
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short Interspersed Elements (SINEs) are eukaryotic retrotransposons transcribed by RNA polymerase III (pol III). Many mammalian SINEs (T+ SINEs) contain a polyadenylation signal (AATAAA), a pol III transcription terminator, and an A-rich tail in their 3\'-end. The RNAs of such SINEs have the capacity for AAUAAA-dependent polyadenylation, which is unique to pol III-generated transcripts. The structure, evolution, and polyadenylation of the Ere SINE of ungulates (horses, rhinos, and tapirs) were investigated in this study. A bioinformatics analysis revealed the presence of up to ~4 × 105 Ere copies in representatives of all three families. These copies can be classified into two large subfamilies, EreA and EreB, the former distinguished by an additional 60 bp sequence. The 3\'-end of numerous EreA and all EreB copies exhibit a 50 bp sequence designated as a terminal domain (TD). The Ere family can be further subdivided into subfamilies EreA_0TD, EreA_1TD, EreB_1TD, and EreB_2TD, depending on the presence and number of terminal domains (TDs). Only EreA_0TD copies can be assigned to T+ SINEs as they contain the AATAAA signal and the TCTTT transcription terminator. The analysis of young Ere copies identified by comparison with related perissodactyl genomes revealed that EreA_0TD and, to a much lesser extent, EreB_2TD have retained retrotranspositional activity in the recent evolution of equids and rhinoceroses. The targeted mutagenesis and transfection of HeLa cells were used to identify sequences in equine EreA_0TD that are critical for the polyadenylation of its pol III transcripts. In addition to AATAAA and the transcription terminator, two sites in the 3\' half of EreA, termed the β and τ signals, were found to be essential for this process. The evolution of Ere, with a particular focus on the emergence of T+ SINEs, as well as the polyadenylation signals are discussed in comparison with other T+ SINEs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) is an iconic species of the Eurasian Pleistocene megafauna, which was abundant in Eurasia in the Pleistocene until its demise beginning approximately 10 000 years ago. Despite the early recovery of several specimens from well-known European archaeological sites, including its type specimen (Blumenbach 1799), no genomes of European populations were available so far, and all available genomic data originated exclusively from Siberian populations. Using coprolites of cave hyenas (Crocuta crocuta spelea) recovered from Middle Palaeolithic layers of two caves in Germany (Bockstein-Loch and Hohlenstein-Stadel), we isolated and enriched predator and prey DNA to assemble the first European woolly rhinoceros mitogenomes, in addition to cave hyena mitogenomes. Both coprolite samples produced copious sequences assigned to C. crocuta (27% and 59% mitogenome coverage, respectively) and woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis; 27% and 81% coverage, respectively). The sequences suggested considerable DNA degradation, which may limit the conclusions to be drawn; however, the mitogenomes of European woolly rhinoceros are genetically distinct from the Siberian woolly rhinoceros, and analyses of the more complete mitogenome suggest a split of the populations potentially coinciding with the earliest fossil records of woolly rhinoceros in Europe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extinct woolly rhinoceroses were iconic representatives of the Late Pleistocene mammoth fauna of Eurasia. These animals were characterized by two huge keratinous horns. In adults, the length of the nasal horn often exceeded one meter. The nasal horn of Coelodonta was characterized by an unusual feature for rhinoceroses-the width of its base was considerably narrower than the width of the rugosity area on the nasal bones of the skull. In this study, a new discovery of woolly rhinoceros\' nasal horn in the permafrost of Yakutia is described. This specimen shows that the shape of the base of the woolly rhino\'s nasal horn corresponds well to the shape (length and width) of the nasal rugosity area. The base of the nasal horn of Coelodonta was markedly elongated anteroposteriorly compared to extant rhinoceroses. Its length was about 150% of the width. We therefore suggest that the narrower shape of the nasal horn base in the majority of previously found specimens was associated with secondary damage after burial caused by maceration.






  • 文章类型: Review
    This comparative analysis evaluated endocrine profiles and gestation length data of captive pregnant black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), and greater one-horned (GOH) rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). Hormone profiles were collected over three decades as part of pregnancy diagnoses. After the third month of gestation, the luteo-placental shift in progesterone production in pregnant rhinoceroses causes a significant increase in the concentration of faecal progesterone metabolites. We defined a laboratory-specific value of 1000 ng/g faeces as a threshold for incipient feto-placental progesterone production. Using this value allowed a comparison between species and revealed significant individual differences within a species. The mean ± SEM gestation days for reaching the 1000 ng/g faeces threshold were 89.5 ± 2.9 (range 56-138 days; n = 39) in black, 96.0 ± 2.6 (58-138; n = 39) in white, and 117.8 ± 5.3 (74-173; n = 19) in GOH rhinoceroses. For the calculations of gestation length, we complemented our results from three decades of reproductive monitoring with data from the literature, resulting in about 70 values for each species. Gestation length in the black, the white and the GOH rhinoceros was 460.6 ± 1.5 (range: 436 - 486), 503.8 ± 1.3 (range: 480 - 525) and 480.5 ± 1.1 (range: 453 - 505) days, respectively. Daylight length significantly affected gestation length, while the sex of offspring had no effect. On average, pregnancies with parturitions in spring and summer were one week shorter than those in autumn and winter. Although rhinoceroses are non-seasonal breeders, most parturitions in captivity occur in autumn and winter. We also analysed preconception endocrine profiles in the white rhinoceros. Conceptions in this species occurred after oestrous cycles of approximately 35 days (n = 18), 70 days (n = 3), 15 days (n = 1), after periods of ovarian inactivity (n = 5), and during a foal heat within one month after stillbirth parturition (n = 1). In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive overview of gestational parameters in three rhinoceros species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The vertebral column is a hallmark of vertebrates; it is the structural basis of their body and the locomotor apparatus in particular. Locomotion of any vertebrate animal in its typical habitat is directly associated with functional adaptations of its vertebrae. This study is the first large-scale analysis of mobility throughout the presacral region of the vertebral column covering a majority of extant odd-toed ungulates from 6 genera and 15 species. In this study, we used a previously developed osteometry-based method to calculate available range of motion. We quantified all three directions of intervertebral mobility: sagittal bending (SB), lateral bending (LB), and axial rotation (AR). The cervical region in perissodactyls was found to be the most mobile region of the presacral vertebral column in LB and SB. Rhinoceroses and tapirs are characterized by the least mobile necks in SB among odd-toed and even-toed ungulates. Equidae are characterized by very mobile necks, especially in LB. The first intrathoracic joint (T1-T2) in Equidae and Tapiridae is characterized by significantly increased mobility in the sagittal plane compared to the typical thoracic joints and is only slightly less mobile than typical cervical joints. The thoracolumbar part of the vertebral column in odd-toed ungulates is very stiff. Perissodactyls are characterized by frequent fusions of vertebrae with each other with complete loss of mobility. The posterior half of the thoracic region in perissodactyls is characterized by especially stiff intervertebral joints in the SB direction. This is probably associated with hindgut fermentation in perissodactyls: the sagittal stiffness of the posterior thoracic region of the vertebral column is able to passively support the hindgut heavily loaded with roughage. Horses are known as a prime example of a dorsostable galloper among mammals. However, based on SB in the lumbosacral part of the backbone, equids appear to be the least dorsostable among extant perissodactyls; the cumulative SB in equids and tapirs is as low as in the largest representatives of artiodactyls, while in Rhinocerotidae it is even lower representing the minimum across all odd-toed and even-toed ungulates. Morphological features of small Paleogene ancestors of rhinoceroses and equids indicate that dorsostability is a derived feature of perissodactyls and evolved convergently in the three extant families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reduction of the anterior dentition (i.e. incisors and canines) is a major adaptative trait of the Rhinocerotidae among Perissodactyla. However, the corresponding evolutionary sequence was lacking a robust phylogenetic frame to support it thus far. Here, we describe a new Oligocene species of Rhinocerotinae, Mesaceratherium sp. nov. from the Swiss locality of Bumbach (MP25 reference level). In addition, we identify the only known complete mandible of Epiaceratherium magnum, an early-branching rhinocerotid, as well as one of the earliest European rhinoceroses. We also compute a parsimony analysis based on morpho-anatomical characters to assess their phylogenetic position and elucidate the early evolution of the Rhinocerotidae. Our results allow to propose a new scenario for the reduction of the anterior dentition in which upper and lower dentitions would have undergone distinct evolutionary trajectories.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The appendicular skeleton of tetrapods is a particularly integrated structure due to the shared developmental origin or similar functional constraints exerted on its elements. Among these constraints, body mass is considered strongly to influence its integration but its effect on shape covariation has rarely been addressed in mammals, especially in heavy taxa. Here, we propose to explore the covariation patterns of the long bones in heavy animals and their link to body mass. We investigate the five modern rhinoceros species, which display an important range of bodyweight. We used a 3D geometric morphometric approach to describe the shape covariation of the six bones composing the stylopodium and zeugopodium both among and within species. Our results indicate that the appendicular skeleton of modern rhinos is a strongly integrated structure. At the interspecific level, the shape covariation is roughly similar between all pairs of bones and mainly concerns the muscular insertions related to powerful flexion and extension movements. The forelimb integration appears higher and more related to body mass than that of the hind limb, suggesting a specialization for weight support. The integration of the stylopodium elements does not seem to relate to body mass in our sample, which suggests a greater effect of shared developmental factors. Conversely, the covariation of the zeugopodium bones seems more associated with body mass, particularly for the radius-ulna pair. The fibula appears poorly integrated with other bones, especially within non-Rhinoceros species, which may represent a case of parcellation due to a functional dissociation between the hind limb bones. The exploration of the integration patterns at the intraspecific level also highlights a more prominent effect of age over individual body mass on shape covariation within C. simum. This study lends support to previous hypotheses indicating a link between high body mass and high integration level.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Wischberg is a Swiss locality in Bern Canton which has yielded numerous vertebrates remains from the earliest Miocene (= MN1). It has a very rich faunal diversity, one of the richest in Switzerland for this age. Among all the mammals reported in the original faunal list 70 years ago, three rhinocerotid species were identified. The material consists of two fragmentary skulls, cranial fragments, several mandibles, teeth and postcranial bones, in a rather good state of preservation.
    UNASSIGNED: After reexamination of the material from this locality (curated in three different Swiss museums) and comparison with holotype specimens, we show that all rhinocerotid specimens from Wischberg can be referred to two species only. Most of the material can be attributed to the large-sized teleoceratine Diaceratherium lemanense, while only a few specimens, including a skull and mandible, belong to the much smaller sized Pleuroceros pleuroceros. We describe and illustrate for the first time most of these fossil remains. However, the systematics of the genus Diaceratherium is currently controversial, and based on our new observations we consider seven species as valid, though a large-scale phylogenetic study should be done in the future to resolve it. The rhinocerotid association found in Wischberg is nonetheless typical of the MN1 biozone, which results from a faunal renewal occurring just before the end of the Oligocene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Kanapoi collection of Rhinocerotidae, first studied by Hooijer and Patterson (1972), now consists of 25 specimens and substantial reinterpretation of their affinities is made here. Kanapoi post-dates the extinction of Brachypotherium and the whole collection belongs to the Dicerotini. It is important because it includes the type-specimen of Diceros praecox, a species that remains poorly known, but looks slightly larger and more primitive than the modern \'black\' rhino, Diceros bicornis. A second species is probably ancestral to the modern \'white\' rhino, Ceratotherium simum; it looks identical to the Pleistocene North African Ceratotherium mauritanicum, of which Ceratotherium efficax is probably a synonym. The evolution of the Dicerotini in Africa can be regarded as an increasing divergence in diet and related morphofunctional adaptations in the two lineages. The co-occurrence at Kanapoi of both Diceros and Ceratotherium, with distinct dietary preferences, suggests some habitat heterogeneity, although the low sample size prevents robust paleoecological conclusions. The Equidae are also rare and consist mostly of isolated teeth. I take the most parsimonious option of tentatively including all of them in a single species, whose identification is left open. Dental features of eastern African Pliocene to Pleistocene hipparions may reflect increasing adaptation to grazing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The morphology and volumetrics of the understudied brains of two iconic large terrestrial African mammals: the black (Diceros bicornis) and white (Ceratotherium simum) rhinoceroses are described. The black rhinoceros is typically solitary whereas the white rhinoceros is social, and both are members of the Perissodactyl order. Here, we provide descriptions of the surface of the brain of each rhinoceros. For both species, we use magnetic resonance images (MRI) to develop a description of the internal anatomy of the rhinoceros brain and to calculate the volume of the amygdala, cerebellum, corpus callosum, hippocampus, and ventricular system as well as to determine the gyrencephalic index. The morphology of both black and white rhinoceros brains is very similar to each other, although certain minor differences, seemingly related to diet, were noted, and both brains evince the general anatomy of the mammalian brain. The rhinoceros brains display no obvious neuroanatomical specializations in comparison to other mammals previously studied. In addition, the volumetric analyses indicate that the size of the various regions of the rhinoceros brain measured, as well as the extent of gyrification, are what would be predicted for a mammal with their brain mass when compared allometrically to previously published data. We conclude that the brains of the black and white rhinoceros exhibit a typically mammalian organization at a superficial level, but histological studies may reveal specializations of interest in relation to rhinoceros behavior.





