Regulatory T

监管 T
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Various immune cells are involved in host tumor immune responses. In particular, there are many T cell subsets with different roles in tumor immunity. T-helper (Th) 1 cells are involved in cellular immunity and thus play the major role in host anti-tumor immunity by inducing and activating cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). On the other hand, Th2 cells are involved in humoral immunity and suppressive to Th1 responses. Regulatory T (Treg) cells negatively regulate immune responses and contribute to immune evasion of tumor cells. Th17 cells are involved in inflammatory responses and may play a role in tumor progression. However, recent studies have also shown that Th17 cells are capable of directly inducting CTLs and thus may promote anti-tumor immunity. Besides these T cell subsets, there are many other innate immune cells such as dendritic cells (DCs), natural killer (NK) cells, and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) that are involved in host immune responses to cancer. The migratory properties of various immune cells are critical for their functions and largely regulated by the chemokine superfamily. Thus, chemokines and chemokine receptors play vital roles in the orchestration of host immune responses to cancer. In this review, we overview the various immune cells involved in host responses to cancer and their migratory properties regulated by the chemokine superfamily. Understanding the roles of chemokines and chemokine receptors in host immune responses to cancer may provide new therapeutic opportunities for cancer immunotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trillions of commensal bacteria colonizing humans (microbiome) have emerged as essential player(s) in human health. The alteration of the same has been linked with diseases including autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and ankylosing spondylitis. Gut bacteria are separated from the host through a physical barrier such as skin or gut epithelial lining. However, the perturbation in the healthy bacterial community (gut dysbiosis) can compromise gut barrier integrity, resulting in translocation of bacterial contents across the epithelial barrier (leaky gut). Bacterial contents such as lipopolysaccharide and bacterial antigens can induce a systemic inflammatory environment through activation and induction of immune cells. The biggest question in the field is whether inflammation causes gut dysbiosis or dysbiosis leads to disease induction or propagation, i.e., it is inside out or outside in or both. In this review, we first discuss the microbiome profiling studies in various autoimmune disorders, followed by a discussion of potential mechanisms through which microbiome is involved in the pathobiology of diseases. A better understanding of the role of the microbiome in health and disease will help us harness the power of commensal bacteria for the development of novel therapeutic agents to treat autoimmune disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have demonstrated the therapeutic effects of regulatory T (Treg) cells on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but the mechanism is not well-understood. Exosomes have been proposed as a novel mechanism underlying the action of Tregs. This study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effects of exosomes secreted by Treg cells (Treg-Exo) on IBD and to explore the underlying mechanism. Treg-Exo was isolated from BALB/c mouse spleen mononuclear cells and then injected into a murine model of IBD induced by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) exposure. A co-culture model of Treg-Exo and colonic epithelial YAMC cells in the presence of TNF-α was used to investigate the communication between Tregs and intestinal epithelial cells. in vitro results showed that Treg-Exo could be transferred to YAMC cells where Treg-Exo promoted cell proliferation and inhibited cell apoptosis. Animal experiments showed that Treg-Exo administration alleviated the DSS-induced IBD in mice. The therapeutic effects of Treg-Exo both in vitro and in vivo were eliminated when miR-195a-3p expression was inhibited in Treg-Exo. The pro-apoptotic Caspase 12 was identified as a direct target of miR-195a-3p. In conclusion, Treg-Exo alleviated the DSS-induced IBD through transferring miR-195a-3p.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among all T and NK cell subsets, regulatory T (Treg) cells typically respond to the lowest concentrations of IL-2 due to elevated surface expression of the IL-2R alpha chain (IL2RA; CD25) and the high affinity IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) complex. This enhanced sensitivity forms the basis for low-dose (LD) IL-2 therapy for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, where efficacy correlates with increased Treg cell number and expression of functional markers. Despite strong preclinical support for this approach, moderate and variable clinical efficacy has raised concerns that adequate Treg selectivity still cannot be achieved with LD IL-2, and/or that doses are too low to stimulate effective Treg-mediated suppression within tissues. This has prompted development of IL-2 variants with greater Treg selectivity, achieved through attenuated affinity for the signaling chains of the IL-2R complex (IL2RB or CD122 and IL2RG or CD132) and, consequently, greater reliance on high CD25 levels for full receptor binding and signaling. While certain IL-2 variants have advanced to the clinic, it remains unknown if the full range of IL-2R signaling potency and Treg-selectivity observed with low concentrations of wildtype IL-2 can be sufficiently recapitulated with attenuated IL-2 muteins at high concentrations. Using a panel of engineered IL-2 muteins, we investigated how a range of IL-2R signaling intensity, benchmarked by the degree of STAT5 phosphorylation, relates to biologically relevant Treg cell responses such as proliferation, lineage and phenotypic marker expression, and suppressor function. Our results demonstrate that a surprisingly wide dynamic range of IL-2R signaling intensity leads to productive biological responses in Treg cells, with negligible STAT5 phosphorylation associating with nearly complete downstream effects such as Treg proliferation and suppressor activity. Furthermore, we show with both in vitro and humanized mouse in vivo systems that different biological responses in Treg cells require different minimal IL-2R signaling thresholds. Our findings suggest that more than minimal IL-2R signaling, beyond that capable of driving Treg cell proliferation, may be required to fully enhance Treg cell stability and suppressor function in vivo.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between CD4+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) and innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in children with primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) undergoing high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy.
    We enrolled a cohort of 30 children with newly diagnosed ITP and 30 healthy controls and collected blood samples for levels of Tregs, ILCs, relevant cytokines, and Treg suppression assay at the diagnosis, two days, four weeks, and one year (only platelet count) after high-dose IVIG treatment. IVIG partial responders was defined by a platelet count less than 100 × 109 /L at 12 months after IVIG treatment.
    Children with newly diagnosed ITP exhibited elevated levels of ILC1, ILC2, ILC3, Th17, myeloid dendritic cells (DCs), plasmacytoid DCs, and serum IFN-γ and IL-17A levels, accompanied by a decrease in IL-10-producing Tregs. High-dose IVIG therapy reversed these aberrations. Platelet counts positively correlated with Tregs (rho = 0.72) and negatively correlated with both ILC1 (rho = -0.49) and ILC3 (rho = -0.60) (P < 0.05). Significantly lower Tregs and higher ILC1, ILC3, DCs, and serum IL-17A levels were noted in the partial responders (n = 8) versus responders (n = 22; P < 0.05). We found that Tregs suppressed proliferation of ILCs and CD4+ T cells in CD25-depleted peripheral PBMCs and enhanced the apoptosis of CD4+ CD45RO+ T cells in vitro following IVIG therapy.
    Effective high-dose IVIG therapy for children with newly diagnosed ITP appears to result in the induction of Tregs, which suppresses ILC proliferation in vitro and is associated with platelet response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral blood skin-homing/cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA)+ T cells emerge as biomarkers of cutaneous immune activation in patients with inflammatory skin diseases (atopic dermatitis [AD] and alopecia areata [AA]). However, blood phenotyping across these subsets is not yet available in patients with vitiligo.
    We sought to measure cytokine production by circulating skin-homing (CLA+) versus systemic (CLA-) \"polar\" CD4+/CD8+ ratio and activated T-cell subsets in patients with vitiligo compared with patients with AA, AD, or psoriasis and control subjects.
    Flow cytometry was used to measure levels of the cytokines IFN-γ, IL-13, IL-9, IL-17, and IL-22 in CD4+/CD8+ T cells in the blood of 19 patients with moderate-to-severe nonsegmental/generalized vitiligo, moderate-to-severe AA (n = 32), psoriasis (n = 24), or AD (n = 43) and control subjects (n = 30). Unsupervised clustering differentiated subjects into groups based on cellular frequencies.
    Patients with Vitiligo showed the highest CLA+/CLA- TH1/type 1 cytotoxic T-cell polarization, with parallel TH2/TH9/TH17/TH22 level increases to levels often greater than those seen in patients with AA, AD, or psoriasis (P < .05). Total regulatory T-cell counts were lower in patients with vitiligo than in control subjects and patients with AD or psoriasis (P < .001). Vitiligo severity correlated with levels of multiple cytokines (P < .1), whereas duration was linked with IFN-γ and IL-17 levels (P < .04). Patients and control subjects grouped into separate clusters based on blood biomarkers.
    Vitiligo is characterized by a multicytokine polarization among circulating skin-homing and systemic subsets, which differentiates it from other inflammatory/autoimmune skin diseases. Future targeted therapies should delineate the relative contribution of each cytokine axis to disease perpetuation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tumor microenvironment (TME) is a host for a complex network of heterogeneous stromal cells with overlapping or opposing functions depending on the dominant signals within this milieu. Reciprocal paracrine interactions between cancer cells with cells within the tumor stroma often reshape the TME in favor of the promotion of tumor. These complex interactions require more sophisticated approaches for cancer therapy, and, therefore, advancing knowledge about dominant drivers of cancer within the TME is critical for designing therapeutic schemes. This review will provide knowledge about TME architecture, multiple signaling, and cross communications between cells within this milieu, and its targeting for immunotherapy of cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been broadly used as a therapy for autoimmune disease in both animal models and clinical trials. MSCs inhibit T effector cells and many other immune cells, while activating regulatory T cells, thus reducing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and repressing inflammation. TNF can modify the MSC effects via two TNF receptors, i.e., TNFR1 in general mediates pro-inflammatory effects and TNFR2 mediates anti-inflammatory effects. In the central nervous system, TNF signaling plays a dual role, which enhances inflammation via TNFR1 on immune cells while providing cytoprotection via TNFR2 on neural cells. In addition, the soluble form of TNFR1 and membrane-bound TNF also participate in the regulation to fine-tune the functions of target cells. Other factors that impact TNF signaling and MSC functions include the gender of the host, disease course, cytokine concentrations, and the length of treatment time. This review will introduce the fascinating progress in this aspect of research and discuss remaining questions and future perspectives.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peanut allergy (PA) is potentially life-threatening and generally persists for life. Recent data suggest the skin might be an important route of initial sensitization to peanut, whereas early oral exposure to peanut is protective. In mice regulatory T (Treg) cells are central to the development of food tolerance, but their contribution to the pathogenesis of food allergy in human subjects is less clear.
    We sought to quantify and phenotype CD4+ peanut-specific effector T (ps-Teff) cells and peanut-specific regulatory T (ps-Treg) cells in children with and without PA or PS.
    ps-Teff and ps-Treg cells were identified from peripheral blood of children with PA, children with PS, and nonsensitized/nonallergic (NA) school-aged children and 1-year-old infants based on upregulation of CD154 or CD137, respectively, after stimulation with peanut extract. Expression of cytokines and homing receptors was evaluated by using flow cytometry. Methylation at the forkhead box protein 3 (FOXP3) locus was measured as a marker of Treg cell stability.
    Differential upregulation of CD154 and CD137 efficiently distinguished ps-Teff and ps-Treg cells. A greater percentage of ps-Teff cells from infants with PA and infants with PS expressed the skin-homing molecule cutaneous lymphocyte antigen, suggesting activation after exposure through the skin, compared with NA infants. Although ps-Teff cells in both school-aged and infant children with PA produced primarily TH2 cytokines, a TH1-skewed antipeanut response was seen only in NA school-aged children. The frequency, homing receptor expression, and stability of ps-Treg cells in infants and school-aged children were similar, regardless of allergic status.
    Exposure to peanut through the skin can prime the development of TH2 ps-Teff cells, which promote sensitization to peanut, despite the presence of normal numbers of ps-Treg cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The contribution of phenotypic variation of peanut-specific T cells to clinical allergy or tolerance to peanut is not well understood.
    Our objective was to comprehensively phenotype peanut-specific T cells in the peripheral blood of subjects with and without peanut allergy (PA).
    We obtained samples from patients with PA, including a cohort undergoing baseline peanut challenges for an immunotherapy trial (Consortium of Food Allergy Research [CoFAR] 6). Subjects were confirmed as having PA, or if they passed a 1-g peanut challenge, they were termed high-threshold subjects. Healthy control (HC) subjects were also recruited. Peanut-responsive T cells were identified based on CD154 expression after 6 to 18 hours of stimulation with peanut extract. Cells were analyzed by using flow cytometry and single-cell RNA sequencing.
    Patients with PA had tissue- and follicle-homing peanut-responsive CD4+ T cells with a heterogeneous pattern of TH2 differentiation, whereas control subjects had undetectable T-cell responses to peanut. The PA group had a delayed and IL-2-dependent upregulation of CD154 on cells expressing regulatory T (Treg) cell markers, which was absent in HC or high-threshold subjects. Depletion of Treg cells enhanced cytokine production in HC subjects and patients with PA in vitro, but cytokines associated with highly differentiated TH2 cells were more resistant to Treg cell suppression in patients with PA. Analysis of gene expression by means of single-cell RNA sequencing identified T cells with highly correlated expression of IL4, IL5, IL9, IL13, and the IL-25 receptor IL17RB.
    These results demonstrate the presence of highly differentiated TH2 cells producing TH2-associated cytokines with functions beyond IgE class-switching in patients with PA. A multifunctional TH2 response was more evident than a Treg cell deficit among peanut-responsive T cells.





