Respiratory System Abnormalities

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital lung anomaly (CLA) refers to a rare group of malformations that are typically identified prenatally or in early childhood. However, a significant proportion of cases evade detection until adulthood and either are incidentally discovered or manifest with symptoms of recurrent respiratory infection or pulmonary hemorrhage. While most CLAs have characteristic imaging findings at CT and MRI, they remain a diagnostic challenge due to the infrequency with which they are encountered in adults. Radiologists frequently play a pivotal role in suggesting the diagnosis and guiding appropriate management strategies, and recognition of characteristic imaging patterns is crucial for accurate diagnosis. The authors examine the imaging appearances and clinical manifestations in adult patients with CLA, with a focus on patients who have bronchopulmonary involvement and those with combined bronchopulmonary and vascular anomalies. Entities discussed include bronchogenic cyst, bronchial atresia, congenital lobar overinflation, congenital pulmonary airway malformation, proximal interruption of the pulmonary artery, bronchopulmonary sequestration, hypogenetic lung syndrome, placental transmogrification of the lung, and hybrid lesions. Common complications that may arise in these patients are discussed and illustrated. ©RSNA, 2024 Supplemental material is available for this article.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The clinical implications of a postnatal chest X-ray (CXR) in asymptomatic children with a prenatally diagnosed congenital lung malformation (CLM) are uncertain. We assessed the justification for the postnatal use of CXR in these children.
    METHODS: We included patients with CLM confirmed through chest computed tomography angiography or histopathological analysis who were asymptomatic at birth, underwent routine postnatal CXR, and participated in our standard of care prospective structured longitudinal follow-up program. Children with major associated morbidities were excluded. Primary outcomes were the positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) of CXR findings for symptom development at 4 weeks and 6 months of age. Secondarily, we sought to establish whether CXR findings were associated with undergoing additional diagnostics during the initial observational hospital stay or prolonged postnatal hospital admission.
    RESULTS: Among 121 included patients, CXR showed no abnormalities in 35 (29%), nonspecific abnormalities in 23 (19%), and probable CLM in 63 (52%). The PPV of CXR in relation to symptom development at 4 weeks and 6 months was 0.05 and 0.25, respectively. Corresponding NPVs were 0.96 and 0.91. An association was identified between CXR findings and undergoing further diagnostics during the initial observational hospital stay (p = .047). Additional diagnostic findings did not influence clinical management. CXR findings were not associated with prolonged initial hospital stay (p = .40).
    CONCLUSIONS: The routine practice of postnatal CXR in asymptomatic patients with prenatally diagnosed CLM can be omitted, as CXR findings do not influence subsequent clinical management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine if the incidence of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) among children with asymptomatic, observationally managed congenital lung abnormalities (CLA) differed from that of symptomatic patients who underwent surgery. Second, we sought to compare the pre- and post-resection incidence of LRTI in patients who underwent surgery.
    METHODS: This retrospective cohort study included patients born between 1999 and 2021 with CLA confirmed by CT scan who were enrolled in a prospective longitudinal follow-up program. The LRTI incidence rates at 1, 2, 5, 8, and 12 years were compared between surgically and observationally managed patients using incidence rate ratios (IRR). Differences in pre- and post-resection LRTI incidence rates among patients who underwent CLA-related surgery were assessed through IRR.
    RESULTS: Among 217 included patients, 81 (37%) had undergone surgery and 136 (63%) had been observationally managed. The LRTI incidence rates did not significantly differ at any follow-up moment between the surgical and observational groups. Among the children who underwent CLA-related surgery, the pre-resection LRTI incidence rates were significantly higher than the post-resection LRTI incidence rates (IRR of 3.57, 95% confidence interval: [2.00; 6.33], p < .001).
    CONCLUSIONS: We could not demonstrate differences in LRTI incidence throughout childhood between patients with surgically and observationally managed CLA. We recommend discussing cases of LRTI in patients with CLA in a multidisciplinary setting, using additional diagnostics such as chest X-ray to screen for CLA involvement, enabling a well-considered decision on surgical resection of the lesion.






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    文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anomalous systemic arterial supply to the basal segment of the lung (ABLL) is a rare cause of haemoptysis. ABLL may be complicated by massive haemoptysis, heart failure due to left-to-right shunt and infection. We describe a case of this condition presenting in the third trimester of pregnancy. Computed tomography chest angiogram confirmed the diagnosis. A multidisciplinary approach was necessary to determine treatment, which ultimately consisted of elective caesarean section at 36 weeks and 4 days\' gestation, followed by transarterial embolisation 9 days postpartum.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    METHODS: Congenital pulmonary malformations (CPM) are rare and can be associated with high morbidity. Clinical presentation, diagnostic procedures, imaging, and therapy of CPM are discussed.
    RESULTS: Today, most CPM can be diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound. Postnatally, respiratory symptoms up to respiratory failure and recurrent lower respiratory tract infection are typical findings. Due to low diagnostic accuracy of chest x‑ray in CPM, all children with prenatal diagnosis of CPM or postnatally suspected CPM should undergo cross-sectional imaging.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on imaging alone, the various subtypes of CPM cannot be definitively differentiated, which is why histological confirmation remains the gold standard. Surgical resection is the standard of care with minimally invasive procedures increasingly being employed. In certain situations, a watch-and-wait approach is possible.
    UNASSIGNED: LEISTUNGSFäHIGKEIT: Kongenitale Lungenfehlbildungen (KL) sind selten und können mit einer hohen Morbidität einhergehen. Klinik, diagnostisches Vorgehen, Bildmorphologie und Therapie werden diskutiert.
    UNASSIGNED: Die meisten kongenitalen Lungenfehlbildungen werden heutzutage pränatal durch Ultraschall diagnostiziert. Postnatal sind respiratorische Symptome bis zum respiratorischen Versagen und rezidivierende Infektionen typisch. Wegen der geringen diagnostischen Aussagekraft der konventionellen Röntgenuntersuchung sollten alle Kinder mit pränatal diagnostizierter oder postnatal vermuteter kongenitaler Lungenfehlbildung eine Schnittbildgebung des Thorax erhalten. EMPFEHLUNG FüR DIE PRAXIS: Anhand der Bildgebung können die verschiedenen Unterformen der kongenitalen Lungenfehlbildungen nicht mit Sicherheit abgegrenzt werden, so dass eine histologische Diagnosesicherung der Goldstandard ist. Kongenitale Lungenfehlbildungen werden meistens reseziert, wobei zunehmend minimal-invasive Verfahren zum Einsatz kommen. Auch ein Watch-and-wait-Ansatz ist unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen vertretbar.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role infant pulmonary function tests (Tidal Breathing Flow Volume Loops, TBFVL) in children with airway anomalies and to correlate the TBFVL so obtained with bronchoscopy findings.
    METHODS: In this prospective cohort study, we enrolled children aged 0-2 years with airway anomalies and performed TBFVL and bronchoscopy. The primary outcome measure was graphic pattern of TBFVL in laryngomalacia. Secondary outcome measures were types of TBFVL results in various airway anomalies and controls.
    RESULTS: Out of 53 children enrolled, 28 (52.3%) had laryngomalacia. Pattern 3 (fluttering of inspiratory limb) was commonest TBFVL pattern in laryngomalacia. Among TBFVL parameters, the ratio of inspiratory time to expiratory time (Ti/Te) and tPTEF/tE was significantly high in children with isolated laryngomalacia compared to controls. At six months of follow-up, TBFVL pattern 1 (normal) became the commonest pattern.
    CONCLUSIONS: A particular type of airway anomaly may have a characteristic graphic pattern in TBFVL and TBFVL pattern may indicate improvement in airway anomalies in follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Over the years, congenital lung malformations (CLM) management remains a controversial topic in pediatric thoracic surgery. The Italian Society of Pediatric Surgery performed a national survey to study the current management variability among centers, trying to define national guidelines and a standardized approach of children with congenital lung malformations.
    METHODS: Following a National Society approval, an electronic survey including 35 items on post-natal management was designed, focusing on surgical, anesthesiology, radiology and pneumology aspects. The survey was conducted contacting all pediatric surgical units performing thoracic surgery.
    RESULTS: 39 pediatric surgery units (97.5%) participated in the study. 13 centers (33.3%) were classified as high-volume (Group A), while 26 centers (66.7%) were low volume (Group B). Variances in diagnostic imaging protocols were observed, with Group A performing fewer CT scans compared to Group B (p = 0.012). Surgical indications favored operative approaches for asymptomatic CLM and pulmonary sequestrations in both groups, while a wait-and-see approach was common for congenital lobar emphysema. Surgical timing for asymptomatic CLM differed significantly, with most high-volume centers operating on patients younger than 12 months (p = 0.02). Thoracoscopy was the preferred approach for asymptomatic CLM in most of centers, while postoperative long-term follow-up was not performed in most of the centers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Thoracoscopic approach seems uniform in asymptomatic CLM patients and variable in symptomatic children. Lack of uniformity in surgical timing and preoperative imaging assessment has been identified as key areas to establish a common national pattern of care for CLM.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: When patients continue to experience cough despite conventional treatment, East Asian traditional medicine (EATM) including herbal medicine and/or acupuncture has been frequently used. Previous systematic reviews of EATM treatment for chronic cough have been conducted mainly on herbal medicine, targeting patients with conditions that cause cough. In clinical practice, EATM interventions are not limited to herbal medicine, and considering that chronic cough is often caused by two or more conditions or unspecific causes, a comprehensive investigation is clinically relevant. We examined the current research status of EATM for chronic cough.
    METHODS: Based on Arksey and O\'Malley\'s scoping review methodological framework, a total of six English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese electronic databases were searched on August 2022. Any clinical studies on EATM targeting chronic cough patients (regardless of their cause) were included.
    RESULTS: Among 474 included studies, the study designs were mainly randomized controlled trials (72.4%), and the population was evenly distributed between children and adults. The cause of cough was not reported in most studies (56.1%). The common cause of cough was upper airway cough syndrome and post-respiratory infection (9.5%, each), followed by mixed cause (7.6%), nonspecific cause (5.9%), and gastroesophageal reflux disease (4.0%). EATM was conducted for a mean of 19.1 days, and herbal medicine was the most common (80.6%). Conventional medication was frequently used as a control (81.2%). For outcomes, the total effective rate was the most frequently utilized (94.3%), followed by cough severity (53.8%). EATM treatment showed positive outcomes in most studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: In future EATM studies, it is necessary to either specify the cause of chronic cough or to report that the study was targeting nonspecific chronic cough. In addition, high-quality studies assessing the efficacy of EATM with placebo control treatment should be conducted, using validated evaluation tools.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Approximately 10% of the population suffer from a cough lasting longer than 8 weeks. Compared to acute cough, which usually occurs in the context of banal respiratory tract infections, the differential diagnoses of chronic cough require an increased use of diagnostic tests and thus a structured, evidence-based approach according to current international guidelines. A targeted history (smoking status, medication, previous diseases) and ENT status are always followed by chest x‑ray and pulmonary function tests before extended diagnostics. In the case of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor use and unremarkable physical examination, a drug discontinuation test can be carried out first. In case of inconspicuous findings, a disease entity that can be treated empirically such as upper airway cough syndrome is most likely. If the cough remains unexplained, cough suppression techniques, physiotherapy or speech therapy should be sought before off-label-use of medication.
    UNASSIGNED: Etwa 10 % der Bevölkerung leiden unter einem länger als 8 Wochen anhaltenden Husten. Im Vergleich zum akuten Husten, der meist im Rahmen von banalen Atemwegsinfekten auftritt, erfordern die Differenzialdiagnosen des chronischen Hustens einen erhöhten Einsatz von Diagnostik und somit ein strukturiertes, evidenzbasiertes Vorgehen gemäß aktuellen internationalen Leitlinien. Nach gezielter Anamnese (Raucherstatus, Medikation, Vorerkrankungen) und HNO-Status folgen immer eine Röntgenaufnahme des Thorax und Lungenfunktionsdiagnostik vor der erweiterten Diagnostik. Bei Angiotensin-Converting-Enzym(ACE)-Hemmer-Einnahme und unauffälliger körperlicher Untersuchung ist ein vorgeschalteter Auslassversuch möglich. Unauffällige Befunde machen probatorisch zu behandelnde Krankheitsbilder wie z. B. Upper-Airway-Cough-Syndrom wahrscheinlich. Bleibt der Husten dennoch ungeklärt, sind Hustenunterdrückungstechniken, physiotherapeutische oder logopädische Verfahren vor einer „Off-Label-Use“ Medikation anzustreben.





