
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identifying and segmenting objects in an image is generally achieved effortlessly and is facilitated by the presence of symmetry: a principle of perceptual organisation used to interpret sensory inputs from the retina into meaningful representations. However, while imaging studies show evidence of symmetry selective responses across extrastriate visual areas in the human brain, whether symmetry is processed automatically is still under debate. We used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to study the response to and representation of two types of symmetry: reflection and rotation. Dot pattern stimuli were presented to 15 human participants (10 female) under stimulus-relevant (symmetry) and stimulus-irrelevant (luminance) task conditions. Our results show that symmetry-selective responses emerge from area V3 and extend throughout extrastriate visual areas. This response is largely maintained when participants engage in the stimulus irrelevant task, suggesting an automaticity to processing visual symmetry. Our multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) results extend these findings by suggesting that not only spatial organisation of responses to symmetrical patterns can be distinguished from that of non-symmetrical (random) patterns, but also that representation of reflection and rotation symmetry can be differentiated in extrastriate and object-selective visual areas. Moreover, task demands did not affect the neural representation of the symmetry information. Intriguingly, our MVPA results show an interesting dissociation: representation of luminance (stimulus irrelevant feature) is maintained in visual cortex only when task relevant, while information of the spatial configuration of the stimuli is available across task conditions. This speaks in favour of the automaticity for processing perceptual organisation: extrastriate visual areas compute and represent global, spatial properties irrespective of the task at hand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short association fibres (SAF) are the most abundant fibre pathways in the human white matter. Until recently, SAF could not be mapped comprehensively in vivo because diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging with sufficiently high spatial resolution needed to map these thin and short pathways was not possible. Recent developments in acquisition hardware and sequences allowed us to create a dedicated in vivo method for mapping the SAF based on sub-millimetre spatial resolution diffusion weighted tractography, which we validated in the human primary (V1) and secondary (V2) visual cortex against the expected SAF retinotopic order. Here, we extended our original study to assess the feasibility of the method to map SAF in higher cortical areas by including SAF up to V3. Our results reproduced the expected retinotopic order of SAF in the V2-V3 and V1-V3 stream, demonstrating greater robustness to the shorter V1-V2 and V2-V3 than the longer V1-V3 connections. The demonstrated ability of the method to map higher-order SAF connectivity patterns in vivo is an important step towards its application across the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The population receptive field method, which measures the region in visual space that elicits a BOLD signal in a voxel in retinotopic cortex, is a powerful tool for investigating the functional organization of human visual cortex with fMRI (Dumoulin & Wandell, 2008). However, recent work has shown that population receptive field (pRF) estimates for early retinotopic visual areas can be biased and unreliable, especially for voxels representing the fovea. Here, we show that a \'log-bar\' stimulus that is logarithmically warped along the eccentricity dimension produces more reliable estimates of pRF size and location than the traditional moving bar stimulus. The log-bar stimulus was better able to identify pRFs near the foveal representation, and pRFs were smaller in size, consistent with simulation estimates of receptive field sizes in the fovea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the exertion of mental effort improves performance on cognitive tasks, the neural mechanisms by which motivational factors impact cognition remain unknown. Here, we used fMRI to test how changes in cognitive effort, induced by changes in task difficulty, impact neural representations of working memory (WM). Participants (both sexes) were precued whether WM difficulty would be hard or easy. We hypothesized that hard trials demanded more effort as a later decision required finer mnemonic precision. Behaviorally, pupil size was larger and response times were slower on hard compared with easy trials suggesting our manipulation of effort succeeded. Neurally, we observed robust persistent activity during delay periods in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), especially during hard trials. Yet, details of the memoranda could not be decoded from patterns in prefrontal activity. In the patterns of activity in the visual cortex, however, we found strong decoding of memorized targets, where accuracy was higher on hard trials. To potentially link these across-region effects, we hypothesized that effort, carried by persistent activity in the PFC, impacts the quality of WM representations encoded in the visual cortex. Indeed, we found that the amplitude of delay period activity in the frontal cortex predicted decoded accuracy in the visual cortex on a trial-wise basis. These results indicate that effort-related feedback signals sculpt population activity in the visual cortex, improving mnemonic fidelity.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Perception, working memory, and long-term memory each evoke neural responses in visual cortex, suggesting that memory uses encoding mechanisms shared with perception. While previous research has largely focused on how perception and memory are similar, we hypothesized that responses in visual cortex would differ depending on the origins of the inputs. Using fMRI, we quantified spatial tuning in visual cortex while participants (both sexes) viewed, maintained in working memory, or retrieved from long-term memory a peripheral target. In each of these conditions, BOLD responses were spatially tuned and were aligned with the target\'s polar angle in all measured visual field maps including V1. As expected given the increasing sizes of receptive fields, polar angle tuning during perception increased in width systematically up the visual hierarchy from V1 to V2, V3, hV4, and beyond. In stark contrast, the widths of tuned responses were broad across the visual hierarchy during working memory and long-term memory, matched to the widths in perception in later visual field maps but much broader in V1. This pattern is consistent with the idea that mnemonic responses in V1 stem from top-down sources. Moreover, these tuned responses when biased (clockwise or counterclockwise of target) predicted matched biases in memory, suggesting that the readout of maintained and reinstated mnemonic responses influences memory guided behavior. We conclude that feedback constrains spatial tuning during memory, where earlier visual maps inherit broader tuning from later maps thereby impacting the precision of memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons in the mouse superior colliculus (\"colliculus\") are arranged in ordered spatial maps. While orientation-selective (OS) neurons form a concentric map aligned to the center of vision, direction-selective (DS) neurons are arranged in patches with changing preferences across the visual field. It remains unclear whether these maps are a consequence of feedforward input from the retina or local computations in the colliculus. To determine whether these maps originate in the retina, we mapped the local and global distribution of OS and DS retinal ganglion cell axon boutons using in vivo two-photon calcium imaging. We found that OS boutons formed patches that matched the distribution of OS neurons within the colliculus. DS boutons displayed fewer regional specializations, better reflecting the organization of DS neurons in the retina. Both eyes convey similar orientation but different DS inputs to the colliculus, as shown in recordings from retinal explants. These data demonstrate that orientation and direction maps within the colliculus are independent, where orientation maps are likely inherited from the retina, but direction maps require additional computations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cortical processing pathways for sensory information in the mammalian brain tend to be organized into topographical representations that encode various fundamental sensory dimensions. Numerous laboratories have now shown how these representations are organized into numerous cortical field maps (CMFs) across visual and auditory cortex, with each CFM supporting a specialized computation or set of computations that underlie the associated perceptual behaviors. An individual CFM is defined by two orthogonal topographical gradients that reflect two essential aspects of feature space for that sense. Multiple adjacent CFMs are then organized across visual and auditory cortex into macrostructural patterns termed cloverleaf clusters. CFMs within cloverleaf clusters are thought to share properties such as receptive field distribution, cortical magnification, and processing specialization. Recent measurements point to the likely existence of CFMs in the other senses, as well, with topographical representations of at least one sensory dimension demonstrated in somatosensory, gustatory, and possibly olfactory cortical pathways. Here we discuss the evidence for CFM and cloverleaf cluster organization across human sensory cortex as well as approaches used to identify such organizational patterns. Knowledge of how these topographical representations are organized across cortex provides us with insight into how our conscious perceptions are created from our basic sensory inputs. In addition, studying how these representations change during development, trauma, and disease serves as an important tool for developing improvements in clinical therapies and rehabilitation for sensory deficits.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The neural mechanisms by which motivational factors influence cognition remain unknown. Using fMRI, we tested how cognitive effort impacts working memory (WM). Participants were precued whether WM difficulty would be hard or easy. Hard trials demanded more effort as a later decision required finer mnemonic precision. Behaviorally, pupil size was larger and response times were slower on hard trials suggesting our manipulation of effort succeeded. Neurally, we observed robust persistent activity in prefrontal cortex, especially during hard trials. We found strong decoding of location in visual cortex, where accuracy was higher on hard trials. Connecting these across-region effects, we found that the amplitude of delay period activity in frontal cortex predicted decoded accuracy in visual cortex on a trial-wise basis. We conclude that the gain of persistent activity in frontal cortex may be the source of effort-related feedback signals that improve the quality of WM representations stored in visual cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early visual areas are retinotopically organized in human and non-human primates. Population receptive field (pRF) size increases with eccentricity and from lower- to higher-level visual areas. Furthermore, the cortical magnification factor (CMF), a measure of how much cortical space is devoted to each degree of visual angle, is typically larger for foveal as opposed to peripheral regions of the visual field. Whether this fine-scale organization within and across visual areas depends on early visual experience has yet been unknown. Here, we employed 7T functional magnetic resonance imaging pRF mapping to assess the retinotopic organization of early visual regions (i.e., V1, V2, and V3) in eight sight recovery individuals with a history of congenital blindness until a maximum of 4 years of age. Compared with sighted controls, foveal pRF sizes in these individuals were larger, and pRF sizes did not show the typical increase with eccentricity and down the visual cortical processing stream (V1-V2-V3). Cortical magnification was overall diminished and decreased less from foveal to parafoveal visual field locations. Furthermore, cortical magnification correlated with visual acuity in sight recovery individuals. The results of this study suggest that early visual experience is essential for refining a presumably innate prototypical retinotopic organization in humans within and across visual areas, which seems to be crucial for acquiring full visual capabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual field maps in human early extrastriate areas (V2 and V3) are traditionally thought to form mirror-image representations which surround the primary visual cortex (V1). According to this scheme, V2 and V3 form nearly symmetrical halves with respect to the calcarine sulcus, with the dorsal halves representing lower contralateral quadrants, and the ventral halves representing upper contralateral quadrants. This arrangement is considered to be consistent across individuals, and thus predictable with reasonable accuracy using templates. However, data that deviate from this expected pattern have been observed, but mainly treated as artifactual. Here, we systematically investigate individual variability in the visual field maps of human early visual cortex using the 7T Human Connectome Project (HCP) retinotopy dataset. Our results demonstrate substantial and principled inter-individual variability. Visual field representation in the dorsal portions of V2 and V3 was more variable than in their ventral counterparts, including substantial departures from the expected mirror-symmetrical patterns. In addition, left hemisphere retinotopic maps were more variable than those in the right hemisphere. Surprisingly, only one-third of individuals had maps that conformed to the expected pattern in the left hemisphere. Visual field sign analysis further revealed that in many individuals the area conventionally identified as dorsal V3 shows a discontinuity in the mirror-image representation of the retina, associated with a Y-shaped lower vertical representation. Our findings challenge the current view that inter-individual variability in early extrastriate cortex is negligible, and that the dorsal portions of V2 and V3 are roughly mirror images of their ventral counterparts.





