• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current rise of Open Science and Reproducibility in the Life Sciences requires the creation of rich, machine-actionable metadata in order to better share and reuse biological digital resources such as datasets, bioinformatics tools, training materials, etc. For this purpose, FAIR principles have been defined for both data and metadata and adopted by large communities, leading to the definition of specific metrics. However, automatic FAIRness assessment is still difficult because computational evaluations frequently require technical expertise and can be time-consuming. As a first step to address these issues, we propose FAIR-Checker, a web-based tool to assess the FAIRness of metadata presented by digital resources. FAIR-Checker offers two main facets: a \"Check\" module providing a thorough metadata evaluation and recommendations, and an \"Inspect\" module which assists users in improving metadata quality and therefore the FAIRness of their resource. FAIR-Checker leverages Semantic Web standards and technologies such as SPARQL queries and SHACL constraints to automatically assess FAIR metrics. Users are notified of missing, necessary, or recommended metadata for various resource categories. We evaluate FAIR-Checker in the context of improving the FAIRification of individual resources, through better metadata, as well as analyzing the FAIRness of more than 25 thousand bioinformatics software descriptions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Decision-making based on so-called medical guidelines supported by semantic AI solutions is an essential and significant task for medical personnel in both a pre-clinical setting and an inner-clinical environment. Semantic representations of medical guidelines and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) using Semantic Web technologies, i.e., Resource Description Framework (RDF), rules (RuleML and Prova), and Shape Constraint Language (SHACL), provide a semantic knowledge base for the decision-making process and ease technical implementation and automation tasks. Current medical decision support systems lack Semantic Web integration using FHIR-RDF representations as a data source. In this paper, we implement a particular medical guideline using two different approaches: Prova [8] and SHACL [13]. We generate a series of raw FHIR-data for a selected guideline, the ABCDE approach, and compare the implemented two programs\' (Prova and SHACL) results. Both approaches deliver the same results in terms of content. Both may be used within a distributed medical environment depending on the need of organizations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The over-use of antibiotics in clinical domains is causing an alarming increase in bacterial resistance, thus endangering their effectiveness as regards the treatment of highly recurring severe infectious diseases. Whilst Clinical Guidelines (CGs) focus on the correct prescription of antibiotics in a narrative form, Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) operationalize the knowledge contained in CGs in the form of rules at the point of care. Despite the efforts made to computerize CGs, there is still a gap between CGs and the myriad of rule technologies (based on different logic formalisms) that are available to implement CDSSs in real clinical settings.
    To helpCDSS designers to determine the most suitable rule-based technology (medical-oriented rules, production rules and semantic web rules) with which to model knowledge from CGs for the prescription of antibiotics. We propose a framework of criteria for this purpose that is extensible to more generic CGs.
    Our proposal is based on the identification of core technical requirements extracted from both literature and the analysis of CGs for antibiotics, establishing three dimensions for analysis: language expressivity, interoperability and industrial aspects. We present a case study regarding the John Hopkins Hospital (JHH) Antibiotic Guidelines for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), a highly recurring hospital acquired infection. We have adopted our framework of criteria in order to analyse and implement these CGs using various rule technologies: HL7 Arden Syntax, general-purpose Production Rules System (Drools), HL7 standard Rule Interchange Format (RIF), Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) and SParql Inference Notation (SPIN) rule extensions (implementing our own ontology for UTI).
    We have identified the main criteria required to attain a maintainable and cost-affordable computable knowledge representation for CGs. We have represented the JHH UTI CGs knowledge in a total of 12 Arden Syntax MLMs, 81 Drools rules and 154 ontology classes, properties and individuals. Our experiments confirm the relevance of the proposed set of criteria and show the level of compliance of the different rule technologies with the JHH UTI CGs knowledge representation.
    The proposed framework of criteria may help clinical institutions to select the most suitable rule technology for the representation of CGs in general, and for the antibiotic prescription domain in particular, depicting the main aspects that lead to Computer Interpretable Guidelines (CIGs), such as Logic expressivity (Open/Closed World Assumption, Negation-As-Failure), Temporal Reasoning and Interoperability with existing HIS and clinical workflow. Future work will focus on providing clinicians with suggestions regarding new potential steps for CGs, considering process mining approaches and CGs Process Workflows, the use of HL7 FHIR for HIS interoperability and the representation of Knowledge-as- a-Service (KaaS).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clinical models are artefacts that specify how information is structured in electronic health records (EHRs). However, the makeup of clinical models is not guided by any formal constraint beyond a semantically vague information model. We address this gap by advocating ontology design patterns as a mechanism that makes the semantics of clinical models explicit. This paper demonstrates how ontology design patterns can validate existing clinical models using SHACL. Based on the Clinical Information Modelling Initiative (CIMI), we show how ontology patterns detect both modeling and terminology binding errors in CIMI models. SHACL, a W3C constraint language for the validation of RDF graphs, builds on the concept of \"Shape\", a description of data in terms of expected cardinalities, datatypes and other restrictions. SHACL, as opposed to OWL, subscribes to the Closed World Assumption (CWA) and is therefore more suitable for the validation of clinical models. We have demonstrated the feasibility of the approach by manually describing the correspondences between six CIMI clinical models represented in RDF and two SHACL ontology design patterns. Using a Java-based SHACL implementation, we found at least eleven modeling and binding errors within these CIMI models. This demonstrates the usefulness of ontology design patterns not only as a modeling tool but also as a tool for validation.





