• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropilin-1 (NRP1) is a single transmembrane glycoprotein involved in a variety of physiological events. However, the exact mechanisms by which NRP1 regulates dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) to differentiate toward an osteo/odontogenic phenotype are poorly understood. Here, we determined the significantly increased expression of full-length NRP1 and glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-modified NRP1 during osteo/odontogenesis in DPSCs. NRP1 was confirmed to promote alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, mineralized nodule deposition, protein and mRNA expression of Runx2, DSPP and DMP1 in DPSCs via the loss-of-function and gain-of-function approaches. Further, a non-GAG-modified NRP1 mutant (NRP1 S612A) was generated and the suppression of osteo/odontogenic differentiation was observed in the NRP1 S612A overexpression cells. Knockdown of the adaptor protein shroom3 resulted in the inhibition of osteo/odontogenesis. The protein-protein interaction network, the protein-protein docking and confocal analyses indicated the interactions between NRP1 and shroom3. Furthermore, immunoprecipitation followed by western analysis confirmed the binding of NRP1 to shroom3, but overexpression of NRP1 S612A greatly influenced the recruitment of shroom3 by NRP1. These results provide strong evidence that NRP1 is a critical regulator for osteo/odontogenesis through interacting with shroom3. Moreover, our results indicate that NRP1 S612A attenuates osteo/odontogenesis, suggesting that GAG modification is essential for NRP1 in DPSCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Defects of situs are associated with complex sets of congenital heart defects in which the normal concordance of asymmetric thoracic and abdominal organs is disturbed. The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of the embryonic left-right axis have been investigated extensively in the past decade. This has led to the identification of mutations in at least 33 different genes in humans with heterotaxy and situs defects. Those mutations affect a broad range of molecular components, from transcription factors, signaling molecules, and chromatin modifiers to ciliary proteins. A substantial overlap of these genes is observed with genes associated with other congenital heart diseases such as tetralogy of Fallot and double-outlet right ventricle, d-transposition of the great arteries, and atrioventricular septal defects. In this chapter, we present the broad genetic heterogeneity of situs defects including recent human genomics efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural tube defects (NTDs) are severe congenital neurodevelopmental disorders arising from incomplete neural tube closure. Although folate supplementation has been shown to mitigate the incidence of NTDs, some cases, often attributable to genetic factors, remain unpreventable. The SHROOM3 gene has been implicated in NTD cases that are unresponsive to folate supplementation; at present, however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Neural tube morphogenesis is a complex process involving the folding of the planar epithelium of the neural plate. To determine the role of SHROOM3 in early developmental morphogenesis, we established a neuroepithelial organoid culture system derived from cynomolgus monkeys to closely mimic the in vivo neural plate phase. Loss of SHROOM3 resulted in shorter neuroepithelial cells and smaller nuclei. These morphological changes were attributed to the insufficient recruitment of cytoskeletal proteins, namely fibrous actin (F-actin), myosin II, and phospho-myosin light chain (PMLC), to the apical side of the neuroepithelial cells. Notably, these defects were not rescued by folate supplementation. RNA sequencing revealed that differentially expressed genes were enriched in biological processes associated with cellular and organ morphogenesis. In summary, we established an authentic in vitro system to study NTDs and identified a novel mechanism for NTDs that are unresponsive to folate supplementation.
    神经管闭合缺陷(NTDs)是由神经管闭合失败引起的严重先天性神经发育疾病。虽然补充叶酸可以减少NTDs的发生,但仍有一些遗传因素导致的NTDs无法被预防。其中, SHROOM3基因突变导致的NTDs无法通过补充叶酸被预防,并且致病机制尚不清楚。神经管闭合伴有上皮细胞的形变和神经板的会聚延伸,这是一个复杂的形态发生过程。为了了解 SHROOM3在发育早期阶段是否在形态发生中起重要作用,我们建立了一种食蟹猴的神经上皮类器官培养体系来模拟体内神经板发育阶段。我们发现SHROOM3的缺失导致神经上皮细胞变短,细胞核变小。这些形态变化是由于肌动蛋白F-actin、肌球蛋白 Myosin II 和磷酸化肌球轻链蛋白PMLC未能被募集到神经上皮细胞的顶端造成。这种现象不能通过补充叶酸来挽救。RNA-seq数据显示,差异基因在细胞的形态发生和器官形成的通路中高度富集。综上所述,我们建立了一个更真实的体外类器官培养体系来研究NTDs,并揭示了一种补充叶酸无法预防NTDs的新机制。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Multiple large-scale genome-wide association meta-analyses studies have reliably identified an association between genetic variants within the SHROOM3 gene and chronic kidney disease. This association extends to alterations in known markers of kidney disease including baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate, urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio, and blood urea nitrogen. Yet, an understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind the association of SHROOM3 and kidney disease remains poorly communicated. We conducted a narrative review to summarize the current state of literature regarding the genetic and molecular relationships between SHROOM3 and kidney development and disease.
    UNASSIGNED: PubMed, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, and Web of Science databases, as well as review of references from relevant studies and independent Google Scholar searches to fill gaps in knowledge.
    UNASSIGNED: A comprehensive narrative review was conducted to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying SHROOM3 and kidney development, function, and disease.
    UNASSIGNED: SHROOM3 is a unique protein, as it is the only member of the SHROOM group of proteins that regulates actin dynamics through apical constriction and apicobasal cell elongation. It holds a dichotomous role in the kidney, as subtle alterations in SHROOM3 expression and function can be both pathological and protective toward kidney disease. Genome-wide association studies have identified genetic variants near the transcription start site of the SHROOM3 gene associated with chronic kidney disease. SHROOM3 also appears to protect the glomerular structure and function in conditions such as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. However, little is known about the exact mechanisms by which this protection occurs, which is why SHROOM3 binding partners remain an opportunity for further investigation.
    UNASSIGNED: Our search was limited to English articles. No structured assessment of study quality was performed, and selection bias of included articles may have occurred. As we discuss future directions and opportunities, this narrative review reflects the academic views of the authors.
    UNASSIGNED: Plusieurs méta-analyses d’envergure portant sur des études d’association pangénomiques ont permis d’identifier de manière fiable une association entre des variants génétiques du gène SHROOM3 et l’insuffisance rénale chronique. Cette association s’étend aux altérations des marqueurs connus de l’insuffisance rénale, notamment le débit de filtration glomérulaire estimé initial, le rapport albumine/créatinine urinaire et le taux d’urée dans le sang. Pourtant, la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires qui sous-tendent cette association entre SHROOM3 et l’insuffisance rénale reste mal communiquée. Nous avons procédé à une revue narrative afin de résumer l’état actuel de la littérature en ce qui concerne les relations génétiques et moléculaires entre SHROOM3 et le développement des reins et de l’insuffisance rénale.
    UNASSIGNED: Les bases de données PubMed, PubMed Central, SCOPUS et Web of Science. L’examen des références des études pertinentes et des recherches indépendantes sur Google Scholar a également été réalisé pour combler les lacunes dans les connaissances.
    UNASSIGNED: Une revue narrative complète a été effectuée afin d’explorer les mécanismes moléculaires qui sous-tendent SHROOM3, le développement des reins, la fonction rénale et l’insuffisance rénale.
    UNASSIGNED: SHROOM3 est une protéine unique puisqu’elle est la seule du groupe de protéines SHROOM à réguler la dynamique de l’actine par la constriction apicale et l’élongation des cellules apico-basales. SHROOM3 joue un rôle dichotomique dans le rein; de subtiles altérations de son expression et de sa fonction pouvant à la fois être pathologiques ou protectrices en contexte d’insuffisance rénale. Des études d’association pangénomiques ont permis d’identifier des variants génétiques associés à l’insuffisance rénale chronique près du site d’initiation de la transcription du gène SHROOM3. SHROOM3 semble également protéger la structure et la fonction des glomérules dans des contextes comme la glomérulosclérose segmentaire focale. On en sait toutefois peu sur les mécanismes précis qui entraînent cette protection; les partenaires de liaison de SHROOM3 demeurent par conséquent d’intéressantes avenues pour une étude plus approfondie.
    UNASSIGNED: Notre recherche était limitée aux articles rédigés en anglais. Les études pertinentes n’ont pas fait l’objet d’une évaluation structurée de leur qualité. Un biais de sélection des articles inclus peut s’être produit. Bien que nous discutions des orientations et des possibilités futures, cette revue narrative reflète les points de vue académiques des auteurs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Shroom family member 3 (SHROOM3) encodes an actin-associated protein that regulates epithelial morphology during development. Several genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified genetic variances primarily in the 5\' region of SHROOM3, associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and poor transplant outcomes. These genetic variants are associated with alterations in Shroom3 expression.
    UNASSIGNED: Characterize the phenotypic abnormalities associated with reduced Shroom3 expression in postnatal day 3-, 1-month and 3-month-old mice.
    UNASSIGNED: The Shroom3 protein expression pattern was determined by immunofluorescence. We generated Shroom3 heterozygous null mice (Shroom3Gt/+) and performed comparative analyses with wild type littermates based on somatic and kidney growth, gross renal anatomy, renal histology, renal function at postnatal day 3, 1 month, and 3 months.
    UNASSIGNED: The Shroom3 protein expression localized to the apical regions of medullary and cortical tubular epithelium in postnatal wild type kidneys. Co-immunofluorescence studies confirmed protein expression localized to the apical side of the tubular epithelium in proximal convoluted tubules, distal convoluted tubules, and collecting ducts. While Shroom3 heterozygous null mice exhibited reduced Shroom3 protein expression, no differences in somatic and kidney growth were observed when compared to wild type mice. Although, rare cases of unilateral hypoplasia of the right kidney were observed at postnatal 1 month in Shroom3 heterozygotes. Yet renal histological analysis did not reveal any overt abnormalities in overall kidney structure or in glomerular and tubular organization in Shroom3 heterozygous null mice when compared to wild type mice. Analysis of the apical-basolateral orientation of the tubule epithelium demonstrated alterations in the proximal convoluted tubules and modest disorganization in the distal convoluted tubules at 3 months in Shroom3 heterozygotes. Additionally, these modest abnormalities were not accompanied by tubular injury or physiological defects in renal and cardiovascular function.
    UNASSIGNED: Taken together, our results describe a mild kidney disease phenotype in adult Shroom3 heterozygous null mice, suggesting that Shroom3 expression and function may be required for proper structure and maintenance of the various tubular epithelial parenchyma of the kidney.
    UNASSIGNED: Le gène SHROOM3 (membre 3 de la famille Shroom) code pour une protéine associée à l’actine qui régule la morphologie épithéliale pendant le développement. Plusieurs études d’association à l’échelle du génome (GWAS — Genome-wide association studies) ont identifié des variations génétiques, principalement dans la région 5’ du gène SHROOM3, associées à l’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) et à de mauvais résultats de transplantation. Ces variations génétiques sont associées à des altérations dans l’expression de (Shroom3).
    UNASSIGNED: Caractériser les anomalies phénotypiques associées à une diminution de l’expression de Shroom3 chez des souris à l’âge postnatal de 3 jours, 1 mois et 3 mois.
    UNASSIGNED: Le profil d’expression des protéines Shroom3 a été déterminé par immunofluorescence. Nous avons généré des souris hétérozygotes Shroom3 (Shroom3Gt/+) et procédé à des analyses comparatives avec des congénères de type sauvage en ce qui concerne la croissance somatique et rénale, l’anatomie rénale, l’histologie rénale et la fonction rénale à l’âge postnatal de 3 jours, 1 mois et 3 mois.
    UNASSIGNED: L’expression de la protéine Shroom3 est localisée dans les régions apicales de l’épithélium tubulaire médullaire et cortical des reins des souris de type sauvage après la naissance. Des études de co-immunofluorescence ont confirmé l’expression des protéines localisée sur le côté apical de l’épithélium tubulaire dans les tubules contournés proximaux, les tubules contournés distaux et les tubes collecteurs. Les souris hétérozygotes Shroom3 ont présenté une expression réduite de la protéine Shroom3, mais aucune différence dans la croissance somatique et rénale n’a été observée par rapport aux souris de type sauvage. Cependant, de rares cas d’hypoplasie unilatérale du rein droit ont été observés à l’âge postnatal de 1 mois chez les souris hétérozygotes Shroom3. L’analyze histologique rénale n’a révélé aucune anomalie manifeste dans la structure globale des reins ou dans l’organization des glomérules et des tubules chez les souris hétérozygotes Shroom3 par rapport aux souris de type sauvage. L’analyze de l’orientation apicale-basolatérale de l’épithélium tubulaire a montré des altérations dans les tubules contournés proximaux et une légère désorganisation dans les tubules contournés distaux à l’âge de 3 mois chez les souris hétérozygotes Shroom3. En outre, ces légères anomalies n’étaient pas accompagnées d’une lésion tubulaire ou d’anomalies physiologiques dans la fonction rénale et cardiovasculaire.
    UNASSIGNED: Pris dans leur ensemble, nos résultats décrivent un phénotype d’insuffisance rénale légère chez les souris hétérozygotes Shroom3 adultes, ce qui suggère que l’expression et la fonction de la protéine Shroom3 peuvent être nécessaires pour la structure et le maintien appropriés des différents parenchymes épithéliaux tubulaires du rein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ischemia-induced AKI resulting in tubular damage can often progress to CKD and is a common cause of nephrology consultation. After renal tubular epithelial damage, molecular and cellular mechanisms are activated to repair and regenerate the damaged epithelium. If these mechanisms are impaired, AKI can progress to CKD. Even in patients whose kidney function returns to normal baseline are more likely to develop CKD. Genome-wide association studies have provided robust evidence that genetic variants in Shroom3, which encodes an actin-associated protein, are associated with CKD and poor outcomes in transplanted kidneys. Here, we sought to further understand the associations of Shroom3 in CKD.
    Kidney ischemia was induced in wild-type (WT) and Shroom3 heterozygous null mice (Shroom3Gt/+ ) and the mechanisms of cellular recovery and repair were examined.
    A 28-minute bilateral ischemia in Shroom3Gt/+ mice resulted in 100% mortality within 24 hours. After 22-minute ischemic injury, Shroom3Gt/+ mice had a 16% increased mortality, worsened kidney function, and significantly worse histopathology, apoptosis, proliferation, inflammation, and fibrosis after injury. The cortical tubular damage in Shroom3Gt/+ was associated with disrupted epithelial redifferentiation, disrupted Rho-kinase/myosin signaling, and disorganized apical F-actin. Analysis of MDCK cells showed the levels of Shroom3 are directly correlated to apical organization of actin and actomyosin regulators.
    These findings establish that Shroom3 is required for epithelial repair and redifferentiation through the organization of actomyosin regulators, and could explain why genetic variants in Shroom3 are associated with CKD and allograft rejection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Failures of neural tube closure are common and serious birth defects, yet we have a poor understanding of the interaction of genetics and cell biology during neural tube closure. Additionally, mutations that cause neural tube defects (NTDs) tend to affect anterior or posterior regions of the neural tube but rarely both, indicating a regional specificity to NTD genetics. To better understand the regional specificity of cell behaviors during neural tube closure, we analyzed the dynamic localization of actin and N-cadherin via high-resolution tissue-level time-lapse microscopy during Xenopus neural tube closure. To investigate the regionality of gene function, we generated mosaic mutations in shroom3, a key regulator or neural tube closure. This new analytical approach elucidates several differences between cell behaviors during cranial/anterior and spinal/posterior neural tube closure, provides mechanistic insight into the function of shroom3, and demonstrates the ability of tissue-level imaging and analysis to generate cell biological mechanistic insights into neural tube closure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Folic acid supplementation can prevent neural tube defects, but the specific molecular mechanisms by which it does have not been elucidated. During neural plate morphogenesis, epithelial cell apical constriction cooperates with other events to drive tissue-bending, and when defective, can result in neural tube defects. A Rho-kinase deficient binding mutant of the apical constriction regulating protein, Shroom3 (Shroom3R1838C), is one of only a handful of mouse mutant lines with neural tube defects that can be rescued by folic acid supplementation. This provided a unique opportunity to probe the functional rescue of a protein linked to neural tube development by folic acid. Utilizing an epithelial cell culture model of apical constriction, it was observed that treatment with exogenous folic acid, as well as co-expression of the folic acid receptor Folr1, can rescue the function of the Rho-kinase binding deficient mutant of Shroom3 in vitro It was also determined that the rescuing ability of folic acid is RhoA and Rho-kinase independent but myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) and Src-kinase dependent. Inhibition of Rho-kinase-dependent apical constriction in chick embryo neural epithelium was also observed to be rescued by exogenous folic acid and that treatment with folic acid is accompanied by elevated activated myosin light chain and MLCK. Furthermore, doubly heterozygous mouse embryos lacking one copy each of Shroom3 and Folr1 exhibit a low rate of neural tube defects and also have lower levels of activated myosin light chain and MLCK. These studies suggest a novel mechanism by which folic acid modifies epithelial cell shape during morphogenesis, shedding light onto how folic acid may prevent neural tube defects.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome wide association studies of patients with European descent have identified common variants associated with risk of reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). A panel of eight variants were selected to evaluate their association and prevalence in a Saudi Arabian patient cohort with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
    Eight genetic variants in four genes (SHROOM3, MYH9, SLC7A9, and CST3) were genotyped in 160 CKD patients and 189 ethnicity-matched healthy controls. Genetic variants were tested for association with the development of CKD (eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73m2) and effects were compared with results obtained from 133,413 participants in the CKD genetics consortium. Multivariable regression was used to evaluate the role of these eight variants in improving prediction of CKD development.
    All eight variants were present in Saudi populations with minor allele frequency ranging from 16 to 46%. The risk variant in all four genes demonstrated the same direction of effect as observed in European populations. One variant, rs4821480, in MYH9 was significantly associated with increased risk of development of CKD (OR = 1.69, 95% CI 1.22-2.36, P = 0.002), but the additional variants were not statistically significant given our modest sample size.
    CKD risk variants identified in European populations are present in Saudis. We did not find evidence to suggest heterogeneity of effect size compared to previously published estimates in European populations. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed a statistically significant improvement in predicting the CKD using models with either FGF23 and vitamin D or FGF23, vitamin D level, and MYH9 genotypes (AUC = 0.93, 95% CI 0.90-0.95, P <  0.0001).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ajuba family proteins are implicated in the assembly of cell junctions and have been reported to antagonize Hippo signaling in response to cytoskeletal tension. To assess the role of these proteins in actomyosin contractility, we examined the localization and function of Wtip, a member of the Ajuba family, in Xenopus early embryos. Targeted in vivo depletion of Wtip inhibited apical constriction in neuroepithelial cells and elicited neural tube defects. Fluorescent protein-tagged Wtip showed predominant punctate localization along the cell junctions in the epidermis and a linear junctional pattern in the neuroectoderm. In cells undergoing Shroom3-induced apical constriction, the punctate distribution was reorganized into a linear pattern. Conversely, the linear junctional pattern of Wtip in neuroectoderm changed to a more punctate distribution in cells with reduced myosin II activity. The C-terminal fragment of Wtip physically associated with Shroom3 and interfered with Shroom3 activity and neural fold formation. We therefore propose that Wtip is a tension-sensitive cytoskeletal adaptor that regulates apical constriction during vertebrate neurulation.This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper.





