
S - 酰化
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins undergo reversible S-acylation via a thioester linkage in vivo. S-palmitoylation, modification by C16:0 fatty acid, is a common S-acylation that mediates critical protein-membrane and protein-protein interactions. The most widely used S-acylation assays, including acyl-biotin exchange and acyl resin-assisted capture, utilize blocking of free Cys thiols, hydroxylamine-dependent cleavage of the thioester and subsequent labeling of nascent thiol. These assays generally require >500 μg of protein input material per sample and numerous reagent removal and washing steps, making them laborious and ill-suited for high throughput and low input applications. To overcome these limitations, we devised \"Acyl-Trap\", a suspension trap-based assay that utilizes a thiol-reactive quartz to enable buffer exchange and hydroxylamine-mediated S-acyl enrichment. We show that the method is compatible with protein-level detection of S-acylated proteins (e.g., H-Ras) as well as S-acyl site identification and quantification using \"on trap\" isobaric labeling and LC-MS/MS from as little as 20 μg of protein input. In mouse brain, Acyl-Trap identified 279 reported sites of S-acylation and 1298 previously unreported putative sites. Also described are conditions for long-term hydroxylamine storage, which streamline the assay. More generally, Acyl-Trap serves as a proof-of-concept for PTM-tailored suspension traps suitable for both traditional protein detection and chemoproteomic workflows.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptive immune responses comprise the activation of T cells by peptide antigens that are presented by proteins of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) on the surface of an antigen-presenting cell. As a consequence of the T cell receptor interacting productively with a certain peptide-MHC complex, a specialized cell-cell junction known as the immunological synapse forms and is accompanied by changes in the spatiotemporal patterning and function of intracellular signaling molecules. Key modifications occurring at the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma and internal membranes in activated T cells comprise lipid switches that affect the binding and distribution of proteins within or near the lipid bilayer. Here, we describe two major classes of lipid switches that act at this critical water/membrane interface. Phosphoinositides are derived from phosphatidylinositol, an amphiphilic molecule that contains two fatty acid chains and a phosphate group that bridges the glycerol backbone to the carbohydrate inositol. The inositol ring can be variably (de-)phosphorylated by dedicated kinases and phosphatases, thereby creating phosphoinositide signatures that define the composition and properties of signaling molecules, molecular complexes, or whole organelles. Palmitoylation refers to the reversible attachment of the fatty acid palmitate to a substrate protein\'s cysteine residue. DHHC enzymes, named after the four conserved amino acids in their active site, catalyze this post-translational modification and thereby change the distribution of proteins at, between, and within membranes. T cells utilize these two types of molecular switches to adjust their properties to an activation process that requires changes in motility, transport, secretion, and gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hetero-tetrameric soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) complexes are critical for vesicle-target membrane fusion within the endomembrane system of eukaryotic cells. SNARE assembly involves four different SNARE motifs, Qa, Qb, Qc, and R, provided by three or four SNARE proteins. YKT6 is an atypical R-SNARE that lacks a transmembrane domain and is involved in multiple vesicle-target membrane fusions. Although YKT6 is evolutionarily conserved and essential, its function and regulation in different phyla seem distinct. Arabidopsis YKT61, the yeast and metazoan YKT6 homologue, is essential for gametophytic development, plays a critical role in sporophytic cells, and mediates multiple vesicle-target membrane fusion. However, its molecular regulation is unclear. We report here that YKT61 is S-acylated. Abolishing its S-acylation by a C195S mutation dissociates YKT61 from endomembrane structures and causes its functional loss. Although interacting with various SNARE proteins, YKT61 functions not as a canonical R-SNARE but coordinates with other R-SNAREs to participate in the formation of SNARE complexes. Phylum-specific molecular regulation of YKT6 may be evolved to allow more efficient SNARE assembly in different eukaryotic cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein S-acylation catalyzed by protein S-acyl transferases (PATs) is a reversible lipid modification regulating protein targeting, stability, and interaction profiles. PATs are encoded by large gene families in plants, and many proteins including receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases (RLCKs) and receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are subject to S-acylation. However, few PATs have been assigned substrates, and few S-acylated proteins have known upstream enzymes. We report that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) class A PATs redundantly mediate pollen tube guidance and participate in the S-acylation of POLLEN RECEPTOR KINASE1 (PRK1) and LOST IN POLLEN TUBE GUIDANCE1 (LIP1), a critical RLK or RLCK for pollen tube guidance, respectively. PAT1, PAT2, PAT3, PAT4, and PAT8, collectively named PENTAPAT for simplicity, are enriched in pollen and show similar subcellular distribution. Functional loss of PENTAPAT reduces seed set due to male gametophytic defects. Specifically, pentapat pollen tubes are compromised in directional growth. We determine that PRK1 and LIP1 interact with PENTAPAT, and their S-acylation is reduced in pentapat pollen. The plasma membrane (PM) association of LIP1 is reduced in pentapat pollen, whereas point mutations reducing PRK1 S-acylation affect its affinity with its interacting proteins. Our results suggest a key role of S-acylation in pollen tube guidance through modulating PM receptor complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins undergo reversible S-acylation via a thioester linkage in vivo. S-palmitoylation, modification by C16:0 fatty acid, is a common S-acylation that mediates critical protein-membrane and protein-protein interactions. The most widely used S-acylation assays, including acyl-biotin exchange and acyl resin-assisted capture, utilize blocking of free Cys thiols, hydroxylamine-dependent cleavage of the thioester and subsequent labeling of nascent thiol. These assays generally require >500 micrograms of protein input material per sample and numerous reagent removal and washing steps, making them laborious and ill-suited for high throughput and low input applications. To overcome these limitations, we devised \"Acyl-Trap\", a suspension trap-based assay that utilizes a thiol-reactive quartz to enable buffer exchange and hydroxylamine-mediated S-acyl enrichment. We show that the method is compatible with protein-level detection of S-acylated proteins (e.g. H-Ras) as well as S-acyl site identification and quantification using \"on trap\" isobaric labeling and LC-MS/MS from as little as 20 micrograms of protein input. In mouse brain, Acyl-Trap identified 279 reported sites of S-acylation and 1298 previously unreported putative sites. Also described are conditions for long-term hydroxylamine storage, which streamlines the assay. More generally, Acyl-Trap serves as a proof-of-concept for PTM-tailored suspension traps suitable for both traditional protein detection and chemoproteomic workflows.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Caveolae are small flask-shaped invaginations of the surface membrane which are proposed to recruit and co-localize signaling molecules. The distinctive caveolar shape is achieved by the oligomeric structural protein caveolin, of which three isoforms exist. Aside from the finding that caveolin-3 is specifically expressed in muscle, functional differences between the caveolin isoforms have not been rigorously investigated. Caveolin-3 is relatively cysteine-rich compared to caveolins 1 and 2, so we investigated its cysteine post-translational modifications. We find that caveolin-3 is palmitoylated at 6 cysteines and becomes glutathiolated following redox stress. We map the caveolin-3 palmitoylation sites to a cluster of cysteines in its C terminal membrane domain, and the glutathiolation site to an N terminal cysteine close to the region of caveolin-3 proposed to engage in protein interactions. Glutathiolation abolishes caveolin-3 interaction with heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunits. Our results indicate that a caveolin-3 oligomer contains up to 66 palmitates, compared to up to 33 for caveolin-1. The additional palmitoylation sites in caveolin-3 therefore provide a mechanistic basis by which caveolae in smooth and striated muscle can possess unique phospholipid and protein cargoes. These unique adaptations of the muscle-specific caveolin isoform have important implications for caveolar assembly and signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Fatty acid binding protein 3 (FABP3) is a target with clinical relevance and the peptide ligand ACooP has been identified for FABP3 targeting. ACooP is a linear decapeptide containing a free amino and thiol group, which provides opportunities for conjugation. This work is to develop methods for radiolabeling of ACooP with fluorine-18 (18F) for positron emission tomography (PET) applications, and evaluate the binding of the radiolabeled ACooP in human tumor tissue sections with high FABP3 expression.
    RESULTS: The prosthetic compound 6-[18F]fluoronicotinic acid 4-nitrophenyl ester was conveniently prepared with an on-resin 18F-fluorination in 29.9% radiochemical yield and 96.6% radiochemical purity. Interestingly, 6-[18F]fluoronicotinic acid 4-nitrophenyl ester conjugated to ACooP exclusively by S-acylation instead of the expected N-acylation, and the chemical identity of the product [18F]FNA-S-ACooP was confirmed. In the in vitro binding experiments, [18F]FNA-S-ACooP exhibited heterogeneous and high focal binding in malignant tissue sections, where we also observed abundant FABP3 positivity by immunofluorescence staining. Blocking study further confirmed the [18F]FNA-S-ACooP binding specificity.
    CONCLUSIONS: FABP3 targeted ACooP peptide was successfully radiolabeled by S-acylation using 6-[18F]fluoronicotinic acid 4-nitrophenyl ester as the prosthetic compound. The tissue binding and blocking studies together with anti-FABP3 immunostaining confirmed [18F]FNA-S-ACooP binding specificity. Further preclinical studies of [18F]FNA-S-ACooP are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the well-established functions of protein palmitoylation in fundamental cellular processes, the roles of this reversible post-translational lipid modification in cardiomyocyte biology remain poorly studied. Palmitoylation is catalyzed by a family of 23 zinc finger and Asp-His-His-Cys domain-containing S-acyltransferases (zDHHC enzymes) and removed by select thioesterases of the lysophospholipase and α/β-hydroxylase domain (ABHD)-containing families of serine hydrolases. Recently, studies utilizing genetic manipulation of zDHHC enzymes in cardiomyocytes have begun to unveil essential functions for these enzymes in regulating cardiac development, homeostasis, and pathogenesis. Palmitoylation co-ordinates cardiac electrophysiology through direct modulation of ion channels and transporters to impact their trafficking or gating properties as well as indirectly through modification of regulators of channels, transporters, and calcium handling machinery. Not surprisingly, palmitoylation has roles in orchestrating the intracellular trafficking of proteins in cardiomyocytes, but also dynamically fine-tunes cardiomyocyte exocytosis and natriuretic peptide secretion. Palmitoylation has emerged as a potent regulator of intracellular signaling in cardiomyocytes, with recent studies uncovering palmitoylation-dependent regulation of small GTPases through direct modification and sarcolemmal targeting of the small GTPases themselves or by modification of regulators of the GTPase cycle. In addition to dynamic control of G protein signaling, cytosolic DNA is sensed and transduced into an inflammatory transcriptional output through palmitoylation-dependent activation of the cGAS-STING pathway, which has been targeted pharmacologically in preclinical models of heart disease. Further research is needed to fully understand the complex regulatory mechanisms governed by protein palmitoylation in cardiomyocytes and potential emerging therapeutic targets.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Calcium (Ca2+) regulates a multitude of cellular processes during fertilization and throughout adult life by acting as an intracellular messenger to control effector functions in excitable and non-excitable cells. Changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels are driven by the co-ordinated action of Ca2+ channels, pumps, and exchangers, and the resulting signals are shaped and decoded by Ca2+-binding proteins to drive rapid and long-term cellular processes ranging from neurotransmission and cardiac contraction to gene transcription and cell death. S-acylation, a lipid post-translational modification, is emerging as a critical regulator of several important Ca2+-handling proteins. S-acylation is a reversible and dynamic process involving the attachment of long-chain fatty acids (most commonly palmitate) to cysteine residues of target proteins by a family of 23 proteins acyltransferases (zDHHC, or PATs). S-acylation modifies the conformation of proteins and their interactions with membrane lipids, thereby impacting intra- and intermolecular interactions, protein stability, and subcellular localization. Disruptions of S-acylation can alter Ca2+ signalling and have been implicated in the development of pathologies such as heart disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer. Here, we review the recent literature on the S-acylation of Ca2+ transport proteins of organelles and of the plasma membrane and highlight the molecular basis and functional consequence of their S-acylation as well as the therapeutic potential of targeting this regulation for diseases caused by alterations in cellular Ca2+ fluxes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    More than half of the global population is obese or overweight, especially in Western countries, and this excess adiposity disrupts normal physiology to cause chronic diseases. Diabetes, an adiposity-associated epidemic disease, affects >500 million people, and cases are projected to exceed 1 billion before 2050. Lipid excess can impact physiology through the posttranslational modification of proteins, including the reversible process of S-palmitoylation. Dynamic palmitoylation cycling requires the S-acylation of proteins by acyltransferases and the depalmitoylation of these proteins mediated in part by acyl-protein thioesterases (APTs) such as APT1. Emerging evidence points to tissue-specific roles for the depalmitoylase APT1 in maintaining homeostasis in the vasculature, pancreatic islets, and liver. These recent findings raise the possibility that APT1 substrates can be therapeutically targeted to treat the complications of metabolic diseases.





