycles transmembrane cargo, and ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) that degrades transmembrane cargo. In this review, we discuss recent work that is beginning to unravel how such coat complexes contribute to the creation and maintenance of endosomal microdomains. We highlight data that indicates that adjacent microdomains do not act independently but rather interact to cross-regulate. We posit that these interactions provide an agile means for the cell to adjust sorting in response to extracellular signals and intracellular metabolic cues.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Root hair development is crucial for phosphate absorption, but how phosphorus deficiency affects root hair initiation and elongation remains unclear. We demonstrated the roles of auxin efflux carrier PIN-FORMED2 (PIN2) and phospholipase D (PLD)-derived phosphatidic acid (PA), a key signaling molecule, in promoting root hair development in Arabidopsis thaliana under a low phosphate (LP) condition. Root hair elongation under LP conditions was greatly suppressed in pin2 mutant or under treatment with a PLDζ2-specific inhibitor, revealing that PIN2 and polar auxin transport and PLDζ2-PA are crucial in LP responses. PIN2 was accumulated and degraded in the vacuole under a normal phosphate (NP) condition, whereas its vacuolar accumulation was suppressed under the LP or NP plus PA conditions. Vacuolar accumulation of PIN2 was increased in pldζ2 mutants under LP conditions. Increased or decreased PIN2 vacuolar accumulation is not observed in sorting nexin1 (snx1) mutant, indicating that vacuolar accumulation of PIN2 is mediated by SNX1 and the relevant trafficking process. PA binds to SNX1 and promotes its accumulation at the plasma membrane, especially under LP conditions, and hence promotes root hair development by suppressing the vacuolar degradation of PIN2. We uncovered a link between PLD-derived PA and SNX1-dependent vacuolar degradation of PIN2 in regulating root hair development under phosphorus deficiency.






