
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several covalent modifications are found associated with the transcriptionally active chromatin regions constituted by the genes transcribed by RNA polymerase (pol) II. Pol III-transcribed genes code for the small, stable RNA species, which participate in many cellular processes, essential for survival. Pol III transcription is repressed under most of the stress conditions by its negative regulator Maf1. We found that most of the histone acetylations increase with starvation-induced repression on several genes transcribed by the yeast pol III. On one of these genes, SNR6 (coding for the U6snRNA), a strongly positioned nucleosome in the gene upstream region plays regulatory role under repression. On this nucleosome, the changes in H3K9 and H3K14 acetylations show different dynamics. During repression, acetylation levels on H3K9 show steady increase whereas H3K14 acetylation increases with a peak at 40 min after which levels reduce. Both the levels settle by 2 hr to a level higher than the active state, which revert to normal levels with nutrient repletion. The increase in H3 acetylations is seen in the mutants reported to show reduced SNR6 transcription but not in the maf1Δ cells. This increase on a regulatory nucleosome may be part of the signaling mechanisms, which prepare cells for the stress-related quick repression as well as reactivation. The contrasting association of the histone acetylations with pol II and pol III transcription may be an important consideration to make in research studies focused on drug developments targeting histone modifications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autophagy is a catabolic process to maintain homeostasis, and involved in cell differentiation and development. Autophagy is tightly regulated in response to nutrient availability but the underlying mechanism is not completely understood. Recently, we identified the chromatin remodeling complex INO80 (inositol-requiring mutant 80) and histone variant H2A.Z as new autophagy regulators and uncover how histone deacetylase Rpd3L (reduced potassium dependency 3 large) complex represses autophagy by deacetylating Ino80 and H2A.Z. In particular, Rpd3L complex deacetylates Ino80 at lysine 929, which protects Ino80 from being degraded by autophagy. The stabilized Ino80 then evicts H2A.Z from autophagy-related (ATG) genes, leading to their transcriptional repression. In parallel, Rpd3L complex also deacetylates H2A.Z, which further reduces its association with ATG gene promoters and repress ATG gene transcription. Under nutrient-rich conditions, Rpd3L-mediated deacetylation of Ino80 K929 and H2A.Z is enhanced by the TORC1 complex (target of rapamycin complex 1). Under nitrogen-starvation condition, TORC1 is inactivated, leading to reduced activity of Rpd3L complex and increased acetylation of Ino80 and H2A.Z, which in turn induce the transcription of ATG genes. These results reveal a critical role of chromatin remodelers and histone variants in regulating autophagy in response to nutrient availability.Abbreviations: INO80: inositol-requiring mutant 80; Rpd3: reduced potassium dependency 3; H2A.Z: histone H2A variant; Rpd3L complex: Rpd3 large complex; H4K16: H4 lysine 16; H3R17: H3 arginine 17; H3T11: H3 threonine 11; TORC1 complex: target of rapamycin complex 1; ATG: autophagy-related; SWI/SNF: switch/sucrose non-fermentable; SWR1: Swi2/Snf2-related ATPase complex; RSC: remodel the structure of chromatin; ISWI: imitation switch; CHD1: chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1; Arp8: actin-related protein 8; Sds3: suppressor of defective silencing 3; Ume6: unscheduled meiotic gene expression 6.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Saccharomycescerevisiae, the Rpd3L complex contains a histone deacetylase, Rpd3, and the DNA binding proteins, Ume6 and Ash1, and acts as a transcriptional repressor or activator. We previously showed that RPD3 and UME6 are required for the activation of PDR5, which encodes a major efflux pump, and pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) in ρ0/- cells, which lack mitochondrial DNA. However, there are inconsistent reports regarding whether RPD3 and UME6 are required for Pdr5-mediated PDR in ρ+ cells with mitochondrial DNA. Since PDR5 expression or PDR in the ρ+ cells of the rpd3Δ and ume6Δ mutants have primarily been examined using fermentable media, mixed cultures of ρ+ and ρ0/- cells could be used. Therefore, we examined whether RPD3 and UME6 are required for basal and drug-induced PDR5 transcription and PDR in ρ+ cells using fermentable and nonfermentable media. UME6 suppresses the basal transcription levels of the ABC transporters, including PDR5, and drug resistance in ρ+ cells independent of the carbon source used in the growth medium. In contrast, RPD3 is required for drug resistance but did not interfere with the basal PDR5 mRNA levels. UME6 is also required for the cycloheximide-induced transcription of PDR5 in nonfermentable media but not in fermentable media.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acetylation and deacetylation of histones are key epigenetic mechanisms for gene regulation in response to environmental stimuli. RPD3 is a well-conserved class I histone deacetylase (HDAC) that is involved in diverse biological processes. Here, we investigated the roles of the Magnaporthe oryzae RPD3 (MoRPD3) gene, an ortholog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rpd3, during development and pathogenesis in the model plant-pathogenic fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. We demonstrated that the MoRPD3 gene is able to functionally complement the yeast Rpd3 deletion mutant despite the C-terminal extension of the MoRPD3 protein. MoRPD3 localizes primarily to the nuclei of vegetative hyphae, asexual spores, and invasive hyphae. Deletion of MoRPD3 appears to be lethal. Depletion of MoRPD3 transcripts via gene silencing (MoRPD3kd, where \"kd\" stands for \"knockdown\") has opposing effects on asexual and sexual reproduction. Although conidial germination and appressorium formation rates of the mutants were almost comparable to those of the wild type, in-depth analysis revealed that the appressoria of mutants are smaller than those of the wild type. Furthermore, the MoRPD3kd strain shows a significant reduction in pathogenicity, which can be attributed to the delay in appressorium-mediated penetration and impaired invasive growth. Interestingly, MoRPD3 does not regulate potassium transporters, as shown for Rpd3 of S. cerevisiae. However, it functioned in association with the target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase pathway, resulting in the dependency of appressorium formation on hydrophilic surfaces and on TOR\'s inhibition by MoRPD3. Taken together, our results uncovered distinct and evolutionarily conserved roles of MoRPD3 in regulating fungal reproduction, infection-specific development, and virulence. IMPORTANCE RPD3 is an evolutionarily conserved class I histone deacetylase (HDAC) that plays a pivotal role in diverse cellular processes. In filamentous fungal pathogens, abrogation of the gene encoding RPD3 results in either lethality or severe growth impairment, making subsequent genetic analyses challenging. Magnaporthe oryzae is a causal agent of rice blast disease, which is responsible for significant annual yield losses in rice production. Here, we characterized the RPD3 gene of M. oryzae (MoRPD3) in unprecedented detail using a gene-silencing approach. We provide evidence that MoRPD3 is a bona fide HDAC regulating fungal reproduction and pathogenic development by potentially being involved in the TOR-mediated signaling pathway. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the most comprehensive genetic dissection of RPD3 in filamentous fungal pathogens. Our work extends and deepens our understanding of how an epigenetic factor is implicated in the development and virulence of fungal pathogens of plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the retrograde signalling pathway is activated in ρ0/- cells, which lack mitochondrial DNA. Within this pathway, the activation of the transcription factor Pdr3 induces transcription of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter gene, PDR5, and causes pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR). Although a histone deacetylase, Rpd3, is also required for cycloheximide resistance in ρ0/- cells, it is currently unknown whether Rpd3 and its DNA binding partners, Ume6 and Ash1, are involved in the activation of PDR5 transcription and PDR in ρ0/- cells. This study investigated the roles of RPD3, UME6, and ASH1 in the activation of PDR5 transcription and PDR by retrograde signalling in ρ0 cells.
    ρ0 cells in the rpd3∆ and ume6∆ strains, with the exception of the ash1∆ strain, were sensitive to fluconazole and cycloheximide. The PDR5 mRNA levels in ρ0 cells of the rpd3∆ and ume6∆ strains were significantly reduced compared to the wild-type and ash1∆ strain. Transcriptional expression of PDR5 was reduced in cycloheximide-exposed and unexposed ρ0 cells of the ume6∆ strain; the transcriptional positive response of PDR5 to cycloheximide exposure was also impaired in this strain.
    RPD3 and UME6 are responsible for enhanced PDR5 mRNA levels and PDR by retrograde signalling in ρ0 cells of S. cerevisiae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the causal agent of the blast disease, Magnaporthe oryzae is one of the most destructive fungal pathogens of rice. Histone acetylation/deacetylation is important for remodeling of chromatin superstructure and thus altering gene expression. In this study, two genes encoding histone deacetylases, namely, MoRPD3 and MoHST4, were identified and functionally characterized in M. oryzae. MoHst4 was required for proper mycelial growth and pathogenicity, whereas overproduction of MoRpd3 led to loss of pathogenicity, likely due to a block in conidial cell death and restricted invasive growth within the host plants. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-MoRpd3 localized to the nucleus and cytoplasm in vegetative hyphae and developing conidia. By comparative transcriptomics analysis, we identified potential target genes epigenetically regulated by histone deacetylases (HDACs) containing MoRpd3 or MoHst4, which may contribute to conidia formation and/or conidial cell death, which is a prerequisite for successful appressorium-mediated host invasion. Taken together, our results suggest that histone deacetylases MoRpd3 and MoHst4 differentially regulate mycelial growth, asexual development, and pathogenesis in M. oryzae. IMPORTANCE HDACs (histone deacetylases) regulate various aspects of growth, development, and pathogenesis in plant-pathogenic fungi. Most members of HDAC classes I to III have been functionally characterized, except for orthologous Rpd3 and Hst4, in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. In this study, we assessed the function of MoRpd3 and MoHst4 by reverse genetics and found that they differentially regulate M. oryzae vegetative growth, asexual development, and infection. Particularly, MoRpd3 negatively regulates M. oryzae pathogenicity, likely through suppression of conidial cell death, which we recently reported as being critical for appressorium maturation and functioning. Overall, this study broadens our understanding of fungal pathobiology and its critical regulation by histone modification(s) during cell death and in planta differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to nutrient starvation, the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae abandons mitotic proliferation and embarks on a differentiation process that leads through meiosis to the formation of haploid spores. This process is driven by cascading waves of meiosis-specific-gene expression. The early meiosis-specific genes are repressed during mitotic proliferation by the DNA-binding protein Ume6 in combination with repressors Rpd3 and Sin3. The expression of meiosis-specific transcription factor Ime1 leads to activation of the early meiosis-specific genes. We investigated the stability and promoter occupancy of Ume6 in sporulating cells and determined that it remains bound to early meiosis-specific gene promoters when those genes are activated. Furthermore, we find that the repressor Rpd3 remains associated with Ume6 after the transactivator Ime1 has joined the complex and that the Gcn5 and Tra1 components of the SAGA complex bind to the promoter of IME2 in an Ime1-dependent fashion to induce transcription of the early meiosis-specific genes. Our investigation supports a model whereby Ume6 provides a platform allowing recruitment of both activating and repressing factors to coordinate the expression of the early meiosis-specific genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A subset of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells in a stationary phase culture achieve a unique quiescent state characterized by increased cell density, stress tolerance, and longevity. Trehalose accumulation is necessary but not sufficient for conferring this state, and it is not recapitulated by abrupt starvation. The fraction of cells that achieve this state varies widely in haploids and diploids and can approach 100%, indicating that both mother and daughter cells can enter quiescence. The transition begins when about half the glucose has been taken up from the medium. The high affinity glucose transporters are turned on, glycogen storage begins, the Rim15 kinase enters the nucleus and the accumulation of cells in G1 is initiated. After the diauxic shift (DS), when glucose is exhausted from the medium, growth promoting genes are repressed by the recruitment of the histone deacetylase Rpd3 by quiescence-specific repressors. The final division that takes place post-DS is highly asymmetrical and G1 arrest is complete after 48 h. The timing of these events can vary considerably, but they are tightly correlated with total biomass of the culture, suggesting that the transition to quiescence is tightly linked to changes in external glucose levels. After 7 days in culture, there are massive morphological changes at the protein and organelle level. There are global changes in histone modification. An extensive array of condensin-dependent, long-range chromatin interactions lead to genome-wide chromatin compaction that is conserved in yeast and human cells. These interactions are required for the global transcriptional repression that occurs in quiescent yeast.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellular quiescence is a reversible differentiation state when cells are changing the gene expression program to reduce metabolic functions and adapt to a new cellular environment. When fission yeast cells are deprived of nitrogen in the absence of any mating partner, cells can reversibly arrest in a differentiated G0-like cellular state, called quiescence. This change is accompanied by a marked alteration of nuclear organization and a global reduction of transcription. Using high-throughput flow cytometry combined with genetic analysis, we describe the results of a comprehensive screen for genes encoding chromatin components and regulators that are required for the entry and the maintenance of cellular quiescence. We show that the histone acetylase and deacetylase complexes, SAGA and Rpd3, have key roles both for G0 entry and survival during quiescence. We reveal a novel function for the Ino80 nucleosome remodeling complex in cellular quiescence. Finally, we demonstrate that components of the MRN complex, Rad3, the nonhomologous end-joining, and nucleotide excision DNA repair pathways are essential for viability in G0.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PIF1 family helicases are evolutionarily conserved among prokaryotes and eukaryotes. These enzymes function to support genome integrity by participating in multiple DNA transactions that can be broadly grouped into DNA replication, DNA repair, and telomere maintenance roles. However, the levels of PIF1 activity in cells must be carefully controlled, as Pif1 over-expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is toxic, and knockdown or over-expression of human PIF1 (hPIF1) supports cancer cell growth. This suggests that PIF1 family helicases must be subject to tight regulation in vivo to direct their activities to where and when they are needed, as well as to maintain those activities at proper homeostatic levels. Previous work shows that C-terminal phosphorylation of S. cerevisiae Pif1 regulates its telomere maintenance activity, and we recently identified that Pif1 is also regulated by lysine acetylation. The over-expression toxicity of Pif1 was exacerbated in cells lacking the Rpd3 lysine deacetylase, but mutation of the NuA4 lysine acetyltransferase subunit Esa1 ameliorated this toxicity. Using recombinant proteins, we found that acetylation stimulated the DNA binding affinity, ATPase activity, and DNA unwinding activities of Pif1. All three domains of the helicase were targets of acetylation in vitro, and multiple lines of evidence suggest that acetylation drives a conformational change in the N-terminal domain of Pif1 that impacts this stimulation. It is currently unclear what triggers lysine acetylation of Pif1 and how this modification impacts the many in vivo functions of the helicase, but future work promises to shed light on how this protein is tightly regulated within the cell.






