• 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations to the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Symptoms and severity of the disease can be quite variable suggesting modifier genes play an important role.
    METHODS: Exome sequencing was performed on six individuals carrying homozygous deltaF508 for CFTR genotype but present with rapidly progressing CF (RPCF). Data was analyzed using an unbiased genome-wide genetic burden test against 3076 controls. Single cell RNA sequencing data from LungMAP was utilized to evaluate unique and co-expression of candidate genes, and structural modeling to evaluate the deleterious effects of identified candidate variants.
    RESULTS: We have identified solute carrier family 26 member 9 (SLC26A9) as a modifier gene to be associated with RPCF. Two rare missense SLC26A9 variants were discovered in three of six individuals deemed to have RPCF: c.229G > A; p.G77S (present in two patients), and c.1885C > T; p.P629S. Co-expression of SLC26A9 and CFTR mRNA is limited across different lung cell types, with the highest level of co-expression seen in human (6.3 %) and mouse (9.0 %) alveolar type 2 (AT2) cells. Structural modeling suggests deleterious effects of these mutations as they are in critical protein domains which might affect the anion transport capability of SLC26A9.
    CONCLUSIONS: The enrichment of rare and potentially deleterious SLC26A9 mutations in patients with RPCF suggests SLC26A9 may act as an alternative anion transporter in CF and is a modifier gene associated with this lung phenotype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian SLC26 proteins are membrane-based anion transporters that belong to the large SLC26/SulP family, and many of their variants are associated with hereditary diseases. Recent structural studies revealed a strikingly similar homodimeric molecular architecture for several SLC26 members, implying a shared molecular principle. Now a new question emerges as to how these structurally similar proteins execute diverse physiological functions. In this study, we sought to identify the common versus distinct molecular mechanism among the SLC26 proteins using both naturally occurring and artificial missense changes introduced to SLC26A4, SLC26A5, and SLC26A9. We found: (i) the basic residue at the anion binding site is essential for both anion antiport of SLC26A4 and motor functions of SLC26A5, and its conversion to a nonpolar residue is crucial but not sufficient for the fast uncoupled anion transport in SLC26A9; (ii) the conserved polar residues in the N- and C-terminal cytosolic domains are likely involved in dynamic hydrogen-bonding networks and are essential for anion antiport of SLC26A4 but not for motor (SLC26A5) and uncoupled anion transport (SLC26A9) functions; (iii) the hydrophobic interaction between each protomer\'s last transmembrane helices, TM14, is not of functional significance in SLC26A9 but crucial for the functions of SLC26A4 and SLC26A5, likely contributing to optimally orient the axis of the relative movements of the core domain with respect to the gate domains within the cell membrane. These findings advance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the diverse physiological roles of the SLC26 family of proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Cl--transporting proteins CFTR, SLC26A9, and anoctamin (ANO1; ANO6) appear to have more in common than initially suspected, as they all participate in the pathogenic process and clinical outcomes of airway and renal diseases. In the present review, we will therefore concentrate on recent findings concerning electrolyte transport in the airways and kidneys, and the role of CFTR, SLC26A9, and the anoctamins ANO1 and ANO6. Special emphasis will be placed on cystic fibrosis and asthma, as well as renal alkalosis and polycystic kidney disease. In essence, we will summarize recent evidence indicating that CFTR is the only relevant secretory Cl- channel in airways under basal (nonstimulated) conditions and after stimulation by secretagogues. Information is provided on the expressions of ANO1 and ANO6, which are important for the correct expression and function of CFTR. In addition, there is evidence that the Cl- transporter SLC26A9 expressed in the airways may have a reabsorptive rather than a Cl--secretory function. In the renal collecting ducts, bicarbonate secretion occurs through a synergistic action of CFTR and the Cl-/HCO3- transporter SLC26A4 (pendrin), which is probably supported by ANO1. Finally, in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), the secretory function of CFTR in renal cyst formation may have been overestimated, whereas ANO1 and ANO6 have now been shown to be crucial in ADPKD and therefore represent new pharmacological targets for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Since patients with cystic fibrosis with different Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR) genotypes present a wide response variability for modulator drugs such as Orkambi®, it is important to screen variants in candidate genes with an impact on precision and personalized medicine, such as Solute Carrier Family 26, member 9 (SLC26A9) gene.
    METHODS: Sanger sequencing for the exons and intron-exon boundary junctions of the SLC26A9 gene was employed in nine individuals with p.Phe508del homozygous genotype for the CFTR gene who were not under CFTR modulators therapy. The sequencing variants were evaluated by in silico prediction tools. The CFTR function was measured by cAMP-stimulated current (ΔIsc-eq-FSK) in polarized CFTR of human nasal epithelial cells cultured in micro-Ussing chambers with Orkambi®.
    RESULTS: We found 24 intronic variants, three in the coding region (missense variants - rs74146719 and rs16856462 and synonymous - rs33943971), and three in the three prime untranslated region (3\' UTR) region in the SLC26A9 gene. Twenty variants were considered benign according to American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics guidelines, and ten were classified as uncertain significance. Although some variants had deleterious predictions or possible alterations in splicing, the majority of predictions were benign or neutral. When we analyzed the ΔIsc-eq-FSK response to Orkambi®, there were no significant differences within the genotypes and alleles for all 30 variants in the SLC26A9 gene.
    CONCLUSIONS: Among the nine individuals with p.Phe508del homozygous genotype for the CFTR gene, no pathogenic SLC26A9 variants were found, and we did not detect associations from the 30 SLC26A9 variants and the response to the Orkambi® in vitro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SLC26A9 is one out of 11 proteins that belong to the SLC26A family of anion transporters. Apart from expression in the gastrointestinal tract, SLC26A9 is also found in the respiratory system, in male tissues and in the skin. SLC26A9 has gained attention because of its modifier role in the gastrointestinal manifestation of cystic fibrosis (CF). SLC26A9 appears to have an impact on the extent of intestinal obstruction caused by meconium ileus. SLC26A9 supports duodenal bicarbonate secretion, but was assumed to provide a basal Cl- secretory pathway in airways. However, recent results show that basal airway Cl- secretion is due to cystic fibrosis conductance regulator (CFTR), while SLC26A9 may rather secrete HCO3-, thereby maintaining proper airway surface liquid (ASL) pH. Moreover, SLC26A9 does not secrete but probably supports reabsorption of fluid particularly in the alveolar space, which explains early death by neonatal distress in Slc26a9-knockout animals. While the novel SLC26A9 inhibitor S9-A13 helped to unmask the role of SLC26A9 in the airways, it also provided evidence for an additional role in acid secretion by gastric parietal cells. Here we discuss recent data on the function of SLC26A9 in airways and gut, and how S9-A13 may be useful in unraveling the physiological role of SLC26A9.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The solute carrier 26 family member A9 (SLC26A9) is an epithelial anion transporter that is assumed to contribute to airway chloride secretion and surface hydration. Whether SLC26A9 or CFTR is responsible for airway Cl- transport under basal conditions is still unclear, due to the lack of a specific inhibitor for SLC26A9. In the present study, we report a novel potent and specific inhibitor for SLC26A9, identified by screening of a drug-like molecule library and subsequent chemical modifications. The most potent compound S9-A13 inhibited SLC26A9 with an IC50 of 90.9 ± 13.4 nM. S9-A13 did not inhibit other members of the SLC26 family and had no effects on Cl- channels such as CFTR, TMEM16A, or VRAC. S9-A13 inhibited SLC26A9 Cl- currents in cells that lack expression of CFTR. It also inhibited proton secretion by HGT-1 human gastric cells. In contrast, S9-A13 had minimal effects on ion transport in human airway epithelia and mouse trachea, despite clear expression of SLC26A9 in the apical membrane of ciliated cells. In both tissues, basal and stimulated Cl- secretion was due to CFTR, while acidification of airway surface liquid by S9-A13 suggests a role of SLC26A9 for airway bicarbonate secretion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Solute carrier family 26 member (SLC26A9) is a Cl- uniporter with very high expression levels in the gastric mucosa. Here, we describe morphological and molecular alterations in gastric mucosa of slc26a9-/- mice and in selective parietal cell-deleted slc26a9fl/fl/Atp4b-Cre mice and correlate SLC26A9 expression levels with morphological and clinical parameters in a cohort of gastric cancer (GC) patients.
    METHODS: The expression patterns of genes related to transport and enzymatic function, proliferation, apoptosis, inflammation, barrier integrity, metaplasia and neoplasia development were studied by immunohistochemistry (IHC), quantitative RT-PCR, in situ hybridization and RNA microarray analysis. SLC26A9 expression and cellular/clinical phenotypes were studied in primary human GC tissues and GC cell lines.
    RESULTS: We found that both complete and parietal cell-selective Slc26a9 deletion in mice caused spontaneous development of gastric premalignant and malignant lesions. Dysregulated differentiation of gastric stem cells in an inflammatory environment, activated Wnt signaling, cellular hyperproliferation, apoptosis inhibition and metaplasia were observed. Analysis of human gastric precancerous and cancerous tissues revealed that SLC26A9 expression progressively decreased from atrophic gastritis to GC, and that downregulation of SLC26A9 was correlated with patient survival. Exogenous expression of SLC26A9 in GC cells induced upregulation of the Cl-/HCO3- exchanger AE2, G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis and suppressed their proliferation, migration and invasion.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that SLC26A9 deletion in parietal cells is sufficient to trigger gastric metaplasia and the development of neoplastic lesions. In addition, we found that SLC26A9 expression decreases during human gastric carcinogenesis, and that exogenous SLC26A9 expression in GC cells reduces their malignant behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SLC26A9 is an epithelial anion transporter with a poorly defined function in airways. It is assumed to contribute to airway chloride secretion and airway surface hydration. However, immunohistochemistry showing precise localization of SLC26A9 in airways is missing. Some studies report localization near tight junctions, which is difficult to reconcile with a chloride secretory function of SLC26A9. We therefore performed immunocytochemistry of SLC26A9 in sections of human and porcine lungs. Obvious apical localization of SLC26A9 was detected in human and porcine superficial airway epithelia, whereas submucosal glands did not express SLC26A9. The anion transporter was located exclusively in ciliated epithelial cells. Highly differentiated BCi-NS1 human airway epithelial cells grown on permeable supports also expressed SLC26A9 in the apical membrane of ciliated epithelial cells. BCi-NS1 cells expressed the major Cl- transporting proteins CFTR, TMEM16A and SLC26A9 in about equal proportions and produced short-circuit currents activated by increases in intracellular cAMP or Ca2+. Both CFTR and SLC26A9 contribute to basal chloride currents in non-stimulated BCi-NS1 airway epithelia, with CFTR being the dominating Cl- conductance. In wtCFTR-expressing CFBE human airway epithelial cells, SLC26A9 was partially located in the plasma membrane, whereas CFBE cells expressing F508del-CFTR showed exclusive cytosolic localization of SLC26A9. Membrane localization of SLC26A9 and basal chloride currents were augmented by interleukin 13 in wild-type CFTR-expressing cells, but not in cells expressing the most common disease-causing mutant F508del-CFTR. The data suggest an upregulation of SLC26A9-dependent chloride secretion in asthma, but not in the presence of F508del-CFTR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SLC26A9 belongs to the solute carrier family 26 (SLC26), which comprises membrane proteins involved in ion transport mechanisms. On the basis of different preliminary findings, including the phenotype of SlC26A9-deficient mice and its possible role as a gene modifier of the human phenotype and treatment response, SLC26A9 has emerged as one of the most interesting alternative targets for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF). However, despite relevant clues, some open issues and controversies remain. The lack of specific pharmacological modulators, the elusive expression reported in the airways, and its complex relationships with CFTR and the CF phenotype prevent us from conclusively understanding the contribution of SLC26A9 in human lung physiology and its real potential as a therapeutic target in CF. In this review, we summarized the various studies dealing with SLC26A9 expression, molecular structure, and function as an anion channel or transporter; its interaction and functional relationships with CFTR; and its role as a gene modifier and tried to reconcile them in order to highlight the current understanding and the gap in knowledge regarding the contribution of SLC26A9 to human lung physiology and CF disease and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SLC26A9, a constitutively active Cl- transporter, has gained interest over the past years as a relevant disease modifier in several respiratory disorders including Cystic Fibrosis (CF), asthma, and non-CF bronchiectasis. SLC26A9 contributes to epithelial Cl- secretion, thus preventing mucus obstruction under inflammatory conditions. Additionally, SLC26A9 was identified as a CF gene modifier, and its polymorphisms were shown to correlate with the response to drugs modulating CFTR, the defective protein in CF. Here, we aimed to investigate the relationship between SLC26A9 and CFTR, and its role in CF pathogenesis. Our data show that SLC26A9 expression contributes to enhanced CFTR expression and function. While knocking-down SLC26A9 in human bronchial cells leads to lower wt- and F508del-CFTR expression, function, and response to CFTR correctors, the opposite occurs upon its overexpression, highlighting SLC26A9 relevance for CF. Accordingly, F508del-CFTR rescue by the most efficient correctors available is further enhanced by increasing SLC26A9 expression. Interestingly, SLC26A9 overexpression does not increase the PM expression of non-F508del CFTR traffic mutants, namely those unresponsive to corrector drugs. Altogether, our data indicate that SLC26A9 stabilizes CFTR at the ER level and that the efficacy of CFTR modulator drugs may be further enhanced by increasing its expression.





