
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ubiquitination is an evolutionary, ancient system of post-translational modification of proteins that occurs through a cascade involving ubiquitin activation, transfer, and conjugation. The maturation of this system has followed two main pathways. The first is the conservation of a universal structural fold of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins, which are present in both Archaea and Bacteria, as well as in multicellular Eukaryotes. The second is the rise of the complexity of the superfamily of ligases, which conjugate ubiquitin-like proteins to substrates, in terms of an increase in the number of enzyme variants, greater variation in structural organization, and the diversification of their catalytic domains. Here, we examine the diversity of the ubiquitination system among different organisms, assessing the variety and conservation of the key domains of the ubiquitination enzymes and ubiquitin itself. Our data show that E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes of metazoan phyla are highly conservative, whereas the homology of E3 ubiquitin ligases with human orthologues gradually decreases depending on \"molecular clock\" timing and evolutionary distance. Surprisingly, Chordata and Echinodermata, which diverged over 0.5 billion years ago during the Cambrian explosion, share almost the same homology with humans in the amino acid sequences of E3 ligases but not in their adaptor proteins. These observations may suggest that, firstly, the E2 superfamily already existed in its current form in the last common metazoan ancestor and was generally not affected by purifying selection in metazoans. Secondly, it may indicate convergent evolution of the ubiquitination system and highlight E3 adaptor proteins as the \"upper deck\" of the ubiquitination system, which plays a crucial role in chordate evolution.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gastric signet ring cell adenocarcinoma (SRCA) is an aggressive malignancy primarily diagnosed in advanced stages. Metastasis to other organ systems is uncommon, however, associated with poor prognosis. We present a young patient with persistent pain in the testicle. Histopathologic examination of the resected testicle revealed metastatic signet ring adenocarcinoma prompting follow-up endoscopy with biopsy confirming gastric SRCA. After 10 months of systemic chemotherapy, the patient developed worsening headaches, and cerebrospinal fluid cytology confirmed leptomeningeal metastasis. This case underscores the rare manifestation of SRCA and the importance of vigilance for atypical presentations to ensure timely diagnosis and management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Smc5/6 complex is a highly conserved molecular machine involved in the maintenance of genome integrity. While its functions largely depend on restraining the fork remodeling activity of Mph1 in yeast, the presence of an analogous Smc5/6-FANCM regulation in humans remains unknown. We generated human cell lines harboring mutations in the NSE1 subunit of the Smc5/6 complex. Point mutations or truncations in the RING domain of NSE1 result in drastically reduced Smc5/6 protein levels, with differential contribution of the two zinc-coordinating centers in the RING. In addition, nse1-RING mutant cells display cell growth defects, reduced replication fork rates, and increased genomic instability. Notably, our findings uncover a synthetic sick interaction between Smc5/6 and FANCM and show that Smc5/6 controls fork progression and chromosome disjunction in a FANCM-independent manner. Overall, our study demonstrates that the NSE1 RING domain plays vital roles in Smc5/6 complex stability and fork progression through pathways that are not evolutionary conserved.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: Adequate hand hygiene is considered as one of the most effective strategies in healthcare-related infection prevention. The potential negative effect of rings in hand disinfection and thus, in increased nosocomial infections rates is still controversial. Therefore, the present study was designed with the purpose of examining if rings frequently exposed to surgical scrubbing were associated or not with increased bacterial counts.
    METHODS: 32 volunteers were randomized into 4 groups: A (no rings), B (participants wore a ring), C (no rings and performed surgical scrubbing with chlorhexidine every 48 h) and D (participants wore a ring and performed surgical scrubbing every 48 h). Glove juice samples were obtained at day 0 (T0) and after a 90-min mock-surgery on day 14 (T1). Quantitative (number of UFC/mL) and qualitative data (microorganism type) were collected as study variables.
    RESULTS: All groups were comparable at T0. All ring carriers obtained negative cultures at T1. Ring presence was not associated with higher bacterial counts; comparisons between A vs B groups and C vs D groups showed no statistically significant differences (p = 0.076 and 1.000). T1 negative cultures were more frequent in participants performing surgical scrubbing every second day (93.8 % vs 75 %), although this difference did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.332).
    CONCLUSIONS: The presence of single plain ring does not seem to be associated with an increased hand bacterial load. Regular surgical scrubbing with chlorhexidine impregnated sponges reduces bacterial contamination of hands, even in the presence of plain rings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Like most eukaryotes, the pre-metazoan social amoeba Dictyostelium depends on the SCF (Skp1/cullin-1/F-box protein) family of E3 ubiquitin ligases to regulate its proteome. In Dictyostelium, starvation induces a transition from unicellular feeding to a multicellular slug that responds to external signals to culminate into a fruiting body containing terminally differentiated stalk and spore cells. These transitions are subject to regulation by F-box proteins and O2-dependent posttranslational modifications of Skp1. Here we examine in greater depth the essential role of FbxwD and Vwa1, an intracellular vault protein inter-alpha-trypsin (VIT) and von Willebrand factor-A (vWFA) domain containing protein that was found in the FbxwD interactome by co-immunoprecipitation. Reciprocal co-IPs using gene-tagged strains confirmed the interaction and similar changes in protein levels during multicellular development suggested co-functioning. FbxwD overexpression and proteasome inhibitors did not affect Vwa1 levels suggesting a non-substrate relationship. Forced FbxwD overexpression in slug tip cells where it is normally enriched interfered with terminal cell differentiation by a mechanism that depended on its F-box and RING domains, and on Vwa1 expression itself. Whereas vwa1-disruption alone did not affect development, overexpression of either of its three conserved domains arrested development but the effect depended on Vwa1 expression. Based on structure predictions, we propose that the Vwa1 domains exert their negative effect by artificially activating Vwa1 from an autoinhibited state, which in turn imbalances its synergistic function with FbxwD. Autoinhibition or homodimerization might be relevant to the poorly understood tumor suppressor role of the evolutionarily related VWA5A/BCSC-1 in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inflammation is essential for healthy immune function, wound healing, and resolution of infection. RIG-I is a key RNA sensor that initiates an immune response, with activation and termination of RIG-I signaling reliant on its modification with ubiquitin. The RING E3 ubiquitin ligase, RNF125, has a critical role in the attenuation of RIG-I signaling, yet it is not known how RNF125 promotes ubiquitin transfer or how its activity is regulated. Here we show that the E3 ligase activity of RNF125 relies on the first zinc finger (ZF1) as well as the RING domain. Surprisingly, ZF1 helps recruit the E2, while residues N-terminal to the RING domain appear to activate the E2∼Ub conjugate. These discoveries help explain how RNF125 brings about the termination of RIG-I dependent inflammatory responses, and help account for the contribution of RNF125 to disease. This study also reveals a new role for ZF domains in E3 ligases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nucleolus is the most prominent membraneless organelle within the nucleus. How the nucleolar structure is regulated is poorly understood. Here, we identified two types of nucleoli in C. elegans. Type I nucleoli are spherical and do not have visible nucleolar vacuoles (NoVs), and rRNA transcription and processing factors are evenly distributed throughout the nucleolus. Type II nucleoli contain vacuoles, and rRNA transcription and processing factors exclusively accumulate in the periphery rim. The NoV contains nucleoplasmic proteins and is capable of exchanging contents with the nucleoplasm. The high-order structure of the nucleolus is dynamically regulated in C. elegans. Faithful rRNA processing is important to prohibit NoVs. The depletion of 27SA2 rRNA processing factors resulted in NoV formation. The inhibition of RNA polymerase I (RNAPI) transcription and depletion of two conserved nucleolar factors, nucleolin and fibrillarin, prohibits the formation of NoVs. This finding provides a mechanism to coordinate structure maintenance and gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modulation of metalloprotein structure and function via metal ion substitution may constitute a molecular basis for metal ion toxicity and/or metal-mediated functional control. The X-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) is a metalloprotein that requires zinc for proper structure and function. In addition to its role as a modulator of apoptosis, XIAP has been implicated in copper homeostasis. Given the similar coordination preferences of copper and zinc, investigation of XIAP structure and function upon interaction with copper is relevant. The Really Interesting New Gene (RING) domain of XIAP is representative of a class of zinc finger proteins that utilize a bi-nuclear zinc-binding motif to maintain proper structure and ubiquitin ligase function. Herein, we report the characterization of copper (I) binding to the Zn2-RING domain of XIAP. Electronic absorption studies that monitor copper-thiolate interactions demonstrate that the RING domain of XIAP binds 5-6 Cu(I) ions and that copper is thermodynamically preferred relative to zinc. Repetition of the experiments in the presence of the Zn(II)-specific dye Mag-Fura2 shows that Cu(I) addition results in Zn(II) ejection from the protein, even in the presence of glutathione. Loss of dimeric structure of the RING domain, which is a requirement for its ubiquitin ligase activity, upon copper substitution at the zinc-binding sites, was readily observed via size exclusion chromatography. These results provide a molecular basis for the modulation of RING function by copper and add to the growing body of literature that describe the impact of Cu(I) on zinc metalloprotein structure and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated the luminous behavior applied to materials used in intraocular surgeries.
    Discs of the different products were delivered in 19.00 mm × 3.00 mm. Each sample was fixed on support keeping it perpendicular to the spectrophotometer beam. Later, their analyses were carried out in the air/PMMA ratio. The graphs of individual profiles of the measurements along the length were constructed according to each of the filters from the spectrophotometric analysis. In addition, descriptive statistics of transmittance and absorbance for each wavelength presented were correlated for each filter.
    It is possible to observe that the minimum absorption measure was found in the Red Filter, especially in the blue and green light spectrum.
    Using filters in PMMA materials appears to improve visual quality in corneal implants, especially the red filter, due to greater absorbance of light leading to fewer light scattering phenomena through corneal rings. However, further studies comparing the effects of different filters on Intracorneal rings should be carried out to elucidate this field of study.





