Rhodobacter capsulatus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitrogenases are the only known enzymes that reduce molecular nitrogen (N2) to ammonia. Recent findings have demonstrated that nitrogenases also reduce the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2), suggesting CO2 to be a competitor of N2. However, the impact of omnipresent CO2 on N2 fixation has not been investigated to date. Here, we study the competing reduction of CO2 and N2 by the two nitrogenases of Rhodobacter capsulatus, the molybdenum and the iron nitrogenase. The iron nitrogenase is almost threefold more efficient in CO2 reduction and profoundly less selective for N2 than the molybdenum isoform under mixtures of N2 and CO2. Correspondingly, the growth rate of diazotrophically grown R. capsulatus strains relying on the iron nitrogenase notably decreased after adding CO2. The in vivo CO2 activity of the iron nitrogenase facilitates the light-driven extracellular accumulation of formate and methane, one-carbon substrates for other microbes, and feedstock chemicals for a circular economy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic engineering enables the forced expression of desired products in bacteria, which can then be used for a variety of applications, including functional analysis and pharmaceuticals. Here, we describe a method for tuning translation in bacteria, including Escherichia coli and Rhodobacter capsulatus, based on a phenomenon known as TED (translation enhancement by a Dictyostelium gene sequence). This method promotes translation of mRNA encoded by downstream genes by inserting a short nucleotide sequence into the 5\' untranslated region between the promoter and the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence. Various expression levels can be observed depending on the inserted sequence and its length, even with an identical promoter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rates, yields, mechanisms and directionality of electron transfer (ET) are explored in twelve pairs of Rhodobacter (R.) sphaeroides and R. capsulatus mutant RCs designed to defeat ET from the excited primary donor (P*) to the A-side cofactors and re-direct ET to the normally inactive mirror-image B-side cofactors. In general, the R. sphaeroides variants have larger P+HB- yields (up to ∼90%) than their R. capsulatus analogs (up to ∼60%), where HB is the B-side bacteriopheophytin. Substitution of Tyr for Phe at L-polypeptide position L181 near BB primarily increases the contribution of fast P* → P+BB- → P+HB- two-step ET, where BB is the \"bridging\" B-side bacteriochlorophyll. The second step (∼6-8 ps) is slower than the first (∼3-4 ps), unlike A-side two-step ET (P* → P+BA- → P+HA-) where the second step (∼1 ps) is faster than the first (∼3-4 ps) in the native RC. Substitutions near HB, at L185 (Leu, Trp or Arg) and at M-polypeptide site M133/131 (Thr, Val or Glu), strongly affect the contribution of slower (20-50 ps) P* → P+HB- one-step superexchange ET. Both ET mechanisms are effective in directing electrons \"the wrong way\" to HB and both compete with internal conversion of P* to the ground state (∼200 ps) and ET to the A-side cofactors. Collectively, the work demonstrates cooperative amino-acid control of rates, yields and mechanisms of ET in bacterial RCs and how A- vs. B-side charge separation can be tuned in both species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane proteins carrying redox cofactors are key subunits of respiratory chain complexes, yet the exact path of their folding and maturation remains poorly understood. Here, using cryo-EM and structure prediction via Alphafold2, we generated models of early assembly intermediates of cytochrome b (Cytb), a central subunit of complex III. The predicted structure of the first assembly intermediate suggests how the binding of Cytb to the assembly factor Cbp3-Cbp6 imposes an open configuration to facilitate the acquisition of its heme cofactors. Moreover, structure predictions of the second intermediate indicate how hemes get stabilized by binding of the assembly factor Cbp4, with a concomitant weakening of the contact between Cbp3-Cbp6 and Cytb, preparing for the release of the fully hemylated protein from the assembly factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitrogenases are the only enzymes able to fix gaseous nitrogen into bioavailable ammonia and hence are essential for sustaining life. Catalysis by nitrogenases requires both a large amount of ATP and electrons donated by strongly reducing ferredoxins or flavodoxins. Our knowledge about the mechanisms of electron transfer to nitrogenase enzymes is limited: The electron transport to the iron (Fe)-nitrogenase has hardly been investigated. Here, we characterized the electron transfer pathway to the Fe-nitrogenase in Rhodobacter capsulatus via proteome analyses, genetic deletions, complementation studies, and phylogenetics. Proteome analyses revealed an upregulation of four ferredoxins under nitrogen-fixing conditions reliant on the Fe-nitrogenase in a molybdenum nitrogenase knockout strain, compared to non-nitrogen-fixing conditions. Based on these findings, R. capsulatus strains with deletions of ferredoxin (fdx) and flavodoxin (fld, nifF) genes were constructed to investigate their roles in nitrogen fixation by the Fe-nitrogenase. R. capsulatus deletion strains were characterized by monitoring diazotrophic growth and Fe-nitrogenase activity in vivo. Only deletions of fdxC or fdxN resulted in slower growth and reduced Fe-nitrogenase activity, whereas the double deletion of both fdxC and fdxN abolished diazotrophic growth. Differences in the proteomes of ∆fdxC and ∆fdxN strains, in conjunction with differing plasmid complementation behaviors of fdxC and fdxN, indicate that the two Fds likely possess different roles and functions. These findings will guide future engineering of the electron transport systems to nitrogenase enzymes, with the aim of increased electron flux and product formation.IMPORTANCENitrogenases are essential for biological nitrogen fixation, converting atmospheric nitrogen gas to bioavailable ammonia. The production of ammonia by diazotrophic organisms, harboring nitrogenases, is essential for sustaining plant growth. Hence, there is a large scientific interest in understanding the cellular mechanisms for nitrogen fixation via nitrogenases. Nitrogenases rely on highly reduced electrons to power catalysis, although we lack knowledge as to which proteins shuttle the electrons to nitrogenases within cells. Here, we characterized the electron transport to the iron (Fe)-nitrogenase in the model diazotroph Rhodobacter capsulatus, showing that two distinct ferredoxins are very important for nitrogen fixation despite having different redox centers. In addition, our research expands upon the debate on whether ferredoxins have functional redundancy or perform distinct roles within cells. Here, we observe that both essential ferredoxins likely have distinct roles based on differential proteome shifts of deletion strains and different complementation behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Horizontal gene transfer occurs via a range of mechanisms, including transformation, conjugation and bacteriophage transduction. Gene transfer agents (GTAs) are an alternative, less-studied route for interbacterial DNA exchange. Encoded within bacterial or archaeal genomes, GTAs assemble into phage-like particles that selflessly package and transmit host DNA to recipient bacteria. Several unique features distinguish GTAs from canonical phages such as an inability to self-replicate, thus producing non-infectious particles. GTAs are also deeply integrated into the physiology of the host cell and are maintained under tight host-regulatory control. Recent advances in understanding the structure and regulation of GTAs have provided further insights into a DNA transfer mechanism that is proving increasingly widespread across the bacterial tree of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ionic liquids (ILs) are salts composed of a combination of organic or inorganic cations and anions characterized by a low melting point, often below 100 °C. This property, together with an extremely low vapor pressure, low flammability and high thermal stability, makes them suitable for replacing canonical organic solvents, with a reduction of industrial activities impact on the environment. Although in the last decades the eco-compatibility of ILs has been extensively verified through toxicological tests performed on model organisms, a detailed understanding of the interaction of these compounds with biological membranes is far from being exhaustive. In this context, we have chosen to evaluate the effect of some ILs on native membranes by using chromatophores, photosynthetic vesicles that can be isolated from Rhodobacter capsulatus, a member of the purple non‑sulfur bacteria. Here, carotenoids associated with the light-harvesting complex II, act as endogenous spectral probes of the transmembrane electrical potential (ΔΨ). By measuring through time-resolved absorption spectroscopy the evolution of the carotenoid band shift induced by a single excitation of the photosynthetic reaction center, information on the ΔΨ dissipation due to ionic currents across the membrane can be obtained. We found that some ILs cause a rather fast dissipation of the transmembrane ΔΨ even at low concentrations, and that this behavior is dose-dependent. By using two different models to analyze the decay of the carotenoid signals, we attempted to interpret at a mechanistic level the marked increase of ionic permeability caused by specific ILs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Formate dehydrogenases catalyze the reversible oxidation of formate to carbon dioxide. These enzymes play an important role in CO2 reduction and serve as nicotinamide cofactor recycling enzymes. More recently, the CO2-reducing activity of formate dehydrogenases, especially metal-containing formate dehydrogenases, has been further explored for efficient atmospheric CO2 capture. Here, we investigate the nicotinamide binding site of formate dehydrogenase from Rhodobacter capsulatus for its specificity toward NAD+ vs. NADP+ reduction. Starting from the NAD+-specific wild-type RcFDH, key residues were exchanged to enable NADP+ binding on the basis of the NAD+-bound cryo-EM structure (PDB-ID: 6TG9). It has been observed that the lysine at position 157 (Lys157) in the β-subunit of the enzyme is essential for the binding of NAD+. RcFDH variants that had Glu259 exchanged for either a positively charged or uncharged amino acid had additional activity with NADP+. The FdsBL279R and FdsBK276A variants also showed activity with NADP+. Kinetic parameters for all the variants were determined and tested for activity in CO2 reduction. The variants were able to reduce CO2 using NADPH as an electron donor in a coupled assay with phosphite dehydrogenase (PTDH), which regenerates NADPH. This makes the enzyme suitable for applications where it can be coupled with other enzymes that use NADPH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ubiquinone (UQ) is a lipophilic electron carrier that functions in the respiratory and photosynthetic electron transfer chains of proteobacteria and eukaryotes. Bacterial UQ biosynthesis is well studied in the gammaproteobacterium Escherichia coli, in which most bacterial UQ-biosynthetic enzymes have been identified. However, these enzymes are not always conserved among UQ-containing bacteria. In particular, the alphaproteobacterial UQ biosynthesis pathways contain many uncharacterized steps with unknown features. In this work, we identified in the alphaproteobacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus a new decarboxylative hydroxylase and named it UbiN. Remarkably, the UbiN sequence is more similar to a salicylate hydroxylase than the conventional flavin-containing UQ-biosynthetic monooxygenases. Under aerobic conditions, R. capsulatus ΔubiN mutant cells accumulate 3-decaprenylphenol, which is a UQ-biosynthetic intermediate. In addition, 3-decaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoic acid, which is the substrate of UQ-biosynthetic decarboxylase UbiD, also accumulates in ΔubiN cells under aerobic conditions. Considering that the R. capsulatus ΔubiD-X double mutant strain (UbiX produces a prenylated FMN required for UbiD) grows as a wild-type strain under aerobic conditions, these results indicate that UbiN catalyzes the aerobic decarboxylative hydroxylation of 3-decaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoic acid. This is the first example of the involvement of decarboxylative hydroxylation in ubiquinone biosynthesis. This finding suggests that the C1 hydroxylation reaction is, at least in R. capsulatus, the first step among the three hydroxylation steps involved in UQ biosynthesis. Although the C5 hydroxylation reaction is often considered to be the first hydroxylation step in bacterial UQ biosynthesis, it appears that the R. capsulatus pathway is more similar to that found in mammalians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytochrome bc1 catalyzes electron transfer from quinol (QH2) to cytochrome c in reactions coupled to proton translocation across the energy-conserving membrane. Energetic efficiency of the catalytic cycle is secured by a two-electron and two-proton bifurcation reaction leading to oxidation of QH2 and reduction of the Rieske cluster and heme bL. The proton paths associated with this reaction remain elusive. Here, we used site-directed mutagenesis and quantum mechanical calculations to analyze the contribution of protonable side chains located at the heme bL side of the QH2 oxidation site in Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome bc1. We observe that the proton path is effectively switched off when H276 and E295 are simultaneously mutated to the nonprotonable residues in the H276F/E295V double mutant. The two single mutants, H276F or E295V, are less efficient but still transfer protons at functionally relevant rates. Natural selection exposed two single mutations, N279S and M154T, that restored the functional proton transfers in H276F/E295V. Quantum mechanical calculations indicated that H276F/E295V traps the side chain of Y147 in a position distant from QH2, whereas either N279S or M154T induce local changes releasing Y147 from that position. This shortens the distance between the protonable groups of Y147 and D278 and/or increases mobility of the Y147 side chain, which makes Y147 efficient in transferring protons from QH2 toward D278 in H276F/E295V. Overall, our study identified an extended hydrogen bonding network, build up by E295, H276, D278, and Y147, involved in efficient proton removal from QH2 at the heme bL side of QH2 oxidation site.





