• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) and autophagy play pivotal roles in restricting virus infection in plants. However, the interconnection between these two pathways in viral infections has not been explored. Here, it is shown that overexpression of NbSMG7 and NbUPF3 attenuates cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) infection by recognizing the viral internal termination codon and vice versa. NbSMG7 is subjected to autophagic degradation, which is executed by its interaction with one of the autophagy-related proteins, NbATG8i. Mutation of the ATG8 interacting motif (AIM) in NbSMG7 (SMG7mAIM1) abolishes the interaction and comprises its autophagic degradation. Silencing of NbSMG7 and NbATG8i, or NbUPF3 and NbATG8i, compared to silencing each gene individually, leads to more virus accumulations, but overexpression of NbSMG7 and NbATG8i fails to achieve more potent virus inhibition. When CGMMV is co-inoculated with NbSMG7mAIM1 or with NbUPF3, compared to co-inoculating with NbSMG7 in NbATG8i transgene plants, the inoculated plants exhibit milder viral phenotypes. These findings reveal that NMD-mediated virus inhibition is impaired by the autophagic degradation of SMG7 in a negative feedback loop, and a novel regulatory interplay between NMD and autophagy is uncovered, providing insights that are valuable in optimizing strategies to harness NMD and autophagy for combating viral infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    mRNAs containing premature stop codons are responsible for various genetic diseases as well as cancers. The truncated proteins synthesized from these aberrant mRNAs are seldom detected due to the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway. Such a surveillance mechanism detects most of these aberrant mRNAs and rapidly destroys them from the pool of mRNAs. Here, we implemented chemical cross-linking mass spectrometry (CLMS) techniques to trace novel biology consisting of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) within the NMD machinery. A set of novel complex networks between UPF2 (Regulator of nonsense transcripts 2), SMG1 (Serine/threonine-protein kinase SMG1), and SMG7 from the NMD pathway were identified, among which UPF2 was found as a connection bridge between SMG1 and SMG7. The UPF2 N-terminal formed most interactions with SMG7, and a set of residues emerged from the MIF4G-I, II, and III domains docked with SMG1 or SMG7. SMG1 mediated interactions with initial residues of UPF2, whereas SMG7 formed very few interactions in this region. Modelled structures highlighted that PPIs for UPF2 and SMG1 emerged from the well-defined secondary structures, whereas SMG7 appeared from the connecting loops. Comparing the influence of cancer-derived mutations over different CLMS sites revealed that variants in the PPIs for UPF2 or SMG1 have significant structural stability effects. Our data highlights the protein-protein interface of the SMG1, UPF2, and SMG7 genes that can be used for potential therapeutic approaches. Blocking the NMD pathway could enhance the production of neoantigens or internal cancer vaccines, which could provide a platform to design potential peptide-based vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bunyaviruses cleave host cellular mRNAs to acquire cap structures for their own mRNAs in a process called cap-snatching. How bunyaviruses interact with cellular mRNA surveillance pathways such as nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) during cap-snatching remains poorly understood, especially in plants. Rice stripe virus (RSV) is a plant bunyavirus threatening rice production in East Asia. Here, with a newly developed system allowing us to present defined mRNAs to RSV in Nicotiana benthamiana, we found that the frequency of RSV to target nonsense mRNAs (nsRNAs) during cap-snatching was much lower than its frequency to target normal mRNAs. The frequency of RSV to target nsRNAs was increased by virus-induced gene silencing of UPF1 or SMG7, each encoding a protein component involved in early steps of NMD (in an rdr6 RNAi background). Coincidently, RSV accumulation was increased in the UPF1- or SMG7-silenced plants. These data indicated that the frequency of RSV to target nsRNAs during cap-snatching is restricted by NMD. By restricting the frequency of RSV to target nsRNAs, NMD may impose a constraint to the overall cap-snatching efficiency of RSV. Besides a deeper understanding for the cap-snatching of RSV, these findings point to a novel role of NMD in plant-bunyavirus interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SMG7 proteins are evolutionary conserved across eukaryotes and primarily known for their function in nonsense mediated RNA decay (NMD). In contrast to other NMD factors, SMG7 proteins underwent independent expansions during evolution indicating their propensity to adopt novel functions. Here we characterized SMG7 and SMG7-like (SMG7L) paralogs in Arabidopsis thaliana. SMG7 retained its role in NMD and additionally appears to have acquired another function in meiosis. We inactivated SMG7 by CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis and showed that, in contrast to our previous report, SMG7 is not an essential gene in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, our data indicate that the N-terminal phosphoserine-binding domain is required for both NMD and meiosis. Phenotypic analysis of SMG7 and SMG7L double mutants did not indicate any functional redundancy between the two genes, suggesting neofunctionalization of SMG7L. Finally, protein sequence comparison together with a phenotyping of T-DNA insertion mutants identified several conserved regions specific for SMG7 that may underlie its role in NMD and meiosis. This information provides a framework for deciphering the non-canonical functions of SMG7-family proteins.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The term \"nonsense-mediated mRNA decay\" (NMD) originally described the degradation of mRNAs with premature translation-termination codons (PTCs), but its meaning has recently been extended to be a translation-dependent post-transcriptional regulator of gene expression affecting 3%-10% of all mRNAs. The degradation of NMD target mRNAs involves both exonucleolytic and endonucleolytic pathways in mammalian cells. While the latter is mediated by the endonuclease SMG6, the former pathway has been reported to require a complex of SMG5-SMG7 or SMG5-PNRC2 binding to UPF1. However, the existence, dominance, and mechanistic details of these exonucleolytic pathways are divisive. Therefore, we have investigated the possible exonucleolytic modes of mRNA decay in NMD by examining the roles of UPF1, SMG5, SMG7, and PNRC2 using a combination of functional assays and interaction mapping. Confirming previous work, we detected an interaction between SMG5 and SMG7 and also a functional need for this complex in NMD. In contrast, we found no evidence for the existence of a physical or functional interaction between SMG5 and PNRC2. Instead, we show that UPF1 interacts with PNRC2 and that it triggers 5\'-3\' exonucleolytic decay of reporter transcripts in tethering assays. PNRC2 interacts mainly with decapping factors and its knockdown does not affect the RNA levels of NMD reporters. We conclude that PNRC2 is probably an important mRNA decapping factor but that it does not appear to be required for NMD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) has traditionally been described as a quality control system that rids cells of aberrant mRNAs with crippled protein coding potential. However, transcriptome-wide profiling of NMD deficient cells identified a plethora of seemingly intact mRNAs coding for functional proteins as NMD targets. This led to the view that NMD constitutes an additional post-transcriptional layer of gene expression control involved in the regulation of many different biological pathways. Here, we review our current knowledge about the role of NMD in embryonic development and tissue-specific cell differentiation. We further summarize how NMD contributes to balancing of the integrated stress response and to cellular homeostasis of splicing regulators and NMD factors through auto-regulatory feedback loops. In addition, we discuss recent evidence that suggests a role for NMD as an innate immune response against several viruses. Altogether, NMD appears to play an important role in a broad spectrum of biological pathways, many of which still remain to be discovered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) controls gene expression by eliminating mRNAs with premature or aberrant translation termination. Degradation of NMD substrates is initiated by the central NMD factor UPF1, which recruits the endonuclease SMG6 and the deadenylation-promoting SMG5/7 complex. The extent to which SMG5/7 and SMG6 contribute to the degradation of individual substrates and their regulation by UPF1 remains elusive. Here we map transcriptome-wide sites of SMG6-mediated endocleavage via 3\' fragment capture and degradome sequencing. This reveals that endogenous transcripts can have NMD-eliciting features at various positions, including upstream open reading frames (uORFs), premature termination codons (PTCs), and long 3\' UTRs. We find that NMD substrates with PTCs undergo constitutive SMG6-dependent endocleavage, rather than SMG7-dependent exonucleolytic decay. In contrast, the turnover of NMD substrates containing uORFs and long 3\' UTRs involves both SMG6- and SMG7-dependent endo- and exonucleolytic decay, respectively. This suggests that the extent to which SMG6 and SMG7 degrade NMD substrates is determined by the mRNA architecture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Besides degrading aberrant mRNAs that harbor a premature translation termination codon (PTC), nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) also targets many seemingly \"normal\" mRNAs that encode for full-length proteins. To identify a bona fide set of such endogenous NMD targets in human cells, we applied a meta-analysis approach in which we combined transcriptome profiling of knockdowns and rescues of the three NMD factors UPF1, SMG6, and SMG7. We provide evidence that this combinatorial approach identifies NMD-targeted transcripts more reliably than previous attempts that focused on inactivation of single NMD factors. Our data revealed that SMG6 and SMG7 act on essentially the same transcripts, indicating extensive redundancy between the endo- and exonucleolytic decay routes. Besides mRNAs, we also identified as NMD targets many long noncoding RNAs as well as miRNA and snoRNA host genes. The NMD target feature with the most predictive value is an intron in the 3\' UTR, followed by the presence of upstream open reading frames (uORFs) and long 3\' UTRs. Furthermore, the 3\' UTRs of NMD-targeted transcripts tend to have an increased GC content and to be phylogenetically less conserved when compared to 3\' UTRs of NMD insensitive transcripts.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The p53 tumor suppressor functions as a transcription factor and plays a pivotal role in regulation of cellular response to DNA damage by activating various genes including those involved in cell cycle arrest. p53 stability is essential for its function during stress response; however, the molecular mechanism for DNA damage-induced stabilization of p53 is not fully understood. In our present study, we have identified SMG7 (suppressor with morphological defects in genitalia 7), also known as EST1C, as a novel p53-binding protein. SMG7 is an mRNA surveillance factor implicated in degradation of p53 mRNA-containing nonsense mutations, yet it is completely unknown whether SMG7 regulates p53 function. Here, we show that SMG7 has a crucial role in p53-mediated response to genotoxic stress by regulating p53 stability. Using somatic gene knockout, we found that deletion of SMG7 abrogates DNA damage-induced p53 stabilization, although it exhibits minimal effect on the basal levels of p53. Importantly, loss of SMG7 impairs p53-mediated activation of p21 and cell cycle arrest following DNA damage. Pharmacological inhibition of Mdm2, a major E3 ubiquitin ligase for p53, restored p53 stability in gamma-irradiated SMG7-deficient cells. Furthermore, SMG7 physically interacts with Mdm2 and promotes ATM-mediated inhibitory phosphorylation of Mdm2 following ionizing radiation. Therefore, our present data demonstrate that SMG7 is critical for p53 function in DNA damage response, and reveal the SMG7-mediated phosphorylation of Mdm2 as a previously unknown mechanism for p53 regulation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is an essential quality control system that degrades aberrant transcripts containing premature termination codons and regulates the expression of several normal transcripts. Targets for NMD are selected during translational termination. If termination is slow, the UPF1 NMD factor binds the eRF3 protein of the termination complex and then recruits UPF2 and UPF3. Consequently, the UPF1-2-3 NMD complex induces SMG7-mediated degradation of the target mRNA. It is unknown how formation of the NMD complex and transcript degradation are linked in plants. Previously we have shown that the N- and C-terminal domains of UPF1 act redundantly and that the N-terminal domain is phosphorylated. To clarify the role of UPF1 phosphorylation in plant NMD, we generated UPF1 mutants and analyzed their phosphorylation status and the NMD competency of the mutants. We show that although several residues in the N-terminal domain of UPF1 are phosphorylated, only three phosphorylated amino acids, S3, S13 and T29, play a role in NMD. Moreover, we found that the C-terminal domain consists of redundant S/TQ-rich segments and that S1076 is involved in NMD. All NMD-relevant phosphorylation sites were in the S/TQ context. Co-localization and fluorescence resonance energy transfer-fluorescence lifetime imaging assays suggest that N-terminal and probably also C-terminal phosphorylated S/TQ residues are the binding platform for SMG7. Our data support the hypothesis that phosphorylation of UPF1 connects NMD complex formation and the SMG7-mediated target transcript degradation steps of NMD. SMG7 binds the phosphorylated S/TQ sites of the UPF1 component of the NMD complex, and then it induces the degradation of the NMD target.





