
Smc5 / 6
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Smc5/6 complex is a highly conserved molecular machine involved in the maintenance of genome integrity. While its functions largely depend on restraining the fork remodeling activity of Mph1 in yeast, the presence of an analogous Smc5/6-FANCM regulation in humans remains unknown. We generated human cell lines harboring mutations in the NSE1 subunit of the Smc5/6 complex. Point mutations or truncations in the RING domain of NSE1 result in drastically reduced Smc5/6 protein levels, with differential contribution of the two zinc-coordinating centers in the RING. In addition, nse1-RING mutant cells display cell growth defects, reduced replication fork rates, and increased genomic instability. Notably, our findings uncover a synthetic sick interaction between Smc5/6 and FANCM and show that Smc5/6 controls fork progression and chromosome disjunction in a FANCM-independent manner. Overall, our study demonstrates that the NSE1 RING domain plays vital roles in Smc5/6 complex stability and fork progression through pathways that are not evolutionary conserved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hepatitis B virus (HBV) infects hepatocytes and hijacks host cellular mechanisms for its replication. Host proteins can be frontline effectors of the cell\'s defense and restrict viral replication by impeding multiple steps during its intracellular lifecycle. This review summarizes many of the well-described restriction factors, their mechanisms of restriction, and counteractive measures of HBV, with a special focus on viral transcription. We discuss some of the limitations and knowledge gaps about the restriction factors, highlighting how these factors may be harnessed to facilitate therapeutic strategies against HBV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein complexes-cohesin, condensin, and the Smc5/6 complex (Smc5/6)-are essential for chromosome function. At the molecular level, these complexes fold DNA by loop extrusion. Accordingly, cohesin creates chromosome loops in interphase, and condensin compacts mitotic chromosomes. However, the role of Smc5/6\'s recently discovered DNA loop extrusion activity is unknown. Here, we uncover that Smc5/6 associates with transcription-induced positively supercoiled DNA at cohesin-dependent loop boundaries on budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) chromosomes. Mechanistically, single-molecule imaging reveals that dimers of Smc5/6 specifically recognize the tip of positively supercoiled DNA plectonemes and efficiently initiate loop extrusion to gather the supercoiled DNA into a large plectonemic loop. Finally, Hi-C analysis shows that Smc5/6 links chromosomal regions containing transcription-induced positive supercoiling in cis. Altogether, our findings indicate that Smc5/6 controls the three-dimensional organization of chromosomes by recognizing and initiating loop extrusion on positively supercoiled DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is widely accepted that DNA replication fork stalling is a common occurrence during cell proliferation, but there are robust mechanisms to alleviate this and ensure DNA replication is completed prior to chromosome segregation. The SMC5/6 complex has consistently been implicated in the maintenance of replication fork integrity. However, the essential role of the SMC5/6 complex during DNA replication in mammalian cells has not been elucidated. In this study, we investigate the molecular consequences of SMC5/6 loss at the replication fork in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), employing the auxin-inducible degron (AID) system to deplete SMC5 acutely and reversibly in the defined cellular contexts of replication fork stall and restart. In SMC5-depleted cells, we identify a defect in the restart of stalled replication forks, underpinned by excess MRE11-mediated fork resection and a perturbed localization of fork protection factors to the stalled fork. Previously, we demonstrated a physical and functional interaction of SMC5/6 with the COP9 signalosome (CSN), a cullin deneddylase that enzymatically regulates cullin ring ligase (CRL) activity. Employing a combination of DNA fiber techniques, the AID system, small-molecule inhibition assays, and immunofluorescence microscopy analyses, we show that SMC5/6 promotes the localization of fork protection factors to stalled replication forks by negatively modulating the COP9 signalosome (CSN). We propose that the SMC5/6-mediated modulation of the CSN ensures that CRL activity and their roles in DNA replication fork stabilization are maintained to allow for efficient replication fork restart when a replication fork stall is alleviated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Smc5/6 complex (Smc5/6) is important for genome replication and repair in eukaryotes. Its cellular functions are closely linked to the ATPase activity of the Smc5 and Smc6 subunits. This activity requires the dimerization of the motor domains of the two SMC subunits and is regulated by the six non-SMC subunits (Nse1 to Nse6). Among the NSEs, Nse5 and Nse6 form a stable subcomplex (Nse5-6) that dampens the ATPase activity of the complex. However, the underlying mechanisms and biological significance of this regulation remain unclear. Here, we address these issues using structural and functional studies. We determined cryo-EM structures of the yeast Smc5/6 derived from complexes consisting of either all eight subunits or a subset of five subunits. Both structures reveal that Nse5-6 associates with Smc6\'s motor domain and the adjacent coiled-coil segment, termed the neck region. Our structural analyses reveal that this binding is compatible with motor domain dimerization but results in dislodging the Nse4 subunit from the Smc6 neck. As the Nse4-Smc6 neck interaction favors motor domain engagement and thus ATPase activity, Nse6\'s competition with Nse4 can explain how Nse5-6 disfavors ATPase activity. Such regulation could in principle differentially affect Smc5/6-mediated processes depending on their needs of the complex\'s ATPase activity. Indeed, mutagenesis data in cells provide evidence that the Nse6-Smc6 neck interaction is important for the resolution of DNA repair intermediates but not for replication termination. Our results thus provide a molecular basis for how Nse5-6 modulates the ATPase activity and cellular functions of Smc5/6.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatitis B virus is a pathogenic virus that infects 300 million people worldwide and causes chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatitis B virus encodes four proteins. Among them, the HBx protein plays a central role in the HBV pathogenesis. Because the HBx protein is considered to play a central role in the induction of viral replication and hepatocarcinogenesis, the regulation of its function could be a key factor in the development of new interventions against hepatitis B. In this review, HBx protein-related viral replication and hepatocarcinogenesis mechanisms are described, with a focus on the recently reported viral replication mechanisms related to degradation of the Smc5/6 protein complex. We also discuss our recent discovery of a compound that inhibits HBx protein-induced degradation of the Smc5/6 protein complex, and that exerts inhibitory effects on both viral replication and hepatocarcinogenesis. Finally, prospects for future research on the HBx protein are described.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The host structural maintenance of chromosomes 5/6 complex (Smc5/6) is a restriction factor of hepatitis B virus (HBV) that inhibits the transcription of viral ccDNA. HBV antagonizes this restriction by expressing the regulatory X protein (HBx) which targets Smc5/6 for degradation via DNA damage-binding protein 1 (DDB1) E3 ubiquitin ligase. However, the molecular insights into how Smc5/6 interacts with HBx remain elusive. In this study, we systematically investigated the interaction between Smc5/6 and HBx. Smc5/6 interacts with HBx through multiple sites in the absence of DDB1 in the pull-down assay. HBx C-terminal is sufficient for the interaction. Most importantly, residue Phe132, which is strictly conserved in all HBV subtypes, is critical for interaction with Smc5/6 both in vitro and in vivo. Mutation of this site (F132A) results in defect in Smc5/6 interaction, extrachromosomal reporter transcription, and HBV production both in cells and in mouse model. Collectively, our data identifies a key residue on HBx for Smc5/6 interaction and viral production. These results provide valuable information for both basic research and therapeutic drugs targeting HBx.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human SMC5/6 complex is a conserved guardian of genome stability and an emerging component of antiviral responses. These disparate functions likely require distinct mechanisms of SMC5/6 regulation. In yeast, Smc5/6 is regulated by its Nse5/6 subunits, but such regulatory subunits for human SMC5/6 are poorly defined. Here, we identify a novel SMC5/6 subunit called SIMC1 that contains SUMO interacting motifs (SIMs) and an Nse5-like domain. We isolated SIMC1 from the proteomic environment of SMC5/6 within polyomavirus large T antigen (LT)-induced subnuclear compartments. SIMC1 uses its SIMs and Nse5-like domain to localize SMC5/6 to polyomavirus replication centers (PyVRCs) at SUMO-rich PML nuclear bodies. SIMC1\'s Nse5-like domain binds to the putative Nse6 orthologue SLF2 to form an anti-parallel helical dimer resembling the yeast Nse5/6 structure. SIMC1-SLF2 structure-based mutagenesis defines a conserved surface region containing the N-terminus of SIMC1\'s helical domain that regulates SMC5/6 localization to PyVRCs. Furthermore, SLF1, which recruits SMC5/6 to DNA lesions via its BRCT and ARD motifs, binds SLF2 analogously to SIMC1 and forms a separate Nse5/6-like complex. Thus, two Nse5/6-like complexes with distinct recruitment domains control human SMC5/6 localization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) complexes are essential for chromatin organization and functions throughout the cell cycle. The cohesin and condensin SMCs fold and tether DNA, while Smc5/6 directly promotes DNA replication and repair. The functions of SMCs rely on their abilities to engage DNA, but how Smc5/6 binds and translocates on DNA remains largely unknown. Here, we present a 3.8 Å cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of DNA-bound Saccharomyces cerevisiae Smc5/6 complex containing five of its core subunits, including Smc5, Smc6, and the Nse1-3-4 subcomplex. Intricate interactions among these subunits support the formation of a clamp that encircles the DNA double helix. The positively charged inner surface of the clamp contacts DNA in a nonsequence-specific manner involving numerous DNA binding residues from four subunits. The DNA duplex is held up by Smc5 and 6 head regions and positioned between their coiled-coil arm regions, reflecting an engaged-head and open-arm configuration. The Nse3 subunit secures the DNA from above, while the hook-shaped Nse4 kleisin forms a scaffold connecting DNA and all other subunits. The Smc5/6 DNA clamp shares similarities with DNA-clamps formed by other SMCs but also exhibits differences that reflect its unique functions. Mapping cross-linking mass spectrometry data derived from DNA-free Smc5/6 to the DNA-bound Smc5/6 structure identifies multi-subunit conformational changes that enable DNA capture. Finally, mutational data from cells reveal distinct DNA binding contributions from each subunit to Smc5/6 chromatin association and cell fitness. In summary, our integrative study illuminates how a unique SMC complex engages DNA in supporting genome regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Smc5/6, like cohesin and condensin, is a structural maintenance of chromosomes complex crucial for genome stability. Unlike cohesin and condensin, Smc5/6 carries an essential Nse2 subunit with SUMO E3 ligase activity. While screening for new DNA replication checkpoint mutants in fission yeast, we have identified two previously uncharacterized mutants in Smc5/6. Characterization of the mutants and a series of previously reported Smc5/6 mutants uncovered that sumoylation of the RecQ helicase Rqh1 by Nse2 facilitates the checkpoint signaling at the replication fork. We found that mutations that eliminate the sumoylation sites or the helicase activity of Rqh1 compromised the checkpoint signaling similar to a nse2 mutant lacking the ligase activity. Surprisingly, introducing a sumoylation site mutation to a helicase-inactive rqh1 mutant promoted cell survival under stress. These findings, together with other genetic data, support a mechanism that sumoylation of Rqh1 by Smc5/6-Nse2 recruits Rqh1 or modulates its helicase activity at the fork to facilitate the checkpoint signaling. Since the Smc5/6 complex, Rqh1, and the replication checkpoint are conserved in eukaryotes, a similar checkpoint mechanism may be operating in human cells.





