• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nuclear introns in Euglenida have been understudied. This study aimed to investigate nuclear introns in Euglenida by identifying a large number of introns in Euglena gracilis (E. gracilis), including cis-spliced conventional and nonconventional introns, as well as trans-spliced outrons. We also examined the sequence characteristics of these introns.
    RESULTS: A total of 28,337 introns and 11,921 outrons were identified. Conventional and nonconventional introns have distinct splice site features; the former harbour canonical GT/C-AG splice sites, whereas the latter are capable of forming structured motifs with their terminal sequences. We observed that short introns had a preference for canonical GT-AG introns. Notably, conventional introns and outrons in E. gracilis exhibited a distinct cytidine-rich polypyrimidine tract, in contrast to the thymidine-rich tracts observed in other organisms. Furthermore, the SL-RNAs in E. gracilis, as well as in other trans-splicing species, can form a recently discovered motif called the extended U6/5\' ss duplex with the respective U6s. We also describe a novel type of alternative splicing pattern in E. gracilis. The tandem repeat sequences of introns in this protist were determined, and their contents were comparable to those in humans.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the unique features of E. gracilis introns and provide insights into the splicing mechanism of these introns, as well as the genomics and evolution of Euglenida.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trans-splicing is a process by which 5\'- and 3\'-ends of two pre-RNA molecules transcribed from different sites of the genome can be joined together to form a single RNA molecule. The spliced leader (SL) trans-splicing is mediated by the spliceosome and it allows the replacement of 5\'-end of pre-mRNA by 5\'(SL)-end of SL-RNA. This form of splicing has been observed in many phylogenetically unrelated eukaryotes. Either the SL trans-splicing (SLTS) originated in the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA) (or even earlier) and it was lost in most eukaryotic lineages, or this mechanism of RNA processing evolved several times independently in various unrelated eukaryotic taxa. The bioinformatic comparisons of SL-RNAs from various eukaryotic taxonomic groups have revealed the similarities of secondary structures of most SL-RNAs and a relative conservation of their splice sites (SSs) and Sm-binding sites (SmBSs). We propose that such structural and functional similarities of SL-RNAs are unlikely to have evolved repeatedly many times. Hence, we favor the scenario of an early evolutionary origin for the SLTS and multiple losses of SL-RNAs in various eukaryotic lineages.





