Response time variability

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contextual cueing is a phenomenon in which repeatedly encountered arrays of items can enhance the visual search for a target item. This is widely attributed to attentional guidance driven by contextual memory acquired during visual search. Some studies suggest that children may have an immature ability to use contextual cues compared to adults, while others argue that contextual learning capacity is similar across ages. To test the development of context-guided attention, this study compared contextual cueing effects among three age groups: adults (aged 18-33 years, N = 32), teenagers (aged 15-17 years, N = 41), and younger children (aged 8-9 years, N = 43). Moreover, this study introduced a measure of response time variability that tracks fluctuations in response time throughout the experiment, in addition to the conventional analysis of response times. The results showed that all age groups demonstrated significantly faster responses in repeated than non-repeated search contexts. Notably, adults and teenagers exhibited smaller response time variability in repeated contexts than in non-repeated ones, while younger children did not. This implies that children are less efficient at consolidating contextual information into a stable memory representation, which may lead to less stable attentional guidance during visual search.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present report analyzed the time-frequency changes in Event-Related Spectral perturbations (ERSP) in a sample of ADHD children and adolescents compared to a normodevelopment (ND) sample. A delayed match-to-sample (DMTS) test of working memory (WM) was presented to a group of ADHD subjects (N = 29) and compared with ND group (N = 34) with ages between 6 and 17 years old. Time-frequency decomposition was computed through wavelets. ADHD subjects presented higher Reaction Time (RT), Standard Deviation of RT (Std of RT), and a reduced percentage of correct responses. The results showed a complex pattern of oscillatory bursts during the encoding, maintenance, and recognition phases with similar dynamics in both groups. ADHD children presented a reduced Event-Related Synchronization (ERS) in the Theta range during the encoding phase, and also a reduced Alpha ERS during the late period of the maintenance phase. S1 Early theta ERS was positively correlated with Std of RT. Behavioral data, early Theta, and late Alpha ERS classified correctly above 70 % of ADHD and ND subjects when a linear discriminant analysis was applied. The reduced encoding and maintenance impaired brain dynamics of ADHD subjects would justify the poorer performance of this group of subjects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monitoring of cognitive abilities in large-scale survey research is receiving increasing attention. Conventional cognitive testing, however, is often impractical on a population level highlighting the need for alternative means of cognitive assessment. We evaluated whether response times (RTs) to online survey items could be useful to infer cognitive abilities. We analyzed >5 million survey item RTs from >6000 individuals administered over 6.5 years in an internet panel together with cognitive tests (numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, task switching/inhibitory control). We derived measures of mean RT and intraindividual RT variability from a multilevel location-scale model as well as an expanded version that separated intraindividual RT variability into systematic RT adjustments (variation of RTs with item time intensities) and residual intraindividual RT variability (residual error in RTs). RT measures from the location-scale model showed weak associations with cognitive test scores. However, RT measures from the expanded model explained 22−26% of the variance in cognitive scores and had prospective associations with cognitive assessments over lag-periods of at least 6.5 years (mean RTs), 4.5 years (systematic RT adjustments) and 1 year (residual RT variability). Our findings suggest that RTs in online surveys may be useful for gaining information about cognitive abilities in large-scale survey research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Goal-directed attention involves the selective processing of behaviorally relevant sensory information. This selective processing is thought to be supported by glutamatergic and noradrenergic systems. Pharmacotherapies that simultaneously target these systems could therefore be effective treatments for impaired attention.
    We first tested an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor co-agonist (D-serine) for effects on attention (processing speed and attentional lapses). NMDA receptor activation is thought to support noradrenergic effects on sensory processing; therefore, we tested a combination treatment comprising D-serine and a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (atomoxetine).
    D-serine was first tested in rats performing a two-choice visuospatial discrimination task. Combination treatments comprising relatively low doses of D-serine and atomoxetine were then tested in a separate group.
    In experiment 1, D-serine reduced the skew of initiation time (IT) distributions (IT devmode) at the highest dose tested (300 mg/kg). In experiment 2, low-dose D-serine (125 mg/kg) had no effect, while low-dose atomoxetine (0.3 mg/kg) reduced IT devmode and slowed movement speed. Importantly, the combination of these relatively low doses of D-serine and atomoxetine reduced IT devmode more than either drug alone without further slowing movement speed.
    IT devmode is thought to reflect attentional lapses; therefore, D-serine\'s effects on IT devmode suggest that NMDA receptors are involved in the preparatory deployment of attention. Greater effects following a combination of D-serine and atomoxetine suggest that preparatory attention can be facilitated by targeting glutamatergic and noradrenergic systems simultaneously. These results could inform the development of improved treatments for individuals with ADHD who experience abnormally high attentional lapses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging is associated with declines in a host of cognitive functions, including attentional control, inhibitory control, episodic memory, processing speed, and executive functioning. Theoretical models attribute the age-related decline in cognitive functioning to deficits in goal maintenance and attentional inhibition. Despite these well-documented declines in executive control resources, older adults endorse fewer episodes of mind-wandering when assessed using task-embedded thought probes. Furthermore, previous work on the neural basis of mind-wandering has mostly focused on young adults with studies predominantly focusing on the activity and connectivity of a select few canonical networks. However, whole-brain functional networks associated with mind-wandering in aging have not yet been characterized. In this study, using response time variability-the trial-to-trial fluctuations in behavioral responses-as an indirect marker of mind-wandering or an \"out-of-the-zone\" attentional state representing suboptimal behavioral performance, we show that brain-based predictive models of response time variability can be derived from whole-brain task functional connectivity. In contrast, models derived from resting-state functional connectivity alone did not predict individual response time variability. Finally, we show that despite successful within-sample prediction of response time variability, our models did not generalize to predict response time variability in independent cohorts of older adults with resting-state connectivity. Overall, our findings provide evidence for the utility of task-based functional connectivity in predicting individual response time variability in aging. Future research is needed to derive more robust and generalizable models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Perimetry is a both demanding and strenuous examination method that is often accompanied by signs of fatigue, leading to false responses and thus incorrect results. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the response quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the response time (RT) and its variability (RTV) as quality indicators during static automated perimetry.
    METHODS: Size III Goldmann stimuli (25.7\') were shown with the OCTOPUS 900 perimeter in four visual field locations with 13 different stimulus luminance levels (0.04-160 cd/m2). An increased rate of false-positive and false-negative catch trials (25% each) served to monitor the response quality simultaneously together with response time recording. Data evaluation was divided into global and individual analysis. For global analysis, the agreement indices (AI, agreement between time periods with an increased number of false responses to catch trials and time periods with pathological response to time-based values set into relation to time periods in which only one of the two criteria was considered pathological) and for individual analysis, the Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated. Ophthalmologically normal subjects with a visual acuity ≥ 0.8, and a maximum spherical/cylindrical ametropia of ± 8.00/2.50 dpt were included.
    RESULTS: Forty-eight subjects (18 males, 30 females, age 22-78 years) were examined. The total number of false responses to catch trials was (median/maximum): 6/82. RT and RTV were compared to the occurrence of incorrect responses to catch trials. The resulting individual Spearman correlation coefficients (median/maximum) were for RT: ρRT = 0.05/0.35 and for RTV: ρRTV = 0.27/0.61. The global analysis of the RTV showed agreement indices (median/maximum) of AIRTV = 0.14/0.47.
    CONCLUSIONS: According to this study, an increased portion of catch trials is suitable as a verification tool for possible response quality indicators. The RTV is a promising parameter for indicating the response quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study characterizes changes in sustained attention ability over ages 9-14, and whether longitudinal trajectories of attention development differ between persistent ADHD, remitted ADHD and control groups. The Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART) was administered to 120 children with ADHD and 123 controls on three occasions between ages 9 and 14. Trajectories of sustained attention development, indicated by changes in SART performance (standard deviation of response time [SDRT], omission errors, and ex-Gaussian parameters sigma and tau), were examined using generalized additive mixed models. For all measures there was a significant main effect of age; response time variability and number of omission errors improved linearly as children aged. However, children with ADHD had significantly greater SDRT, tau and omission errors than controls across waves. There were no significant group differences in sigma, indicating that the greater overall response time variability (SDRT) observed in ADHD was likely driven by more intermittent long responses (larger tau). Trajectories of sustained attention performance did not differ between children with persistent ADHD or ADHD in remission. Longitudinal trajectories of sustained attention development are comparable between ADHD and controls, however children with ADHD (regardless of remission status) display a performance deficit equivalent to typical controls 1-3 years younger. Findings highlight the need for continued clinical support for children in remission from ADHD and provide support for tau as an endophenotype of ADHD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) tend to perform cognitive tasks with greater Response Time Variability (RTV). Greater RTV in ADHD may be due to inefficient functional connectivity of the brain during information processing. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between brain connectivity, RTV, and levels of ADHD symptoms. Twenty-eight children aged 9-12 years and 49 adolescents aged 15-18 years performed the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART) while EEG was recorded. The participants\' levels of ADHD symptoms were measured using self- and parent-rated questionnaires. The ex-Gaussian analysis and The Fast Fourier Transform were used to measure multiple aspects of RTV. Functional connectivity between 64 electrodes was computed during task performance, and global efficiency and modularity were calculated, reflecting integration and segregation of the brain, respectively. There was a positive association between multiple RTV measures and the level of ADHD symptoms, where participants with higher levels of ADHD symptoms showed greater RTV, except for sigma from the ex-Gaussian analysis. More efficient brain network activity, measured by global efficiency, was associated with reduced RTV. Children showed greater RTV and less efficient brain network activity compared with the adolescents. These findings support the view that stable responses are achieved with more integrated (and efficient) brain connectivity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is common to find that individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) produce more variable responses when performing cognitive tasks. The neural mechanism associated with heightened response time variability (RTV) is not well understood in ADHD nor in typically developing individuals. One potential mechanism that might be associated with increased RTV is functional connectivity of the brain, and specifically inefficient connections. This study examined the relationships among functional connectivity of the brain, RTV, and levels of ADHD symptoms, using a cross-sectional developmental design. Twenty children aged 9-12 years and 49 adolescents aged 15-18 years completed the Sustained Attention to Response Task with flanker interference while electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded. The Conners 3 questionnaire was used to measure the participants\' levels of ADHD symptoms. Parameters reflecting different aspects of RTV were computed using ex-Gaussian and fast Fourier transform techniques. Functional connectivity between 64 electrodes was computed for the task period, and global efficiency reflecting functional integration and modularity reflecting strength of functional segregation were computed. Greater global efficiency in the theta band was associated with decreased RTV. Increased integration during the task may help to combine information more efficiently and produce stable responses. When congruent flankers were present, children with greater modularity in the beta band showed greater tau, which is thought to reflect attentional lapses. This association was not observed when incongruent flankers were present. Brains with increased strength of segregated activity might be more prone to attentional lapses, especially during simpler tasks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attentional control fluctuates in the presence of internal and external distractors, wandering on and off a given task. The current study investigated individual differences in attentional fluctuations in 250 preschoolers. Attentional fluctuations were assessed via intra-individual variability in response time in a Go/No-Go task. Greater fluctuations in attentional control were linked to lower task accuracy. In addition, greater attentional fluctuations predicted lower performance in a task of cognitive flexibility, the Dimensional Change Card Sort task. Attentional fluctuations were also associated with laboratory measures of academic readiness in preschool, as assessed by the Applied Problems and Letter-Word Identification subscales of the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement, which in turn predicted teacher reports of academic performance in first grade. Attentional fluctuations also had indirect associations with emergent math skills in preschool, via cognitive flexibility, as well as indirect associations with first-grade teacher reports of academic performance, via the relations between cognitive flexibility and emergent math skills in preschool. These results suggest that consistency is an important aspect of attentional control during early childhood.





