Respiratory Center

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    µ-Opioid receptors (MORs) are responsible for mediating both the analgesic and respiratory effects of opioid drugs. By binding to MORs in brainstem regions involved in controlling breathing, opioids produce respiratory depressive effects characterized by slow and shallow breathing, with potential cardiorespiratory arrest and death during overdose. To better understand the mechanisms underlying opioid-induced respiratory depression, thorough knowledge of the regions and cellular subpopulations that may be vulnerable to modulation by opioid drugs is needed. Using in situ hybridization, we determined the distribution and coexpression of Oprm1 (gene encoding MORs) mRNA with glutamatergic (Vglut2) and neurokinin-1 receptor (Tacr1) mRNA in medullary and pontine regions involved in breathing control and modulation. We found that >50% of cells expressed Oprm1 mRNA in the preBötzinger complex (preBötC), nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), nucleus ambiguus (NA), postinspiratory complex (PiCo), locus coeruleus (LC), Kölliker-Fuse nucleus (KF), and the lateral and medial parabrachial nuclei (LBPN and MPBN, respectively). Among Tacr1 mRNA-expressing cells, >50% coexpressed Oprm1 mRNA in the preBötC, NTS, NA, Bötzinger complex (BötC), PiCo, LC, raphe magnus nucleus, KF, LPBN, and MPBN, whereas among Vglut2 mRNA-expressing cells, >50% coexpressed Oprm1 mRNA in the preBötC, NTS, NA, BötC, PiCo, LC, KF, LPBN, and MPBN. Taken together, our study provides a comprehensive map of the distribution and coexpression of Oprm1, Tacr1, and Vglut2 mRNA in brainstem regions that control and modulate breathing and identifies Tacr1 and Vglut2 mRNA-expressing cells as subpopulations with potential vulnerability to modulation by opioid drugs.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Opioid drugs can cause serious respiratory side-effects by binding to µ-opioid receptors (MORs) in brainstem regions that control breathing. To better understand the regions and their cellular subpopulations that may be vulnerable to modulation by opioids, we provide a comprehensive map of Oprm1 (gene encoding MORs) mRNA expression throughout brainstem regions that control and modulate breathing. Notably, we identify glutamatergic and neurokinin-1 receptor-expressing cells as potentially vulnerable to modulation by opioid drugs and worthy of further investigation using targeted approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhibitory neurons embedded within mammalian neural circuits shape breathing, walking, and other rhythmic motor behaviors. At the core of the neural circuit controlling breathing is the preBötzinger Complex (preBötC), where GABAergic (GAD1/2+) and glycinergic (GlyT2+) neurons are functionally and anatomically intercalated among glutamatergic Dbx1-derived (Dbx1+) neurons that generate rhythmic inspiratory drive. The roles of these preBötC inhibitory neurons in breathing remain unclear. We first characterized the spatial distribution of molecularly defined preBötC inhibitory subpopulations in male and female neonatal double reporter mice expressing either tdTomato or EGFP in GlyT2+, GAD1+, or GAD2+ neurons. We found that the majority of preBötC inhibitory neurons expressed both GlyT2 and GAD2 while a much smaller subpopulation also expressed GAD1. To determine the functional role of these subpopulations, we used holographic photostimulation, a patterned illumination technique, in rhythmically active medullary slices from neonatal Dbx1tdTomato;GlyT2EGFP and Dbx1tdTomato;GAD1EGFP double reporter mice of either sex. Stimulation of 4 or 8 preBötC GlyT2+ neurons during endogenous rhythm prolonged the interburst interval in a phase-dependent manner and increased the latency to burst initiation when bursts were evoked by stimulation of Dbx1+ neurons. In contrast, stimulation of 4 or 8 preBötC GAD1+ neurons did not affect interburst interval or latency to burst initiation. Instead, photoactivation of GAD1+ neurons during the inspiratory burst prolonged endogenous and evoked burst duration and decreased evoked burst amplitude. We conclude that GlyT2+/GAD2+ neurons modulate breathing rhythm by delaying burst initiation while a smaller GAD1+ subpopulation shapes inspiratory patterning by altering burst duration and amplitude.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How breathing is generated by the preBötzinger complex (preBötC) remains divided between two ideological frameworks, and a persistent sodium current (INaP) lies at the heart of this debate. Although INaP is widely expressed, the pacemaker hypothesis considers it essential because it endows a small subset of neurons with intrinsic bursting or \"pacemaker\" activity. In contrast, burstlet theory considers INaP dispensable because rhythm emerges from \"preinspiratory\" spiking activity driven by feed-forward network interactions. Using computational modeling, we find that small changes in spike shape can dissociate INaP from intrinsic bursting. Consistent with many experimental benchmarks, conditional effects on spike shape during simulated changes in oxygenation, development, extracellular potassium, and temperature alter the prevalence of intrinsic bursting and preinspiratory spiking without altering the role of INaP. Our results support a unifying hypothesis where INaP and excitatory network interactions, but not intrinsic bursting or preinspiratory spiking, are critical interdependent features of preBötC rhythmogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, the ventral respiratory column (VRC) plays a pivotal role in integrating neurochemically diverse inputs from brainstem and forebrain regions to generate respiratory motor patterns. VRC microinjection of the neuropeptide galanin has been reported to dampen carbon dioxide (CO2)-mediated chemoreflex responses. Additionally, we previously demonstrated that galaninergic neurons in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) are implicated in the adaptive response to hypercapnic stimuli, suggesting a link between RTN neuroplasticity and increased neuronal drive to the VRC. VRC neurons express galanin receptor 1, suggesting potential regulatory action by galanin, however, the precise galaninergic chemoreceptor-VRC circuitry remains to be determined. This study aimed to identify sources of galaninergic input to the VRC that contribute to central respiratory chemoreception. We employed a combination of retrograde neuronal tracing, in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry to investigate VRC-projecting neurons that synthesise galanin mRNA. In an additional series of experiments, we used acute hypercapnia exposure (10% CO2, 1 h) and c-Fos immunohistochemistry to ascertain which galaninergic nuclei projecting to the VRC are activated. Our findings reveal that a total of 30 brain nuclei and 51 subnuclei project to the VRC, with 12 of these containing galaninergic neurons, including the RTN. Among these galaninergic populations, only a subset of the RTN neurons (approximately 55%) exhibited activation in response to acute hypercapnia. Our findings highlight that the RTN is the likely source of galaninergic transmission to the VRC in response to hypercapnic stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breathing behaviour involves the generation of normal breaths (eupnoea) on a timescale of seconds and sigh breaths on the order of minutes. Both rhythms emerge in tandem from a single brainstem site, but whether and how a single cell population can generate two disparate rhythms remains unclear. We posit that recurrent synaptic excitation in concert with synaptic depression and cellular refractoriness gives rise to the eupnoea rhythm, whereas an intracellular calcium oscillation that is slower by orders of magnitude gives rise to the sigh rhythm. A mathematical model capturing these dynamics simultaneously generates eupnoea and sigh rhythms with disparate frequencies, which can be separately regulated by physiological parameters. We experimentally validated key model predictions regarding intracellular calcium signalling. All vertebrate brains feature a network oscillator that drives the breathing pump for regular respiration. However, in air-breathing mammals with compliant lungs susceptible to collapse, the breathing rhythmogenic network may have refashioned ubiquitous intracellular signalling systems to produce a second slower rhythm (for sighs) that prevents atelectasis without impeding eupnoea. KEY POINTS: A simplified activity-based model of the preBötC generates inspiratory and sigh rhythms from a single neuron population. Inspiration is attributable to a canonical excitatory network oscillator mechanism. Sigh emerges from intracellular calcium signalling. The model predicts that perturbations of calcium uptake and release across the endoplasmic reticulum counterintuitively accelerate and decelerate sigh rhythmicity, respectively, which was experimentally validated. Vertebrate evolution may have adapted existing intracellular signalling mechanisms to produce slow oscillations needed to optimize pulmonary function in mammals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The preBötzinger complex (preBötC), located in the medulla, is the essential rhythm-generating neural network for breathing. The actions of opioids on this network impair its ability to generate robust, rhythmic output, contributing to life-threatening opioid-induced respiratory depression (OIRD). The occurrence of OIRD varies across individuals and internal and external states, increasing the risk of opioid use, yet the mechanisms of this variability are largely unknown. In this study, we utilize a computational model of the preBötC to perform several in silico experiments exploring how differences in network topology and the intrinsic properties of preBötC neurons influence the sensitivity of the network rhythm to opioids. We find that rhythms produced by preBötC networks in silico exhibit variable responses to simulated opioids, similar to the preBötC network in vitro. This variability is primarily due to random differences in network topology and can be manipulated by imposed changes in network connectivity and intrinsic neuronal properties. Our results identify features of the preBötC network that may regulate its susceptibility to opioids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is synthesized in the brain, modulates the neural network. Recently, the importance of H2S in respiratory central pattern generation has been recognized, yet the function of H2S in the medullary respiratory network remains poorly understood. Here, to evaluate the functional roles of H2S in the medullary respiratory network, the Bötzinger complex (BötC), the pre-Bötzinger complex (preBötC), and the rostral ventral respiratory group (rVRG), we observed the effects of inhibition of H2S synthesis at each region on the respiratory pattern by using an in situ arterially perfused preparation of decerebrated male rats. After microinjection of an H2S synthase inhibitor, cystathionine β-synthase, into the BötC or preBötC, the amplitude of the inspiratory burst decreased and the respiratory frequency increased according to shorter expiration and inspiration, respectively. These alterations were abolished or attenuated in the presence of a blocker of excitatory synaptic transmission. On the other hand, after microinjection of the H2S synthase inhibitor into the rVRG, the amplitude of the inspiratory burst was attenuated, and the respiratory frequency decreased, which was the opposite effect to those obtained by blockade of inhibitory synaptic transmission at the rVRG. These results suggest that H2S synthesized in the BötC and preBötC functions to limit respiratory frequency by sustaining the respiratory phase and to maintain the power of inspiration. In contrast, H2S synthesized in the rVRG functions to promote respiratory frequency by modulating the interval of inspiration and to maintain the power of inspiration. The underlying mechanism might facilitate excitatory synaptic transmission and/or attenuate inhibitory synaptic transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breathing requires distinct patterns of neuronal activity in the brainstem. The most critical part of the neuronal network responsible for respiratory rhythm generation is the preBötzinger Complex (preBötC), located in the ventrolateral medulla. This area contains both rhythmogenic glutamatergic neurons and also a high number of inhibitory neurons. Here, we aimed to analyze the activity of glycinergic neurons in the preBötC in anesthetized mice. To identify inhibitory neurons, we used a transgenic mouse line that allows expression of Channelrhodopsin 2 in glycinergic neurons. Using juxtacellular recordings and optogenetic activation via a single recording electrode, we were able to identify neurons as inhibitory and define their activity pattern in relation to the breathing rhythm. We could show that the activity pattern of glycinergic respiratory neurons in the preBötC was heterogeneous. Interestingly, only a minority of the identified glycinergic neurons showed a clear phase-locked activity pattern in every respiratory cycle. Taken together, we could show that neuron identification is possible by a combination of juxtacellular recordings and optogenetic activation via a single recording electrode.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pre-Bötzinger complex (preBötC), a key primary generator of the inspiratory breathing rhythm, contains neurons that project directly to facial nucleus (7n) motoneurons to coordinate orofacial and nasofacial activity. To further understand the identity of 7n-projecting preBötC neurons, we used a combination of optogenetic viral transgenic approaches to demonstrate that selective photoinhibition of these neurons affects mystacial pad activity, with minimal effects on breathing. These effects are altered by the type of anesthetic employed and also between anesthetized and conscious states. The population of 7n-projecting preBötC neurons we transduced consisted of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons that also send collaterals to multiple brainstem nuclei involved with the regulation of autonomic activity. We show that modulation of subgroups of preBötC neurons, based on their axonal projections, is a useful strategy to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that coordinate and integrate breathing with different motor and physiological behaviors. This is of fundamental importance, given that abnormal respiratory modulation of autonomic activity and orofacial behaviors have been associated with the development and progression of diseases.
    While breathing seems to come easy, it is a complex process in which many muscles coordinate to allow air to flow into the lungs. These muscles also control the flow of air we breathe out to allow us to talk, sing, eat, or drink. The brain circuits that control these muscles, can also influence other parts of the brain. The preBötzinger Complex, which is a key region of brainstem circuits that generate and control breathing, contains neurons that also project widely, connecting to other regions of the brain. This helps to modulate the sense of smell, emotional state, heart rate, and even blood pressure. Understanding how the preBötzinger Complex is organized can untangle how breathing can influence these other processes. Melo et al. wanted to learn whether they could manipulate the activity of a subgroup of preBötzinger Complex neurons that project into the facial nucleus – a region of the brain that controls the muscles of the face when we breathe – without affecting breathing. If this can be done, it might also be possible to affect blood pressure by manipulating selective preBötzinger neurons, and thus the development of hypertension, without having any impact on breathing. To test this hypothesis, Melo et al. used rats in which the activation of preBötzinger Complex neurons that project into the facial nucleus was blocked. This decreased the activity of the muscles around the nose with hardly any effect on breathing. Melo et al. also found that the state of consciousness of the rat (anesthetized or conscious) could affect how preBötzinger Complex neurons control these muscles. Melo et al. also observed that preBötzinger Complex neurons projecting into the facial nucleus had projections into many other regions in the brainstem. This might help to the coordinate respiratory, cardiovascular, orofacial, and potentially other physiological functions. The findings of Melo et al. set a technical foundation for exploring the influence of specific subgroups of preBötzinger Complex neurons on respiratory modulation of other physiological activities, including blood pressure and heart rate and in conditions, such as hypertension and heart failure. More broadly, most brain regions contain complex and heterogeneous groups of neurons and the strategy validated by Melo et. al. could be applied to unravel other brain-function relationships.





