Rodent behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Physiological changes during awake immobility-related brain states remain one of the great unexplored behavioral states. Controlling periods of awake immobility is challenging because restraining the animal is stressful and is accompanied by altered physiological states. Here, we describe the ThermoMaze, a behavioral paradigm that allows for the collection of large amounts of physiological data while the animal rests at distinct experimenter-determined locations. We found that the paradigm generated long periods of immobility and did not alter the brain temperature. We combined the ThermoMaze with electrophysiology recordings in the CA1 region of the hippocampus and found a location-specific distribution of sharp-wave ripple events. We describe the construction of the ThermoMaze with the intention that it helps enable large-scale data recordings on immobility-related brain states. Key features • Controlling periods of awake immobility in rodents. • Electronic-friendly analog of the Morris water maze.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isolation of sex differences as a key characteristic underlying neurobehavioral differentiation is an essential component of studies in neuroscience. The current study sought to address this concern by observing behavioral differences using an automated home cage system for neurobehavioral assessment, a method rapidly increasing in use due to advances in technology and advantages such as reduced handling stress and cross-lab variability. Sex differences in C57BL/6 mice arose for motor activity and circadian-linked behavior, with females being more active compared to males, and males having a stronger anticipatory increase in activity leading up to the onset of the light phase compared to females. These activity differences were observed not only across the lifespan, but also in different genetic background mouse strains across different testing sites showing the generalizability and robustness of these observed effects. Activity differences were also observed in performance on a spatial learning and reversal task with females making more responses and receiving a corresponding elevation in reward pellets. Notably, there were no sex differences in learning nor achieved accuracy, suggesting these observed effects were predominantly in activity. The outcomes of this study align with previous reports showcasing differences in activity between males and females. The comparison across strains and testing sites showed robust and reproducible differences in behavior between female and male mice that are relevant to consider when designing behavioral studies. Furthermore, the observed sex differences in performance on the learning and reversal procedure raise concern for interpretation of behavior differences between sexes due to the attribution of these differences to motor activity rather than cognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emotional contagion, a fundamental aspect of empathy, is an automatic and unconscious process in which individuals mimic and synchronize with the emotions of others. Extensively studied in rodents, this phenomenon is mediated through a range of sensory pathways, each contributing distinct insights. The olfactory pathway, marked by two types of pheromones modulated by oxytocin, plays a crucial role in transmitting emotional states. The auditory pathway, involving both squeaks and specific ultrasonic vocalizations, correlates with various emotional states and is essential for expression and communication in rodents. The visual pathway, though less relied upon, encompasses observational motions and facial expressions. The tactile pathway, a more recent focus, underscores the significance of physical interactions such as allogrooming and socio-affective touch in modulating emotional states. This comprehensive review not only highlights plausible neural mechanisms but also poses key questions for future research. It underscores the complexity of multimodal integration in emotional contagion, offering valuable insights for human psychology, neuroscience, animal welfare, and the burgeoning field of animal-human-AI interactions, thereby contributing to the development of a more empathetic intelligent future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate whether the defects in transient receptor potential canonical 4 (TRPC4), which is strongly expressed in the hippocampus, are implicated in ASD, we examined the social behaviors of mice in which Trpc4 was deleted (Trpc4-/-). Trpc4-/- mice displayed the core symptoms of ASD, namely, social disability and repetitive behaviors. In microarray analysis of the hippocampus, microRNA (miR)-138-2, the precursor of miR-138, was upregulated in Trpc4-/- mice. We also found that binding of Matrin3 (MATR3), a selective miR-138-2 binding nuclear protein, to miR-138-2 was prominently enhanced, resulting in the downregulation of miR-138 in Trpc4-/- mice. Some parameters of the social defects and repetitive behaviors in the Trpc4-/- mice were rescued by increased miR-138 levels following miR-138-2 infusion in the hippocampus. Together, these results suggest that Trpc4 regulates some signaling components that oppose the development of social behavioral deficits through miR-138 and provide a potential therapeutic strategy for ASD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rodent models of behavior used in the fields of neuroscience and psychology generate a wealth of multimodal data. For instance, as a rodent moves and behaves in its environment, muscle contractions apply subtle forces to any surface the animal contacts. These forces generate acoustic waves that propagate through the waveguide as Lamb and shear horizontal (SH) waves and contain information about the rodent\'s physiology, behavior, and underlying psychological state. If the information in these waves were to be tapped, it would provide a novel, non-invasive way to study rodent behavior. This article lays the foundations for using guided ultrasonic waves generated by a mouse\'s movement on an aluminum plate for detecting behavior and drawing inferences about acoustic startle responses. The experimental setup involves piezoelectric sensors capturing the waves generated by the rodent\'s movement, which are then stored as discrete acoustic emission (AE) hits using an amplitude threshold-based data acquisition system. This method of data acquisition ensures that data collection occurs only when the animal moves or behaves, and each movement/behavior is represented by values of features within the generated wavepackets (AE hits). Through open field tests with C57BL/6J mice, utilizing piezoelectric sensors and the DAQ system, it was observed that every movement/behavior of the animal generated Lamb wavepackets within the frequency range of 20 kHz to 100 kHz. Furthermore, rearing behavior in the animals also led to the generation of SH wavepackets in the frequency range of 75 kHz to 230 kHz. This criterion was subsequently employed to detect rearing behavior. In the acoustic startle response test, where the animals\' responses to intense sound pulse were recorded, AE hits\' features proved useful in quantifying the response. These experimental findings validate the proposed technology\'s practicality and demonstrate its capability to enhance studies of rodent behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the rapidly accelerating adoption of machine-learning based rodent behavioral tracking tools, there is an unmet need for a method of acquiring high quality video data that is scalable, flexible, and relatively low-cost. Many experimenters use webcams, GoPros, or other commercially available cameras that can be expensive, offer minimal flexibility of recording parameters, and not optimized for recording rodent behavior, leading to suboptimal and inconsistent video quality. Furthermore, commercially available products are not conducive for synchronizing multiple cameras, or interfacing with third-party equipment to allow time-locking of video to other equipment such as microcontrollers for closed-loop experiments. We present a low-cost, customizable ecosystem of behavioral recording equipment, PiRATeMC (Pi-based Remote Acquisition Technology for Motion Capture) based on Raspberry Pi Camera Boards with the ability to acquire high quality recordings in bright/low light, or dark conditions under infrared light. PiRATeMC offers users control over nearly every recording parameter, and can be fine-tuned to produce optimal videos in any behavioral apparatus. This setup can be scaled up for synchronous control of any number of cameras via a self-contained network without burdening institutional network infrastructure. The Raspberry Pi is an excellent platform with a large online community designed for novice and inexperienced programmers interested in using an open-source recording system. Importantly, PiRATeMC supports TTL and serial communication, allowing for synchronization and interfacing of video recording with behavioral or other third-party equipment. In sum, PiRATeMC minimizes the cost-prohibitive nature of conducting and analyzing high quality behavioral neuroscience studies, thereby increasing accessibility to behavioral neuroscience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A core necessity to behavioral neuroscience research is the ability to accurately measure performance on behavioral assays, such as the novel object location and novel object recognition tasks. These tasks are widely used in neuroscience research and measure a rodent\'s instinct for investigating novel features as a proxy to test their memory of a previous experience. Automated tools for scoring behavioral videos can be cost prohibitive and often have difficulty distinguishing between active investigation of an object and simply being in close proximity to an object. As such, many experimenters continue to rely on hand scoring interactions using stopwatches, which makes it difficult to review scoring after-the-fact and results in the loss of temporal information. Here, we introduce Chronotate, a free, open-source tool to aid in manually scoring novel object behavior videos. The software consists of an interactive video player with keyboard integration for marking timestamps of behavioral events during video playback, making it simple to quickly score and review bouts of rodent-object interaction. In addition, Chronotate outputs detailed interaction bout data, allowing for nuanced behavioral performance analyses. Using this detailed temporal information, we demonstrate that novel object location performance peaks within the first 3 s of interaction time and preference for the novel location becomes reduced across the test session. Thus, Chronotate can be used to determine the temporal structure of interactions on this task and can provide new insight into the memory processes that drive this behavior. Chronotate is available for download at:






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Automated observation and analysis of behavior is important to facilitate progress in many fields of science. Recent developments in deep learning have enabled progress in object detection and tracking, but rodent behavior recognition struggles to exceed 75-80% accuracy for ethologically relevant behaviors. We investigate the main reasons why and distinguish three aspects of behavior dynamics that are difficult to automate. We isolate these aspects in an artificial dataset and reproduce effects with the state-of-the-art behavior recognition models. Having an endless amount of labeled training data with minimal input noise and representative dynamics will enable research to optimize behavior recognition architectures and get closer to human-like recognition performance for behaviors with challenging dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) is one of the major animals both in the laboratory and in urban centers. Brown rats communicate various types of information using pheromones, the chemicals that mediate intra-species communication in minute amounts. Therefore, analyses of pheromones would further our understanding of the mode of life of rats. We show that a minute amount of 2-methylbutyric acid (2-MB) released from the neck region can ameliorate fear responses both in laboratory rats and in wild brown rats. Based on these findings, we conclude that 2-MB is an appeasing pheromone in the brown rat. A better understanding of rats themselves would allow us to perform more effective ecologically based research on social skills and pest management campaigns with low animal welfare impacts, which might contribute to furthering the advancement of science and improving public health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exposure to space galactic cosmic radiation is a principal consideration for deep space missions. While the effects of space irradiation on the nervous system are not fully known, studies in animal models have shown that exposure to ionizing radiation can cause neuronal damage and lead to downstream cognitive and behavioral deficits. Cognitive health implications put humans and missions at risk, and with the upcoming Artemis missions in which female crew will play a major role, advance critical analysis of the neurological and performance responses of male and female rodents to space radiation is vital. Here, we tested the hypothesis that simulated Galactic Cosmic Radiation (GCRSim) exposure disrupts species-typical behavior in mice, including burrowing, rearing, grooming, and nest-building that depend upon hippocampal and medial prefrontal cortex circuitry. Behavior comprises a remarkably well-integrated representation of the biology of the whole animal that informs overall neural and physiological status, revealing functional impairment. We conducted a systematic dose-response analysis of mature (6-month-old) male and female mice exposed to either 5, 15, or 50 cGy 5-ion GCRSim (H, Si, He, O, Fe) at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). Behavioral performance was evaluated at 72 h (acute) and 91-days (delayed) postradiation exposure. Specifically, species-typical behavior patterns comprising burrowing, rearing, and grooming as well as nest building were analyzed. A Neuroscore test battery (spontaneous activity, proprioception, vibrissae touch, limb symmetry, lateral turning, forelimb outstretching, and climbing) was performed at the acute timepoint to investigate early sensorimotor deficits postirradiation exposure. Nest construction, a measure of neurological and organizational function in rodents, was evaluated using a five-stage Likert scale \'Deacon\' score that ranged from 1 (a low score where the Nestlet is untouched) to 5 (a high score where the Nestlet is completely shredded and shaped into a nest). Differential acute responses were observed in females relative to males with respect to species-typical behavior following 15 cGy exposure while delayed responses were observed in female grooming following 50 cGy exposure. Significant sex differences were observed at both timepoints in nest building. No deficits in sensorimotor behavior were observed via the Neuroscore. This study revealed subtle, sexually dimorphic GCRSim exposure effects on mouse behavior. Our analysis provides a clearer understanding of GCR dose effects on species typical, sensorimotor and organizational behaviors at acute and delayed timeframes postirradiation, thereby setting the stage for the identification of underlying cellular and molecular events.





