Response selection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The psychological refractory period (PRP) effect occurs when two stimuli that require separate responses are presented sequentially, particularly with a short and variable time interval between them. Fatigue is a suboptimal psycho-physiological state that leads to changes in strategies. In recent years, numerous studies have investigated the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on motor control. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of two tDCS methods, anodal and cathodal, on PRP in ten different conditions of stimulus-onset asynchronies (SOAs) under non-fatigue and mental fatigue conditions. The participants involved 39 male university students aged 19 to 25 years. In the pre-test, they were assessed using the PRP measurement tool under both non-fatigue and mental fatigue conditions. The mental fatigue was induced by a 30-min Stroop task. The test consisted of two stimuli with different SOAs (50, 75, 100, 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1200, and 1500 ms). The first was a visual stimulus with three choices (letters A, B, and C). After a random SOA, the second stimulus, a visual stimulus with three choices (colors red, yellow, and blue), was presented. Subsequently, participants were randomly assigned to the anodal, cathodal, and sham stimulation groups and underwent four consecutive sessions of tDCS stimulation. In the anodal and cathodal stimulation groups, 20 min of tDCS stimulation were applied to the PLPFC area in each session, while in the sham group, the stimulation was artificially applied. All participants were assessed using the same measurement tools as in the pre-test phase, in a post-test phase one day after the last stimulation session, and in a follow-up phase four days after that. Inferential statistics include mixed ANOVA, one-way ANOVA, independent, and dependent t-tests. The findings indicated that the response time to the second stimulus was longer at lower SOAs. However, there was no significant difference between the groups in this regard. Additionally, there was no significant difference in response time to the second stimulus between the fatigue and non-fatigue conditions, or between the groups. Therefore, tDCS had no significant effect. There was a significant difference between mental fatigue and non-fatigue conditions in the psychological refractory period. Moreover, at lower SOAs, the PRP was longer than at higher SOAs. In conditions of fatigue, the active stimulation groups (anodal and cathodal) performed better than the sham stimulation group at higher SOAs. Considering the difference in response to both stimuli at different SOAs, some central aspects of the response can be simultaneously parallel. Fatigue also affects parallel processing. This study supports the response integration phenomenon in PRP, which predicts that there will be an increase in response time to the first stimulus as the interval between the presentation of the two stimuli increases. This finding contradicts the bottleneck model. In this study, the effectiveness of cathodal and anodal tDCS on response time to the second stimulus and PRP was found to be very small.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated whether the interference between two tasks in dual-task processing stems from bottleneck limitations or insufficient cognitive resources due to resource sharing. Experiment 1 used tone discrimination as Task 1 and word or pseudoword classification as Task 2 to evaluate the effect of automatic versus controlled processing on dual-task interference under different SOA conditions. Experiment 2 reversed the task order. The results showed that dual-task interference persisted regardless of task type or order. Neither experiment found evidence that automatic tasks could eliminate interference. This suggests that resource limitations, rather than bottlenecks, may better explain dual-task costs. Specifically, when tasks compete for limited resources, the processing efficiency of both tasks is significantly reduced. Future research should explore how cognitive resources are dynamically allocated between tasks to better account for dual-task interference effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to select between potential actions is central to the complex process of tool use. After left hemisphere stroke, individuals with limb apraxia make more hand action errors when gesturing the use of tools with conflicting hand actions for grasping-to-move and use (e.g., screwdriver) relative to tools that are grasped-to-move and used with the same hand action (e.g., hammer). Prior research indicates that this grasp-use interference effect is driven by abnormalities in the competitive action selection process. The goal of this project was to determine whether common mechanisms and neural substrates support the competitive selection of task-appropriate responses in both tool and non-tool domains. If so, the grasp-use interference effect in a tool use gesturing task should be correlated with response interference effects in the classic Eriksen flanker and Simon tasks, and at least partly overlapping neural regions should subserve the 3 tasks. Sixty-four left hemisphere stroke survivors (33 with apraxia) participated in the tool- and non-tool interference tasks and underwent T1 anatomical MRI. There were robust grasp-use interference effects (grasp-use conflict test) and response interference effects (Eriksen flanker and Simon tasks), but these effects were not correlated. Lesion-symptom mapping analyses showed that lesions to the left inferior parietal lobule, ventral premotor cortex, and insula were associated with grasp-use interference. Lesions to the left inferior parietal lobule, postcentral gyrus, insula, caudate, and putamen were associated with response interference in the Eriksen flanker task. Lesions to the left caudate and putamen were also associated with response interference in the Simon task. Our results suggest that the selection of hand posture for tool use is mediated by distinct cognitive mechanisms and partly distinct neuroanatomic substrates from those mapping a stimulus to an appropriate motor response in non-tool domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The stop-signal task (SST) is widely used for studying the speed of the latent process of response inhibition. The SST patterns are typically explained by a horse-race model (HRM) with supposed Go and Stop processes. However, HRM does not agree with the sequential-stage model of response control. As a result, the exact relationship between the response selection, the response execution stages, and the Stop process remains unclear. We propose that response selection occurs within the stop-signal delay (SSD) period, and that the competition between the Go and Stop processes occurs within the response execution period. To confirm this, we conducted two experiments. In Experiment 1, participants carried out a modified SST task with an additional stimulus category - Cued-Go. In the Cued-Go trials, cues were followed by imperative Go signals. The Cue-Go period duration was dynamically adjusted by an adaptive algorithm based on the response times reflecting the individual response selection duration. In Experiment 2, Cued-Go stimuli were followed by Stop Signals in half of the trials and response inhibition efficiency was calculated. The results of Experiment 1 indicate that SSD reflects the duration of the response selection process. The results of Experiment 2 show that this process has an independent and small effect on the effectiveness of controlled inhibition of the target response. Based on our findings, we propose a two-stage model of response inhibition in SST, with the first stage including response selection process and the second stage response inhibition following the SS presentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dual-task interference often arises when people respond to an incoming stimulus according to an arbitrary rule, such as choosing between the gas pedal and the brake when driving. Severe interference from response selection yields a brief \"Psychological Refractory Period,\" during which a concurrent task is put on hold. Here, we show that response selection in one task does not always hamper the processing of a secondary task. Responding to a target may paradoxically enhance the processing of secondary tasks, even when the target requires complex response selection. In three experiments, participants encoded pictures of common objects to memory while simultaneously monitoring a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) of characters or colours. Some of the RSVP stimuli were targets, requiring participants to press one of the two buttons to report their identity; others were distractors that participants ignored. Despite the increased response selection demands on target trials, pictures encoded with the RSVP targets were better remembered than those encoded with the RSVP distractors. Contrary to previous reports and predictions from dual-task interference, the attentional boost from target detection overcomes increased interference from response selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mechanical properties of the constituent material of fiber-reinforced braided composites will inevitably change after the manufacturing process. An approach to constituent parameters\' identification of braided composites was proposed to obtain the basic information of composites for structural analysis. Identification of the constituent parameters was transformed as an optimization problem, which was solved by adopting the sensitivity analysis method, iteratively minimizing the discrepancies between the numerically calculated displacement field and the measured displacement field. The sensitivity matrix of displacements with respect to the constituent parameters was directly derived based on the constitutive material model for the first time. Considering that the large magnitude differences between parameters will lead to an ill-posed problem of the sensitivity matrix, the identification was susceptible to noise from the experimental data, the relative sensitivity was adopted, and a condition number-based response point selection was applied to improve the robustness of the parameter identification. A 2.5-dimensional braided composite was employed to illustrate the constituent parameter identification method by comparing with the finite difference method. In addition, the influence of selected measuring points and measuring errors on the proposed method were discussed. The results showed that the proposed method can be used to identify the constituent parameters efficiently and accurately. When the measured displacements are polluted by noise, the condition number of the sensitivity matrix is an effective indicator of preceding information to enhance the identification accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have shown that the processing stage of the spatial-numerical association of response codes (SNARC) effect is flexible. Two recent studies used the same experimental paradigm to check whether the SNARC effect occurred in the semantic-representation stage but reached contradictory conclusions, showing that the SNARC effect was influenced by a magnitude Stroop effect in a magnitude comparison task but not by a parity Stroop effect in a parity judgment task. Those two studies had two distinct operational factors: the task type (magnitude comparison task or parity judgment task, with the numerical magnitude information task-relevant or task-irrelevant) and the semantic representation stage-related interference information (magnitude or parity Stroop effect, with the interference information magnitude-relevant or magnitude-irrelevant). To determine which factor influenced the SNARC effect, in the present study, the Stroop effect was switched in the two tasks based on the previous studies. The findings of four experiments consistently showed that the SNARC effect was not influenced by the parity Stroop effect in the magnitude comparison task but was influenced by the magnitude Stroop effect in the parity judgment task. Combined with the results of those two contradictory studies, the findings indicated that regardless of the task type or the task relevance of numerical magnitude information, magnitude-relevant interference information was the primary factor to affect the SNARC effect. Furthermore, a two-stage processing model that explained the observed flexibility of the SNARC effect was proposed and discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Actions can fail - even though this is well known, little is known about what distinguishes neurophysiological processes preceding errors and correct actions. In this study, relying on the Theory of Event Coding, we test the assumption that only specific aspects of information coded in EEG activity are relevant for understanding processes leading to response errors. We examined N = 69 healthy participants who performed a mental rotation task and combined temporal EEG signal decomposition with multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) and source localization analyses. We show that fractions of the EEG signal, primarily representing stimulus-response translation (event file) processes and motor response representations, are essential. Stimulus representations were less critical. The source localization results revealed widespread activity modulations in structures including the frontopolar, the middle and superior frontal, the anterior cingulate cortex, the cuneus, the inferior parietal cortex, and the ventral stream regions. These are associated with differential effects of the neural dynamics preceding correct/erroneous responses. The temporal-generalization MVPA showed that event file representations and representations of the motor response were already distinct 200 ms after stimulus presentation and this lasted till around 700 ms. The stability of this representational content was predictive for the magnitude of posterror slowing, which was particularly strong when there was no clear distinction between the neural activity profile of event file representations associated with a correct or an erroneous response. The study provides a detailed analysis of the dynamics leading to an error/correct response in connection to an overarching framework on action control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Successful aging depends upon maintaining executive functions, which enable flexible response coordination. Although flexible responses are required for both hands and feet, as in driving, few studies have examined executive functions and brain activity in older adults, in terms of foot responses. In this study, younger (mean age = 20.8) and older participants (mean age = 68.7) performed a newly developed bimanual/bipedal response-position selection compatibility task while we measured their brain activity using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Participants had to press either a left or right button using either their left or right foot (or hand), as directed by a two-dimensional cue signal. They executed either a straight or diagonal press response that mimicked stepping on the accelerator or brake pedal in a car. Foot responses produced more errors, longer reaction times, and greater brain activation than hand responses. Greater brain activation in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (BA 46) was observed in incongruent (i.e., diagonal) than in congruent (straight) trials for foot responses, but not for hand responses, suggesting that participants had difficulty executing a diagonal foot response (as braking in a car), but not a diagonal hand response. Older participants exhibited greater brain activation across the PFC than younger participants, indicating that older adults activate additional brain circuits to compensate for declining executive functions. We discuss potential relationships between declining executive functions of older adults and the frequent automobile accidents (i.e., missteps) in which they are involved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While past work on how people can optimize dual-tasking has focused on strategic timing (i.e., when to select responses), little is known about the extent to which people can optimize dual-tasking by taking care of which responses they select. Here we test whether spatial (in)congruency influences response selection in free-choice trials. In two experiments, we combined two visual-manual tasks with spatial stimulus- and response characteristics: Participants responded to the stimulus words \"left\" and \"right\" in a forced choice task and responded \"up\", \"down\", \"left\" or \"right\" with an arrow-key to either a free choice prompt or an X located at the respective position. In Experiment 1, participants reduced the proportion of incongruent pairs of responses (i.e., left in one and right in the other task). In Experiment 2, we found that such flexibility in response selection also holds in more constrained environments: Within runs of four trials the free-choice options were continuously reduced based on the responses already given. The combined results of Experiments 1 and 2 suggest that response selection in free choice trials is driven by performance optimization beyond response conflict.





