Reproductive Medicine

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A woman in her 30s presented to emergency with complaints of acute lower abdominal pain for 3 days, not associated with any menstrual, bowel or urinary symptoms. Examination revealed an abdominopelvic mass corresponding to an 18-week gravid uterus with diffuse tenderness and guarding over her lower abdomen. The patient was a follow-up case of subserosal fibroid uterus, chronic kidney disease stage 4 and rheumatic heart disease on anticoagulants. Fibroid degeneration or torsion was suspected. Ultrasound revealed a large posterior wall subserosal fibroid with free fluid in the pelvis. As findings did not suggest degeneration or pedunculated fibroid, noncontrast CT was done, which showed a similar mass with a pedicle arising from the uterine fundus with free fluid with no other evident cause of acute abdomen. The patient was taken up for emergency laparotomy. Intraoperatively, it was found to be a case of subserosal fibroid with greater omentum adhered to it and twisted around its axis about eight times. This case is being reported to highlight a rare cause of acute abdomen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the most abundant small RNAs, piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) have been identified as a new class of non-coding RNAs with 24-32 nucleotides in length, and they are expressed at high levels in male germ cells. PiRNAs have been implicated in the regulation of several biological processes, including cell differentiation, development, and male reproduction. In this review, we focused on the functions and molecular mechanisms of piRNAs in controlling spermatogenesis, including genome stability, regulation of gene expression, and male germ cell development. The piRNA pathways include two major pathways, namely the pre-pachytene piRNA pathway and the pachytene piRNA pathway. In the pre-pachytene stage, piRNAs are involved in chromosome remodeling and gene expression regulation to maintain genome stability by inhibiting transposon activity. In the pachytene stage, piRNAs mediate the development of male germ cells via regulating gene expression by binding to mRNA and RNA cleavage. We further discussed the correlations between the abnormalities of piRNAs and male infertility and the prospective of piRNAs\' applications in reproductive medicine and future studies. This review provides novel insights into mechanisms underlying mammalian spermatogenesis and offers new targets for diagnosing and treating male infertility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infertility is a rising global health issue with a far-reaching impact on the socioeconomic livelihoods. As there are highly complex causes of male and female infertility, it is highly desired to promote and maintain reproductive health by the integration of advanced technologies. Biomedical engineering, a mature technology applied in the fields of biology and health care, has emerged as a powerful tool in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Nowadays, various promising biomedical engineering approaches are under investigation to address human infertility. Biomedical engineering approaches can not only improve our fundamental understanding of sperm and follicle development in bioengineered devices combined with microfabrication, biomaterials, and relevant cells, but also be applied to repair uterine, ovary, and cervicovaginal tissues and restore tissue function. Here, we introduce the infertility in male and female and provide a comprehensive summary of the various promising biomedical engineering technologies and their applications in reproductive medicine. Also, the challenges and prospects of biomedical engineering technologies for clinical transformation are discussed. We believe that this review will promote communications between engineers, biologists, and clinicians and potentially contribute to the clinical transformation of these innovative research works in the immediate future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This paper uses health economics methods to discuss the cost-effectiveness value of long protocol and antagonist protocol for in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer (ET) in the Chinese population.
    METHODS: Health economic evaluation study.
    METHODS: The data needed to construct the model for this study were derived from published studies and other secondary sources in China.
    METHODS: No patients participated in the study.
    METHODS: The main outcomes were live birth rate (LBR) and cost. From the societal perspective, we considered the direct and indirect costs over the course of the treatment cycles. A cost-effectiveness was measured using the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio and the probability that a protocol has higher net monetary benefit. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to verify the reliability of the simulation results.
    RESULTS: For the Chinese population, the long protocol resulted in a higher LBR than the antagonist protocol (29.33% vs 20.39%), but at the same time, it was more expensive (¥29 146.26 (US$4333.17) vs ¥23 343.70 (US$3470.51)), in the case of considering only one fresh ET cycle. It was the same when considering subsequent frozen ET (FET) cycles (51.78% vs 42.81%; ¥30 703.02 (US$4564.62) vs ¥24 740.95 (US$3678.24)). The results of most subgroups were consistent with the results of the basic analysis. However, for certain populations, the long protocol was the inferior protocol (less effective and more expensive).
    CONCLUSIONS: For the Chinese population, when the monetary value per live birth was greater than ¥65 420 (US$9726) and ¥66 400 (US$9872), respectively, considering only one fresh cycle and considering subsequent frozen cycles, the long protocol is the preferred protocol. This threshold also varies for women of different ages and ovarian response capacities. For women in POSEIDON (Patient-Oriented Strategies Encompassing IndividualizeD Oocyte Number) group 2, group 3 and group 4, antagonist protocol is recommended as the preferred protocol. The results of this study need to be verified by further large-scale randomised controlled trials.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A woman in her 20s was referred to a tertiary hospital emergency department for management of a migrating Implanon NXT. The Implanon was inserted 1 week prior by the patient\'s general practitioner who was unable to palpate the Implanon after insertion and hence, ordered an ultrasound scan which showed an actively migrating Implanon in the left basilic vein. She had mild chest pain, and her physical examination, ECG and blood tests were unremarkable. A CT chest showed a 31 mm foreign body within the right lower lobar artery. The foreign body was removed by interventional radiology by accessing the right internal jugular vein under ultrasound guidance and inserting a 6 FR pig catheter into the pulmonary trunk. The position was confirmed with angiogram and the foreign body was removed using a goose neck snare. The patient was discharged the same day with no complications, and fell pregnant a few months afterwards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many cancer treatments pose a threat to fertility for patients. Semen cryopreservation before cancer treatment is an effective method to preserve fertility. There are sparse long-term data on the usage of samples from Canadian oncology sperm banks.
    METHODS: A retrospective chart review of all oncology sperm banking samples at a Canadian academic fertility centre from 2001 to 2020 was conducted.
    RESULTS: From 2001 to 2020, 4521 samples were banked by 2504 patients. The most frequent diagnoses among these patients were testicular cancer (29.5%) and lymphoma (26.9%). Of these patients, only 81 (3.2%) patients returned to use their samples with intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment and 62 (2.5%) patients transferred their samples to another clinic. The time between banking and return for usage of the sperm ranged from 1 to 131 months with a median of 18 months after banking. A total of 66 IVF cycles (104 embryo transfers) and 101 IUI cycles from 67 patients were reviewed. Of the 67 couples who used their samples, 53.7% achieved a clinical pregnancy. The clinical pregnancy rate was 6.6% per cycle for IUI and 30.8% per embryo transfer for IVF. Higher sperm concentration or total motile count was not associated with a higher chance of pregnancy. Patients who conceived had on average 1.9 ± 0.8 (p=0.02) more usable embryos per cycle than those who did not conceive.
    CONCLUSIONS: Sperm cryopreservation provides a valuable option for patients with cancer to achieve parenthood after potentially gonadotoxic cancer treatment. However, the overall usage of banked oncology sperm samples is very low.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Adequate literacy in reproductive and sexual health is essential for adolescents to obtain, comprehend, evaluate and apply information necessary for making well-informed decisions, as low literacy leads to harmful decision-making, risk-taking and poorer health and self-management. These factors increase the magnitude and severity of problems related to sexuality and reproduction, including unintended pregnancy, HIV/sexually transmitted infections, unsafe abortion and death. However, information regarding the status and affecting factors of literacy in the reproductive and sexual health of adolescents is scarce.
    OBJECTIVE: To assess reproductive and sexual health literacy status and associated factors among late-adolescent high school students.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional, institution-based study.
    METHODS: The study included eight secondary schools in Arba Minch town (Gamo Zone) and three in Sawla town (Gofa Zone) in the South Ethiopia Region.
    METHODS: The study was done between 20 May and 20 June 2023, among late adolescent high school students. Using multistage sampling, 577 students were recruited. Reproductive health literacy was assessed using the Health Literacy Measure for Adolescents tool. Data were loaded into EpiData-V.3.1 and analysed using SPSS-V.25. Binary logistic regression analyses were used to identify associated factors. Variables with a p value <0.25 in bivariable logistic regression were candidates for multivariable logistic regression. A Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistic was checked and satisfied. Statistical significance was indicated at a p value<0.05.
    RESULTS: The proportion of students with limited reproductive and sexual health literacy was 69.6% (CI 65.3% to 72.8%). The limited literacy status was significantly associated with school type (public school AOR 0.28 (0.17 to 0.46)), mother\'s occupation (merchant AOR 0.42 (0.23 to 0.76)), family monthly income (income 10 000-20 000 birr AOR 0.45 (0.22 to 0.95)), having regular physical exercise >30 min (more than once per week, AOR 0.44 (0.23 to 0.84)), and knowledge about condoms (poor AOR 2.23 (1.38 to 3.64)).
    CONCLUSIONS: A notable segment of adolescents exhibited limited reproductive and sexual health literacy. The result emphasises the necessity of all relevant parties to work diligently to guarantee that school adolescents can easily obtain, comprehend, evaluate and use reproductive and sexuality-related information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to describe patterns of beliefs about contraceptive-induced infertility and assess their relationship with current contraceptive use, including whether these relationships vary by parity and residence.
    METHODS: We use data from Performance Monitoring for Action Ethiopia, a nationally representative, cross-sectional survey of 7491 women, aged 15-49, to assess agreement with the statement \'If I use family planning, I may have trouble getting pregnant next time I want to.\' We used multilevel hierarchical models to identify the association between agreement and use of a hormonal method of contraception among 3882 sexually active, fecund women who wish to prevent pregnancy. We include interaction terms for parity and residence.
    RESULTS: 4 in 10 women disagreed (42.3%) and 2 in 10 strongly disagreed (20.7%) with the statement. Relative to women who strongly disagreed, women who disagreed and women who agreed had significantly lower odds of using a hormonal method of contraception (adjusted OR (aOR) 0.65, 95% CI 0.44 to 0.97 and 0.46, 95% CI 0.46, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.70). The effect of agreeing with the statement was strongest among high parity women (aOR 0.54, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.95). Greater agreement with the statement at the community-level use was associated with a reduction in the odds of using hormonal contraception but only among rural women.
    CONCLUSIONS: Efforts to address concerns around contraceptive-induced fertility impairment through the provision of comprehensive counselling and through community education or mass media campaigns are necessary, particularly among high-parity women and in rural communities. Interventions should acknowledge the possibility of delayed return to fertility for specific methods and attempt to address the root causes of concerns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Male subfertility or infertility is a common condition often characterized by men producing a low number of sperm with poor quality. To gain insight into this condition, we performed a quantitative proteomic analysis of semen samples obtained from infertile and fertile men. At least 6 proteins showed significant differences in regulation of alternatively spliced isoforms. To investigate this link between aberrant alternative splicing and production of poor-quality spermatozoa, we overexpressed the hnrnpH/F-orthologue Glorund (Glo) in Drosophila, which was also found to be abundant in poor quality human sperm. Transgenic animals produced low numbers of morphologically defective spermatozoa and aberrant formation of the \"dense body,\" an organelle akin to the mammalian manchette. Furthermore, fertility trials demonstrated that transgenic flies were either completely infertile or highly subfertile. These findings suggest that dysregulation of hnrnpH/F is likely to result in the production of low-quality semen, leading to subfertility or infertility in men.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG) and the European Network of Trainees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ENTOG) express their concerns on the effect of climate change and environmental pollution. This paper reviews the impact on reproductive health and the contribution to climate change by the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. It concludes that its contributors and the effects of climate change cause definite adverse consequences to fertility and adverse obstetric outcomes. Mankind, and obstetrics and gynaecology personnel as well, must be aware and responsible of its contribution to climate change and consider the impact of their actions and interventions.





