Replication foci

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A basic question of cell biology is how DNA folds to chromosome. A number of recently accumulated evidences have suggested that folding of chromosome proceeds tightly coupled with DNA replication progresses. Drug-induced PCC is a useful tool for visualization of the interphase nuclei, in particular, S-phase, as S-phase prematurely condensed chromosomes (S-phase PCC). Active replicating DNA is labeled directly with Cy3-dUTP by bead loading method, and then S-phase nuclei is immediately condensed prematurely by calyculin A to obtain S-phase PCC. Active replicating regions on S-PCC are observed under a scanning confocal microscope. Cy3-dUTP-labeled S-phase PCCs clearly reveal the drastic transitional change of chromosome formation through S-phase, starting from a \"cloudy nebula\" to numerous numbers of \"beads on a string\" and finally to \"striped arrays of banding structured chromosome\" known as G- or R-banding pattern. The number, distribution, and shape of replication foci were also measured in individual subphase of S-phase; maximally ~1400 foci of 0.35 μm average radius size were scored at the beginning of S-phase, and the number is reduced to ~100 at the end of S-phase. Drug-induced PCC clearly provided the new insight that eukaryote DNA replication is tightly coupled with the chromosome condensation/compaction for construction of eukaryote higher-ordered chromosome structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enhancer of rudimentary homologue (ERH), a small protein conserved in eukaryotes, is involved in a wide spectrum of cellular events, including cell cycle progression, piRNA biogenesis, miRNA maturation and gene expression. Human ERH is recruited to replication foci by CDKN1A-interacting zinc finger protein 1 (CIZ1), and plays an important role in cell growth control. However, the molecular basis for CIZ1 recognition by ERH remains unknown. By using GST pull-down experiment, we found that a fragment within CIZ1, upstream of its first zinc finger, is sufficient for binding to ERH. We solved the structure of CIZ1-bound ERH, in which the ERH dimer binds to two CIZ1 fragments to form a 2 : 2 heterotetramer. CIZ1 forms intermolecular antiparallel β-strands with ERH, and its binding surface on ERH is distinct from those of other known ERH-binding ligands. The ERH-CIZ1 interface was further validated by mutagenesis and binding experiments. Our structural study complemented by biochemistry experiments not only provides insights into a previously unidentified ligand-binding mode for ERH but also sheds light on the understanding of evolutionarily conserved roles for ERH orthologs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA polymerase η (pol η) is specifically required for translesion DNA synthesis across UV-induced DNA lesions. Recruitment of this error-prone DNA polymerase is tightly regulated during replication to avoid mutagenesis and perturbation of fork progression. Here, we report that pol η interacts with the calpain small subunit-1 (CAPNS1) in a yeast two-hybrid screening. This interaction is functional, as demonstrated by the ability of endogenous calpain to mediate calcium-dependent cleavage of pol η in cell-free extracts and in living cells treated with a calcium ionophore. The proteolysis of pol η was found to occur at position 465, leading to a catalytically active truncated protein containing the PCNA-interacting motif PIP1. Unexpectedly, cell treatment with the specific calpain inhibitor calpeptin resulted in a decreased extent of pol η foci after UV irradiation, indicating that calpain positively regulates pol η accumulation in replication foci.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has been reported that USP7 (ubiquitin-specific protease 7) prevents ubiquitylation and degradation of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) by direct binding of USP7 to the glycine-lysine (GK) repeats that join the N-terminal regulatory domain of DNMT1 to the C-terminal methyltransferase domain. The USP7-DNMT1 interaction was reported to be mediated by acetylation of lysine residues within the (GK) repeats.
    We found that DNMT1 is present at normal levels in mouse and human cells that contain undetectable levels of USP7. Substitution of the (GK) repeats by (GQ) repeats prevents lysine acetylation but does not affect the stability of DNMT1 or the ability of the mutant protein to restore genomic methylation levels when expressed in Dnmt1-null ES cells. Furthermore, both USP7 and PCNA are recruited to sites of DNA replication independently of the presence of DNMT1, and there is no evidence that DNMT1 is degraded in cycling cells after S phase.
    Multiple lines of evidence indicate that homeostasis of DNMT1 in somatic cells is controlled primarily at the level of transcription and that interaction of USP7 with the (GK) repeats of DNMT1 is unlikely to play a major role in the stabilization of DNMT1 protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA replication occurs in a defined temporal order during S phase, known as the replication timing programme, which is regulated not only during the cell cycle but also during the process of development and differentiation. The units of replication timing regulation, known as replication domains (RDs), frequently comprise several nearly synchronously firing replication origins. Replication domains correspond to topologically associating domains (TADs) mapped by chromatin conformation capture methods and are likely to be the molecular equivalents of replication foci observed using cytogenetic methods. Both TAD and replication foci are considered to be stable structural units of chromosomes, conserved through the cell cycle and development, and accordingly, the boundaries of RDs also appear to be stable in different cell types. During both normal development and progression of disease, distinct cell states are characterized by unique replication timing signatures, with approximately half of genomic RDs switching replication timing between these cell states. Advances in functional genomics provide hope that we can soon gain an understanding of the cause and consequence of the replication timing programme and its myriad correlations with chromatin context and gene regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic information is faithfully copied by DNA replication through many rounds of cell division. In mammals, DNA is replicated in Mb-sized chromosomal units called \"replication domains.\" While genome-wide maps in multiple cell types and disease states have uncovered both dynamic and static properties of replication domains, we are still in the process of understanding the mechanisms that give rise to these properties. A better understanding of the molecular basis of replication domain regulation will bring new insights into chromosome structure and function.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Scientific discoveries and technological advancements are inseparable but not always take place in a coherent chronological manner. In the next, we will provide a seemingly unconnected and serendipitous series of scientific facts that, in the whole, converged to unveil DNA and its duplication. We will not cover here the many and fundamental contributions from microbial genetics and in vitro biochemistry. Rather, in this journey, we will emphasize the interplay between microscopy development culminating on super resolution fluorescence microscopy (i.e., nanoscopy) and digital image analysis and its impact on our understanding of DNA duplication. We will interlace the journey with landmark concepts and experiments that have brought the cellular DNA replication field to its present state.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lineage specification of both mouse and human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) is accompanied by spatial consolidation of chromosome domains and temporal consolidation of their replication timing. Replication timing and chromatin organization are both established during G1 phase at the timing decision point (TDP). Here, we have developed live cell imaging tools to track spatio-temporal replication domain consolidation during differentiation. First, we demonstrate that the fluorescence ubiquitination cell cycle indicator (Fucci) system is incapable of demarcating G1/S or G2/M cell cycle transitions. Instead, we employ a combination of fluorescent PCNA to monitor S phase progression, cytokinesis to demarcate mitosis, and fluorescent nucleotides to label early and late replication foci and track their 3D organization into sub-nuclear chromatin compartments throughout all cell cycle transitions. We find that, as human PSCs differentiate, the length of S phase devoted to replication of spatially clustered replication foci increases, coincident with global compartmentalization of domains into temporally clustered blocks of chromatin. Importantly, re-localization and anchorage of domains was completed prior to the onset of S phase, even in the context of an abbreviated PSC G1 phase. This approach can also be employed to investigate cell fate transitions in single PSCs, which could be seen to differentiate preferentially from G1 phase. Together, our results establish real-time, live-cell imaging methods for tracking cell cycle transitions during human PSC differentiation that can be applied to study chromosome domain consolidation and other aspects of lineage specification.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We analyzed DNA replication in early zebrafish embryos. The replicating DNA of whole embryos was labeled with the thymidine analog 5-ethynyl-2\'-deoxyuridine (EdU), and spatial regulation of replication sites was visualized in single embryo-derived cells. The results unveiled uncharacterized replication dynamics during zebrafish early embryogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic PCNAs (proliferating-cell nuclear antigens) play diverse roles in nucleic acid metabolism in addition to DNA replication. Plasmodium falciparum, which causes human malaria, harbours two PCNA homologues: PfPCNA1 and PfPCNA2. The functional role of two distinct PCNAs in the parasite still eludes us. In the present study, we show that, whereas both PfPCNAs share structural and biochemical properties, only PfPCNA1 functionally complements the ScPCNA mutant and forms distinct replication foci in the parasite, which PfPCNA2 fails to do. Although PfPCNA1 appears to be the primary replicative PCNA, both PfPCNA1 and PfPCNA2 participate in an active DDR (DNA-damage-response) pathway with significant accumulation in the parasite upon DNA damage induction. Interestingly, PfPCNA genes were found to be regulated not at the transcription level, but presumably at the protein stability level upon DNA damage. Such regulation of PCNA has not been shown in eukaryotes before. Moreover, overexpression of PfPCNA1 and PfPCNA2 in the parasite confers a survival edge on the parasite in a genotoxic environment. This is the first evidence of a PfPCNA-mediated DDR in the parasite and gives new insights and rationale for the presence of two PCNAs as a parasite survival strategy and its probable success.





