Reproductive rights

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prospect of a Biden-Trump rematch had raised concerns. The argument of Trump on the older age of Biden led to a boomerang effect when the latter was replaced by the much younger Kamala Harris whose mixed African and Asian ancestry should lead to her support on international issues. Swing voters might be attracted by her potential as the first female president. Assertive on the politically controversial issue of abortion, Kamala Harris already spent a substantial part of her vice-presidency on women issues. Her promotion of sexual and reproductive rights during the presidential campaign augurs well for restoring those priorities on the American political agenda.
    La perspective d’une revanche Biden-Trump avait suscité des inquiétudes. L’argument de Trump sur l’âge avancé de Biden a provoqué un effet boomerang lorsque ce dernier a été remplacé par la bien plus jeune Kamala Harris dont l’ascendance mixte africaine et asiatique devrait lui valoir son soutien sur les questions internationales. Les électeurs swing pourraient être attirés par son potentiel en tant que première femme présidente. Affirmée sur la question politiquement controversée de l\'avortement, Kamala Harris a déjà consacré une partie substantielle de sa vice-présidence aux questions féminines. Sa promotion des droits sexuels et reproductifs pendant la campagne présidentielle augure bien du rétablissement de ces priorités sur l’agenda politique américain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cervical cancer is among the most commonly diagnosed cancers in pregnancy and for some patients, abortion may be desired or recommended. The Dobbs v Jackson decision has the potential to limit choice while exacerbating disparities in cervical cancer care. We highlight the necessity of employing a reproductive justice framework to both clinical care and research for cervical cancer care in pregnancy to increase access to reproductive choice and to address inequities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We describe clients in Mexico City\'s public abortion programme, Interrupción Legal de Embarazo (ILE), during the COVID-19 pandemic and test whether the pandemic exacerbated inequities in access.
    METHODS: We conducted a cohort study of all abortions in the ILE programme from 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2022. We compared patients from within and outside the Mexico City Metropolitan area (ZMVM) by pandemic stage (pre-, acute-, mid- and late-COVID periods) and assessed changes in client characteristics (adolescent age, education, weeks\' gestation) by place of residence (ZMVM vs outside the ZMVM) using linear probability models clustered on state.
    RESULTS: We included 45 031 abortions. The proportion of abortions to women who travelled from outside the ZMVM decreased from 6.5% pre-COVID to 4.4%-4.8% in in the acute, mid- and late-COVID periods. The adjusted probability of being an adolescent who travelled from outside the ZMVM dropped between pre-COVID (14.4%, 95% CI 12.7% to 16.1%) and mid-COVID (9.3%, 95% CI 7.9% to 10.7%). The proportion of abortions to women with a high school education stayed fairly flat among those travelling, while it rose among those residing in the ZMVM. The adjusted probability of presenting at 11 gestational weeks or greater was higher among women residing in the ZMVM in the pre-pandemic period; this flipped during all pandemic stages, with a higher probability of presenting at 11 weeks or greater among those who travelled from outside the ZMVM.
    CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing disparities in who can access ILE services. To reduce inequities in access to essential health services, public sector abortion services should be made available in all Mexican states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article aims to know the perception of women on obstetric violence from a racial perspective. This was a qualitative study carried out in a public maternity hospital with 25 women in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and participant observation from November 2021 to February 2022. Content analysis was used to organize the data obtained through the interviews. The results were analyzed through the theoretical contributions of intersectionality, focusing on the interaction between obstetric violence and obstetric racism. The narratives discuss issues of obstetric violence, institutional racism, and how these experiences are permeated by issues of race, gender, and class. Questions related to the feelings of these women regarding the experience of violence at the time of childbirth care were also highlighted. Obstetric racism denies reproductive rights and hinders access to respectful and equitable care for black women.
    O objetivo deste artigo é conhecer a percepção de mulheres sobre a violência obstétrica em uma perspectiva racial. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada em uma maternidade pública, com 25 mulheres, no município de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação participante, no período de novembro de 2021 a fevereiro de 2022. Utilizou-se, para organização dos dados obtidos através das entrevistas, a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados foram analisados através das contribuições teóricas da interseccionalidade, tendo como foco a interação entre violência obstétrica e racismo obstétrico. As narrativas discorrem sobre questões da violência obstétrica, racismo institucional, e como essas vivências são permeadas pelas questões de raça, gênero e classe. Foram apontadas também questões relacionadas aos sentimentos dessas mulheres frente a vivência da violência no momento da assistência ao parto. O racismo obstétrico nega os direitos reprodutivos e dificulta o acesso a uma assistência respeitosa e equânime as mulheres negras.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Brazil, several limitations are imposed upon the access of women undergoing abortion to the healthcare network, primarily caused by the influence of moral and religious values and gender iniquities. In this light, the present study aimed to analyze the experience of women who had an abortion regarding the care provided by healthcare services as part of the abortion itinerary. This is a qualitative study, carried out with 18 women in three cities - one small city, one mid-sized, and one big - in the state of Bahia. Data were produced by face-to-face or online interviews. The empirical material was analyzed using the discourse analysis technique. The results show, in the three municipalities, abortion itineraries under social and gender iniquities, with greater access difficulties for low-income women. Better financial conditions allow access to clandestine private clinics but without guaranteeing humanized care. In the three municipalities, economically disadvantaged women self-induced abortions and delayed seeking services, having faced embarrassing and prejudicial professional attitudes. The results point to the urgency of implementing public policies in which reproductive rights are as effective as human rights.
    No Brasil, diversas limitações são impostas ao acesso de mulheres em situação de abortamento à rede de atenção à saúde, sob influência de valores morais, religiosos e iniquidades de gênero. Objetivou-se analisar a experiência de mulheres que realizaram abortamento quanto à atenção pelos serviços de saúde, como parte do itinerário abortivo. Trata-se de pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, realizada com 18 mulheres em três municípios de pequeno, médio e grande porte, no estado da Bahia. Os dados foram produzidos por meio de entrevista presencial ou virtual. O material empírico foi analisado por meio da técnica de análise de discurso. Os resultados mostram, nos três municípios, itinerários abortivos sob iniquidades sociais e de gênero, com maiores dificuldades de acesso para mulheres de baixa renda. Melhores condições financeiras permitiram acesso a clínicas particulares clandestinas, mas sem garantia de atenção humanizada. Nos três municípios, mulheres desfavorecidas economicamente autoinduziram o aborto e retardaram a busca por serviços, tendo enfrentado atitudes profissionais constrangedoras e preconceituosas. Os resultados apontam a premência de se implementar políticas públicas em que os direitos reprodutivos se efetivem como direitos humanos.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Costa Rica prohibits abortion except under narrow circumstances to save the pregnant person\'s life. The country boasts historically strong support for social policy and human rights, while also presenting a complex and restrictive abortion access landscape. From September 2021 to March 2022, we conducted 23 interviews with obstetrician-gynecologist (OB/GYN) physicians, OB/GYN medical residents, and policy stakeholders to explore the socio-ecological influences on abortion access in Costa Rica. We sampled clinicians and policy stakeholders from the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas listserv through snowball sampling and conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews in Spanish. We identified limited access to comprehensive sexual health education, lack of support from interpersonal networks, inadequate provider knowledge and training, financial and migratory status, and both provider and community stigma as substantial barriers to abortion access. This study addresses a gap in published research around the social determinants of abortion in Costa Rica and sheds light on the attitudes and opinions of the medical and policy stakeholder communities about abortion access. The results highlight the need for expanded access to comprehensive sexual health education, abortion-related training for healthcare providers, and increased programming efforts, such as funding, outreach, and implementation, to ensure comprehensive reproductive health services are available and accessible, especially for vulnerable populations in Costa Rica.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This perspective provides an overview of issues needed to bring a testosterone-progestogen combined transdermal male hormonal contraceptive to the market. Large-scale phase 2b trials are near completion and a pivotal trial to confirm efficacy and safety has been designed. We believe we are close to accomplishing the steps necessary to bring the first male-directed effective, safe, and reversible pharmaceutical contraceptive approach to the public. If successful, we believe it will provide a new option for couples to consider in their family planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Constituting a valuable resource, youth deserve more attention regarding their rights through increased access to sexual and reproductive health services. Limitations in health service delivery for youth should be overcome, whether pertaining to restrictive legislation and policies or technical approaches. Clear clinical guidelines will improve quality of care thereby complying with national commitments to international legal instruments. It is apt for both decision-makers and service providers to celebrate International Youth Day on Monday 12 August, by paying special consideration to innovative approaches for the delivery of youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services that are adaptable to local circumstances.
    Constituant une ressource précieuse, les jeunes méritent davantage d’attention quant à leurs droits grâce à un accès accru aux services de santé sexuelle et reproductive. Les limites de la prestation de services de santé destinés aux jeunes doivent être surmontées, qu’elles soient liées à des législations et politiques restrictives ou à des approches techniques. Des directives cliniques claires amélioreront la qualité des soins, respectant ainsi les engagements nationaux envers les instruments juridiques internationaux. Il convient que les décideurs et les prestataires de services célèbrent la Journée internationale de la jeunesse le lundi 12 août, en accordant une attention particulière aux approches innovantes pour la fourniture de services de santé sexuelle et reproductive adaptés aux jeunes et adaptables aux circonstances locales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medical-legal partnership (MLP) and reproductive justice (RJ) movements both seek to solve complex problems, serve diverse populations with intersectional challenges, and resolve community conditions that impact people\'s ability to reach their highest health potential. Yet MLPs have been overlooked as a strategy to advance reproductive health and justice. MLP has distinct advantages for advancing RJ, and many MLPs might already be doing RJ work without referring to it by name. By intentionally adopting an RJ strategy and explicitly addressing the unmet social and legal needs that limit people\'s ability to plan their reproductive futures, MLPs can better serve their clients and contribute to the movement to combat reproductive oppression.





