Red Fluorescent Protein

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    At present, biopharmaceuticals have received extensive attention from the society, among which recombinant proteins have a good growth trend and a large market share. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are the preferred mammalian system to produce glycosylated recombinant protein drugs. A highly efficient and stable cell screening method needs to be developed to obtain more and useful recombinant proteins. Limited dilution method, cell sorting, and semi-solid medium screening are currently the commonly used cell cloning methods. These methods are time-consuming and labor-intensive, and they have the disadvantage of low clone survival rate. Here, a method based on semi-solid medium was developed to screen out high-yielding and stable cell line within 3 weeks to improve the screening efficiency. The semi-solid medium was combined with an expression vector containing red fluorescent protein (RFP) for early cell line development. In accordance with the fluorescence intensity of RFP, the expression of upstream target gene could be indicated, and the fluorescence intensity was in direct proportion to the expression of upstream target gene. In conclusion, semi-solid medium combined with bicistronic expression vector provides an efficient method for screening stable and highly expressed cell lines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Far-red fluorescent proteins (FPs) have emerged as indispensable tools in in vivo imaging, playing a pivotal role in elucidating fundamental mechanisms and addressing application issues in biotechnology and biomedical fields. Their ability for deep penetration, coupled with reduced light scattering and absorption, robust resistance to autofluorescence, and diminished phototoxicity, has positioned far-red biosensors at the forefront of non-invasive visualization techniques for observing intracellular activities and intercellular behaviors. In this review, far-red FPs and their applications in living systems are mainly discussed. Firstly, various far-red FPs, characterized by emission peaks spanning from 600 nm to 650 nm, are introduced. This is followed by a detailed presentation of the fundamental principles enabling far-red biosensors to detect biomolecules and environmental changes. Furthermore, the review accentuates the superiority of far-red FPs in multi-color imaging. In addition, significant emphasis is placed on the value of far-red FPs in improving imaging resolution, highlighting their great contribution to the advancement of in vivo imaging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We and others have previously shown that cell fusion plays an important role in cancer metastasis. Color coding of cancer and stromal cells with spectrally-distinct fluorescent proteins is a powerful tool, as pioneered by our laboratory to detect cell fusion. We have previously reported color-coded cell fusion between cancer cells and stromal cells in metastatic sites by using color-coded EL4 murine lymphoma cells and host mice expressing spectrally-distinct fluorescent proteins. Cell fusion occurred between cancer cells or, between cancer cells and normal cells, such as macrophages, fibroblasts, and mesenchymal stem cells. In the present study, the aim was to morphologically classify the fusion-hybrid cells observed in the primary tumor and multiple metastases EL4 formed from cells expressing red fluorescent protein (RFP) in transgenic mice expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP), in a syngeneic model.
    METHODS: RFP-expressing EL4 murine lymphoma cells were cultured in vitro. EL4-RFP cells were harvested and injected intraperitoneally into immunocompetent transgenic C57/BL6-GFP mice to establish a syngeneic model. Two weeks later, mice were sacrificed and each organ was harvested, cultured, and observed using confocal microscopy.
    RESULTS: EL4 intraperitoneal tumors (primary) and metastases in the lung, liver, blood, and bone marrow were formed. All tumors were harvested and cultured. In all specimens, RFP-EL4 cells, GFP-stromal cells, and fused yellow-fluorescent hybrid cells were observed. The fused hybrid cells showed various morphologies. Immune cell-like round-shaped yellow-fluorescent fused cells had a tendency to decrease with time in liver metastases and circulating blood. In contrast fibroblast-like spindle-shaped yellow-fluorescent fused cells increased in the intraperitoneal primary tumor, lung metastases, and bone marrow.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cell fusion between EL4-RFP cells and GFP stromal cells occurred in primary tumors and all metastatic sites. The morphology of the fused hybrid cells varied in the primary and metastatic sites. The present results suggest that fused cancer and stromal hybrid cells of varying morphology may play an important role in cancer progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We describe a binary expression aleatory mosaic (BEAM) system, which relies on DNA delivery by transfection or viral transduction along with nested recombinase activity to generate two genetically distinct, non-overlapping populations of cells for comparative analysis. Control cells labeled with red fluorescent protein (RFP) can be directly compared with experimental cells manipulated by genetic gain or loss of function and labeled with GFP. Importantly, BEAM incorporates recombinase-dependent signal amplification and delayed reporter expression to enable sharper delineation of control and experimental cells and to improve reliability relative to existing methods. We applied BEAM to a variety of known phenotypes to illustrate its advantages for identifying temporally or spatially aberrant phenotypes, for revealing changes in cell proliferation or death, and for controlling for procedural variability. In addition, we used BEAM to test the cortical protomap hypothesis at the individual radial unit level, revealing that area identity is cell autonomously specified in adjacent radial units.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Non-conventional yeasts and bacteria gain significance in synthetic biology for their unique metabolic capabilities in converting low-cost renewable feedstocks into valuable products. Improving metabolic pathways and increasing bioproduct yields remain dependent on the strategically use of various promoters in these microbes. The development of broad-spectrum promoter libraries with varying strengths for different hosts is attractive for biosynthetic engineers.
    RESULTS: In this study, five Yarrowia lipolytica constitutive promoters (yl.hp4d, yl.FBA1in, yl.TEF1, yl.TDH1, yl.EXP1) and five Kluyveromyces marxianus constitutive promoters (km.PDC1, km.FBA1, km.TEF1, km.TDH3, km.ENO1) were selected to construct promoter-reporter vectors, utilizing α-amylase and red fluorescent protein (RFP) as reporter genes. The promoters\' strengths were systematically characterized across Y. lipolytica, K. marxianus, Pichia pastoris, Escherichia coli, and Corynebacterium glutamicum. We discovered that five K. marxianus promoters can all express genes in Y. lipolytica and that five Y. lipolytica promoters can all express genes in K. marxianus with variable expression strengths. Significantly, the yl.TEF1 and km.TEF1 yeast promoters exhibited their adaptability in P. pastoris, E. coli, and C. glutamicum. In yeast P. pastoris, the yl.TEF1 promoter exhibited substantial expression of both amylase and RFP. In bacteria E. coli and C. glutamicum, the eukaryotic km.TEF1 promoter demonstrated robust expression of RFP. Significantly, in E. coli, The RFP expression strength of the km.TEF1 promoter reached ∼20% of the T7 promoter.
    CONCLUSIONS: Non-conventional yeast promoters with diverse and cross-domain applicability have great potential for developing innovative and dynamic regulated systems that can effectively manage carbon flux and enhance target bioproduct synthesis across diverse microbial hosts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis), the first genetically modified Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) category Lactic Acid producing Bacteria (LAB), is best known for its generalized health-promoting benefits and ability to express heterologous proteins. However, achieving the optimal probiotic effects requires a selective approach that would allow us to study in vivo microbial biodistribution, fate, and immunological consequences. Although the chemical conjugation of fluorophores and chromophores represent the standard procedure to tag microbial cells for various downstream applications, it requires a high-throughput synthesis scheme, which is often time-consuming and expensive. On the contrary, the genetic manipulation of LAB vector, either chromosomally or extra-chromosomally, to express bioluminescent or fluorescent reporter proteins has greatly enhanced our ability to monitor bacterial transit through a complex gut environment. However, with faster passage and quick washing out from the gut due to rhythmic contractions of the digestive tract, real-time tracking of LAB vectors, particularly non-commensal ones, remains problematic. To get a deeper insight into the biodistribution of non-commensal probiotic bacteria in vivo, we bioengineered L. lactis to express fluorescence reporter proteins, mCherry (bright red monomeric fluorescent protein) and mEGFP (monomeric enhanced green fluorescent protein), followed by microencapsulation with a mucoadhesive and biodegradable polymer, chitosan. We show that coating of recombinant Lactococcus lactis (rL. lactis) with chitosan polymer, cross-linked with tripolyphosphate (TPP), retains their ability to express the reporter proteins stably without altering the specificity and sensitivity of fluorescence detection in vitro and in vivo. Further, we provide evidence of enhanced intragastric stability by chitosan-TPP (CS) coating of rL. lactis cells, allowing us to study the spatiotemporal distribution for an extended time in the gut of two unrelated hosts, avian and murine. The present scheme involving genetic modification and chitosan encapsulation of non-commensal LAB vector demonstrates great promise as a non-invasive and intensive tool for active live tracking of gut microbes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A recombinant Ross River virus (RRV) that contains the fluorescent protein mCherry fused to the non-structural protein 3 (nsP3) was constructed, which allowed real-time imaging of viral replication. RRV-mCherry contained either the natural opal stop codon after the nsP3 gene or was constructed without a stop codon. The mCherry fusion protein did not interfere with the viral life cycle and deletion of the stop codon did not change the replication capacity of RRV-mCherry. Comparison of RRV-mCherry and chikungunya virus-mCherry infections, however, showed a cell type-dependent delay in RRV-mCherry replication in HEK 293T cells. This delay was not caused by differences in cell entry, but rather by an impeded nsP expression caused by the RRV inhibitor ZAP (zinc finger CCCH-Type, antiviral 1). The data indicate that viral replication of alphaviruses is cell-type dependent, and might be unique for each alphavirus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Exosome exchange between cancer cells or between cancer and stromal cells is involved in cancer metastasis. We have previously developed in vivo color-coded labeling of cancer cells and stromal cells with spectrally-distinct fluorescent genetic reporters to demonstrate the role of exosomes in metastasis. In the present study, we studied exosome transfer between different pancreatic-cancer cell lines in vivo and in vitro and its potential role in metastasis.
    METHODS: Human pancreatic-cancer cell lines AsPC-1 and MiaPaCa-2 were used in the present study. AsPC-1 cells contain a genetic exosome reporter gene labeled with green fluorescent protein (pCT-CD63-GFP) and MiaPaCa-2 cells express red fluorescent protein (RFP). Both cell lines were co-injected into the spleen of nude mice (n=5) to further study the role of exosome exchange in metastasis. Three weeks later mice were sacrificed and tumors at the primary and metastatic sites were cultured and observed by confocal fluorescence microscopy for exosome transfer.
    RESULTS: The primary tumor formed in the spleen and metastasized to the liver, as observed macroscopically. Cells were cultured from the spleen, liver, lung, bone marrow and ascites. Transfer of exosomes from AsPC-1 to MiaPaCa-2 was demonstrated in the cultured cells by confocal fluorescence microscopy. Moreover, cell fusion was also observed along with exosome transfer. Exosome transfer did not occur during in vitro co-culture between the two pancreatic-cancer cell lines, suggesting a role of the tumor microenvironment (TME) in exosome transfer.
    CONCLUSIONS: The transfer of exosomes between different pancreatic-cancer cell lines was observed during primary-tumor and metastatic growth in nude mice. This cell-cell communication might be a trigger of cell fusion and promotion of cancer metastasis. Exosome transfer between the two pancreatic-cancer cell lines appears to be facilitated by the TME, as it did not occur during in vitro co-culture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Achaete-Scute Complex Homolog 1 (ASCL1) is a key regulator in the development and function of the nervous system, particularly in the process of neuronal and neuroendocrine cell differentiation. By employing the CRISPR/Cas9 system, we successfully established an ASCL1-mCherry knock-in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) line by inserting a P2A-mCherry fragment at the ASCL1 locus. The mCherry reporter effectively demonstrated the expression level of endogenous ASCL1 during the process of inducing pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs) from hESC. This reporter cell line holds significant value as a research tool for investigating the process of lung neuroendocrine cell differentiation, conducting drug screening, and exploring the underlying mechanisms of lung diseases associated with PNECs dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myelin basic protein (MBP) is a major component of the myelin sheaths of oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system and Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system. Here we generated heterozygous fluorescent reporter of MBP gene in human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology was employed to knock in fused tdTomato fluorescent protein and EF1 alpha promoter-driven Bleomycin (Zeocin) resistance gene to the translational MBP C-terminal region. The resulting line, MBP-TEZ, showed tdTomato fluorescence upon oligodendrocyte differentiation. This reporter hiPSC line provides a precedential opportunity for monitoring human myelin formation and degeneration and purifying MBP-expressing cell lineages.





