S100 Calcium Binding Protein G

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cerebellum is involved in higher order cognitive function and is susceptible to age-related atrophy. However, limited evidence has directly examined the cerebellum\'s role in cognitive aging. To interrogate potential substrates of the relationship between cerebellar structure and memory in aging, here we target the Purkinje cells (PCs). The sole output neurons of the cerebellum, PC loss and/or degeneration underlie a variety of behavioral abnormalities. Using a rat model of normal cognitive aging, we immunostained sections through the cerebellum for the PC-specific protein, calbindin-D28k. Although morphometric quantification revealed no significant difference in total PC number as a function of age or cognitive status, regional cell number was a more robust correlate of memory performance in the young cerebellum than in aged animals. Parallel biochemical analysis of PC-specific protein levels in whole cerebellum additionally revealed that calbindin-D28k and Purkinje cell protein-2 (pcp-2) levels were lower selectively in aged rats with spatial memory impairment compared to both young animals and aged rats with intact memory. These results suggest that cognitive aging is associated with cerebellum vulnerability, potentially reflecting disruption of the cerebellum-medial temporal lobe network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anatomists have long expressed interest in neurons of the white matter, which is by definition supposed to be free of neurons. Hypotheses regarding their biochemical signature and physiological function are mainly derived from animal models. Here, we investigated 15 whole-brain human postmortem specimens, including cognitively normal cases and those with pathologic Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to investigate differences in neuronal size and density, and the relationship between neuronal processes and vasculature. Double staining was used to evaluate colocalization of neurochemicals. Two topographically distinct populations of neurons emerged: one appearing to arise from developmental subplate neurons and the other embedded within deep, subcortical white matter. Both populations appeared to be neurochemically heterogeneous, showing positive reactivity to acetylcholinesterase (AChE) [but not choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)], neuronal nuclei (NeuN), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d), microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2), somatostatin (SOM), nonphosphorylated neurofilament protein (SMI-32), and calcium-binding proteins calbindin-D28K (CB), calretinin (CRT), and parvalbumin (PV). PV was more richly expressed in superficial as opposed to deep white matter neurons (WMNs); subplate neurons were also significantly larger than their deeper counterparts. NADPH-d, a surrogate for nitric oxide synthase, allowed for the striking morphological visualization of subcortical WMNs. NADPH-d-positive subcortical neurons tended to embrace the outer walls of microvessels, suggesting a functional role in vasodilation. The presence of AChE positivity in these neurons, but not ChAT, suggests that they are cholinoceptive but noncholinergic. WMNs were also significantly smaller in AD compared to control cases. These observations provide a landscape for future systematic investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fundamental differences in excitatory pyramidal cells across cortical areas and species highlight the implausibility of extrapolation from mouse to primate neurons and cortical networks. Far less is known about comparative regional and species-specific features of neurochemically distinct cortical inhibitory interneurons. Here, we quantified the density, laminar distribution, and somatodendritic morphology of inhibitory interneurons expressing one or more of the calcium-binding proteins (CaBPs) (calretinin [CR], calbindin [CB], and/or parvalbumin [PV]) in mouse (Mus musculus) versus rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) in two functionally and cytoarchitectonically distinct regions-the primary visual and frontal cortical areas-using immunofluorescent multilabeling, stereological counting, and 3D reconstructions. There were significantly higher densities of CB+ and PV+ neurons in visual compared to frontal areas in both species. The main species difference was the significantly greater density and proportion of CR+ interneurons and lower extent of CaBP coexpression in monkey compared to mouse cortices. Cluster analyses revealed that the somatodendritic morphology of layer 2-3 inhibitory interneurons is more dependent on CaBP expression than on species and area. Only modest effects of species were observed for CB+ and PV+ interneuron morphologies, while CR+ neurons showed no difference. By contrast to pyramidal cells that show highly distinctive area- and species-specific features, here we found more subtle differences in the distribution and features of interneurons across areas and species. These data yield insight into how nuanced differences in the population organization and properties of neurons may underlie specializations in cortical regions to confer species- and area-specific functional capacities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mammalian striatum has long been considered a homogeneous entity. However, neuroanatomical and histochemical studies reveal that the striatum is much more heterogeneous than previously suspected. The caudate (Cd) and putamen (Pu) are composed of two chemical compartments: the matrix and the striosomes. Striatal interneurons have been classified into a variety of morphological and neurochemical subtypes. In this study, we compared the distribution of multiple neurochemical markers in the striatum of marmosets and described the morphology of different types of striatum interneurons. The immunoreactivities of choline-acetyl transferase (ChAT), neuropeptide Y (NPY), nitric oxide synthase (NOS), calretinin (CR), parvalbumin (PV) were analyzed along the entire rostrocaudal extent of the marmoset striatum. Calbindin immunohistochemistry is useful in identifying medium spiny neurons (MSNs), with efficient soma staining. Based on the size of the CB-positive cells, considered medium-sized, as expected, cholinergic cells are larger in area and diameter than the other subpopulations investigated, followed by NOS, NPY, PV and CR. In adjacent CB and PV-stained sections, the matrix and striosomes were clearly distinguished. The matrix is strongly reactive to CB and PV neuropils, while the striosomes exhibit low reactivity, especially in the dorsal Cd. Therefore, we provide a detailed description morphology and distribution of striatal interneuron populations in a model as a valuable tool for studying neurodegenerative pathogenesis, progression and treatment strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The incidence rates of light-induced retinopathies have increased significantly in the last decades because of continuous exposure to light from different electronic devices. Recent studies showed that exposure to blue light had been related to the pathogenesis of light-induced retinopathies. However, the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying changes induced by light exposure are not fully known yet. In the present study, the effects of exposure to light at different wavelengths with emission peaks in the blue light range (400-500 nm) on the localization of Calretinin-N18 (CaR-N18) and Calbindin-D28K (CaB-D28K) in adult zebrafish retina are studied using double immunofluorescence with confocal laser microscopy. CaB-D28K and CaR-N18 are two homologous cytosolic calcium-binding proteins (CaBPs) implicated in essential process regulation in central and peripheral nervous systems. CaB-D28K and CaR-N18 distributions are investigated to elucidate their potential role in maintaining retinal homeostasis under distinct light conditions and darkness. The results showed that light influences CaB-D28K and CaR-N18 distribution in the retina of adult zebrafish, suggesting that these CaBPs could be involved in the pathophysiology of retinal damage induced by the short-wavelength visible light spectrum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Distinguishing and characterising the different classes of neurons that make up a neural circuit has been a long-term goal for many neuroscientists. The enteric nervous system is a large but moderately simple part of the nervous system. Enteric neurons in laboratory animals have been extensively characterised morphologically, electrophysiologically, by projections and immunohistochemically. However, studies of human enteric nervous system are less advanced despite the potential availability of tissue from elective surgery (with appropriate ethics permits). Recent studies using single cell sequencing have confirmed and extended the classification of enteric neurons in mice and human, but it is not clear whether an encompassing classification has been achieved. We present preliminary data on a means to distinguish classes of myenteric neurons in specimens of human colon combining immunohistochemical, morphological, projection and size data on single cells. A method to apply multiple layers of antisera to specimens was developed, allowing up to 12 markers to be characterised in individual neurons. Applied to multi-axonal Dogiel type II neurons, this approach demonstrated that they constitute fewer than 5% of myenteric neurons, are nearly all immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase and tachykinins. Many express the calcium-binding proteins calbindin and calretinin and they are larger than average myenteric cells. This methodology provides a complementary approach to single-cell mRNA profiling to provide a comprehensive account of the types of myenteric neurons in the human colon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The thalamic reticular nucleus receives axons from the thalamic sensory nuclei and the cerebral cortex. The visual part of this nucleus in carnivores is the perigeniculate nucleus located dorsal to the lateral geniculate nucleus. The perigeniculate nucleus participates in the modulation of visual processing and in the transition of synchronized slow rhythmicity during sleep into desynchronized high-frequency activity during arousal and consists of inhibitory neurons. The main neurochemical markers for perigeniculate neurons are glutamic acid decarboxylase and Ca2+ -binding protein parvalbumin. Previous studies of postnatal development focused on the morphological features of the perigeniculate nucleus; however, its neurochemistry remains poorly understood. In this study, we focused on the postnatal development of perigeniculate neurons using immunohistochemical labeling of parvalbumin, two related Ca2+ -binding proteins (calretinin and calbindin), glutamic acid decarboxylase, and a common neuronal protein, NeuN, in kittens that were 0-123 days old and in adult cats. In parallel with the well-known dominant neuronal populations expressing parvalbumin and GAD67 and persisting until adulthood, transient populations expressing calretinin and calbindin were observed. The calbindin-positive neurons were similar to the main perigeniculate population and showed close morphological features and parvalbumin coexpression. In contrast, the calretinin-positive neurons differed in their morphological characteristics and did not express GAD67, thus distinguishing them from the majority of perigeniculate neurons. A possible link between these populations was revealed, and the development of thalamocortical processing is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Derangements to the functioning of calcium-regulating organs have been associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), a condition preceded by pre-diabetes. Type 2 diabetes has shown to promote renal calcium wastage, intestinal calcium malabsorption and increased bone resorption. However, the changes to the functioning of calcium-regulating organs in pre-diabetes are not known. Subsequently, the effects of diet-induced pre-diabetes on the functioning of calcium-regulating organs in a rat model for pre-diabetes was investigated in this study. Male Sprague Dawley rats were separated into two groups (n=6, each group): non-pre-diabetic (NPD) group and a diet-induced pre-diabetic (DIPD) group for 20 weeks. After the experimental period, postprandial glucose and HOMA-IR were analysed in addition to plasma and urinary calcium concentrations. Gene expressions of intestinal vitamin D (VDR), intestinal calbindin-D9k, renal 1-alpha hydroxylase and renal transient receptor potential vanilloid 5 (TRPV5) expressions in addition to plasma osteocalcin and urinary deoxypyridinoline concentrations were analysed at week 20. The results demonstrated significantly increased concentrations of postprandial glucose, HOMA-IR and urinary calcium in addition to unchanged plasma calcium levels in the DIPD group by comparison to NPD. Renal TRPV5, renal 1-alpha hydroxylase, intestinal VDR and intestinal calbindin-D9k expressions were increased in the DIPD group by comparison to NPD. Furthermore, plasma osteocalcin levels were increased and urine deoxypyridinoline levels were decreased in the DIPD group by comparison to NPD. These observations may suggest that calcium-regulating organs compensate for the changes to calcium homeostasis by inducing increased renal calcium reabsorption, increased intestinal calcium absorption and decreased bone resorption followed by increased bone formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The superior colliculus (SC) is a layered midbrain structure with functions that include polysensory and sensorimotor integration. Here, we describe the distribution of different immunohistochemically identified classes of neurons in the SC of adult marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus). Neuronal nuclei (NeuN) staining was used to determine the overall neuronal density in the different SC layers. In addition, we studied the distribution of neurons expressing different calcium-binding proteins (calbindin [CB], parvalbumin [PV] and calretinin [CR]). Our results indicate that neuronal density in the SC decreases from superficial to deep layers. Although the neuronal density within the same layer varies little across the mediolateral axis, it tends to be lower at rostral levels, compared to caudal levels. Cells expressing different calcium-binding proteins display differential gradients of density according to depth. Both CB- and CR-expressing neurons show markedly higher densities in the stratum griseum superficiale (SGS), compared to the stratum opticum and intermediate and deep layers. However, CR-expressing neurons are twice as common as CB-expressing neurons outside the SGS. The distribution of PV-expressing cells follows a shallow density gradient from superficial to deep layers. When normalized relative to total neuronal density, the proportion of CR-expressing neurons increases between the superficial and intermediate layers, whereas that of CB-expressing neurons declines toward the deep layers. The proportion of PV-expressing neurons remains constant across layers. Our data provide layer-specific and accurate estimates of neuronal density, which may be important for the generation of biophysical models of how the primate SC transforms sensory inputs into motor signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium-binding proteins (CBPs) regulate neuronal function in midbrain dopamine (DA)-ergic neurons in mammals by buffering and sensing the intracellular Ca2+ , and vesicular release. In birds, the equivalent set of neurons are important in song learning, directed singing, courtship, and energy balance, yet the status of CBPs in these neurons is unknown. Herein, for the first time, we probe the nature of CBPs, namely, Calbindin-, Calretinin-, Parvalbumin-, and Secretagogin-expressing DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and substantia nigra (SN) in the midbrain of zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata. qRT-PCR analysis of ventral midbrain tissue fragment revealed higher Calbindin- and Calretinin-mRNA levels compared to Parvalbumin and Secretagogin. Application of immunofluorescence showed CBP-immunoreactive (-i) neurons in VTA (anterior [VTAa], mid [VTAm], caudal [VTAc]), SN (compacta [SNc], and reticulata [SNr]). Compared to VTAa, higher Calbindin- and Parvalbumin-immunoreactivity (-ir), and lower Calretinin-ir were observed in VTAm and VTAc. Secretagogin-ir was highly localized to VTAa. In SN, Calbindin- and Calretinin-ir were higher in SNc, SNr was Parvalbumin enriched, and Secretagogin-ir was not detected. Weak, moderate, and intense tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-i VTA neurons were demarcated as subtypes 1, 2, and 3, respectively. While subtype 1 TH-i neurons were neither Calbindin- nor Calretinin-i, ∼80 and ∼65% subtype 2 and ∼30 and ∼45% subtype 3 TH-i neurons co-expressed Calbindin and Calretinin, respectively. All TH-i neuronal subtypes co-expressed Parvalbumin with reciprocal relationship with TH-ir. We suggest that the CBPs may determine VTA DA neuronal heterogeneity and differentially regulate their activity in T. guttata.





