• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The organic anion transporters OAT1 (SLC22A6) and OAT3 (SLC22A8) are drug transporters that are expressed in the kidney, with well-established roles in the in vivo transport of drugs and endogenous metabolites. A comparatively unexplored potential function of these drug transporters is their contribution to the in vivo regulation of natural products (NPs) and their effects on endogenous metabolism. This is important for the evaluation of potential NP interactions with other compounds at the transporter site. Here, we have analyzed the NPs present in several well-established databases from Asian (Chinese, Indian Ayurvedic) and other traditions. Loss of OAT1 and OAT3 in murine knockouts caused serum alterations of many NPs, including flavonoids, vitamins, and indoles. OAT1- and OAT3-dependent NPs were largely separable based on a multivariate analysis of chemical properties. Direct binding to the transporter was confirmed using in vitro transport assays and protein binding assays. Our in vivo and in vitro results, considered in the context of previous data, demonstrate that OAT1 and OAT3 play a pivotal role in the handling of non-synthetic small molecule natural products, NP-derived antioxidants, phytochemicals, and nutrients (e.g., pantothenic acid, thiamine). As described by remote sensing and signaling theory, drug transporters help regulate redox states by meditating the movement of endogenous antioxidants and nutrients between organs and organisms. Our results demonstrate how dietary antioxidants and other NPs might feed into these inter-organ and inter-organismal pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in transporters can impact an individual\'s response to drugs and cause many diseases. Few variants in transporters have been evaluated for their functional impact. Here, we combine saturation mutagenesis and multi-phenotypic screening to dissect the impact of 11,213 missense single-amino-acid deletions, and synonymous variants across the 554 residues of OCT1, a key liver xenobiotic transporter. By quantifying in parallel expression and substrate uptake, we find that most variants exert their primary effect on protein abundance, a phenotype not commonly measured alongside function. Using our mutagenesis results combined with structure prediction and molecular dynamic simulations, we develop accurate structure-function models of the entire transport cycle, providing biophysical characterization of all known and possible human OCT1 polymorphisms. This work provides a complete functional map of OCT1 variants along with a framework for integrating functional genomics, biophysical modeling, and human genetics to predict variant effects on disease and drug efficacy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple drugs are used to treat various indications as well as pesticides that are ingested unintentionally and enter the bloodstream. The residence time or bioavailability of these substances in circulation depends on several mechanisms, such as drug−drug interaction (DDI), drug−pesticide interaction, metabolizing enzymes and the hepatic and renal transport systems, involved in the elimination of the compounds from the body. One of these transporters is the Organic Cation Transporter 2 (OCT2) member of the solute carrier (SLC22) transporter family. OCT2 is highly expressed in the proximal tubule epithelial cells in human and mouse kidney, where it mediates the uptake of endogenous organic cations as well as numerous drugs and xenobiotics, and contributes to the first step of renal clearance. In this study, we examined OCT2 on two subjects: First, the transferability of data from mouse to human, since mice are initially examined in the development of new drugs to assess the renal excretion of organic cations. Second, to what extent the choice of substrate affects the properties of an inhibitor. For this purpose, the functional properties of hOCT2 and mOct2 were validated under the same experimental conditions with the known substrates metformin and 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium iodide (MPP). While hOCT2 and mOct2 showed very low affinities for metformin with Km values of 3.9 mM and 3.5 mM, the affinity of hOCT2 and mOct2 for MPP (62 and 40 µM) was 64- and 89-fold higher, respectively. For our positive control inhibitor decynium22, we determined the following IC50 values for hOCT2 and mOct2: 2.2 and 2.6 µM for metformin uptake, and 16 and 6.9 µM for MPP uptake. A correlation analysis of the inhibitory effects of 13 drugs and 9 pesticides on hOCT2- and mOct2-mediated transport of metformin showed a correlation coefficient R2 of 0.88, indicating good interspecies correlation. Nevertheless, the bioenhancer elacridar and the fungicide imazalil showed species-dependent inhibitory potentials. Concentration-dependent inhibition of hOCT2- and mOct2-mediated metformin uptake by elacridar showed IC50 values of 20 µM and 1.9 µM and by imazalil 4.7 µM and 0.58 µM, respectively. In conclusion, although our data show comparable species-independent interactions for most compounds, there can be large species−specific differences in the interactions of individual compounds, which should be considered when extrapolating data from mice to humans. Furthermore, a comparison of the inhibitory potential of elacridar and imazalil on metformin uptake with that on MPP uptake reveals substrate-dependent differences in hOCT2 and mOct2 for both inhibitors. Therefore, it might be useful to test two different substrates in inhibition studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Many transporters of the SLC22 family (e.g., OAT1, OAT3, OCT2, URAT1, and OCTN2) are highly expressed in the kidney. They transport drugs, metabolites, signaling molecules, antioxidants, nutrients, and gut microbiome products. According to the Remote Sensing and Signaling Theory, SLC22 transporters play a critical role in small molecule communication between organelles, cells and organs as well as between the body and the gut microbiome. This raises the question about the potential role of SLC22 transporters in cancer biology and treatment. (2) Results: In two renal cell carcinoma RNA-seq datasets found in TCGA, KIRC and KIRP, there were multiple differentially expressed (DE) SLC22 transporter genes compared to normal kidney. These included SLC22A6, SLC22A7, SLC22A8, SLC22A12, and SLC22A13. The patients with disease had an association between overall survival and expression for most of these DE genes. In KIRC, the stratification of patient data by pathological tumor characteristics revealed the importance of SLC22A2, SLC22A6, and SLC22A12 in disease progression. Interaction networks combining the SLC22 with ADME genes supported the centrality of SLC22 transporters and other transporters (ABCG2, SLC47A1) in disease progression. (3) Implications: The fact that many of these genes are uric acid transporters is interesting because altered uric acid levels have been associated with kidney cancer. Moreover, these genes play key roles in processing metabolites and chemotherapeutic compounds, thus making them potential therapeutic targets. Finally, our analyses raise the possibility that current approaches may undertreat certain kidney cancer patients with low SLC22 expression and only localized disease while possibly overtreating more advanced disease in patients with higher SLC22 expression. Clinical studies are needed to investigate these possibilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organic cation transporters (OCT), organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATP) and organic anion transporters (OAT) from the solute carrier (SLC) family play an essential role in the uptake of endogenous compounds and drugs into the hepatocytes and other cell types. The well-documented interindividual variability of expression and activity of these transporters translates into interindividual variability in drug pharmacokinetics and drug response. It is therefore important to elucidate mechanisms affecting membrane transporter expression and function. These mechanisms include transcriptional regulation, disease-dependent regulation and genetic variation. In this review, we will summarize the current knowledge of the molecular functions and substrate profiles of cloned hepatic OCTs, OATPs and OATs and discuss recent advances in understanding variable expression and function. Finally, the role of genetic variation in these transporters on drug exposure will be presented with implications for individual drug response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The solute carrier (SLC) superfamily encompasses a large variety of membrane-bound transporters required to transport a diverse array of substrates over biological membranes. Physiologically, they are essential for nutrient uptake, ion transport and waste removal. However, accumulating evidence suggest that up- and/or downregulation of SLCs may play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of human malignancy. Endogenous substrates of SLCs include oestrogen and its conjugates, the handling of which may be of importance in hormone-dependent cancers. The SLCs play a significant role in the handling of therapeutic agents including anticancer drugs. Differential SLC expression in cancers may, therefore, impact on the efficacy of treatments. However, there is also a small body of evidence to suggest the dysregulated expression of some of these transporters may be linked to cancer metastasis. This review draws on the current knowledge of the roles of SLC transporters in human cancers in order to highlight the potential significance of these solute carriers in breast cancer pathogenesis and treatment. Graphical abstract.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The SLC22 family of OATs, OCTs, and OCTNs is emerging as a central hub of endogenous physiology. Despite often being referred to as \"drug\" transporters, they facilitate the movement of metabolites and key signaling molecules. An in-depth reanalysis supports a reassignment of these proteins into eight functional subgroups, with four new subgroups arising from the previously defined OAT subclade: OATS1 (SLC22A6, SLC22A8, and SLC22A20), OATS2 (SLC22A7), OATS3 (SLC22A11, SLC22A12, and Slc22a22), and OATS4 (SLC22A9, SLC22A10, SLC22A24, and SLC22A25). We propose merging the OCTN (SLC22A4, SLC22A5, and Slc22a21) and OCT-related (SLC22A15 and SLC22A16) subclades into the OCTN/OCTN-related subgroup. Using data from GWAS, in vivo models, and in vitro assays, we developed an SLC22 transporter-metabolite network and similar subgroup networks, which suggest how multiple SLC22 transporters with mono-, oligo-, and multi-specific substrate specificity interact to regulate metabolites. Subgroup associations include: OATS1 with signaling molecules, uremic toxins, and odorants, OATS2 with cyclic nucleotides, OATS3 with uric acid, OATS4 with conjugated sex hormones, particularly etiocholanolone glucuronide, OCT with neurotransmitters, and OCTN/OCTN-related with ergothioneine and carnitine derivatives. Our data suggest that the SLC22 family can work among itself, as well as with other ADME genes, to optimize levels of numerous metabolites and signaling molecules, involved in organ crosstalk and inter-organismal communication, as proposed by the remote sensing and signaling theory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To identify pharmacogenetic and demographic variables that influence the systemic exposure to metformin in an admixed Brazilian cohort.
    The extreme discordant phenotype was used to select 106 data sets from nine metformin bioequivalence trials, comprising 256 healthy adults. Eleven single-nucleotide polymorphisms in SLC22A1, SLC22A2, SLC47A1 SLC47A2 and in transcription factor SP1 were genotyped and a validated panel of ancestry informative markers was used to estimate the individual proportions of biogeographical ancestry. Two-step (univariate followed by multivariate) regression modelling was developed to identify covariates associated with systemic exposure to metformin, accessed by the area under the plasma concentration-time curve, between 0 and 48 h (AUC0-48h ), after single oral doses of metformin (500 or 1000 mg).
    The individual proportions of African, Amerindian and European ancestry varied widely, as anticipated from the structure of the Brazilian population The dose-adjusted, log-transformed AUC0-48h \'s (ng h ml-1  mg-1 ) differed largely in the two groups at the opposite ends of the distribution histogram, namely 0.82, 0.79-0.85 and 1.08, 1.06-1.11 (mean, 95% confidence interval; P = 6.10-26 , t test). Multivariate modelling revealed that metformin AUC0-48h increased with age, food and carriage of rs12208357 in SLC22A1 but was inversely associated with body surface area and individual proportions of African ancestry.
    A pharmacogenetic marker in OCT1 (SLC22A1 rs12208357), combined with demographic covariates (age, body surface area and individual proportion of African ancestry) and a food effect explained 29.7% of the variability in metformin AUC0-48h .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SLC22 protein family is a member of the SLC (Solute carriers) superfamily of polyspecific membrane transporters responsible for uptake of a wide range of organic anions and cations, including numerous endo- and xenobiotics. Due to the lack of knowledge on zebrafish Slc22 family, we performed initial characterization of these transporters using a detailed phylogenetic and conserved synteny analysis followed by the tissue specific expression profiling of slc22 transcripts.
    We identified 20 zebrafish slc22 genes which are organized in the same functional subgroups as human SLC22 members. Orthologies and syntenic relations between zebrafish and other vertebrates revealed consequences of the teleost-specific whole genome duplication as shown through one-to-many orthologies for certain zebrafish slc22 genes. Tissue expression profiles of slc22 transcripts were analyzed using qRT-PCR determinations in nine zebrafish tissues: liver, kidney, intestine, gills, brain, skeletal muscle, eye, heart, and gonads. Our analysis revealed high expression of oct1 in kidney, especially in females, followed by oat3 and oat2c in females, oat2e in males and orctl4 in females. oct1 was also dominant in male liver. oat2d showed the highest expression in intestine with less noticeable gender differences. All slc22 genes showed low expression in gills, and moderate expression in heart and skeletal muscle. Dominant genes in brain were oat1 in females and oct1 in males, while the highest gender differences were determined in gonads, with dominant expression of almost all slc22 genes in testes and the highest expression of oat2a.
    Our study offers the first insight into the orthology relationships, gene expression and potential role of Slc22 membrane transporters in zebrafish. Clear orthological relationships of zebrafish slc22 and other vertebrate slc22 genes were established. slc22 members are mostly highly conserved, suggesting their physiological and toxicological importance. One-to-many orthologies and differences in tissue expression patterns of zebrafish slc22 genes in comparison to human orthologs were observed. Our expression data point to partial similarity of zebrafish versus human Slc22 members, with possible compensatory roles of certain zebrafish transporters, whereas higher number of some orthologs implies potentially more diverse and specific roles of these proteins in zebrafish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The organic cation transporters OCT and OCTN have been reported to play a significant role in the cellular uptake of substrates within in vitro lung cells. However, no studies to date have investigated the effect of these transporters upon transepithelial absorption of substrates into the pulmonary circulation. We investigated the contribution of OCT and OCTN transporters to total pulmonary absorption of l-carnitine and the anti-muscarinic drug, ipratropium, across an intact isolated perfused rat lung (IPRL). The results obtained from the IPRL were contrasted with active transport in vitro using three human pulmonary cell lines and primary rat alveolar epithelial cells. Ex-vivo studies showed that OCT/OCTN transporters do not play a role in the overall pulmonary absorption of l-carnitine or ipratropium, as evidenced by the effect of chemical inhibition of these transporters upon pulmonary absorption. In contrast, in vitro studies showed that OCT/OCTN transporters play a significant role in cellular accumulation of substrates with preferential uptake of ipratropium by OCTs, and of l-carnitine uptake by OCTNs. The results show that in vitro uptake studies cannot be predictive of airway to blood absorption in vivo. Nevertheless, localised submucosal pulmonary concentrations of inhaled drugs and their pulmonary pharmacodynamic profiles may be influenced by OCT/OCTN transport activity.





