Reversal Learning

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies on reinforcement learning have identified three prominent phenomena: (1) individuals with anxiety or depression exhibit a reduced learning rate compared to healthy subjects; (2) learning rates may increase or decrease in environments with rapidly changing (i.e. volatile) or stable feedback conditions, a phenomenon termed learning rate adaptation; and (3) reduced learning rate adaptation is associated with several psychiatric disorders. In other words, multiple learning rate parameters are needed to account for behavioral differences across participant populations and volatility contexts in this flexible learning rate (FLR) model. Here, we propose an alternative explanation, suggesting that behavioral variation across participant populations and volatile contexts arises from the use of mixed decision strategies. To test this hypothesis, we constructed a mixture-of-strategies (MOS) model and used it to analyze the behaviors of 54 healthy controls and 32 patients with anxiety and depression in volatile reversal learning tasks. Compared to the FLR model, the MOS model can reproduce the three classic phenomena by using a single set of strategy preference parameters without introducing any learning rate differences. In addition, the MOS model can successfully account for several novel behavioral patterns that cannot be explained by the FLR model. Preferences for different strategies also predict individual variations in symptom severity. These findings underscore the importance of considering mixed strategy use in human learning and decision-making and suggest atypical strategy preference as a potential mechanism for learning deficits in psychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study focused on α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregation in the dorsomedial striatum (DMS) so as to investigate its role in the cognitive flexibility of Parkinson\'s disease (PD). Here, we investigated the cognitive flexibility by assessing reversal learning abilities in MPTP-induced subacute PD model mice and in C57BL/6J mice with α-syn aggregation in the DMS induced by adenovirus (AAV-SNCA) injection, followed by an analysis of the target protein\'s expression and distribution. PD mice exhibited impairments in reversal learning, positively correlated with the expression of phosphorylated α-syn in the DMS. Furthermore, the mice in the AAV-SNCA group exhibited reversal learning deficits and a reduction in acetylcholine levels, accompanied by protein alterations within the DMS. Notably, the administration of a muscarinic receptor 1 (M1R) agonist was able to alleviate the aforementioned phenomenon. These findings suggest that the impaired cognitive flexibility in PD may be attributed to the diminished activation of acetylcholine to M1R caused by α-syn aggregation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maternal immune activation (MIA) induces a variety of behavioral and brain abnormalities in offspring of rodent models, compatible with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as schizophrenia or autism. However, it remains controversial whether MIA impairs reversal learning, a basic expression of cognitive flexibility that seems to be altered in schizophrenia. In the present study, MIA was induced by administration of a single dose of polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid (Poly (I:C) (5 mg/kg i.p.)) or saline to mouse pregnant dams in gestational day (GD) 9.5. Immune activation was monitored through changes in weight and temperature. The offspring were evaluated when they reached adulthood (8 weeks) using a touchscreen-based system to investigate the effects of Poly (I:C) on discrimination and reversal learning performance. After an initial pre-training, mice were trained to discriminate between two different stimuli, of which only one was rewarded (acquisition phase). When the correct response reached above 80% values for two consecutive days, the images were reversed (reversal phase) to assess the adaptation capacity to a changing environment. Maternal Poly (I:C) treatment did not interfere with the learning process but induced deficits in reversal learning compared to control saline animals. Thus, the accuracy in the reversal phase was lower, and Poly (I:C) animals required more sessions to complete it, suggesting impairments in cognitive flexibility. This study advances the knowledge of how MIA affects behavior, especially cognitive domains that are impaired in schizophrenia. The findings support the validity of the Poly (I:C)-based MIA model as a tool to develop pharmacological treatments targeting cognitive deficits associated with neurodevelopmental disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent research suggests that socio-ecological factors such as dietary specialization and social complexity may be drivers of advanced cognitive skills among primates. Therefore, we assessed the ability of 12 black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), a highly frugivorous platyrrhine primate with strong fission-fusion dynamics, to succeed in a serial visual reversal learning task. Using a two-alternative choice paradigm we first trained the animals to reliably choose a rewarded visual stimulus over a non-rewarded one. Upon reaching a pre-set learning criterion we then switched the reward values of the two stimuli and assessed if and how quickly the animals learned to reverse their choices, again to a pre-set learning criterion. This stimulus reversal procedure was then continued for a total of 80 sessions of 10 trials each. We found that the spider monkeys quickly learned to reliably discriminate between two simultaneously presented visual stimuli, that they succeeded in a visual reversal learning task, and that they displayed an increase in learning speed across consecutive reversals, suggesting that they are capable of serial reversal learning-set formation with visual cues. The fastest-learning individual completed five reversals within the 80 sessions. The spider monkeys outperformed most other primate and nonprimate mammal species tested so far on this type of cognitive task, including chimpanzees, with regard to their learning speed in both the initial learning task and in the first reversal task, suggesting a high degree of behavioral flexibility and inhibitory control. Our findings support the notion that socio-ecological factors such as dietary specialization and social complexity foster advanced cognitive skills in primates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social learning is learning from the observation of how others interact with the environment. However, in nature, individuals often need to process serial social information and may favour either the most recent information (recency bias), constantly updating knowledge to match the environment, or the information that appeared first in the series (primacy bias), which may slow down adjustment to environmental change. Mate-copying is a widespread form of social learning in a mate choice context related to conformity in mate choice, and where a naive individual develops a preference for a given mate (or mate phenotype) seen being chosen by conspecifics. Mate-copying is documented in most vertebrate taxa and in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we tested experimentally whether female fruit flies show a primacy or a recency bias by presenting pictures of a female copulating with one of two contrastingly coloured male phenotypes. We found that after two sequential contradictory demonstrations, females show a tendency to prefer males of the phenotype preferred in the first demonstration, suggesting that mate-copying in D. melanogaster is not based on the most recently observed mating and may be influenced by a form of primacy bias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We used a probabilistic reversal learning task to examine prediction error-driven belief updating in three clinical groups with psychosis or psychosis-like symptoms. Study 1 compared people with at-risk mental state and first episode psychosis (FEP) to matched controls. Study 2 compared people diagnosed with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) to matched controls. The design replicated our previous work showing ketamine-related perturbations in how meta-level confidence maintained behavioural policy. We applied the same computational modelling analysis here, in order to compare the pharmacological model to three groups at different stages of psychosis. Accuracy was reduced in FEP, reflecting increased tendencies to shift strategy following probabilistic errors. The TRS group also showed a greater tendency to shift choice strategies though accuracy levels were not significantly reduced. Applying the previously-used computational modelling approach, we observed that only the TRS group showed altered confidence-based modulation of responding, previously observed under ketamine administration. Overall, our behavioural findings demonstrated resemblance between clinical groups (FEP and TRS) and ketamine in terms of a reduction in stabilisation of responding in a noisy environment. The computational analysis suggested that TRS, but not FEP, replicates ketamine effects but we consider the computational findings preliminary given limitations in performance of the model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exposure of wildlife to anthropogenic noise is associated with disruptive effects. Research on this topic has focused on behavioural and physiological responses of animals to noise, with little work investigating links to cognitive function. Neurological processes that maintain cognitive performance can be impacted by stress and sleep disturbances. While sleep loss impairs cognitive performance in Australian magpies, it is unclear whether urban noise, which disrupts sleep, can impact cognition as well. To fill this gap, we explored how environmentally relevant urban noise affected the performance of wild-caught, city-living Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen tyrannica) on a cognitive task battery including associative and reversal learning, inhibitory control, and spatial memory. Birds were housed and tested in a laboratory environment; sample sizes varied across tasks (n=7-9 birds). Tests were conducted over 4 weeks, during which all magpies were exposed to both an urban noise playback and a quiet control. Birds were presented with the entire test battery twice: following exposure to, and in the absence of, an anthropogenic noise playback; however, tests were always performed without noise (playback muted during testing). Magpies performed similarly in both treatments on all four tasks. We also found that prior experience with the associative learning task had a strong effect on performance, with birds performing better on their second round of trials. Like previous findings on Australian magpies tested on the same tasks in the wild under noisy conditions, we could not find any disruptive effects on cognitive performance in a controlled experimental laboratory setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Astrocytes play a key role in the regulation of synaptic strength and are thought to orchestrate synaptic plasticity and memory. Yet, how specifically astrocytes and their neuroactive transmitters control learning and memory is currently an open question. Recent experiments have uncovered an astrocyte-mediated feedback loop in CA1 pyramidal neurons which is started by the release of endocannabinoids by active neurons and closed by astrocytic regulation of the D-serine levels at the dendrites. D-serine is a co-agonist for the NMDA receptor regulating the strength and direction of synaptic plasticity. Activity-dependent D-serine release mediated by astrocytes is therefore a candidate for mediating between long-term synaptic depression (LTD) and potentiation (LTP) during learning. Here, we show that the mathematical description of this mechanism leads to a biophysical model of synaptic plasticity consistent with the phenomenological model known as the BCM model. The resulting mathematical framework can explain the learning deficit observed in mice upon disruption of the D-serine regulatory mechanism. It shows that D-serine enhances plasticity during reversal learning, ensuring fast responses to changes in the external environment. The model provides new testable predictions about the learning process, driving our understanding of the functional role of neuron-glia interaction in learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) are often anxious, display inflexible behavior and disrupted reward processing. Emerging evidence suggests that gut dysbiosis in patients contributes to the disease phenotype and progression.
    METHODS: In a preclinical study, we explored whether AN-derived microbiota impacts cognitive flexibility, anxiety, and dopamine signaling using fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in tyrosine hydroxylase-cre rats. We performed probabilistic reversal learning task (PRLT) at the baseline, after antibiotic treatment, and following FMT from patients with AN and controls. We assessed flexible behavior, task engagement, and ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine signaling during and in the absence of reward. Furthermore, anxiety-like behavior was evaluated with open field (OF) and elevated plus maze (EPM) tests.
    RESULTS: Neither antibiotic-induced dysbiosis nor AN FMT led to significant alterations in the number of reversals or lever press strategies after reinforced or nonreinforced lever presses (win and lose-stay) in the PRLT. However, the number of initiated trials decreased after antibiotic treatment while remaining unchanged after FMT. No significant differences were observed in VTA dopamine activity, anxiety measures in the OF and EPM tests. Microbiome analysis revealed limited overlap between the microbiota of the donors and recipients.
    CONCLUSIONS: No evidence was found that the microbiota of patients compared to controls, nor a depleted microbiome impacts cognitive flexibility. Nonetheless, antibiotic-induced dysbiosis resulted in reduced task engagement during the PRLT. The relatively low efficiency of the FMT is a limitation of our study and highlights the need for improved protocols to draw robust conclusions in future studies.
    UNASSIGNED: While our study did not reveal direct impacts of AN-associated gut microbiota on cognitive flexibility or anxiety behaviors in our preclinical model, we observed a decrease in task engagement after antibiotic-induced dysbiosis, underscoring that the presence of a gut microbiome matters. Our findings underscore the need for further refinement in FMT protocols to better elucidate the complex interplay between gut microbiota and behaviors characteristic of anorexia nervosa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viral infections can be detrimental to the foraging ability of the western honey bee, Apis mellifera. The deformed wing virus (DWV) is the most common honey bee virus and has been proposed as a possible cause of learning and memory impairment. However, evidence for this phenomenon so far has come from artificially infected bees, while less is known about the implications of natural infections with the virus. Using the proboscis extension reflex (PER), we uncovered no significant association between a simple associative learning task and natural DWV load. However, when assessed through a reversal associative learning assay, bees with higher DWV load performed better in the reversal learning phase. DWV is able to replicate in the honey bee mushroom bodies, where the GABAergic signalling pathway has an antagonistic effect on associative learning but is crucial for reversal learning. Hence, we assessed the pattern of expression of several GABA-related genes in bees with different learning responses. Intriguingly, mushroom body expression of selected genes was positively correlated with DWV load, but only for bees with good reversal learning performance. We hypothesise that DWV might improve olfactory learning performance by enhancing the GABAergic inhibition of responses to unrewarded stimuli, which is consistent with the behavioural patterns that we observed. However, at higher disease burdens, which might be induced by an artificial infection or by a severe, natural Varroa infestation, this DWV-associated increase in GABA signalling could impair associative learning as previously reported by other studies.





