Recessive mutations

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The etiology of sensorineural hearing loss is heavily influenced by genetic mutations, with approximately 80% of cases attributed to genetic causes and only 20% to environmental factors. Over 100 non-syndromic deafness genes have been identified in humans thus far. In non-syndromic sensorineural hearing impairment, around 75-85% of cases follow an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. In recent years, groundbreaking advancements in molecular gene therapy for inner-ear disorders have shown promising results. Experimental studies have demonstrated improvements in hearing following a single local injection of adeno-associated virus-derived vectors carrying an additional normal gene or using ribozymes to modify the genome. These pioneering approaches have opened new possibilities for potential therapeutic interventions. Following the PRISMA criteria, we summarized the AAV gene therapy experiments showing hearing improvement in the preclinical phases of development in different animal models of DFNB deafness and the AAV gene therapy programs currently in clinical phases targeting autosomal recessive non syndromic hearing loss. A total of 17 preclinical studies and 3 clinical studies were found and listed. Despite the hurdles, there have been significant breakthroughs in the path of HL gene therapy, holding great potential for providing patients with novel and effective treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genetic load hypothesis of Hermann Muller raised the profound question of possible species extinction, even for humans, following a prolonged accumulation of recessive genes due to ionizing radiation exposure within the population. Two major mouse radiation research teams in the United States provided the most extensive tests of Muller\'s hypothesis. One group continued its study for more than two decades, over 82 consecutive generations, approximating 2500 human years. Even though Muller had stressed for decades his fear of species-threatening effects, no significant effects were observed for related factors such as reproductive fitness and longevity. Yet, the paper presenting the data of the 82-generation negative study has only been cited five times in 45 years. Altogether numerous laboratories worldwide collected vast amounts of data on mice, rats, and swine in an unsuccessful attempt to see if there was convincing evidence to support the genetic load theory and claims that species might deteriorate or be rendered extinct. This paper re-examines Muller\'s genetic load hypothesis with a new evaluation of how that hypothesis was tested and the significance of the findings, with most of those studies being completed before the BEIR I Committee Report in 1972. That committee briefly discussed the available evidence, mostly ignoring those results as they proceeded to make hereditary risk estimates both for (1) the first generation after a radiation exposure and (2) for the time, in the distant future, when a hypothetical genetic equilibrium would be reached. Their estimates assumed accumulation of harmful mutations and a linear no-threshold dose response extending all of the way down to a single ionization. More recent data on induction by ionizing radiation of dominant mutations that affect the skeletons of mice provide further robust supporting evidence that the generationally cumulative and LNT-based assumptions underpinning Muller\'s genetic load hypothesis are not correct.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Abnormalities in cilia ultrastructure and function lead to a range of human phenotypes termed ciliopathies. Many tetratricopeptide repeat domain (TTC) family members have been reported to play critical roles in cilium organization and function.
    RESULTS: Here, we describe five unrelated family trios with multisystem ciliopathy syndromes, including situs abnormality, complex congenital heart disease, nephronophthisis or neonatal cholestasis. Through whole-exome sequencing and Sanger sequencing confirmation, we identified compound heterozygous mutations of TTC12 and TTC21B in six affected individuals of Chinese origin. These nonsynonymous mutations affected highly conserved residues and were consistently predicted to be pathogenic. Furthermore, ex vivo cDNA amplification demonstrated that homozygous c.1464 + 2 T > C of TTC12 would cause a whole exon 16 skipping. Both mRNA and protein levels of TTC12 were significantly downregulated in the cells derived from the patient carrying TTC12 mutation c.1464 + 2 T > C by real-time qPCR and immunofluorescence assays when compared with two healthy controls. Transmission electron microscopy analysis further identified ultrastructural defects of the inner dynein arms in this patient. Finally, the effect of TTC12 deficiency on cardiac LR patterning was recapitulated by employing a morpholino-mediated knockdown of ttc12 in zebrafish.
    CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting the association between TTC12 variants and ciliopathies in a Chinese population. In addition to nephronophthisis and laterality defects, our findings demonstrated that TTC21B should also be considered a candidate gene for biliary ciliopathy, such as TTC26, which further expands the phenotypic spectrum of TTC21B deficiency in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper reviews the progress and the way ahead in diploid F1 hybrid potato breeding by comparisons with expectations from the theory of inbreeding and crossbreeding, and experiences from other diploid outbreeding crops. Diploid potatoes can be converted from an outbreeding species, in which self-pollination is prevented by a gametophytic self-incompatibility system, into one where self-pollination is possible, either through a dominant self-incompatibility inhibitor gene (Sli) or knockout mutations in the incompatibility locus. As a result, diploid F1 hybrid breeding can be used to produce genetically uniform potato cultivars for propagation from true potato seeds by crossing two near-homozygous inbred lines, derived from a number of generations of self-pollination despite inbreeding depression. Molecular markers can be used to detect and remove deleterious recessive mutations of large effect, including those in tight repulsion linkage. Improvements to the inbred lines can be made by introducing and stacking genes and chromosome segments of large desirable effect from wild relatives by backcrossing. Improvements in quantitative traits require a number of cycles of inbreeding and crossbreeding. Seed production can be achieved by hand pollinations. F1 hybrid planting material can be delivered to farmers as true seeds or young plants, and mini-tubers derived from true seeds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article provides an overview of some problems of the breeding and reproduction of laboratory minipigs. The most obvious of these are the lack of centralized accounting of breeding groups, uniform selection standards for reproduction and evaluation of breeding animals, as well as minimizing the accumulation of fitness-reducing mutations and maintaining genetic diversity. According to the latest estimates, there are at least 30 breeding groups of mini-pigs systematically used as laboratory animals in the world. Among them, there are both breed formations represented by several colonies, and breeding groups consisting of a single herd. It was shown that the main selection strategy is selection for the live weight of adults of 50-80 kg and the adaptation of animals to a specific type of biomedical experiments. For its implementation in the breeding of foreign mini-pigs, selection by live weight is practiced at 140- and 154-day-old age. It was indicated that different herds of mini-pigs have their own breeding methods to counteract inbred depression and maintain genetic diversity. Examples are the maximization of coat color phenotypes, the cyclical system of matching parent pairs, and the structuring of herds into subpopulations. In addition, in the breeding of foreign mini-pigs, molecular genetic methods are used to monitor heterozygosity. Every effort is made to keep the number of inbred crosses in the breeding of laboratory mini-pigs to a minimum, which is not always possible due to their small number. It is estimated that to avoid close inbreeding, the number of breeding groups should be at least 28 individuals, including boars of at least 4 genealogical lines and at least 4 families of sows. The accumulation of genetic cargo in herds of mini-pigs takes place, but the harmful effect is rather the result of erroneous decisions of breeders. Despite the fact that when breeding a number of mini-pigs, the goal was to complete the herds with exclusively white animals, in most breeding groups there is a polymorphism in the phenotype of the coat color.
    В статье представлен обзор проблем разведения и селекции лабораторных мини-свиней. Наиболее очевидные из них – отсутствие централизованного учета селекционных групп, единых стандартов отбора для воспроизводства и оценки племенных животных, а также минимизация накопления снижающих приспособленность мутаций и поддержание генетического разнообразия. По последним данным, в мире насчитывают не менее 30 селекционных групп мини-свиней, систематически используемых в качестве лабораторных животных. Среди них существуют как породные образования, представленные несколькими колониями, так и селекционные группы, состоящие из одного стада. Показано, что основная стратегия отбора включает селекцию на живую массу взрослых особей 50–80 кг и приспособленность животных к конкретному типу биомедицинских экспериментов. Для ее реализации в разведении зарубежных мини-свиней практикуют отбор по живой массе в 140- и 154-дневном возрасте. Указано, что в стадах мини-свиней представлены разные селекционные методы противодействия инбредной депрессии и поддержания генетического разнообразия. Примерами служат максимизация фенотипов масти, цикличная система подбора родительских пар и структурирование стад на субпопуляции. Кроме того, в разведении зарубежных мини-свиней для мониторинга гетерозиготности используют молекулярно-генетические методы. Количество инбредных скрещиваний в разведении лабораторных мини-свиней стараются минимизировать, что не всегда возможно из-за их малочисленности. Подсчитано, что во избежание тесного инбридинга численность селекционной группы должна быть не менее 28 особей, включающих хряков как минимум четырех генеалогических линий и свиноматок из не менее четырех семейств. Накопление генетического груза в стадах мини-свиней возможно, но вредоносный эффект является скорее следствием ошибочных решений селекционеров. Несмотря на то что при выведении ряда мини-свиней стояла цель укомплектовать стада исключительно белыми животными, в большинстве селекционных групп наблюдается полиморфизм по фенотипу масти.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Aquaporin-2 (AQP2) is a homotetrameric water channel responsible for the final water reuptake in the kidney. Disease-causing AQP2 mutations induce nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI), a condition that challenges the bodily water balance by producing large urinary volumes. In this study, we characterize three new AQP2 mutations identified in our lab from NDI patients (A120D, A130V, T179N) along the previously reported A47V variant. Using Xenopus oocytes, we compared the key functional and biochemical features of these mutations against classical recessive (R187C) and dominant (R254Q) forms, and once again found clear functional recovery features (increased protein stability and function) for all mutations under study. This behaviour, attributed to heteromerization to wt-AQP2, challenge the classical model to NDI which often depicts recessive mutations as ill-structured proteins unable to oligomerize. Consequently, we propose a revised model to the cell pathophysiology of AQP2-related NDI which accounts for the functional recovery of recessive AQP2 mutations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is progressive brain disorder that affects ~ 50 million people worldwide and has no current effective treatment. AD age of onset (ADAOO) has shown to be critical for the identification of genes that modify the appearance of AD signs and symptoms in a specific population. We clinically characterized and whole-exome genotyped 71 individuals with AD from the Paisa genetic isolate, segregating the (PSEN1) E280A dominant fully penetrant mutation, and analyzed the potential recessive effects of ~ 50,000 common functional genomic variants to the ADAOO. Standard quality control and filtering procedures were applied, and recessive single- and multi-locus linear mixed-effects models were used. We identified genetic variants in the SLC9C1, CSN1S1, and LOXL4 acting recessively to delay ADAOO up to ~ 11, ~ 6, and ~ 9 years on average, respectively. In contrast, the CC recessive genotype in marker DHRS4L2-rs2273946 accelerates ADAOO by ~ 8 years. This study, reports new recessive variants modifying ADAOO in PSEN1 E280A mutation carriers. This set of genes are implicated in important biological processes and molecular functions commonly affected by genes associated with the etiology of AD such as APP, APOE, and CLU. Future functional studies using modern techniques such as induced pluripotent stem cells will allow a better understanding of the over expression and down regulation of these recessive modifier variants and hence the pathogenesis of AD. These results are important for prediction of AD and ultimately, substantial to develop new therapeutic strategies for individuals at risk or affected by AD.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pathology of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), a disease arising from mutations in different genes, has been associated with an impairment of mitochondrial dynamics and axonal biology of mitochondria. Mutations in ganglioside-induced differentiation-associated protein 1 (GDAP1) cause several forms of CMT neuropathy, but the pathogenic mechanisms involved remain unclear. GDAP1 is an outer mitochondrial membrane protein highly expressed in neurons. It has been proposed to play a role in different aspects of mitochondrial physiology, including mitochondrial dynamics, oxidative stress processes, and mitochondrial transport along the axons. Disruption of the mitochondrial network in a neuroblastoma model of GDAP1-related CMT has been shown to decrease Ca2+ entry through the store-operated calcium entry (SOCE), which caused a failure in stimulation of mitochondrial respiration. In this review, we summarize the different functions proposed for GDAP1 and focus on the consequences for Ca2+ homeostasis and mitochondrial energy production linked to CMT disease caused by different GDAP1 mutations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When recessive mutations are the primary cause of inbreeding depression, a negative relationship between the levels of prior inbreeding and inbreeding depression is expected. We tested this prediction using 15 populations chosen a priori to represent a wide range of prior inbreeding among four closely related taxa of the Mimulus guttatus species complex. Artificially selfed and outcrossed progeny were grown under controlled growth-chamber conditions, and inbreeding depression was estimated for each population as one minus the ratio of the fitness of selfed to outcrossed progeny. Estimates of inbreeding depression varied from 0% to 68% among populations. Inbreeding coefficients, estimated from electrophoretic assay of field-collected progenies, ranged from 0.02 to 0.76. All five fitness traits displayed a negative association between inbreeding depression and the inbreeding coefficient, but only height showed a statistically significant correlation. Inbreeding depression was also not correlated with the level of genetic variability. In addition, populations with similar levels of prior inbreeding showed significant differences of inbreeding depression, whereas populations with different levels of prior inbreeding showed similar inbreeding depression. Within populations, inbreeding depression did not differ between progeny selfed one versus two generations. Our results are weakly consistent with the recessive mutation model of inbreeding depression, but suggest that additional factors, including genotype-by-environment interaction and complex modes of inheritance, may influence the expression of inbreeding depression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inbreeding depression is a major selective force favoring outcrossing in flowering plants. However, some self-fertilization should weaken the harmful effects of inbreeding by exposing deleterious alleles to selection. This study examines the maintenance of inbreeding depression in the predominantly outcrossing species Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine). Open-pollinated and self-fertilized progeny of 23 maternal trees, originating from a natural stand in southern Finland, were grown at two sites. We observed significant inbreeding depression in two of the four life stages measured. Inbreeding depression was largest for seed maturation (δ = 0.74), where seedset in open-pollinated strobili (70.9%) was about four times higher than in selfed strobili (18.3%). Inbreeding depression in postgermination survival (upto an age of 23 years) was also high (δ = 0.62-0.75). No significant differences in height (δ = 0.05) or flowering (δ = 0.14) of the trees after 23 years were observed. Cumulative inbreeding depression was high (δ = 0.90-0.94) and differed significantly among maternal families (range 0.45-1.00). The magnitude of inbreeding depression among the 23 maternal parents was not significantly correlated between early (seed maturation) and later (postgermination survival) life stages, suggesting that its genetic basis varies across the life cycle. Size differences among the progeny types diminished in time due to nonrandom size-specific mortality, causing a decrease in the inbreeding depression estimates for height over time. Our results indicate that Scots pine exhibits high levels of inbreeding depression during both early and later stages of the life cycle. It is argued that self-fertilization in Scots pine is inefficient in purging the genetic load caused by highly deleterious mutations because of the nearly complete loss of selfed individuals over time. This results in an effectively random mating outcrossing population.





